
Jan 30, 2018
Welcome back, explorers, to the birthplace of humankind. Take care that it does not also become your grave.


Genre: Metroidvania puzzle platformer (less Super Metroid, more Maze of Galious)
Release Date: July 30th @ 10am PST/July 31st @ 2am JST
Developer: NIGORO
Publisher: Playism
Platform: PC (console releases will most likely come in the future)
Website: https://la-mulana.com
Places to buy:
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/835430/LaMulana_2/
GOG: https://www.gog.com/game/la_mulana_2
Playism: http://playism-games.com/game/348/la-mulana-2
Humble: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/lamulana-2
Destructoid preview (mild spoilers): https://www.destructoid.com/review-in-progress-la-mulana-2-514735.phtml

Release trailer
(Warning! There are boss and area spoilers in this trailer. I recommend newcomers watch it but people who are sure they are gonna play should probably skip it!)

What is La-Mulana?

La-Mulana is a cult-classic metroidvania series that is as beloved as it is feared. In broad strokes, the game is an Indiana Jones-inspired ruins exploration game with old school gameplay. It is an adventure like no other game. It began as an MSX-homage freeware game over a decade ago, and was later remade and released on WiiWare, PC, and Vita. Put another way, La-Mulana is a brutally difficult archaeology-themed puzzle platforming metroidvania exploration series. "Metroidvania" is a bit of a misnomer here, because while the games share some similarities to Super Metroid or Symphony of the Night, they are more directly inspired by the classic MSX title, Knightmare II: The Maze of Galious. La-Mulana borrows both its focus on exploration and its unusual jumping system from Maze of Galious, which features inflexible upward movement but free-moving downward movement. La-Mulana's trademark features are its arcane and cryptic puzzles combined with its tight and challenging platforming and combat. Getting stumped is a frequent occurrence, and frequent backtracking is absolutely necessary. LM requires you to learn its many areas like the back of your hand in order to succeed. In order to progress you all but need to take notes on conspicuous rooms and cryptic hints written on tablets scattered throughout the many areas of the game. Each area of the game is modeled after a different real-world civilization and features architecture, enemies, and lore that draw from their respective cultures. In true metroidvania fashion, over the course of the game you will uncover all manner of weapons, subweapons, new abilities, apps for your cutting edge MSX, and key items that are essential to solving puzzles, beating enemies, and progressing through the game. However, the most important tool to your survival will be your wits and your reflexes.

What's new in La-Mulana 2?

Let me first give some story background on La-Mulana 1 in order to answer this question. In the first game, you play as Indiana Jones Lemeza Kosugi, a brilliant Japanese-American archaeologist who is constantly one-upped by his even more brilliant archaeologist father, Shawn Kosugi. One day, Lemeza receives a letter stating that his father has discovered the legendary ruins of La-Mulana, rumored to be the birthplace of civilization, and Lemeza immediately sets off after him. Over the course of the game, Lemeza uncovers the secrets of the ruins, and in the interim between the two games, one of the main NPCs turns the ruins into a tourist trap in order to cash in on the attention Lemeza's pursuits draw to the ruins. In La-Mulana 2, you explore the neighboring ruins of Eg-Lana, which are just as mysterious and perhaps even more dangerous than the ruins of La-Mulana. Furthermore, this time you play as Lemeza's daughter, Lumisa Kosugi. The devs have stated that LM2 is going to be a deeply challenging game just like the previous game. According to the livestream event on July 28th, La-Mulana 2 will still be open-ended and challenging but slightly more modernized. Combat might be a bit easier than in the first game, but the puzzles will still be hellish -- perhaps even moreso than the first game! This time, the bosses scale to your progress, so you can't just leave them be until you're farther in the game in order to make them easier to beat as you could with some bosses in the first game.

Also, La-Mulana 2 runs on Unity unlike La-Mulana 1, and thus features many 3D assets which give the game a familiar but slightly more advanced look. La-Mulana 2 also features beautifully detailed in-game NPC portraits for the first time.

The devs have also stated that LM2 will be something of a live document much as La-Mulana 1 was during the first few years of its release, so expect things to change around during the game's release and beyond. The devs have further stated that NPCs will react to the events that happen in the game as you progress through the ruins, and so you should frequently revisit your friends in and out of the ruins if you want to learn more about them and the world.

Do I need to play La-Mulana 1 first?

NIGORO have stressed that LM2 was playtested by people who were both intimately familiar with the original and also complete newcomers. They expect many new players to hop on with LM2, and so I expect it to be fairly accessible to new players. That said, LM1 is a brilliant game and a masterclass in stage and world design. LM1 is absolutely worth playing if you like the sound of old-school challenging combat and exploration married with obscure and arcane puzzles. Few metroidvanias have ever come close to the sprawling, intimidating world of La-Mulana, and the sense of discovery and accomplishment when you beat a tough boss or solve a puzzle that stumped you for days is unlike anything else. We all hope that LM2 reaches these same heights. Furthermore, the story does pick up right where LM1 left off, so I imagine that you'll get more out of LM2 if you've played LM1. If you do decide to start with LM2 and enjoy it, then definitely go back and play LM1. And if you like LM1, you should also check out the original freeware version, which manages to be even more difficult and has its own unique features missing from the excellent remake.

What are the puzzles like?

The puzzles in La-Mulana are quite varied. Some are kinda like those in The Witness or Fez where you will eventually have this insane revelation that the whole world works in some fundamental way that solves a problem, or maybe you have to interpret some background or environmental cues and objects that hint at puzzles. There are synthesis puzzles that require you to piece together lots of information from different places, apply some intuitive reasoning, and come up with a solution to a puzzle. There are also the more typical metroidvania "puzzles" that just involve seeing a route that clearly requires a new ability and then remembering to come back when you get the new ability, but those scenarios are kinda few and far between in La-Mulana -- half the time you get a new item and don't know what the hell to do with it! And other times the puzzles are more Zelda-like where it's just a matter of interpreting riddles and cryptic NPC hints, exploring and placing weights on dais (essentially replacing the lock and key system lots of puzzle-y games use), and figuring out how the different pieces of each area interact with each other. If you have played Maze of Galious (if you haven't, you really should -- NIGORO actually worked on a PC remake!), you'll have an idea of what to expect in La-Mulana, which just turns things up to 11.

The evolution of La-Mulana:

La-Mulana freeware:


La-Mulana remake:


La-Mulana 2:

More screenshots (spoiler warning for some areas and bosses!)


Yep, La-Mulana has these. This is the new manual for LM2. It doesn't cover anything series vets don't know, but it's worth reading for newcomers.

Rockin' tunes

La-Mulana is also well known for its killer soundtracks. We don't have very much LM2 music yet so below I've included some tracks from the original freeware game followed by the newer version of each track from the remake of LM1, followed finally by a new song from LM2.

Fearless Challenger "MSX"

Fearless Challenger remake

Grand History "MSX"

Grand History remake

Aqua Wish from LM2 (This song was revealed like three years ago so I don't know if it's been modified since then or even if it's still in the game, but the tune is killer just the same)

Important note to backers of this game

If you are a backer of the kickstarter or a slacker backer on playism, you should have a Steam key waiting for you -- you can redeem it but not play it until it releases. If you are a slacker backer, your key should be located in the add-ons tab under your Games section on the Playism website; click "download" and then copy the "Game Serial" code into Steam. On the backer forums, NIGORO said that physical rewards will come after release with their apologies (I don't think anyone expected otherwise), while digital rewards will arrive very soon.

Further reading

On July 28th, the fine folks at NIGORO hosted a three-hour livestream to celebrate the completion of La-Mulana 2. It was all translated live and definitely worth a watch as it offers insight into NIGORO's design philosophies and also delves into the development of La-Mulana 1 and 2. Obviously there are spoilers for the whole series so be warned. Two thirds of the way into the stream is some live gameplay of the first half hour or so of LM2, so beware.

Here's a link to the original kickstarter from five(!) years ago:

Here's a teaser from two months ago. There are very minor spoilers including one area and one boss. Apparently I'm only allowed two embedded videos so you'll have to click this one.

If you just can't get enough of NIGORO, I've got your back. First, something simple: NIGORO have some charming little browser games you can play on their website, one of which is La-Mulana themed!
Now for something more complicated. If you crave more MSX-inspired goodness, it's worth your time to hunt down NIGORO's Gradius/Nemesis homage game titled GR3 from back when NIGORO went by the name GR3 Project. It's not referenced anywhere on their website and all three versions are annoyingly Java-based and require old versions of Java to run properly, but they're well worth the trouble of tracking down and setting up.

Good luck and godspeed, fellow explorers. Don't forget to pause and refuel every now and then. And don't forget to read your emails.


Please let me know if there's anything more I should add. This is my first OT and I was more or less blindsided by the release date announcement tonight, so I did the best I could to get this out quickly without sacrificing quality.
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Deleted member 42221

User requested account closure
Apr 16, 2018
It's been a while since I've been broken by a good puzzle game. Looking forward to seeing if I can vanquish this!


Oct 26, 2017
Surprised by the sudden release date. Donated to the Kickstarter back when, knowing that it was one of those companies that I could trust to deliver.
Activated my Steam key only a few more days to go.
I am hoping there will be enough interest for them to bring the game to other platforms, maybe a 1&2 compilation. I never played the EX version of La-Mulana, AFAIK it was Vita exclusive, so would love a chance to replay it.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Looking forward to suffering with all of you in the next couple of days. What a time to be alive.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what my life will be like without la Mulana 2 Kickstarter updates in my inbox. I've been through so many phases of my life and they've always been there for me through it all


Oct 26, 2017
Nice OT (one picture after "La-Mulana remake:" is broken though)!
My body and soul are ready.


Dec 7, 2017
That's a nice little surprise, is there an early access or something for backers?

Also, I've always wondered why doesn't this game scale to widescreens, especially with the bars on all sides of the screen. Any one knows?

Dash Kappei

Nov 1, 2017
Godspeed, I love La~Mulana and will buy it asap (console release), tho I'll probably buy it on PC as well just to support Nigoro.

Now that Game maker is on Switch, I'd GLADLY pay $50 for a Switch cart with the Vita version of 1 and a port of 2.
Or $30 for a LRG release of just the first, to show Nigoro if a Switch port would make sense/money (or not).

Folks, looking forward to knowing how good this sequel is!
Don't want spoilers although the first game is one of the few I have no shame looking at guides once in a while... it's almost magical and the lore and the way "dormant" secrets fill the game at every corner reminds me of Souls games (especially the first 2). It's awesome


Oct 25, 2017
Cannot wait, the first game took me almost a month to beat, one of the most grueling but satisfying games ever.

But holy shit, a la Mulana with no guides available. This will take a community effort, some of the first games puzzles were impossible.


Oct 25, 2017
Cannot wait, the first game took me almost a month to beat, one of the most grueling but satisfying games ever.

But holy shit, a la Mulana with no guides available. This will take a community effort, some of the first games puzzles were impossible.
The first game took a month with a guide? Sounds intimidating lol.


Oct 25, 2017
The first game took a month with a guide? Sounds intimidating lol.

Well I used a guide only when I was ready to bash my head into the screen. Lol.

But as the post above shows, even with a guide just trying to find where you fit in some puzzles is impossible. Since I didn't do the same order of the guide, I may or may not have done something out of order that totally changes what I had to do. So I still had to figure out what I missed.

This time I am TAKING NOTES.


Oct 25, 2017
I was expecting this to be a few months yet, but the long wait is suddenly over. I'm ready for more puzzle labyrinth action in my life.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait. I was overjoyed when I found out it was coming in a few days.

People really owe it to themselves to play the first one if they haven't.


Oct 25, 2017
Got my kickstarter Steam code and hype, but I don't have any time to play it :(

Hope I don't miss much by jumping in late, the first was an absolute dleight, but I was always curious of how the expereince must had been for the players going through it when it was released.

Let's hope there isn't many glitches or bugs.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm ready.
I only beat La-Mulana for the first time about a month ago despite having it on PC for ages. I had a save from 2013 but it was obviously better to just start over, I wasn't that far in anyway.
Should probably read the manual right away this time huh.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
By the way that video in the OP has a new trailer on this timestamp: https://youtu.be/zyyAIxuQY_o?t=11091

Can't wait though I've not finished the first, lol.

Found someone that posted the English trailer (mostly English anyway) of that segment on Youtube.

That music and character art. Those traps! Hnnnng!

Edit: Speaking of traps, this trailer does show a decent amount of them. You might want to hold off on watching it if you consider it spoilers.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm ready to get this exploration started tomorrow! It's going to be wild going in blind.


Oct 25, 2017
The launch trailer is also on Nigoro's own channel, it's just unlisted on youtube but the link was in the Steam announcement.



Oct 25, 2017
I'm gonna wait and see what the verdict is on the puzzle aspect. I loved the first one for its music, world building, and just general polish... but hated it when it broke my sanity with its puzzles towards the second half.


Oct 28, 2017
Oh shit, it was so sudden, i'm sorta not ready D :

Will be interesting to try play this blind. Goodbye to my self esteem if i can't haha
Oct 25, 2017
This is one of the few games where you can play with a guide and not feel bad about it.
Some of puzzles are batshit, but the experience is worth it.

Like 80% through the game I feel like it gets nigh impossible to beat truly blind with no outside feedback/guide/knowledge. It just gets way too obtuse, and there's too many dangling leads and such a huge world to explore that the odds of stumbling on the "correct" path felt too slim to even blind-squirrel one's way through.


Oct 25, 2017
Like 80% through the game I feel like it gets nigh impossible to beat truly blind with no outside feedback/guide/knowledge. It just gets way too obtuse, and there's too many dangling leads and such a huge world to explore that the odds of stumbling on the "correct" path felt too slim to even blind-squirrel one's way through.

I actually made a thread some time ago about this.

As much I love the game I also believe there is no way to reach True End without guide/outside hints, but some people claim to have done so.
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
I backed La-Mulana 2 on Kickstarter due to buzz on NeoGaF for it back in the day. In hoping I'll enjoy this game as much as franchise fans.

So is this game a rogue-like ala Spelunky?


Oct 25, 2017
I backed La-Mulana 2 on Kickstarter due to buzz on NeoGaF for it back in the day. In hoping I'll enjoy this game as much as franchise fans.

So is this game a rogue-like ala Spelunky?

Not at all, it's a full adventure metroidvania game, but with tons of hard puzzles, you have to think and take notes to progress, just finding the double jump won't help you that much here!


Oct 25, 2017
I backed La-Mulana 2 on Kickstarter due to buzz on NeoGaF for it back in the day. In hoping I'll enjoy this game as much as franchise fans.

So is this game a rogue-like ala Spelunky?
It's super deep exploration based "Metroidvania" type of game with absolutely insane puzzles and hard boss fights.
It took me around 30 hours for first game.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Was the goal for the new hell temple reached? I know it wasn't hit in the kickstarter, but I thought I heard something about it being hit in the post-kickstarter sales. It could have been a stretch goal for different game that I was following or something.


Oct 28, 2017
Gotta wait for the console versions... hope the wait isn't too long. Good luck to everyone attempting this day one!


Oct 25, 2017
Lmao. I backed this many many years ago. I would have figured it was never coming out if it werent for the dev constantly making slightly hard to understand KS updates about some new piece of pixels he was making. Im slightly skeptical. Hopefully its a sizeable game with good gameplay. Redeemed my key a couple days ago.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The launch trailer is also on Nigoro's own channel, it's just unlisted on youtube but the link was in the Steam announcement.

That character art looks so good.

Lmao. I backed this many many years ago. I would have figured it was never coming out if it werent for the dev constantly making slightly hard to understand KS updates about some new piece of pixels he was making. Im slightly skeptical. Hopefully its a sizeable game with good gameplay. Redeemed my key a couple days ago.
I'm not too worried considering the sheer volume of the first game, and that was done on a shoestring budget tbh.