
I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
Thanks guys. Just feels odd. Makes me question things and kind of reminds me that it's a corporation. I was 1 out 100s. My manager seemed like my friend and she exited the call faster than the HR woman.
I've felt like I was friends with co-workers before. The work atmosphere is really unique in how fake it is. This is nowhere NEAR the same level as what happened to you, but some people I thought I got along with really well and enjoyed being around unfriended me on social media almost immediately after leaving my last job. We all hung out outside of work a lot too.

What happened to you is complete nonsense; I would document it and perhaps seek legal action as you seem to be doing via your GF's advice. It's very clear that something else was the real issue here, and considering the landscape at the moment, I'm going to take a wild guess and say it was so that they could avoid laying you off like everyone else said.

I'm really sorry, OP. I know the sting of corporate betrayal all too well, on every level you're describing. Even down to the personal relationships you thought you had.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess I am ignorant, why would a company avoid letting go an employee as opposed to firing if the situation doesn't call for it?


Oct 28, 2017
Thanks guys. Just feels odd. Makes me question things and kind of reminds me that it's a corporation. I was 1 out 100s. My manager seemed like my friend and she exited the call faster than the HR woman.
Yeah, this is a sobering reminder that your relationships with your boss and even co-workers are often very surface level, paper thin. The moment the company wants you gone, your boss and your co-workers seldom fight for you; rather, they just go with the flow and do what they are told. It is a very cynical take, but more often than not having a good dose of cynisism towards your employer is wise.


Oct 27, 2017
Fired with cause has fewer legal ramifications/recourse then being "let go".

I was just reading some excerpts, and it seems like in order to lay off, you have to as a company have to prove the work is not essential for the company any more or you are losing business.

You can fire someone for 'any' reason as long as it is not contradictory.


Nov 2, 2017
They fired you instead of laying you off so they wouldn't have to pay out unemployment
That's not true. In order to not collect unemployment he would have to do something like ( quit, steal, stop showing up, attack someone.....). And even then sometimes people can still get partial UI in some cases even when they were responsible for their own termination.
Dec 3, 2019
User Banned (2 Weeks): Antagonizing/trolling, a history of similar infractions, account in junior phase.
Kind of in shock. Not sure exactly what happened, it was done over Google Hangouts and my manager didn't say a word. It was just the HR woman on the call. Access was cut off right away.

They let me go because my notes were not exactly how they wanted them to be, not joking. It's barely part of the job as a client account manager but I'd miss a word or two every meeting. Not sentence, word. And it's a gDoc so anyone could add the word if they wanted it. They warned me on Monday and then today asked if I could join a meeting. Lost computer access right away, couldn't say goodbye to everyone. Loved it there, the people and the freedom. Again, it hasn't hit me. I'm just angry and upset. Instantly cried right after they left the meeting.
There are literally thousands of people who lost their jobs but you thought you were special??

Deleted member 4413

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
My girlfriend is a lawyer so she told me to download two emails: the one asking for guidance that was ignored by the manager and another from this week were I was able to get criticism regarding my notes from the meeting last week from a different manager (she said they were perfect and didn't need anything additional).

Unless your gf is an employment lawyer, get a consultation. They are usually free. If the lawyer thinks you have a case they may not even charge you unless you win and take a cut of your winnings.


Oct 25, 2017
I know it was probably just a bs excuse, but what type of job do you have that would require stenographer levels of notes? And were the words being left out important at all?

Job market is all kinds of silly right now, and I wish you luck!
Oct 27, 2017
You were targeted, as everyone said. Not responding to your outreach for feedback and correction is a clear sign.

You got fucked. I'm really sorry, seriously. You're going to land on your feet.


The Retro Archivist
Oct 30, 2017
They fired you instead of laying you off so they wouldn't have to pay out unemployment

Lol come on - this isn't it.

In USA you can collect as long as you aren't fired for misconduct such as stealing or illegal activities.

You can be fired for any reason, and it's easier then laying some off just because it can be justified within the company easier. Lay offs in a company that is successful is a bad look for higher ups.
Oct 27, 2017
What do you mean targeted? I got along with everyone, there was only a couple of people (immature) who didn't like me starting in a high position. They're friends with my manager but that doesn't seem right either.

Like I'm sure you're a great employee, you sound far more attentive to details than 99% of people including myself, but either due to favoritism or because your position was the easiest one to replace because your coworkers have seniority or specialization, it definitely sounds like they needed to let go of at least one employee for financial reasons and they made up an excuse to fire you. If they did the honest thing and simply did a layoff, then they would have to pay unemployment benefits.

Those are my assumptions, opinions, etc. It's your fight but I definitely think you were exploited and between the UI benefits you would receive and the principle of the matter, it's worth having that fight.

Edit: according to Water above, you might still qualify for unemployment benefits since the reason is shitty. I guess I would talk to somebody at your state Unemployment office or consult with an employment lawyer to find that out.


Oct 27, 2017
They just were looking for a plausible reason to let you go.
But take Heart!
Your sacrifice will save the stock holders a few dollars.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
I'm betting they didn't fire you for those words. Just needed to find a reason to fire you for cutbacks due to this pandemic.
Oct 28, 2017
Siloam Springs
I had something similar happen to me when I got laid off from my last ever corporate job (years ago now). This is totally how to manage an employee out.

My manager accompanied me to HR and cried the whole time. I felt more bad for her then for myself. Called Mrs. Cotton from the car excited, because I had more time for our soon to be born son (so she could keep working after maternity leave).

Fun fact, the company laid me off got rid of my entire division of 300 employees over the two years after I left, I was the first of many.


Oct 25, 2017
Fired with cause has fewer legal ramifications/recourse then being "let go".

I don't agree. Firing someone for such a flimsy excuse can open them up to litigation. I work in an at will state and my HR won't fire or lay-off anyone one without a mountain of written documentation on an employee's behavior and work.

At will means they can get rid of you for whatever, but that doesn't prevent them from getting sued.


Oct 27, 2017
I even asked for guidance from my manager this week because it was so serious apparently. She never replied to my email or Skype message but emailed me about other things she needed done by today.
This really sounds like it was not due process. Might go nowhere, but might be worth calling an employment lawyer to bounce the situation off them. That initial check is typically free.


Oct 25, 2017
Pencils Vania
It was an EXTREMELY flimsy reason to fire someone. Especially since it sounds like you were an all around good employee. You could have a case for wrongful termination.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I don't agree. Firing someone for such a flimsy excuse can open them up to litigation. I work in an at will state and my HR won't fire or lay-off anyone one without a mountain of written documentation on an employee's behavior and work.

At will means they can get rid of you for whatever, but that doesn't prevent them from getting sued.
That documentation is to fight unemployment. The only cases that can be won in court are for things that have legal protection like discrimination and contracts.


Self-requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Uranus, get it?!? YOUR. ANUS.
Kind of in shock. Not sure exactly what happened, it was done over Google Hangouts and my manager didn't say a word. It was just the HR woman on the call. Access was cut off right away.

They let me go because my notes were not exactly how they wanted them to be, not joking. It's barely part of the job as a client account manager but I'd miss a word or two every meeting. Not sentence, word. And it's a gDoc so anyone could add the word if they wanted it. They warned me on Monday and then today asked if I could join a meeting. Lost computer access right away, couldn't say goodbye to everyone. Loved it there, the people and the freedom. Again, it hasn't hit me. I'm just angry and upset. Instantly cried right after they left the meeting.

I'm so sorry. Hope you're able to land on your feet


Oct 25, 2017
Really sorry about your abrupt firing, OP. Can't say I've been there but I've seen it at my old job and it was disgusting.


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
Yeah Hero Pro, gonna echo people saying this isn't the real reason. Pretty sure they needed to downsize and are using that as an excuse.

You're better than that so I'm sure you'll be able to get back on to something once the dust settles. Get that unemployment.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
My girlfriend is a lawyer so she told me to download two emails: the one asking for guidance that was ignored by the manager and another from this week were I was able to get criticism regarding my notes from the meeting last week from a different manager (she said they were perfect and didn't need anything additional).

Please tell me you listened to your GF and downloaded those e-mails. When you file for unemployment you may need them to show you were terminated for unjustified reasons.


Alt Account
Mar 16, 2020
Damn OP, sorry for all this drama.

But unfortunately, this is sometimes how the cookie crumbles in jobs.

Especially during this whole pandemic, they probably want to trim the fat and you're the fat unfortunately, your probably the only person they're going to get rid of over the next few weeks. Also, unfortunately it may seem like you're the most expendable also. If you left suddenly on s normal day would there be in scrambles or would someone, anyone in they job be able to do what you do? (Not as well as you can, but to an adequate standard?)

Also you weren't fired because of the note taking.


Oct 30, 2017
That fucking sucks, OP. I hope you find something soon. Honestly if they bin you off for something so small or using that kind of excuse to get rid of you then they don't deserve you. You'll definitely find a better job.

In the case you actually want to contest it is there a union you can approach or like a citizen's advice service?


Jan 22, 2020
Your manager might have left early because it was hard for him/her to see you let go. I don't know the whole situation there but I can see that as being a reason.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry, OP. You probably look like me now.

Like others have said, they were probably just seeking a reason to put on paper for the termination. For some of these companies, they should really be reading the room more closely atm.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
You should probably make a glass door review of the company that they are incredibly anal and are actively looking for reasons to fire you to avoid paying salary and deliberately go out of their way to try to stop you from getting unemployment checks, stating if you are a person who occasionally forgets a word or forget to put a dot on your i's or stripe your t's you should not apply to work there.


Oct 26, 2017
Never trust companies, don't overdo things, never expect anything and the biggest thing: Don't give a shit about being loyal

Sucks OP but you will come out of that for the better. Workplaces mostly suck :)
Mar 29, 2018
Unless you're someone whose core job role is notetaking - a PA or secretary or such - then this is absolutely an excuse for them to fire you.

Is "notetaking" literally listed in the original job description as part of your core responsibilities? If not, it was an excuse. They must be bleeding money due to COVID and need any reason to let you go and lower the overhead.

In the UK, these people could get taken to court and wrung dry for doing this. Is there any such process you can do in this situation? Sue?

This is unbelievable. So sorry, OP.
Oct 27, 2017
They devised a reason to fire you it sounds like. I'd file for unemployment and explains it's a bullshit reason you were let go. Does your job description even include taking notes?

Sub Boss

Nov 14, 2017
Im sorry dude hopefully you get unemployment benefits
What do you mean targeted? I got along with everyone, there was only a couple of people (immature) who didn't like me starting in a high position. They're friends with my manager but that doesn't seem right either.
Those assholes and the manager probably targeted you with the virus as an excuse


Oct 25, 2017
Kind of in shock. Not sure exactly what happened, it was done over Google Hangouts and my manager didn't say a word. It was just the HR woman on the call. Access was cut off right away.

They let me go because my notes were not exactly how they wanted them to be, not joking. It's barely part of the job as a client account manager but I'd miss a word or two every meeting. Not sentence, word. And it's a gDoc so anyone could add the word if they wanted it. They warned me on Monday and then today asked if I could join a meeting. Lost computer access right away, couldn't say goodbye to everyone. Loved it there, the people and the freedom. Again, it hasn't hit me. I'm just angry and upset. Instantly cried right after they left the meeting.
What a load of shit. Just didn't want to pay unemployment to you so they came up with a reason to fire you and will probably deny you unemployment. If you have any documentation proving that they had previously said you were a good employee, I would take it to an employment lawyer because that excuse for firing you is extremely flimsy.


Oct 25, 2017
sheeit sorry op. as some others said it seems like they're trying to avoid paying unemployment on you and resorted to some cheesy maneuvers.

The whole covid19 situation is destroying a ton of jobs, don't take it personally that you're out of a job. I was laid off in 2009 from that downturn, I was laid off again in 2012, and though my current company is doing OK who knows what the future holds. It ain't the end of the world, and you'll be back on your feet in no time. It's never a good feeling but you'll come out of it, dude.