
Oct 29, 2017
We sometimes hear about certain business executives in the video games media, often for the wrong reasons as negative attention drives clicks and traffic. But I thought it might be interesting to discuss and get people's opinions on these key figures, since they can have such large influence on the industry.

So, who are the best video game execs? Which unsung heroes have brought about positive change or had a lasting impact on the industry? Who demonstrates a genuine passion for the medium and craft, respect for the consumer and has empowered developers? Who has made the right calls and contributed to a company or product's success and growth?

And on the other end of the scale, who are the worst video game execs? Whose actions in the industry could be perceived as detrimental or regressive? Or perhaps who has shown no interest in video games and seem driven by corporate greed? Or who has demonstrated anti-consumer behaviours and fostered toxic work culture? Who has made key decisions that have lead to a company or product's downfall? (Please don't be hateful answering this part.)

Basically let's collectively create a ranking or DnD alignment chart of video game business executives.


Oct 25, 2017

lmao even

How do we even get to the point of being parasocial for freaking executives? Especially since none of us have worked for them.


Oct 27, 2017
They are all awful people who would throw you and anyone else below them under the bus the moment they could to get a little bit further ahead. They may put on a nice facade, act friendly or like they care about their consumers but they absolutely don't. People should stop trying to act like they are their friends or on their side, they aren't.

The only compliment I can give a gaming exec right now is to Jim Ryan and the compliment I can give him is that he's an asshole but at least he wears that pretty openly on his sleeve. He hasn't hid it, he's made comments both publicly and inside the company that came out that make it clear he's an asshole and I at least appreciate that when it comes to execs I don't have to actually argue with people who think he's somehow one of the special mythical executives people like to pretend exist that gives a shit about anything but his own ambition.


Oct 25, 2017
List of business executives that are the best:

List of business executives that are the worst:
Friendly reminder that companies aren't your friends


Sep 18, 2018
I'd say Iwata was good.

Same. I mean I'm sure he did bad CEO stuff like everyone else too (that bit where he announced a new Smash to sorta pressure Sakurai into doing it before asking him was kind of a dick move) but stuff like all the stories of him as a programmer, the Iwata Asks, and Nintendo Directs all paint him as a pretty decent guy.


Oct 25, 2017
So, who are the best video game execs? Which unsung heroes have brought about positive change or had a lasting impact on the industry? Who demonstrates a genuine passion for the medium and craft, respect for the consumer and has empowered developers? Who has made the right calls and contributed to a company or product's success and growth?
Iwata is the only person who comes to mind fit each point of that description, but he's gone.

misery mired

Apr 2, 2022
i genuinely don't think i've read a single story of iwata doing anything even remotely approaching unethical when it comes to how he ran the business. and we have a few public examples of him in fact doing the exact opposite, like when he halved the salary of nintendo's exec team in order to avoid laying anyone off during the wii u era. he had some accompanying quote about how developers wouldn't be capable of producing their best work if they didn't have a sense of job security

nintendo has always been overly litigious, which was also true under iwata, so i guess some people would lay that responsibility on him. not sure if i would, but i can at least understand the argument

still, hard to imagine any exec before or after (at any company) ever being as sincerely principled as he was. i've little doubt the vast, vast majority of execs are scumbags who prioritize capitalism over human dignity, but i think iwata did enough to set his style of leadership apart as something genuinely admirable


Oct 25, 2017
Only thing that I recall from Iwata that sucks (if true) was the whole Goldeye thing - rumor was that he's the person in Nintendo that basically forced Xbox to cancel their 360 port back in the day, in a rather jerk move.

However there's also many cool stories of Iwata helping to code various games even after his many promotions - dude actually had love for gaming and was more than a faceless suit. Also back during the darker days at Nintendo, he took a paycut in a move to prevent/minimise layoffs (which you almost never hear of...)

But then again Im sure there's other stuff we dont know about... I mean, with all due respect, the Wii U was approved on his watch, which... yeah...


Oct 27, 2017
Satoru Iwata was probably the only one with the principles and knowhow. Can you really imagine any other ceo in the industry doing something like Iwata asks.


Oct 27, 2017
New Jersey
Shawn Layden looked like a swell guy you can go to a bar and have a drink with.

Too bad being nice gets you nowhere and he got the bum's rush amidst that whole power struggle with Jim Ryan.
Jul 14, 2023
Ignoring anything that can be said about ethics or whatever;

Business-wise, Ken Kutaragi and Peter Moore both had to deal with unseating a powerful competitor at the start of their time, and would wind up being incredibly successful at making the consoles that existed during their leadership (PS1 and Xbox 360) overtake massive market share over their competitors


Oct 30, 2017
Did Ted Price ever heel turn, cause I thought Insomniac's development and all that was lauded as being not particularly evil compared to...everyone else.

Low bar, and who knows and all


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia

The king

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
Ignoring anything that can be said about ethics or whatever;

Business-wise, Ken Kutaragi and Peter Moore both had to deal with unseating a powerful competitor at the start of their time, and would wind up being incredibly successful at making the consoles that existed during their leadership (PS1 and Xbox 360) overtake massive market share over their competitors
I forgot about Peter Moore. I'll definitely add him to the good list.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Tom Kalinske had a good initial run at Sega of America, but messed up later.


May 7, 2020
Jimbo definitley the worst ... he is the reason i got rid of my PS5 and got a PC

Phil spencer , Iwata , Peter moore, Shawn layden probably the best
Last edited:


Nov 15, 2017
I think it's safe to say John Riccitiello remains among the worst.

He's in charge of EA: voted worst company in America back to back due to predatory practices.

He's in charge of Unity: managed to unify the entire industry against him and Unity through shitty and predatory business decisions.

Derbel McDillet

▲ Legend ▲
Nov 23, 2022
Ignoring anything that can be said about ethics or whatever;

Business-wise, Ken Kutaragi and Peter Moore both had to deal with unseating a powerful competitor at the start of their time, and would wind up being incredibly successful at making the consoles that existed during their leadership (PS1 and Xbox 360) overtake massive market share over their competitors

The PS1 selling what it did and Xbox outselling the GameCube on its first outing is wild. Red Ring of Death issues aside, it's funny how the 360 "came in last", but pretty much set the precedent of quality online going forward and we're still asking the others to catch up.

red mage

Aug 17, 2023
How are people saying "They're all bad!!"?

What about Satoru Iwata?

Hironobu Sakaguchi?

Not even them?


Jul 16, 2019
It's safer to assume all of them are garbage.

Even the "good ones" are still executives at the end of the day.


Jul 25, 2022
In general, today's gaming executives are a bit better than the 80s and 90s. They are more likely to have played some games and at least adhere to some corporate social responsibility. This is true both in the West and Japan.

Of course, there are still notorious bad apples like Bobby Kotick.

I think people here would like the developer turned business executive like Iwata, Druckmann or Miyazaki.