
Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Feb 15, 2019
One of the side effects of covid 19 I've noticed is that with stores being closed, and options for purchasing games getting reduced, it has led to a negative consequence of some video games becoming more rare than they should be. Prices of games that were once readily available seem to have skyrocketed, and continue to do so because people online know that people looking for certain titles have no where else to buy them. Switch games have always had an issue with maintaining stock and availability, but it's gotten even worse where games that I could probably find for $40-50 before covid 19 have gone over the $100 mark. Some are not as bad as others, but the signs of increasing prices are there. Whether you try looking on ebay, craigslist, or facebook marketplace, the price of games that should be easy to find are being charged for new prices if not more if the seller is greedy.

Older game consoles that were once readily available at every Gamestop near me, like the Wii U where they were sold for $100-130 depending one deals, are trying to be sold for over $200 for every marketplace listing I see. I feel like this is just a taste of what can happen when you limit the retail space for these type of things that were already on the rise in terms of prices. They were at least a little more steady, but it just seemed they jumped exponentially because of the covid situation.

I'm not a fan of Gamestop as a company. I worked there for years in the past, and hate their practices, however they also did provide a service that made finding games easier for those who just wanted to buy and own games. At one time, I might have also demanded they go out of business because of how shitty they treat their employees, or how they try to rip off their customers. Now that I've had a taste of what the physical games landscape is like without Gamestop though, it would really suck whenever they do go out of business.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Yup. As someone who has a street-level apartment with no mail room or doorman, I can't rely on games being delivered to me in a timely or safe fashion, so I have to buy them at retail if I want to be sure to get what I want.

Losing GameStop just means I'm going to buy a lot less games, because the niche titles I tend to focus on don't usually get carried at Best Buy (most of which are closing in Chicago) or Target (which carries maybe 12 games at a time total). It's not a good place to be.


Oct 27, 2017
Is this really an issue of supply constraints because of GameStop closures or an issue of spikes in demand for games across retailers?
Oct 25, 2017
I always buy at Best Buy personally over Gamestop (unless they don't carry something which is rare) but even then yeah I would prefer GS stay around as options are always a nice thing to have.


Oct 25, 2017
I no longer have any attachment to physical games but I would definitely miss being able to trade in my games. If it's only a month or two old you can get a pretty decent chuck of change for them. It's saved me a ton of video games over the years.


Oct 25, 2017
I've been trying to get stuff from Gamestop with their deals. But yeah, the used game prices have gone up.

I have been tracking some items on eBay and sellers just relist at higher prices to see if anyone bites.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Feb 15, 2019
Is this really an issue of supply constraints because of GameStop closures or an issue of spikes in demand for games across retailers?
Maybe both, but I'm saying that with stores being closed, we're getting a preview of what the world is like without Gamestop, and it sucks. Retail as a whole will come back eventually, but even before covid, we were always talking about the inevitability of Gamestop closing. After seeing what the world is like without Gamestop as an option for game purchases, it really sucks for those of us who like buying physical games.

I'm basically not just talking about the situation right now, but how in the future when Gamestop may go out of business, it's going to be real bad for us gamers. Things being priced controlled by scalpers or digital storefronts is not gonna make things go down in price, but rather up in price.
Oct 27, 2017
It's always better to have options, and I don't get the lust for physical media going away. Less options will only hurt the industry, consumer rights, and preservation.

of course GS as a company needs to treat their staff much better

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
If it wasn't for them when I was a kid, being able to trade games, I wouldn't have been able to play the games that I did. My family was really poor, and it was my only means of getting new stuff outside of Christmas and Birthdays.

That being said, the value was always shit in terms of trade values and treatment of retail staff. They need to truly adapt if they want to survive.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 24, 2018
I switched from Gamestop to Amazon about 10 years ago, after it seemed like Amazon finally got their shit together on Release Date Delivery. Very rare something goes wrong. Most recently, RE3 arrived on time. I got an alert email saying FFVIIR would be delayed 4 days, but as it happened it was only one day late. Walking into brick & mortar shops and dealing with clerks is for the birds.


Oct 26, 2017
The writing is on the wall. PC gaming had to face the same thing years ago. Eventually it'll be all digital only. It's going to make it hard for the people who can't or won't be able to get game that way, but that seems to be the end result.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I switched from Gamestop to Amazon about 10 years ago, after it seemed like Amazon finally got their shit together on Release Date Delivery. Very rare something goes wrong. Most recently, RE3 arrived on time. I got an alert email saying FFVIIR would be delayed 4 days, but as it happened it was only one day late. Walking into brick & mortar shops and dealing with clerks is for the birds.

This is one of the things that's so nervewracking about Amazon. You have no way of knowing what kind of shipping they're going to pick for you until it's too late and they can adjust shipping timing on a dime, especially when Amazon Logistics is involved. You literally can't plan around a delivery.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 24, 2018
This is one of the things that's so nervewracking about Amazon. You have no way of knowing what kind of shipping they're going to pick for you until it's too late and they can adjust shipping timing on a dime, especially when Amazon Logistics is involved. You literally can't plan around a delivery.

Plan to the minute/hour? Like I said, I almost always get them on day 1 of release. That's granular enough for me.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Feb 15, 2019
Can you give some examples?
I've mostly been looking at Switch games, and granted Switch games have always had a problem with availability and prices staying reasonable. However, the ones I've been looking at lately have gone up faster than they would have otherwise.

Shantae Half Genie Hero is $30 at gamestop on Switch....and I noticed before covid, it was maybe going for $40-50...I was always holding off buying it, because I said I would wait...but now that one is easily around $100 on ebay.

Doom for Nintendo Switch, a game that is so common to get on other platforms keep rising on Switch. Seen listings go for $60-70, when it was pretty easy to find at multiple gamestops near me before covid for less than that.

The Wii U system was something that I always took for granted as something I could always easily get for around $100. That's what Gamestop often sold them for, and local sellers were doing under $100 it's more than double that.

People trying to sell copies of Animal Crossing New Horizons for $75 on my local facebook marketplace gets on my nerves.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Plan to the minute/hour? Like I said. I almost always get them on day 1 of release. That's granular enough for me.

In my experience with AMZL, whatever kind of plan you make, Logistics does the exact opposite. If you're counting on them delivering late and you go to work as normal they'll try to deliver an hour after you leave to go to the office. If you take a day off from work they'll try to deliver at 8PM and either leave it with a neighbor or just outright bail if you don't answer the door a microsecond after they ring the doorbell.

Amazon Logistics is terrible. I've never had a good experience with them.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 24, 2018
In my experience with AMZL, whatever kind of plan you make, Logistics does the exact opposite. If you're counting on them delivering late and you go to work as normal they'll try to deliver an hour after you leave to go to the office. If you take a day off from work they'll try to deliver at 8PM and either leave it with a neighbor or just outright bail if you don't answer the door a microsecond after they ring the doorbell.

Amazon Logistics is terrible. I've never had a good experience with them.

Yeah, that's just not an issue for me, personally. I come home from work, my new game is in the mailbox waiting for me, I'm happy.


Apr 25, 2020
The writing is on the wall. PC gaming had to face the same thing years ago. Eventually it'll be all digital only. It's going to make it hard for the people who can't or won't be able to get game that way, but that seems to be the end result.
I don't think it's that comparable. The market for console gaming is larger than PC gaming's ever was, and it's only growing.
Jun 26, 2018
They're mostly shutdown in my country, but no matter there are other stores to buy from.

Edit: Oh yeah, in my country gamestop would also charge like 20% more for new releases than any other store. Man were they fucking terrible, probably the main reason why I'm fully digital now.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, that's just not an issue for me, personally. I come home from work, my new game is in the mailbox waiting for me, I'm happy.

Unfortunately, when you live in a city like me and your apartment is a street-level walkup with a mail slot rather than a traditional sealable mailbox, most package delivery folks don't actually make use of said slot and just leave the package in the street or don't even bother delivering it if you don't answer the second they ring the doorbell.

AMZL just isn't set up for major urban areas. They can do fine in the suburbs, but not in places like Chicago.
Oct 25, 2017
I shop mom 'n pop used games, so Gamestop isn't usually on my radar.

Whenever I go into one though, the workers are usually cool people. I live near a shopping complex with a GameStop and then a mom 'n pop, and I wish the GameStop's employees worked at the mom 'n pop.


Oct 25, 2017
I generally don't buy physical games, but I'd say in the last 5 years I have purchased maybe 20 physical copies of games... and none of those were purchased from gamestop.

I think almost all of them were ordered online - amazon.. or in person at target, walmart, various local super markets, disc replay.


Jan 27, 2018
It doesn't matter in my country. Every single electronics shop sells the same games and most of the time cheaper than Gamestop.


Oct 26, 2017
For new stuff I don't go there but for used games, some of their pricing on last get games is fantastic. Definitely have a bunch of 4.99 games ready to buy when they open. That being said , I can wait as long as it takes for their retail store employees sake


Alt Account
Sep 26, 2019
I've mostly been looking at Switch games, and granted Switch games have always had a problem with availability and prices staying reasonable. However, the ones I've been looking at lately have gone up faster than they would have otherwise.

Shantae Half Genie Hero is $30 at gamestop on Switch....and I noticed before covid, it was maybe going for $40-50...I was always holding off buying it, because I said I would wait...but now that one is easily around $100 on ebay.

Doom for Nintendo Switch, a game that is so common to get on other platforms keep rising on Switch. Seen listings go for $60-70, when it was pretty easy to find at multiple gamestops near me before covid for less than that.

The Wii U system was something that I always took for granted as something I could always easily get for around $100. That's what Gamestop often sold them for, and local sellers were doing under $100 it's more than double that.

People trying to sell copies of Animal Crossing New Horizons for $75 on my local facebook marketplace gets on my nerves.
Fair enough, just checked online and you're spot on. Sold my Switch a while ago so haven't been keeping up with game prices but they do defo seem ridiculous at the moment.


Oct 30, 2017
You shouldn't root for any business that isn't harming people to go away. I don't do physical, but I enjoy having the choice. Also, I would like to be able to trade in old consoles towards the purchase of a new one, especially with this new generation being backwards compatible. For instance, I will have no need to own my X1X after I upgrade to Series X.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Feb 15, 2019
I generally don't buy physical games, but I'd say in the last 5 years I have purchased maybe 20 physical copies of games... and none of those were purchased from gamestop.

I think almost all of them were ordered online - amazon.. or in person at target, walmart, various local super markets, disc replay.
What games were these? I mean, if you're buying just the mainstream games, or mostly ps4/xbox games, then you're in the clear for the most part.

My problem is I love my Nintendo Switch, but I don't trust Nintendo worth a damn to keep servers running for their digital storefronts past a point that I'm happy with, so I like to get everything physical on that platform. It was already getting hard and frustrating to own some games on the platform, and for games that are not readily available at every single store, buying games without Gamestop as an option for second hand, or low print runs, then it's going to be harder than ever.


Prophet of Truth - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Best Buy with Amazon price matching far and away the best option


Oct 27, 2017
I like owning physical games and Amazon is terrible at keeping anything other than brand new games in sock, I've found. Especially Nintendo games.

I'm open to other retailers, but Gamestop seems to be one of the few that keeps games 2+ years old in regular supply on their website.


May 14, 2020
What if I told you that you can still be all digital despite there being physical copies of games?
I can and I am (where possible), for some reason I just get pissed off I have a card slot/disc drive in my console that takes space and I'm never going to use. Having "all digital" variants of consoles would also be fine but in this generation that only happened for the underpowered version of a console at the end of its lifecycle


Crisis Dino
Oct 25, 2017
Ibis Island
While your chains will cover the typical fare. No GameStop will definitely impact the smaller games that get physical releases. GameStop's were/are more Widespread than say best buys after all. Especially for those who don't live in the city


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Like, there's a certain charm to walking into a physical game store and picking stuff out, but GameStop specifically? Nah. Apologies to all who would be adversely affected by GameStop going out of business, if they stopped being a seedy company I would be less okay with it, but as it stands.

Particularly with resell value of older games, GameStop is far more reactionary to the secondhand market than the other way around. Retro stuff goes for absurd prices lately and their retro section on their website has done nothing to curb that.
Oct 25, 2017
One hopes this event leads to a sort of restructuring that helps GameStop survive while at the same time not be incredibly shitty to the work staff. Too much bad PR has been taken from what they've done the past three months and now they have big names on their board who probably don't appreciate that.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 27, 2017
Floater’s Cemetery
I can and I am (where possible), for some reason I just get pissed off I have a card slot/disc drive in my console that takes space and I'm never going to use. Having "all digital" variants of consoles would also be fine but in this generation that only happened for the underpowered version of a console at the end of its lifecycle
Okay, but for some people, an all-digital approach is not feasible right now (for a variety of different reasons), so it's odd to wish for the death of the disc drive just because you find it aesthetically displeasing.


Oct 28, 2017
This is what I've been harping on for over a year.

"GameStop SUX" as a meme that gets repeated until it becomes true is SO tiring.

I'm not defending some of the sketchy decisions that company has made at the corporate level, but it's unbelievable how little "big picture" thinking gamers seem to be capable of. GameStop being removed from the board removes over 4,000 locations nationwide in which video games can be purchased. This is bad for gamers. And it's bad for game makers -- it's one less company buying games at the wholesale level. In many towns there simply won't be a place to buy video games any more. Or if there is, it'll be in a Walmart that won't carry stock.

You'll also have fewer options for turning your existing games back into cash.

It's just bad.

GameStop is not a fun place to shop -- I get that. But their absence will worsen health of the industry.
Dec 18, 2018
One of the side effects of covid 19 I've noticed is that with stores being closed, and options for purchasing games getting reduced, it has led to a negative consequence of some video games becoming more rare than they should be. Prices of games that were once readily available seem to have skyrocketed, and continue to do so because people online know that people looking for certain titles have no where else to buy them. Switch games have always had an issue with maintaining stock and availability, but it's gotten even worse where games that I could probably find for $40-50 before covid 19 have gone over the $100 mark. Some are not as bad as others, but the signs of increasing prices are there. Whether you try looking on ebay, craigslist, or facebook marketplace, the price of games that should be easy to find are being charged for new prices if not more if the seller is greedy.

Older game consoles that were once readily available at every Gamestop near me, like the Wii U where they were sold for $100-130 depending one deals, are trying to be sold for over $200 for every marketplace listing I see. I feel like this is just a taste of what can happen when you limit the retail space for these type of things that were already on the rise in terms of prices. They were at least a little more steady, but it just seemed they jumped exponentially because of the covid situation.

I'm not a fan of Gamestop as a company. I worked there for years in the past, and hate their practices, however they also did provide a service that made finding games easier for those who just wanted to buy and own games. At one time, I might have also demanded they go out of business because of how shitty they treat their employees, or how they try to rip off their customers. Now that I've had a taste of what the physical games landscape is like without Gamestop though, it would really suck whenever they do go out of business.
you're Condoning corrupt corporate culture. GameStop is as scummy as they come. Lots of places to buy games, and they won't try to scam you. they tried to scam me 3 maybe 4 times. I buy my games at bestbuy, target, and Kijiji.
I rather buy digital than give my money to those criminals.

Deleted member 16908

Oct 27, 2017
I shop mom 'n pop used games, so Gamestop isn't usually on my radar.

Whenever I go into one though, the workers are usually cool people. I live near a shopping complex with a GameStop and then a mom 'n pop, and I wish the GameStop's employees worked at the mom 'n pop.

Where the hell do you live where mom n' pop video game stores still exist?


Oct 25, 2017
I've bought one Switch game from Gamestop, and three from Target in the past 6 months.

Target sells for $10 less on some games (like Walmart), so you could end up playing the game for free after you sell it on eBay.

I love the idea of a dedicated gaming store. Gamestop has policies in place that make going there unfun (pressuring staff, crowded aisles, opening the shrinkwrap)
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