
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
When exactly was this era? Because even as far back as the NES we saw this with many franchises. Mega Man 1/2/3, which are beloved classics, were basically just the same game with more. Or sonic 1/2/3.

These are hard examples because games were "simple" enough then that it wasn't like there were laundry lists of features to even remove. What would you have even taken out in Sonic 2. Running? But sure, they were definitely basically carbon copies structurally, just with new levels.

I'm thinking more in the PSX and N64 era tho.


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers
This isn't just the usual launch bugs and balance issues that'll "get fixed in a few months" either. The foundations the game is built around aren't likely to be change drastically within a few months.

Right- everyone saying this will get a BF4 like turnaround, I am not optimistic. No classes is a fundamental thing that either will never get changed, or specialists will have to get reworked in such a way to provide a facade of that system. Same for the lessened focus on squad play.

I was really in the mood for a new Battlefield but classes/squads are THE TWO THINGS I WANT FROM BATTLEFIELD.


Dec 10, 2018
People now saying "BFV wasn't so bad" now is breaking my heart. Too late now, they buried its potential.


Oct 29, 2017
2042 has some baffling design decisions. I remember BF4 having a super rough launch as well but those problems were mainly technical. I think it is going to take a lot of time to fix 2042, unfortunately.


Nov 2, 2018
Has there been a Battlefield game since 3 that didn't launch in a trashfire state and have to be salvaged over the course of years?


Mar 23, 2019
I really could use a team deathmatch playlist and some smaller maps.
That would do wonders for performance. When I started BFV I had a dinky old 4570k, it would stutter like mad in full servers. Squad Conquest ran alright, but that's never what people go for and queue times were horrendous.
Ehh, imo overall opinion about BFV changed to positive when Pacific update launched.
It was always a fun game I thought, I really bounced off the official threads here because they were so overly negative and nitpicky about things that didn't matter or were just flat out wrong. But if someone somewhere posted a 5s video on Reddit it HAD to be that way ALL the time for EVERYONE. Invisible soldiers was a meme for a while but in reality it was a short lived and uncommon occurrence, just very visible on Reddit and such. Same can be said about a lot of perceived faults of BFV.

I can see some "missing features" being improvements over BFV. No revive animation removes the often glitchy revive mechanics in BFV. I liked that it locked you in, but way too often revives didn't work on slopes or in uncommon geometry. People complained a lot about animations for getting in and out of vehicles (I liked it! No amazing disappearing engineers) and those are now mostly gone. Bad single-player... no custom servers at launch, no way to test equipment in a real environment, BF2042 brings all that at launch which is a great improvement. Official thread here was a never ending wailing wall about obtuse assignments and complaints about the grind. Spectator mode in BFV was broken as it didn't display the players recoil compensation, guns would appear to follow the spray pattern and miss, though in reality it was compensated and achieved hits, I don't think that was ever fixed and made it unusable for spectating first person (sure could "create" a lot of suspicious players though). I'd love to see percentages for weapon usage in BFV because I bet 95% is distributed among fewer guns that are in BF2042, especially if you only count ones there at launch. People complained about fortifications and static resupply stations (it ruined teamplay!). Etc etc etc.

While some points can certainly be chalked up to cutting corners for release (like vaulting, rolling, vehicle customization etc. was in BFV), a lot of them seem to be based on player feedback from the previous title. But you can't win with the BF fanbase, the community is divided between players that like entirely different games (like conquest vs rush), no matter what you do it seems like half the playerbase will complain while the other half are happy to play the game. Technical issues aside, of course, nobody likes those.
BFV ending up being the best game in the series from a mechanics standpoint... The problem is, by the time DICE got there, they abandoned it because it wasn't profitable or some shit.

BF2042 is the complete opposite. Barebones with almost no rhyme or reason to the gameplay or core loop.

I've played every game in the series since 2000 sans Vietnam and this is easily the worst.
Just for reference BF: Vietnam was also a shitshow at launch. Asymmetric teams where US had a total Rambo class that used a LAW with a laser accurate M60, VC got a semi-auto rifle. I remember the US running all over VC on every map melting infantry and blowing up vehicles left and right. Was fixed by the first patch though I think.


Oct 27, 2017
It really has launched in an atrocious state. 4's launch was infamous, but I think this is worse. From what I remember, 4's launch issues were primarily technical? This game has problems so fundamentally deep I'm not sure how they get patched out. Like even if the bugs get ironed out and the gunplay gets tweaked to a point where it's satisfying, you'll still be playing a game about being one of 128 decapitated chickens running around a flat empty map. I've experienced deeper combat in runs of nuts.wad.

It's just funny everytime a sequel releases and it plays like the previous entry people complain and call it a re-skin, but when they go into a different direction people aren't happy either. I feel like they can't win.

This game didn't really go "a different direction." It just went the same direction with twice the player count. That's why it feels so noticeably lackluster in comparison to even other Battlefield launches: it is still one of those through and through, but with tons of things people liked about those games missing, broken, or poorly implemented. It isn't a wildly new experience or genre shift that requires a different mindset to appreciate, it's directly comparable to previous battlefields. they even included a highlight reel to compare to in the Portal mode lol


Oct 27, 2017
What exactly are the alternatives to Battlefield? It fills a very specific niche and there's really nothing like it on the market.

What exactly did BF2042 innovate? I'm genuinely curious.
I said "little innovation that is left", not BF2042 being very innovative. But at least they tried to introduce new things and shake up the formula. They increased the size of the battles to 128 players, they introduced specialists, Portals is quite nice and there is Hazard Zone mode.

Carian Knight

Oct 27, 2017
People say BF4 and 5's launch was also shit but the community actually not referring to bugs this time around, yes BF4's launch was absolutely dog shit but the content was there. In fact, if I'm not mistaken launch version of the BF4 had more guns than the 2042 + Portal combined. V also was content ready with all the maps, guns and game modes on top of usual goodies like server browser etc.

Has there been a Battlefield game since 3 that didn't launch in a trashfire state and have to be salvaged over the course of years?

BF1's launch was solid compared to 2042, BF1 was a highly polished experience from day 1.
Oct 25, 2017
I am so put off by the specialist system. I wanted to design my own character, not play a pre-defined character like in Hero Shooters.
Im so freaking sick of this trend,
For COD and BF.
Call of Duty already did it perfectly and then threw it out



Oct 27, 2017
BF4 and V's launches being rather poor doesn't excuse or explain it happening again with 2042.

More DICE/EA studios have been on board working for this. DICE cut out singleplayer (honestly, fine by me) with the implication that those resources went into enhancing multiplayer development.


Oskar Gabrielson, DICE GM -

"This allows us to focus," he tells me. "We really want to push the scale here and deliver on our three key multiplayer experiences. That decision has allowed us to focus our efforts and really deliver on a number of quality-of-life improvements, and that's a really important thing for us. We'll still be able to deliver a compelling narrative within the world that we're building and, as you'll see, the world and the narrative will develop through the live service, and through the eyes of the Specialists."


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The BF community has gotten so unreasonable, they expect every new game to retain every single feature and weapon while also adding a buttload of new features and improvements. Thats just not a realistic expectation to have, but even if DICE did somehow manage to pull that off they would still find new things to incessantly complain about. Im a big fan of BF but this community is impossible to please.

The foundation for BF2042 is solid and will get better once the bugs are addressed and a few crucial omissions (like the scoreboard and squad management) are added back in.
idk if wanting thermal scopes and a server browser in a BF game is unreasonable


Nov 2, 2017
I get the feeling that a lot of people were dead set on disliking the game no matter what it looked like, how it played, or how polished it was at launch.
Bullshit. People were hyped to hell when they first began showing this off during E3, and with Vanguard's lackluster reveal, 2042 seemed poise to be the shooter to get during the fall. The successor to BF4? People actively wanted it to succeed. Hell, if the game kept to basic classes I imagine fans would be willing to swallow to missing features and changes as long as the core gameplay systems wasn't compete dogshit.

The issue here is that not only is BF2042 removing a bunch of features, but they are doing it while completely shifting the core gameplay systems of Battlefield by introducing specialists. You can probably get a way with 1 of these without too much backlash, but combined together it just makes it a complete shitshow.


Nov 6, 2017
I decided to cancel my pre-order after playing the early access. Game is massively unpolished, broken and overall not as fun as BFV. I imagine it'll be in a decent state after a year of patches but I neither have the time or the patience to wait. Too many good games right now fighting for my attention.
Yeah. Bought the gold edition, played for half an hour. My guy was clipping if I zoomed in when just spawning and that was the final straw for me. Got a refund. I have Halo, Vanguard, Age 4, Shin Megami and Metroid right now. I can wait with this janky mess till it's patched.
Oct 25, 2017
I get the feeling that a lot of people were dead set on disliking the game no matter what it looked like, how it played, or how polished it was at launch.
Bull, people were shouting this as a GOTY contender from the second it was revealed,
only thing people kept dumping on were specialists,
then people started to see how in perfect conditioned marketing material was looking choppy
then people played it and fears were realized.


Oct 25, 2017
Still waiting on Bad Company 2 HD, DICE!

No, not a remaster. Just a straight port with better graphics. 2042 shows you can't be trusted with Bad Company 3.

Deleted member 31423

Account closed at user request
Nov 6, 2017
No chat or scoreboard for a mp shooter in the year 2021. The game deserves to fail on these basic features alone. Yet removal of crouch sprinting is the thing that triggers me the most.
Oct 27, 2017
Im so freaking sick of this trend,
For COD and BF.
Call of Duty already did it perfectly and then threw it out
This. My only thought is they hope their characters catch on and become popular with the fans (like Overwatch) which would sell more skins. The problem is they're all so boring and forgettable, and making them more whacky to stand out feels out of place.

Flame Lord

Oct 26, 2017
Wow, I haven't been keeping up with 2042, but if all that shit's gone, a lot of it contributing to what I think a BF game IS is gone, then I think I'll pass. We haven't had a modern BF since 4 so it's a bummer that they fucked it up after waiting for so long.
Oct 25, 2017
This. My only thought is they hope their characters catch on and become popular with the fans (like Overwatch) which would sell more skins. The problem is they're all so boring and forgettable, and making them more whacky to stand out feels out of place.
I think my minimum hope for specialists cosmetics atm leans into the nature of Portal.

Like give Irish(American) a skin of the BC2 Americans

Give the Russian specialist one of their BC skins

or something like a Cold War era skin,

The Korean operator, i'd like something grounded like


Oct 31, 2017
And how exactly did they fuck them hard with the Halo release? Battlefield 2042 technically didn't even release. And lots of people are alreay bitching about Halo Infinite as well.

Xbox brought forward the release of one of the most popular multiplayer fps, which is now free, ahead of the official launch of Battlefield 2042. These games compete for a lot of the same players, the barrier to entry for Halo Infinite is lower, the game launched in a better state despite being released as a beta version. If you can't see how that is detrimental to DICE's game you're being purposefully obtuse.


Oct 25, 2017
Xbox brought forward the release of one of the most popular multiplayer fps, which is now free, ahead of the official launch of Battlefield 2042. These games compete for a lot of the same players, the barrier to entry for Halo Infinite is lower, the game launched in a better state despite being released as a beta version. If you can't see how that is detrimental to DICE's game you're being purposefully obtuse.

Too bad Halo's TTK is going to turn a lot of people awa especially newer players. Though both shooters, they play a lot differently too not to mention both having totally different scale.

I'm enjoying both but they're both really different.


Nov 2, 2017
This. My only thought is they hope their characters catch on and become popular with the fans (like Overwatch) which would sell more skins. The problem is they're all so boring and forgettable, and making them more whacky to stand out feels out of place.
This is my biggest pet peeve when it comes to the "heroes" in Battlefield 2042. Most of the more popular hero shooters have completely fictional or fantastical elements to allow for interesting character designs or gameplay. Heck, even in COD, where most of the operators are boring or bland as fuck, has at least fan favorite characters like Mason, Price, Woods, Samantha or characters slightly developed in the main campaigns (Alder, Sims, Vanguard protagonists) to entice players to play in the multiplayer.

What do the specialists in BF2042 offer? There's no campaign to showcase their personalities or backgrounds, so any interesting aspects of the specialists, such as the fact that Sunspot is non-binary, is shoveled off in Twitter posts or the background tab. What is worse is that viability of the characters is completely defined by their specialist abilities, so even if I theoretically want to "main" a specialist like Sunspot, Paik offers way more with her abilities that I'm at clear disadvantage if I'm not using her. At least in COD all operators operate at the same level so you can play based on your own preference.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I thought the hate was a bit overblown on BFV and had a blast with that on launch...but man 2042 some of the omissions were just too much for me.
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
This is my biggest pet peeve when it comes to the "heroes" in Battlefield 2042. Most of the more popular hero shooters have completely fictional or fantastical elements to allow for interesting character designs or gameplay. Heck, even in COD, where most of the operators are boring or bland as fuck, has at least fan favorite characters like Mason, Price, Woods, Samantha or characters slightly developed in the main campaigns (Alder, Sims, Vanguard protagonists) to entice players to play in the multiplayer.

What do the specialists in BF2042 offer? There's no campaign to showcase their personalities or backgrounds, so any interesting aspects of the specialists, such as the fact that Sunspot is non-binary, is shoveled off in Twitter posts or the background tab. What is worse is that viability of the characters is completely defined by their specialist abilities, so even if I theoretically want to "main" a specialist like Sunspot, Paik offers way more with her abilities that I'm at clear disadvantage if I'm not using her. At least in COD all operators operate at the same level so you can play based on your own preference.
I think its really weird when your game is based on size and player count they decide to just make like 10 characters at launch.

If they absolutely had to have something like this system i'd say make them archetypes instead
Irish's class for example would be locked American you get 3-4 female faces and 3-4 male faces to pick from and they have maybe 2-3 male and female voices recorded for them.

That way you still have the distinct roles and nationality but it gives everyone a bit more freedom and variety


Prophet of Truth
Oct 28, 2017
Lol to people saying "this community scares me". These lists are important so I can decide if I want to play the next BF game.
Those posts are frankly embarrassing and made for shock and awe rather than contributing any discourse around the clear, indisputable issues with this game.

People just love to be contrarian, and it requires zero thought, so of course it's the insane expectations of Battlefield fans for dunking on the lack of voice chat, or an XP system.


The Enlightened Wise Ones
Jun 17, 2018
Some of these takes are strong

Community has a ton of valid concerns to express, this is nothing like the Pokémon fanbase. So much of this game is just frustrating - I still really like it but currently it's flawed.

For example, you can't tell me with a straight face that 128 player breakthrough works as intended, it's such a mess design wise


Oct 30, 2017
The disappointment over the loss of a single player campaign always fucking baffles me. Like do you really want a shitty 3 hour long tacked on corridor shooter that you'll play maybe once and never again?


Oct 25, 2017
Apparently listing features removed from a game compared to older games from the series is toxic and entitled now?


Nov 2, 2017
The disappointment over the loss of a single player campaign always fucking baffles me. Like do you really want a shitty 3 hour long tacked on corridor shooter that you'll play maybe once and never again?
It's not the loss of single player alone that annoys people, it's that the removal of single player was intended to provide more resources for multiplayer, and then it turns out multiplayer is half baked. So basically you just get no campaign and half baked multiplayer compared to previous games, which managed have both good multiplayer and a subpar campaign.


Oct 25, 2017
Houston, Texas
I take issue with the word 'removed' cause it implies that it existed in the game that wasn't even made yet already and then taken out of it. It also says that games should be the same but more, every time. Both of these things I absolutely can not get on board with. Beyond that, I can go down that list and pick about 1/3 to 1/2 of them and say I actively do not want them or aggressively do not care. The other half or more should or could or might be in the game later but that's my main thing. These lists are of such little value to actual people.

There was a similar link but with video, it's basically the same. That at least is better than text on screen.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I do have fun playing it but I won't lie it's been pretty disappointing compared to expectations after expecting BF4 2.0, it just didn't meet the "Battlefield is back" expectations I had going in.

Felt like they were saying all the right things before launch but really it kinda just feels like EA paid the call of duty developers to make their interpretation of Battlefield.


Dec 30, 2018
I played a few hours earlier on PC vis EA play using gamepass and the amount of bugs I ran into was astonishing.

Something as simple as the sniper scope glitching and not zooming in all the way to falling through the map multiple times!

These weren't few and far between either, they were regular occurrences.

The game isn't ready, I say this as someone who has played battlefield since the first BF game Dice ever made.

This is the most unpolished and feature stripped modern BF title I have played, I was so hyped to play it and it just feels so disappointing imo.

Bad Company 2 is still the king of BF games in my eyes, if we could get a modern version of that which retains what made it special I think that would incredible, I am not sure Dice and EA could do it justice now though.

Halo Infinite has shown how to update a classic and improve it whilst still retaining what made it so special.


Dec 22, 2017
Getting sucked into the tornado was great, but overall I haven't really enjoyed much else. This might be the first bf I skip.
The weird scoreboard page seems completely useless, can I just see all people playing?!


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
People say BF4 and 5's launch was also shit but the community actually not referring to bugs this time around, yes BF4's launch was absolutely dog shit but the content was there. In fact, if I'm not mistaken launch version of the BF4 had more guns than the 2042 + Portal combined. V also was content ready with all the maps, guns and game modes on top of usual goodies like server browser etc.

BFV had a map and a Grand Operation postponed one to two months after launch, lacked Firestorm until months after (and DOA), a new campaign chapter and combined arms too. "Soon" became a meme for a reason. Visibility was low, people also complained about the lack of ammo (complaints that ended changing the entire original vision of the game) and the drop of 3D Spotting (which is something people complained about in the previous game, but oh weell). People complained about LMGs being too OP with players laying on the ground and killing people left and right, and being a game so focused on animations "killing the pace of the game".

BF4 had lots of gameplay issues as well, the one I repeat the most is that you had to gain momentum to sprint. It was there for, like, a year and it fucking sucked. It recieved multiple animations update because you could take advantage of them (including the headglitching). People complained that movement wasn't as fast as it was in BF3, etc.

C'mon guys, specially people who've been around for ages. Refresh your memories.

BF1's launch was solid compared to 2042, BF1 was a highly polished experience from day 1.

Yet, internet was toxic about that the snipers and grenade spam made the game "unplayable".

Take the rose tinted glasses off people. Battlefield has always, in more ways than one, sucked at launch, yet they almost always remain playable and at least fine. People should stop preordering games until this type of launches changes, but, honestly, a game of this online scope, with all the changes they introduce from game to game, will never not have issues fixed until it's launch and people play.


Oct 25, 2017
I really don't understand this checkbox comparison of sequels to their predecessors. This game doesn't have a M1 Garand either, but is it a worse game?

One of the dumber parts of gamer toxicity these days.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
There's plenty of "missing features" to highlight as a problem, but christ I'm so fucking exhausted listening to people whine about the lower map count and lack of a campaign.

The campaign was culled because building a campaign requires a specifically tailored production pipeline with its own dedicated staff and resource/time/cost requirements. Battlefield campaigns have been routinely criticised and dismissed, with Bad Company 2 seen as the last highlight. They are historically not a drawcard to the series. It sucks that people out there do love them and feel the loss, but highlighting the absence of a campaign is not some clever insight into "missing features" so much as pointing out the fucking obvious: DICE/EA didn't see a campaign as relevant to this game. The absence of one is not indicative of anything lacking in the production pipeline, not while there's an entire mode that ports across multiple maps, weapons, vehicles, characters, models, skins, sounds, etc from three other Battlefield games. Any argument that the missing campaign is evidence is lesser production is offset entirely by the existence of Portal mode and its content highlighting more work.

The maps are not the same size as maps from previous games. How hard is this for people to understand? Do Gamers really think an open world map requires the same amount of work a single map in a game like Battlefield? Bigger maps inherently lead to more content. More assets, more frequent balance pasts and testing, more hand tailored enviornments covering a wider stretch of terrain. It is fundamentally ridiculous to think something like a Battlefield 2042 that's two to three times the size of a Battlefield 3/4/1/V map requires the same amount of work as Caspian Border, Operation Locker, and St Quinten Scar. It's dumb. So fucking dumb. I can guarantee you more people worked in a single map in Battlefield 2042 than a single map in previous games, due to the scope of each one. Of course you're going to get fewer maps when the maps are bigger.

I don't even like the game. It's pretty quickly ranked as my least favourite rendition of Conquest and I think most of the changes DICE made to the meta make for a fundamentally worse, less-Battlefield-like game. I don't like the map design at all. But jesus fucking christ gamers are pants pissing babies when it comes to shit like this. Lists lists lists, devoid of context, divorced from any understanding of how game production and development operates.


Oct 5, 2020
There's plenty of "missing features" to highlight as a problem, but christ I'm so fucking exhausted listening to people whine about the lower map count and lack of a campaign.

The campaign was culled because building a campaign requires a specifically tailored production pipeline with its own dedicated staff and resource/time/cost requirements. Battlefield campaigns have been routinely criticised and dismissed, with Bad Company 2 seen as the last highlight. They are historically not a drawcard to the series. It sucks that people out there do love them and feel the loss, but highlighting the absence of a campaign is not some clever insight into "missing features" so much as pointing out the fucking obvious: DICE/EA didn't see a campaign as relevant to this game. The absence of one is not indicative of anything lacking in the production pipeline, not while there's an entire mode that ports across multiple maps, weapons, vehicles, characters, models, skins, sounds, etc from three other Battlefield games. Any argument that the missing campaign is evidence is lesser production is offset entirely by the existence of Portal mode and its content highlighting more work.

The maps are not the same size as maps from previous games. How hard is this for people to understand? Do Gamers really think an open world map requires the same amount of work a single map in a game like Battlefield? Bigger maps inherently lead to more content. More assets, more frequent balance pasts and testing, more hand tailored enviornments covering a wider stretch of terrain. It is fundamentally ridiculous to think something like a Battlefield 2042 that's two to three times the size of a Battlefield 3/4/1/V map requires the same amount of work as Caspian Border, Operation Locker, and St Quinten Scar. It's dumb. So fucking dumb. I can guarantee you more people worked in a single map in Battlefield 2042 than a single map in previous games, due to the scope of each one. Of course you're going to get fewer maps when the maps are bigger.

I don't even like the game. It's pretty quickly ranked as my least favourite rendition of Conquest and I think most of the changes DICE made to the meta make for a fundamentally worse, less-Battlefield-like game. I don't like the map design at all. But jesus fucking christ gamers are pants pissing babies when it comes to shit like this. Lists lists lists, devoid of context, divorced from any understanding of how game production and development operates.
Im sure you are 100% right on all this but as a fellow consumer GAMER who has no clue how the pipes and the lines and the operations work for a game and has no care for it as long as the game is sick, 2042 seem like it aint it.


Nov 10, 2020
There's plenty of "missing features" to highlight as a problem, but christ I'm so fucking exhausted listening to people whine about the lower map count and lack of a campaign.


i want to plaster this post all over r/battlefield2042
unfortunately i even agree with your general assessment of 2042. and a lot of stuff i hate in this game is by design so it will never get "fixed" because DICE doesn't see it as a problem
its so frustrating


Oct 25, 2017
What do the specialists in BF2042 offer? There's no campaign to showcase their personalities or backgrounds, so any interesting aspects of the specialists, such as the fact that Sunspot is non-binary, is shoveled off in Twitter posts or the background tab. What is worse is that viability of the characters is completely defined by their specialist abilities, so even if I theoretically want to "main" a specialist like Sunspot, Paik offers way more with her abilities that I'm at clear disadvantage if I'm not using her. At least in COD all operators operate at the same level so you can play based on your own preference.
Sundance is one of the most useful specialists in the game though?

Like her smart grenade kit is amazing for going maximum anti vehicle because the anti-armor mode is essentially two free pocket smart RPGs that regenerate over time, the cluster mode is a super frag grenade, and the EMP mode locks down enemy vehicles and equipment caught in its range.

This is actually like, one of the things that irks me is that people seem to make judgements based off very little playtime with some things, and while I will agree with the criticism as to why some people have that problem (e.g crashes or inability to connect to games and what not), it's still making immediate judgement about things while not having much playtime with said things?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
I have this baseless theory that this game's engine is foundationally the one from Battlefield 3 without any of the updates/changes from 4 onward outside of graphical updates and 2042-specific features. As if they reverted all their codebases back to 2011 and built 2042 off of that.


Oct 25, 2017
Sundance is one of the most useful specialists in the game though?

Like her smart grenade kit is amazing for going maximum anti vehicle because the anti-armor mode is essentially two free pocket smart RPGs that regenerate over time, the cluster mode is a super frag grenade, and the EMP mode locks down enemy vehicles and equipment caught in its range.

This is actually like, one of the things that irks me is that people seem to make judgements based off very little playtime with some things, and while I will agree with the criticism as to why some people have that problem (e.g crashes or inability to connect to games and what not), it's still making immediate judgement about things while not having much playtime with said things?
I agree. People play the game for 2 hours and think they know the meta and everything wrong with the balancing because they had a few anecdotal experiences.


Oct 27, 2017
The destruction barely exists except for one 2042 map called Hourglass and even then its the same building copy and pasted over and over. The BC2 maps have decent destruction but apart from that its even less than BF3.

Most disappointing. That was always the best part especially when you could flank a Tank hunting you as it tried to level a building looking for you.

The BF2042 beta already had me on alert as the destruction was paltry.

BC2 had awesome destruction.