Oct 25, 2017
So, he admits that all arrests for drugs were of minorities because his police forces were ordered to only patrol minority neighborhoods. This should be the lead on every news network. This is vile and shows the systemic racism with folks in power and how they deploy a police force against minorities. Textbook example of deliberate over-policing of minorities that ensures neighborhoods remain crime-ridden forever. Kids who get arrested for minor offenses lose their jobs & chance at education & quickly wind up on the conveyor belt to prison.

"People say 'you're arresting kids for marijuana that are all minorities.'
We put all the cops in minority neighborhoods, where all the crime is.
The way to get guns out of kids hands is to throw 'em up against the wall and frisk them." - Bloomberg, 2015



Oct 28, 2017
No one should attempt to shame people for refusing to vote for this sack of shit. No one. Its a fucking travesty the dnc is letting him run on their ticket.
Oct 25, 2017
User warned: For thread derailment
Yeah this sounds bad but you need to vote blue no matter who!

So liberals can stop pretending to care about ethnic minorities because thinking about race is very difficult and tiring for them and they need our help
Oct 25, 2017
no idea why bernie or busters are coming here to brag, acting like bloomberg has a shot??

Because there are too many people who love to shame minorities for being hesitant to vote for shitty candidates because they can only view politics through the prism of "my team has to win"

while this is an extreme case that should be easy for everybody to condemn, it's the same kind of thing that makes people say they don't want to support a racist prick like Buttigieg if he gets the nomination.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Not that it will make a difference because he never stood a chance but this would take votes away from.trump. This is all in a trump supporters wheel house

Edit: no that was wrong to say, that sounds like I'm.saying it's ok to support him as long as he takes votes away from Trump. Sorry I did not mean to imply that. He just graduated from the same school of business racism Trump did

Deleted member 82

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Oct 25, 2017
Your daily reminder that Bloomberg's a piece of shit who only runs because he can and/or to disrupt the electoral process.
Watch him try to run as an independent if Bernie gets the nom just to try and keep the anti-billionaire candidate from becoming president.

I'll never stop posting this vid until he fades away:

Piece of shit.


Oct 27, 2017
Busting hard if he gets the nom, and I encourage people to be outspoken about doing the same.

They're going to try hard to shove him down our throats.


Nov 7, 2017
It's probably fair to say that Bloomberg has been more harmful to black people than Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, I could totally see NYPD having a copy machine perpetually running this through a copy machine.

Making deteriorating copies of copies.


Jun 19, 2018
That's at least two raging racist in the DNC primary, really makes you think about chances for the party that's still fully supporting Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
Translation: we know white neighborhoods and especially our upper class buddies use drugs just as much, but the differene is those people can afford lawyers.


Nov 1, 2017
Bloomberg, not good folks!


Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Bloomberg has a better shot than Pete, he is draining the black vote from Biden really fast, while Pete is still on single digits.


Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Racism
I don't know how many of you actually live in NY but while I will say that all crime here ISNT minorities, most of it really is. I don't think he's wrong and I don't think what he was trying to do is wrong.

Because on the contrary we have DiBlasio who doesn't stand behind police and allows these criminals to run a muck giving them metro cards and Mets tickets and don't even get me started on Bail Reform.


Oct 26, 2017
The thing that baffles me about all this is that it's newsworthy or even noteworthy that Biden and Bloomberg are epic entitled douchebags. They were ALWAYS douchebags. They never WEREN'T douchebags. Decade after decade, hell, that's why people voted for them -- because they were their douchebags. There wasn't a moment in either of their goddamn lives that they weren't douchebags.

Better late than never, I guess, but seriously -- douchebag gonna douchebag. They do not have "off" switches. Let it sink in already, folks, before it's too late. It's effin' breaking news if Biden or Bloomberg are actually nice to people.


Aug 26, 2018
Mike Will Get It* Done

*And by it we mean be a bigot and racist as fuck.

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how many of you actually live in NY but while I will say that all crime here ISNT minorities, most of it really is. I don't think he's wrong and I don't think what he was trying to do is wrong.

Because on the contrary we have DiBlasio who doesn't stand behind police and allows these criminals to run a muck giving them metro cards and Mets tickets and don't even get me started on Bail Reform.
Bye felicia


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how many of you actually live in NY but while I will say that all crime here ISNT minorities, most of it really is. I don't think he's wrong and I don't think what he was trying to do is wrong.

Because on the contrary we have DiBlasio who doesn't stand behind police and allows these criminals to run a muck giving them metro cards and Mets tickets and don't even get me started on Bail Reform.

As if this needed to be said, but I lived in NY, this post is bullshit.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
I thought this was known? Or is it more that stop and frisk was always known to be racist in application but now it comes from the horse's mouth?

Even then, still better than Trump, but yeah low bar. Hope he doesn't become the nominee.

Deleted member 7130

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Oct 25, 2017
DNC bent over backwards for this human garbage pile because of the cash moneeeeeyyyyy. An oligarch, and ethnic terrorizer, a successful Donald Trump. Fuck Bloomberg


Apr 26, 2019
id like to say their campaign is over, that there is no way a racist transphone could ever get elected....

Africanus II

Oct 26, 2017
Before we even discuss minorities, the biggest crimes in New York happen in the mostly white board rooms of Wall St.

Like folks are not angry enough at this!
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
id like to say their campaign is over, that there is no way a racist transphone could ever get elected....
Yeah but who's gonna spend hundreds of millions to get the word out - the fact he's so high up in the polls without having anything to do with the race is because so many people don't bother following any of it beyond absorbing his constant commercials.


Oct 28, 2017
If Bloomberg wins the nomination, can you imagine the gaslighting PoC voters will have to go through from their "allies" to vote blue no matter who? I can already see the finger wagging from white liberals condescendingly telling PoC to "suck it up" and vote for Bloomberg.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Fuck Bloomberg. I wouldn't vote for him under any circumstances. Not in the primary, obviously, and not in the general either. Our young men have been targeted for decades by racists like this.