The Adder

Oct 25, 2017
Some of you might remember way back when, somewhere else, I was feeling creatively bankrupt and needed a kick in the pants. To that end, I started a project to drum up inspiration:

Give me 3 words and an instrument and I'll write you a leitmotif.

Well, that project was a massive success, inspiring what remains to this day the best original piece I've ever written. And something that, honestly, feels a lot like how a feel about what happened with this very site:

Eventually the load got a little too heavy to bear and some... other... things happened. But now? Now I think it's time for a comeback.

Things'll be a little different this time for a few reasons. I'll only be taking 10 requests at a time. First come, first served. Any requests made after the tenth will not count. You'll have to wait until I clear my cue to ask.

In addition, I'm inviting any other musical hobbyists, such as myself, or legit musicians to step up to the plate as well.

Here we go.

New forum

New format

New software

So let me ask this question one more time: Ever wanted a leitmotif?

1. Euler - Fencing, determination, responsibility.
2. E-Dub - "Sleepless at 04:51"


1. Sphagnum - Helicopter Eel Kit-Kat
2. Cade - One Last Adventure
3. Asakim - Love, Betrayal, Revenge.
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Oct 27, 2017
Cool, i like the ones posted already.

Fencing, determination, responsibility.
