
Oct 28, 2017
Sorry yeah this isn't a new take on him but I feel like it needs to be said. Appreciate Destiny's work a lot and I believe his heart is in the right place, but honestly I have mixed feelings about him. I'm turned off by his use of ableist slurs, and I think he could do a better job cultivating a mature and healthy follower base.

EDIT: Yeah thinking about it further I think he could stand to be more careful in general about his use of language i.e. the n-word with the hard r.


Oct 25, 2017
No doubt that Vice interviewer was pretty terrible. Peterson was stacking up bullshit that could have been easily called out but he did a piss poor job. Still, Peterson shows his ass again so I'm not gonna complain too much.

More Peterson fuckery here:

Oh and that Freedom Tunes channel...full of pro Peterson videos and other anti-left tripe.


Oct 25, 2017
It's good to see Theryn maybe waking up and making a real change. I don't have much hope for dudes like Sargon, Warski, etc. but marginalized folks who somehow get hooked on the "skeptic" Kool-Aid can recover. Time will tell, but it's a start. Seems genuine going by her last video and her most recent tweets.

Sorry yeah this isn't a new take on him but I feel like it needs to be said. Appreciate Destiny's work a lot and I believe his heart is in the right place, but honestly I have mixed feelings about him. I'm turned off by his use of ableist slurs, and I think he could do a better job cultivating a mature and healthy follower base.

EDIT: Yeah thinking about it further I think he could stand to be more careful in general about his use of language i.e. the n-word with the hard r.

I've always been pretty conflicted on Destiny. Kind of unfortunate he's such a big topic here. I know he means well and is mostly discussed so much because content from the others is understandably a slow drip, but the guy's still a self-styled skeptic centrist himself. He's a decent human being, but not a leftist.

Deleted member 13364

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
He was mainly a big topic because the way he worked meant there was a constant stream of videos/drama.
He's definitely getting better at toning down the edgy stuff, which I think he'a acknowledged he's trying to do.
He's not a leftist, but I think his approach at challenging and knocking the down the arguments of the right are super interesting to watch.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, I enjoy watching his stuff when I do. I agree with his perspective that ideas need to be addressed lest they be allowed to fester, too. I just find it a little ironic you could check this thread on any day and the current topic is likely not a leftist YTer haha.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've always been pretty conflicted on Destiny. Kind of unfortunate he's such a big topic here. I know he means well and is mostly discussed so much because content from the others is understandably a slow drip, but the guy's still a self-styled skeptic centrist himself. He's a decent human being, but not a leftist.
Destiny referred to himself as a centrist on his twitter bio as a meme because all the skeptics were calling him a centrist. He's a leftist in everything but being pro-life (but not anti-abortion) and pro-gun rights.

These leftist 'purity test' memes are getting too much for me.


Oct 28, 2017
I think it's fair to discuss his videos in the thread. Let's stop this from devolving into a discussion of who is and isn't leftist.

Also just gonna reiterate in case people think I'm a Destiny hater, I like him a lot. I also believe he can very much do better in some respects.


Oct 25, 2017
Re: Peterson's interview about men not being able to work together with women.

Tbh, a very unfair trick to mindfuck someone is completely out of the blue to challenge something that is so common sense you are not trained to have an argument.
Destiny is kind of trained because he on purpose seeks out people who make a living out of being anti-reasonable, but someone blindside you with something like "why do the right thing? Shouldn't we be cruel and unfair?" and you know the answer, you do, but you got 3 seconds to go through the "wait -- wha?" phase before he jumps into a segway.

In other words, if you are a charlatan and nothing you say matters, you can blindside professional people who do care about what they say pretty easily.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
BTW anyone see this cartoon yet? Thought it was on point.

Side note on Rubin

I like when he lets his "I'm totally a liberal guys" idiotic facade crack.

That soy as an insult thing

Side note on that journalist who Rubin was basically shitting on has since tweeted:

So get ready for some fun.... because it sure as hell sounds like an article that will give cover to the Rubin's of the world.

He's a leftist in everything but being pro-life (but not anti-abortion)

That just makes him pro-choice


Oct 28, 2017
Destiny can be pretty edgy, but damn he knows how to argue his position, uses data and research to come to a conclusion and expresses it all fairly well. He's the person that the "rational skeptics" claim to be.
I admire him for taking the due diligence necessary to back up his position which he also articulates very well. He's the real deal.


Oct 25, 2017
Destiny referred to himself as a centrist on his twitter bio as a meme because all the skeptics were calling him a centrist. He's a leftist in everything but being pro-life (but not anti-abortion) and pro-gun rights.

These leftist 'purity test' memes are getting too much for me.

That escalated. I didn't realize his twitter bio was a joke.

Destiny can be pretty edgy, but damn he knows how to argue his position, uses data and research to come to a conclusion and expresses it all fairly well. He's the person that the "rational skeptics" claim to be.

That's a good summation, yep.


Oct 27, 2017
No doubt that Vice interviewer was pretty terrible. Peterson was stacking up bullshit that could have been easily called out but he did a piss poor job. Still, Peterson shows his ass again so I'm not gonna complain too much.

More Peterson fuckery here:

Oh and that Freedom Tunes channel...full of pro Peterson videos and other anti-left tripe.

Are we back to talking about the psychology of wearing makeup?

Reminds me of the date scene on The Office.

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Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Destiny's thoughts on the Peterson clip.

I had never seen Destiny before, but I just "discovered" Peterson yesterday and watched some videos featuring him, including that Vice interview, and I definitely had the same reaction as Destiny in terms of how to respond to that question. With that said, Peterson presented some reasonable arguments and positions in some of the videos I saw. He certainly doesn't seem like the nazi fascist that certain people seem to want to label him and he's probably a better influence on alt-right man babies compared to people like Richard Spencer or fucking Milo.

Somewhat related, but YouTube's algorithm is fucking nuts. I watched a few videos with this guy in it and my Home/recommended feed was suddenly populated with tons of alt-right bullshit content.
Oct 25, 2017
I had never seen Destiny before, but I just "discovered" Peterson yesterday and watched some videos featuring him, including that Vice interview, and I definitely had the same reaction as Destiny in terms of how to respond to that question. With that said, Peterson presented some reasonable arguments and positions in some of the videos I saw. He certainly doesn't seem like the nazi fascist that certain people seem to want to label him and he's probably a better influence on alt-right man babies compared to people like Richard Spencer or fucking Milo.

Yea, Peterson is no Nazi, he's definitely not Richard Spencer, but in my opinion he's somewhat uniquely awful. He gives an appearance of authority on a lot of his talking-points and criticism, even though many of them seem far from the areas he's specialized in. It's clear that a lot of people just accept the malicious or even untrue stuff that he sometimes promotes.

I've seen this in person, I met a dude recently who was parroting some of Peterson's talking points on Bill C-16. I chatted with the guy for a bit and it turned out he was actually fairly left wing, rational and didn't share many comparable views. I feel like this dude wouldn't have even considered anything Milo, Spencer, even Sargon would have said, but Peterson is perceived as credible.

Also I think the Nazi label gets thrown around likely due to Peterson using the term Cultural Marxist, which is pretty much exclusively used in regards to a conspiracy theory today and has it's roots in Nazi antisemitic propaganda. Also many trans folks pretty justifiably hate the dude.
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Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yea, Peterson is no Nazi, he's definitely not Richard Spencer, but in my opinion he's somewhat uniquely awful. He gives an appearance of authority on a lot of his talking-points and criticism, even though many of them seem far from the areas he's specialized in. It's clear that a lot of people just accept the malicious or even untrue stuff that he sometimes promotes.

I've seen this in person, I met a dude recently who was parroting some of Peterson's talking points on Bill C-16. I chatted with the guy for a bit and it turned out he was actually fairly left wing, rational and didn't share many comparable views. I feel like this dude wouldn't have even considered anything Milo, Spencer, even Sargon would have said, but Peterson is perceived as credible.

Also I think the Nazi label gets thrown around likely due to Peterson using the term Cultural Marxist, which is pretty much exclusively used in regards to a conspiracy theory today and has it's roots in Nazi antisemitic propaganda. Also many trans folks pretty justifiably hate the dude.

I really haven't been exposed to enough of his stuff to really say one way or the other, but his arguments against the Bill C-16 stuff seemed sound to me. I definitely agree with his position that speech should not be forcefully compelled through legislation. However, it appears that there are people arguing that he is misrepresenting what the law says, so he may be just attacking a strawman to drum up inflammatory sentiment against the "radical left." Seems quite possible. It seems like he doesn't actually use the term "Cultural Marxism," but "postmodernism" instead to represent all progressive things he doesn't agree with.

Either way, he doesn't seem too radically right, and even if he prefers the status quo to the dream future of progressives, I think he is a much better role model for disillusioned youths than assholes pushing for an ethno state and befriending actual nazis.


Oct 25, 2017
^ his arguments against C-16 seemed sound to you? Really?

Bill C-16 does three things.

First – It adds the words "gender identity or expression" to the Canadian Human Rights Code. This will prevent the federal government and businesses within federal jurisdiction – like banks – from discriminating on the basis of gender identity and gender expression.

The second thing that the Bill does is add the words "gender identity or expression" to two sections of the Criminal Code. It will add the words "gender identity and expression" to section 318(4) of the Code, which defines an identifiable group for the purposes of "advocating genocide" and "the public incitement hatred" It joins colour, race, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, sex, sexual orientation or mental or physical disability.

Finally, Bill C-16 also adds "gender identity and expression" to section 718.2(a)(i) of the Criminal Code dealing with sentencing for hate crimes. The provision provides that evidence that an offence is motivated by bias, prejudice or hate can be taken into account by courts in sentencing. The list already includes race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation or any other similar factor.

It is entirely appropriate for gender identity and expression to be added to the list of identifiable groups. Hate speech directed at trans and gender non binary individuals should be treated the same as hate speech on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation. But, being treated equally means that the speech will have to be extreme and the Attorney General will have to approve the prosecution. These are not run of the mill prosecutions against professors who refuse proper pronoun usage. Offensive, sure. But criminal? Not unless it was accompanied by some other really nasty speech that promoted hatred towards trans and gender non-binary folks.

On this topic, Peterson is full of shit; it's no coincidence that this is what earned him a lot of popularity with those unable (or unwilling) to see what C-16 was actually about.

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
^ his arguments against C-16 seemed sound to you? Really?

Maybe if you finished reading my post before jumping to reply, you would see which argument of his I agreed with.

Then again, if the quote you shared is accurate, it's rather pointless since his argument is against something that does not exist.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe if you finished reading my post before jumping to reply, you would see which argument of his I agreed with.

Then again, if the quote you shared is accurate, it's rather pointless since his argument is against something that does not exist.
It is.

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
I think he is a much better role model for disillusioned youths than assholes pushing for an ethno state and befriending actual nazis.
Ehhhhh, I think that's definitely the most optimistic take you can get from this but I really have to consistently question why young white dudes need a cultish demagogue to give them advice their Grandma probably already told them and I have to wonder what the fuck the end of such a thing looks like.

Deleted member 1635

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Ehhhhh, I think that's definitely the most optimistic take you can get from this but I really have to consistently question why young white dudes need a cultish demagogue to give them advice their Grandma probably already told them and I have to wonder what the fuck the end of such a thing looks like.

It's not just white dudes, although the majority certainly is, but a lot of disillusioned/lost boys out there. I'm sure the reasons are different for lots of them, but it's worrying to see so many turn to extremism.

Well, then. There's not much more to say about that.

Deleted member 13364

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Ehhhhh, I think that's definitely the most optimistic take you can get from this but I really have to consistently question why young white dudes need a cultish demagogue to give them advice their Grandma probably already told them and I have to wonder what the fuck the end of such a thing looks like.
Oh wow it really is advice
from the grandma you hate visiting.
"Clean your room. Sort out your life. All these women tarting themselves up are whores. Why don't you give me some great grandkids?"


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Somewhat related, but YouTube's algorithm is fucking nuts. I watched a few videos with this guy in it and my Home/recommended feed was suddenly populated with tons of alt-right bullshit content.
Why? You don't like 'Ben Shapiro OBLITERATES fat white feminist at university' or 'Jordan Peterson OWNS SJW reporter in interview'
Oct 25, 2017

So, interestingly enough, anime YouTuber Mother's Basment put out a video today on how to deal with creators who we as society view as bad people or genuinely awful, disgusting human beings. It references JonTon, Roman Polanski, MMO Junkie dude, and so forth. The discussion over what to do, if it's worth increasing their fame and platform versus punishing those who worked on the project not related is one we've had on here and the old site countless times. Basically the video ends with him saying he doesn't know but probably wouldn't stop himself or others from enjoying the content, but what's most interesting was the response to the video:

Between this and Destiny's Twitter being mass flagged and banned, how the fuck does any platform holder deal with mass reports from these groups? I'm probably going to make a thread in off-topic about it at some later point though.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Kind of hope this Peterson thing blows over, he represents what I like to call "I like feminism just not third wave feminism" movement, its tiring seeing liberal people eat his stuff up. I'm not sure if it's on him, but he debates some real idiots, and because he's the better speaker, ends up appearing to win, despite saying nothing of substance


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017

So, interestingly enough, anime YouTuber Mother's Basment put out a video today on how to deal with creators who we as society view as bad people or genuinely awful, disgusting human beings. It references JonTon, Roman Polanski, MMO Junkie dude, and so forth. The discussion over what to do, if it's worth increasing their fame and platform versus punishing those who worked on the project not related is one we've had on here and the old site countless times. Basically the video ends with him saying he doesn't know but probably wouldn't stop himself or others from enjoying the content, but what's most interesting was the response to the video:

Between this and Destiny's Twitter being mass flagged and banned, how the fuck does any platform holder deal with mass reports from these groups? I'm probably going to make a thread in off-topic about it at some later point though.

Fuck. This really pisses me off. Geoff's position was pretty middle-of-the-ground and the alt-right still shunned him into never speaking up on anything controversial again.

Deleted member 2834

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Fuck. This really pisses me off. Geoff's position was pretty middle-of-the-ground and the alt-right still shunned him into never speaking up on anything controversial again.
Yeah, it was an interesting and insightful video where the creator certainly didn't side with us libcucks, but still gave a faithful and reasonable account of the pro-boycott stance. The fact that he had the mere audacity to shine light on both sides of the argument seems to not have been well received by the Alt-Right. YT and Twitter need to do something about mass reports by Nazis. I don't understand how it's taking so long. They got all the data at hand, I absolutely refuse to believe they don't know about it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Kyle K is gonna debate JP. And, I wish it were somebody/anybody else on the left. Kyle agrees with too much of JPs anti-establishment rhetoric and will come off as halfway on board with ideas like:

Both sides

Modern feminism is a problem

The REAL danger is corporate shill dems


Nov 1, 2017
Kyle K is gonna debate JP. And, I wish it were somebody/anybody else on the left. Kyle agrees with too much of JPs anti-establishment rhetoric and will come off as halfway on board with ideas like:

Both sides

Modern feminism is a problem

The REAL danger is corporate shill dems

Link to announcement? I know he is going to go on the Joe Rogan show, a JP debate could go either way imo. If he gets hung up on the SJW stuff then yh but on policy he is solid. Also Kyle has been pretty clear even the most corporate of corporate shil dems is better than a republican.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it was an interesting and insightful video where the creator certainly didn't side with us libcucks, but still gave a faithful and reasonable account of the pro-boycott stance. The fact that he had the mere audacity to shine light on both sides of the argument seems to not have been well received by the Alt-Right. YT and Twitter need to do something about mass reports by Nazis. I don't understand how it's taking so long. They got all the data at hand, I absolutely refuse to believe they don't know about it.

They know. They just don't care at best or are endorsing it at worst.

Reddit admins bend over backwards to appease the flagrantly rule-breaking community of T_D in an attempt at looking fair and balanced.

Twitter would rather verify white nationalists than ban them, if their board member Jack Dorsey isn't too busy following them at least.

YouTube automatically age-gates and demonitizes video mass-reported by butthurt alt-right manchildren and puts the onus on the creators to fix it. Oh and your front page being flooded by white nationalists vlog posts and conspiracy videos after watching just one political video isn't a bug. It's just the flawless algorithm doing its job.
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Oct 25, 2017
I am absolutely amazed that Peterson wasn't hammered about the makeup remark when we indoctrinate a culture that implies your neutral state of being is inefficient and you have to cake up your face to be appealing, both to others and tragically even to oneself. Kinda would have blown his "you wear it to get fucked" narrative to shreds, if it even needed to be.

Peterson lost all sense of respectability from his self-actualization gimmick when he not only stated "nobody goes to bed starving" in America, but that he normalized the rise in precarity by saying people need a "burden of being," which is a totally socioeconomic Darwinian thing to say, typically what the right says and argues. How can you parrot the Hero's Journey but handwave systemic problems? Are they too postmodern?


Oct 28, 2017
I was out of the loop when Gamergate was going on, but from what I understand Cheong wasn't always so fucked up? What the hell caused him to change his mind? Or was he always like this deep down?


Oct 25, 2017
I was out of the loop when Gamergate was going on, but from what I understand Cheong wasn't always so fucked up? What the hell caused him to change his mind? Or was he always like this deep down?

Someone criticised Witcher 3 I think, he was probly always shit if that was what broke the camels back