Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019

Yup, you're looking at the gameplay. That's about the long & short of it. There's no combat, no action, no physical confrontations, no danger, and no twitchy reactions required. There's technically a "sprint" button, but it's more like Meredith just walks slightly faster. It's 1986 and you drive the mail truck around Providence Oaks, Oregon to deliver packages & letters as part of your daily tasks. There are specific, key characters that work or live at locations where you'll be making deliveries, and that's where the other half of the game takes place. It's you interacting with the people of Providence Oaks and navigating small conversational and commitment-making options.

Here's my biggest warning: the gameplay of delivering packages is not interesting. If you need gameplay to get you through, this won't be the game for you. But it works. If you've had a stressful day of work or if you're just burnt out from playing games at 4K60 with particle effects all over your screen and having lightning-fast reactions to gameplay in high-stakes single player or multiplayer experiences where a moment of losing focus could mean a game over ... it's time to boot up Lake and cleanse your palate. Listen to the same few songs on the radio. Drive down the same, small streets in town, and enjoy the peaceful, tranquil, idyllic views of the eponymous lake that the town encircles while you just take a chance to take a deep breath and not be inundated by visual stimuli of your normal gaming experience.

The narrative beats are simple, but they accurately capture themes that people in their 30s and older might be all too familiar with:
Returning to a smaller hometown that you left a very long time ago to see it stuck in time
Midlife crisis of deciding which direction to take your life as you're semi-established in your career
Work-life balance in turmoil as work constantly creeps into what should be an idyllic getaway
Revisiting friendships lost many years ago and trying to pick up where you left off
The constant topic of "should I stay or should I go" that these small, frozen towns evoke in people
Exploring the concept of a relationship between yourself and another person when your futures are unknown
Your parents reaching an older age and making their own "retirement crisis" decisions of relocation, adventure, and checking off bucket list items

And of course, the little oddities that small town life brings. It's not a perfect game, and again, the gameplay itself is boring. But I find that the themes that are covered in the game hit quite well if you're at an older age and you've navigated these same topics as well. I'm about halfway through the game, and I'm already heavily invested in the choices I've helped Meredith make, and I feel those same adult feelings that she's going through as you question whether or not you (or others) are where they should be in life and what even is the right place to be in life? Is it to stay stuck in a small town like this? Is it to branch out and pursue a career of being busy and making a ton of money?

It's a simple palate cleanser, but it's also deeper than it appears on the surface. There's something calming about stepping back into time, stepping out into Smalltown USA, and exploring the concepts of what it means to pursue purpose in your adult life.
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Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Been meaning to play this for a while but just haven't gotten around to it. After reading this though I'm hoping to get to it sooner rather than later, or at least before it leaves Game Pass.


Oct 25, 2017
I had a lot of fun with this game.

Also, you CAN fast travel to some places instead of driving that slow mail truck around, but like... Why would you?? ;)


Feb 27, 2020
Yep, Lake was a pleasant surprise for me, I downloaded the game from Game Pass without knowing anything about it and was quite pleased by the charming quirky nature of the narrative and the way it fits into the whole package/mail delivery routine. Love this game. 🤗


Feb 10, 2018
I played this over the holidays after finishing Metroid Dread. It was a nice chill time with some fun character interactions.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
Lake is fucking awesome, i love it!! It's so good!

Still listen to Last Days of September from time to time.


Oct 27, 2017
Does anyone know if they have fixed the FPS issues on PC? I played the game during one of those Steam Festivals (Or was it the TGA's)? Anyways I remember the demo suffering from FPS problems despite having the hardware to handle it which is a shame because I throughly enjoyed my time with it.


Nov 1, 2017
I have it as part of Stadia Pro. Keep meaning to give it a go. I probably should have played this instead of wasting 5 hours on Those Who Remain.

It's certainly 'on the list'.


Oct 30, 2019
My girlfriend is playing it, but she's unimpressed by the game because she dislikes pretty much everyone lol


Oct 25, 2017
It started it up a couple of weeks ago and the first impression was terrible. I don't even mind the gameplay loop, it's quite relaxing actually, but it felt super clunky. Like considering that's what you do for most of the game, I'd expect something more pleasant than a bleak menu screen when getting a package from the back of the truck.

Also the VA for the main character was not very good, and dialogue was eh.

I did like the music a lot.

Aaron D.

Oct 25, 2017
I really dig relaxed slice of life productions like this.

Low on drama. High on atmosphere.

We're seeing more and more of these tonal vibes these days, and yes it sure is a refreshing option.


Oct 27, 2017
Bonn, Germany
It's a great game which could be much more enjoyable with better visuals.
The artstyle is great, but it feels very bland which is a shame considering the environment is basically a character in the story.
Loved the story and characters though.

If I have to listen to that witchcraft song one more time I'm getting a stroke.
Dec 11, 2017
Massively clunky in mechanics, but I loved it. Felt budget, but it was exactly what I needed last year. We need more low stakes gaming.


Oct 31, 2017
Ottawa, Ontario, CA
I've been playing this week and I find myself so bored with this one.

I wish there was something more to the gameplay or story to hook me :(

I'm really happy it connects with so many here though. That's rad.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
You know what? I played this on a whim about a month ago and loved it. My wife always made me turn up the sound while I was delivering mail so she could listen to the 4 or so songs on a loop, haha.
Lobster Roll

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I love that with the music in particular, people are loving it or hating it. Somebody ought to tell the DJ to do something about that …

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
While I loved the story and all that, I found the mail delivery to be the most interesting part and was disappointed when that part of the game was over. The only knock is that the controls aren't great and the game was clearly made by non-Americans since the road markers are all wrong. I'm hoping somebody makes a Mail Delivery Sim.

I also loved looking over everything in the movie rental shop to see what movies they were spoofing.
Jun 3, 2018
I fully agree! I really enjoyed that game. The part in red is true as well, though. At the end I thought I would be up for a similar game with more complex mechanics and progression. But that's not what Lake is aiming for, and that's fine.

Also: this game has a cameo / Easter egg that was tailor-made for me. One of my favourite moments in a game of all time.


Forza Photographer
Nov 9, 2017
I have this game installed for so long meaning to give it a go but there's always something in the way.

Also it's an easy 1000gs.
Lobster Roll

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I have this game installed for so long meaning to give it a go but there's always something in the way.

Also it's an easy 1000gs.
It's a really weird game to play immediately after Forza, I'll admit. I'm holding right trigger down like, "this thing has be to be able to go faster, I know it".


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
The music was the biggest surprise for me. Didn't expect to like the five or six songs that rotate on the radio constantly, but they were good enough that I actually looked up a few after the game was over.

Perfectly captures that feeling of being stuck out of time.


Jun 1, 2022
Here's my biggest warning: the gameplay of delivering packages is not interesting. If you need gameplay to get you through, this won't be the game for you.

I'll have you know I enjoy doing dumb daily tasks in video games. That one mission in Mafia 2 where you're just working in a warehouse for a shift? Best mission in the game. Will check this out.


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver, BC
I played the demo for this last summer and loved it. Have it downloaded (thanks game pass) I should get around to it before it leaves.


Feb 10, 2018
Delivering that chainsaw at a tiny broken shack in the middle of the woods put me at a pause.


Oct 16, 2018
It really was the perfect relaxing game when I decided to try it out on a lark. Just immerse yourself in the little stories of this tiny town.

Definitely could have used way more music choices, though. You spend the majority of the game listening to the radio and the constant repeats get old really quick.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I had a great time with this game and was pretty disappointed when an unlimited delivery mode didn't unlock after finishing it.

My only real issue with the game was how the romances resolved. Not sure if there are more than two, but one seemed weird and the other one seemed pretty creepy.