
Oct 27, 2017
They give Brienne a bit of happiness and it's cruelly pulled out from under her so Jamie can go back to being Cersei's fuckboy. It makes one of the best moments in a long time retroactively worse.


The worst thing about that is that this strong, fierce woman finally gets laid and now she just cries about her man leaving

Nobody cares about IMDB ratings lol. Online ratings are the most irrelevant and inconsequential metric to determine anything.
Unless it confirms your personal bias, of course.


Apr 13, 2019
I though I would be ok with the
NK dying
last episode, but now everything that happened in this episode feels moot to me. Sure, cersei can win, or dany, or jon, or tyrion be in the throne, but at least there will be a functioning government, and people, for better or worse, will be taken care of.

Last episode the staes were so high that now, im very indifferent. Speially with al lthe main contenders getting the horrible treatment they are getting, Jon making the horrible decisions, Dany being pushed to madness and everyone around her telling her she has to measure her actions, when now for the amount of shit cersei did to her, for the first time she is justified in her rage, and Tyrion losing his edge 2 seasons ago and being stupid now.


Oct 26, 2017
Review bombing — or any real crowd-sourced online review system — is dumb and fucking useless.

But it's hard not to argue this was — at the very least — the worst episode of this season and certainly in the bottom 10 for the whole series. So many characters were assassinated, so many motivations and actions made absolutely no sense and so many events played out solely for the sake of the plot and not for the characters. The Euron ass pull of another ambush was so fucking bad. Despite the length, it really reminded me of the season five finale. Funnily enough, I told my wife right after the credits, David Nutter directed this show, I expect it to be bad. And sure enough. That fucker is goddamn horrible and Benioff and Weiss are in so over their heads. I've always hated the Internet's proclivity to label them "hacks," but this was the first time I've contemplated the same damn thing. Such a horrible, piece of shit episode that has killed my hype for the remainder of the season.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't know how much stock I'd put into IMDB reviews but...

That was definitely one of the worst, if not the worst, episode of Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones is pretty damn amazing if yesterday's average episode was the worst episode the show has ever seen. Worse than some of those Dorne episodes?

Deleted member 6949

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I can't even with the characters just teleporting back and forth around the world the last 2 seasons. The whole continent feels about the size of Rhode Island now. Like Winterfell is on one side of a small hill, and King's Landing on the other. Horrid writing all around. It really stands out when you binge the show all at once and for the first half there are tons of storylines where you watch characters travel across multiple episodes or even entire seasons. Now you can leave Winterfell halfway through an episode, get annihilated in a battle, and still make it to King's Landing before the credits roll. Really makes me optimistic about whatever Star Wars project these jokers are working on.


Feb 28, 2018
are they seriously having budget constraints because they've been VERY reluctant to show Ghost in action.

The KL outskirts set looked incredibly cheap, too.

Deleted member 16365

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
As a whole it didn't feel like it needed to be 90 minutes long. I like that they tried to give each character a send off, like the Wildlings whom I doubt we'll see again, but the opening party scenes felt like they dragged on a lot.

I personally also hated that Jamie and Brienne hooked up. Her entire storyarc was about being a badass warrior who wanted to be accepted, which they gave her in the previous episode. By having him fall for her it cheapens her knighting as something that maybe he did because he wanted to bone.

Overall it wasn't a great episode and with only three left (including last night) and a shortened final season they shouldn't be having bad episodes.


Oct 25, 2017
Frisco, Tx
They wrote that dragon out like a chump. Mythical beasts and it gets taken out like that before it even did anything in the last battle.
I don't have a problem with cersei having ballistics and stuff, but having them on every ship and on every inch of kings landing is total overkill.

I completely get the criticism of the episode... except this one. What exactly where they suppose to be doing? We've already had this foreshadowed last season (or even before that). You figured they'd put one up and call it a day? You have to have a real threat of failure in every story, having dragon killing machines all over just raised the stakes dramatically for the last 2 episodes. I have no issues with the idea they would prepare Kings Landing for the fight of its life.

The rest of the episode had issues. The stupidity of Danny is by far the biggest blite on the show, but the more I think about it the more I realize shes always been insanely stupid. If it wasn't for the instant win machines in her dragoon's she'd have died waayyyy long ago.


Oct 28, 2017
The only good things about this episode was the bastard blacksmith becoming a lord and getting rejected by Arya for obvious reasons.

A lot of things in this episode simply didn't make sense aside from Torumund getting rejected and cockblocked at the same time but it wasn't something that was fun to watch aside from Tyrion pouring him a drink in the only boner he had left.


Oct 25, 2017
are they seriously having budget constraints because they've been VERY reluctant to show Ghost in action.

The KL outskirts set looked incredibly cheap, too.

They went to the trouble of having an animatronic undead polar bear fight but they can't figure out a way to have Jon say goodbye to his fucking direwolf. Even Ned loved Lady enough to personally kill her. The writers don't care about all the character work, they want to get to the spectacle like the big battles because that's what they think people want.


Nov 14, 2017
What made me really mad was

the whole "Brienne's a virgin" thing. Like, why? What's the point? I'm all for powerful characters being vulnerable, but are they 12? It wasn't even filler worth it and they choose to end the character arc like this?

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Dany's arc would have been justified if they had taken their time with it, because sure, they've been setting this up for a while now, in some way or another. But they rushed it all so much in this episode, it just felt like a complete and abrupt 180.
Yeah, like I get that the historical strain of Targaryen insanity is something that is foreshadowed a lot, but it's not been dealt with as well on the show as it should have been. Danaerys is a fantastic character who deserves far better than the shit treatment this show has consistently meted out to her.


The Fallen
Jan 11, 2018
I'm not somebody who bashed Game of Thrones. Hell I really enjoyed episode 3 despite its flaws and even made a statement about how some people seem like they want to hate the show.

That being said, I was really disappointed with episode 4. People are joking about not petting Ghost, but I think that's actually a serious problem with the last couple of seasons summed up nicely. The character of Jon wouldn't send off Ghost to roam the North, he would want Ghost by his side. And if Jon doesn't want Ghost to come with him to King's Landing, he would give Ghost a heartfelt goodbye and yes, pet him. But the show didn't because that's more money for SFX and they think it looks weird to have a large dog, so the reduce how big the dog is and they relegate Ghost to the side.

They don't spend the little bit extra to keep consistency with a character. Seriously, Jon going over to pet Ghost and struggling to find a word to say and then walking away with a sad look on his face couldn't have cost much more or taken very long to film. But D&D chose the easy route.

Just like D&D chooses the easy route to contrive abysmal strategy on behalf of Dany to make Cersei have the military edge. And they contrive Cersei suddenly not being ruthless and instead of killing Tyrion and firing all of the Scorpion Ballista at Dany and her dragon she chops off Missandei's head and I guess waits for Dany to attack?

Honestly, the fact that they decided to have two shortened seasons instead of two normal seasons feels like them throwing their hands up because they just knew the broad strokes of the narrative and they just wanted to get the show over with.

And the most contrived thing I've seen in a while is how Dany lost her second dragon. Why is she flying/sailing out days ahead of her ground troops? Why has she forgotten Cersei has a weapon that can kill her dragons? Why has she forgotten Euron is on Cesei's team and he's kind of good at sailing ships? But you know what, just forget all of that.

Why is she flying the dragon so close to the damn ground? Fly it a couple hundred feet up and you are likely out of range of the Scorpions and you can actually see way more and be able to spot an ambush or see what King's Landing is up to from far away. But nope, that dragon has to die for things to seem fair.

The octopi tentacles on the retention arms of the scorpions were a great touch though.

Master Chuuster
Dec 14, 2017
Yeah, like I get that the historical strain of Targaryen insanity is something that is foreshadowed a lot, but it's not been dealt with as well on the show as it should have been. Danaerys is a fantastic character who deserves far better than the shit treatment this show has consistently meted out to her.
It's like they assumed those half a dozen seeds they'd planted for this direction over the last couple of seasons were blatantly obvious signposts, and just decided to skip a few steps.

Felt very jarring. Everyone second guessing her all of a sudden feels awfully convenient, especially when they've had far better reasons to do so earlier than they do right now.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
It's like they assumed those half a dozen seeds they'd planted for this direction over the last couple of seasons were blatantly obvious signposts, and just decided to skip a few steps.

Felt very jarring. Everyone second guessing her all of a sudden feels awfully convenient, especially when they've had far better reasons to do so earlier than they do right now.
Varys' heel turn over Danaerys is so strange. Tyrion sort of acted in character there, but Varys suddenly deciding she was unsuitable for the same reasons he has always been aware of was dumb as shit.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Feb 2, 2018
These ratings are pretty meaningless when you got troll reviews

That said, last nights episode was hilariously rushed and led to just bad writing.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017


It's been verified.


Dec 17, 2018
This episode for me felt like the apotheosis of the show's fundamental problem since it got past the books, which is that D&D just straight up don't understand (1) the thematic point of the books (2) what makes the books good. They think that ASOIF is a dumb fantasy schlock story, and that the point of stuff like the Red Wedding and Ned getting killed was to be "shocking" or "a twist", when those were actually important to the books' primary goal of being 'a historical fiction novel of an alternative history,' i.e. they were realistic consequences of being too honorable or falling in love with the wrong person. So this whole season and the last one feel like D&D got told where the show is supposed to end up and are getting there with cheap tricks instead of by paying off anyone's plotlines/character development/staying tonally consistent you name it.


Oct 28, 2017
That's not what the showrunners say is happening in the "Inside the Episode."
*wretches in disgust*

In the first 3 episodes I stuck around to watch Dand D explain their reasonings for their scenes but I decided to skip it because I don't think they could justify what they were selling and this hints at me being right.

What I don't get is that GRRM told them how it should end and they had 2 years to think over each aspect of each character and this is what they came up with. I could write better fan fiction. I have listened to quite a few theories from critical thinkers that really had some great ideas on how the show would end.

One of which basically thought the Night King would overpower everyone at Winterfell and a last stand would have to be made at King's Landing. With their supplies of dragon glass used up and seemingly no source of valyrian steel left, someone comes up with the brilliant idea to destroy the iron thorn because it is made entirely of of Valyrian steel swords. The symbolism of destroying the throne in a last ditch effort to save the 7 kingdoms shows way more thought than anything seen in these last 2 episodes.
Oct 26, 2017
It was a terrible episode, I'm so tired of every leader in this show being lobotomized for the sake of shock-factor scenes.

"Dany kinda forgot about the iron fleet", what a joke.


Oct 28, 2017
So the all the stuff about Azor Ahai, Jon being resurrected, them getting dragons to fight the Walkers and Jon getting to ride one, Jon having multiple face offs against the White Walkers, him being the one to rally everyone against the Night King, his staredown with the Night King.... all of that was, what, misdirection? Sure, that's a polite word for it. I call it a waste of our time, in retrospect.

Actually that would be peak Game of Thrones because this show used to subvert expectations consistently. Arya for better or for worse is a fitting way of not giving exactly what they story beats were laying out.

Garrett 2U

Oct 25, 2017
I think some of the character's apparent arc reversals are just bait and switches [specifically Jamie] . Recall how they treated the Sansa/Arya/Littlefinger arc last season.

It is still bad storytelling.

Actually that would be peak Game of Thrones because this show used to subvert expectations consistently. Arya for better or for worse is a fitting way of not giving exactly what they story beats were laying out.

There is a difference between subverting fantasy tropes and subverting expectations from plot development.
The Red Wedding works because Rob did betray his vow. Had there not been an underlying reason, it would not have felt justified.


Oct 25, 2017
This season has been terrible so far, seems like D&D just don't give a shit anymore. The last few seasons have been subpar(pretty much ever since they passed the books), but it really feels like they mailed it in completely this season because it's the last season and they don't give a shit anymore because of it. Just need to tie up the loose ends somehow any way they can.

Master Chuuster
Dec 14, 2017
Actually that would be peak Game of Thrones because this show used to subvert expectations consistently.
Every time it subverted expectations, it didn't do it just for shock value. Nothing felt unearned, even if it was unexpected. Things logically followed from one another, that was what was so great about GoT. Arya killing the Night King makes absolutely zero sense. It's very clearly just been done to do something that the audiences wouldn't expect.


Nov 10, 2018
It was equally as bad as the other episodes from season 8, i don't get why other episodes are rated higher.


Oct 27, 2017
I am pretty surprised at how genuinely upset so many people seem to be about Jon not petting Ghost.

They went to the trouble of having an animatronic undead polar bear fight but they can't figure out a way to have Jon say goodbye to his fucking direwolf. Even Ned loved Lady enough to personally kill her. The writers don't care about all the character work, they want to get to the spectacle like the big battles because that's what they think people want.
Right, who could forget those big budget spectacle showcases like A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms?


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
They went to the trouble of having an animatronic undead polar bear fight but they can't figure out a way to have Jon say goodbye to his fucking direwolf. Even Ned loved Lady enough to personally kill her. The writers don't care about all the character work, they want to get to the spectacle like the big battles because that's what they think people want.
Also shoutout to Arya's direwolf Nymeria, never to be seen again.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Oh I didn't know that. There have been complaints from other showrunners about HBO being problematic with budgets so I just assumed they shortchanged GoT too.
HBO was willing to throw everything at Game of Thrones to keep it going as long as possible (one reason why we are getting the spin offs). D&D just didn't want to do the show anymore, nor did they want to hand it off to someone else. The result is... this.


Oct 30, 2017
  • Jaime
  • Jon
  • Varys
  • Tyrion
  • Any of the dragons
  • Ghost
  • The wildlings
  • Basically anyone except for Danerys, and even that is debatable

You're going to have to clarify on what you feel was out of character about these characters?

Jon - His biggest fault is his biggest strength. He is loyal, trusting, and honest to a fault. It got him killed. Him having to be honest with his family, even at the detriment of his love life - is so overwhelmingly in line with his character that it's not even funny. Him trusting that Sansa and Arya would keep their word, while fool hearted, is in line with everything we've seen from him. He's a dreamer and has an unrealistically favorable viewpoint of almost everything, so of course he would foolishly think he could tell his sisters about his lineage and everything between him, Danerys, and his family would be fine.

Dragons - The dragon was wounded from the previous battle. They went out of their way to show him get fucked up in last weeks episode, and once again showed you that he had freaking holes in his wing and could barely fly straight. And the show has been alluding to the fact that Westeros has been undergoing a scientific renaissance. Is it strange that Dragons aren't as effective in today's timeline as they were in hundreds years in the past?