Dec 23, 2017

Lost Planet 2 was my first introduction into the Lost Planet series in 2010 after hearing great things about Lost Planet Colonies at the time of 2's release. To my surprise, I found the game extremely enjoyable and found myself playing the game on the Xbox 360 rather religiously. So much so that I started streaming it often when Justin TV was still a thing. I made it my mission to unlock all the weapons, all the character parts, all the nom de guerre, etc and I had a lot of fun doing it.

Coming back to the game in 2022 with the PC version, what surprises me is how well the game still holds up. The characters animate well, and the Akrid are still a sight to behold. Of course, the characters eyes don't blink and mouths don't move but they're mostly in masks and helmets anyway. I think what helps is the cool camera work/choreography that goes into the cut scenes.

What I like about Lost Planet 2 is the game play. It's a dynamic mix of on the ground combat and mechanized weapons of mass destruction called Vital Suits, or VS for short. Switching between the two is what makes Lost Planet 2 enjoyable, more so when you have friends to co-op with. The ability to pick up large, oversized weapons to use or equip on your VS is also a nice change of pace and adding into the mix is the grappling hook which allows you to scale high terrain for a better vantage point or scale a giant Akrid to shoot at its weak points or plant a gum grenade before back flipping out of danger.

Along side the game play are what I consider memorable stages. Each with unique set pieces that keep things fresh, introducing new scenarios and new enemies for the player(s) to deal with. Some stages even had branching paths, with hidden nooks & crannies, allowing either a shortcut to your destination or a nice selection of equipment to find.

Overall, this game still holds up in 2022! I'd really love to see an optional 4K texture pack, the removal of GFWL (Games For Windows Live), allowing an alternative way to play Online, and Steam Cloud! This game doesn't have Steam Cloud! It would be nice to switch between the Steam Deck and continue where I left off on PC.

With that said, how did you feel about Lost Planet 2, era? What did you like and didn't like?

Here's a fun fact! Lost Planet 2 helped me get into the Earth Defense Force series, so I hold the two pretty high up when it comes to fun couch co-op games to play with friends. Of course, I still think these games are fun to play even solo.

(Screenshots taken on Steam Deck, might not look super crisp as I'd like xD)





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The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I remember thinking LP2 was a pretty stark step down from the original game, with the intense co-op focus and the "it's like Monster Hunter with guns!" boss designs really dragging the experience down. But I loved the original Lost Planet like few other games on the 360. One of the last competitive multiplayer experiences I put a TON of time into.


Oct 25, 2017
Still waiting for them to fix the Steam version, I had loads of fun with the demo on Xbox back in the days. Those screenshots look mighty fun.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Great that you like it but for me it was a huge step in the wrong direction after the first entry.


Oct 28, 2017
LP1 and LP2 after it were both great. I actually really enjoyed the co-op direction they took with it. Would love a definitive way to play these in 2022. I have a few friends into this sort of game and would love to introduce this to them


Has got mad skills!!
Oct 27, 2017
I want to say I beat this game in co-op but it was so long ago I have forgotten pretty much everything about it.

All I know is that it was a lot of fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Its a shame since it is one of the best co-op games ever, but Capcom let it die on PC.


Oct 25, 2017
Does this game have some Easy mode that you can power through solo without too much issue? I remember reading that it could be a pretty frustrating experience otherwise. I enjoyed some demo back in the day and I think Phil hooked me up with a free copy on Xbox a while back as part of Games With Gold.


Oct 26, 2017
Lost Planet and Lost Planet 2 are both great for different reasons. LP1 had a great campaign, and PvP was really fun and addictive. Lost Planet 2 loses some of the focus, but in return you get one of the all time great co-op games.

I'd love to see Capcom revisit the series. The main changes I'd like to see are A) improved human enemy AI and B) a more fluid grappling hook. Everything else is great for me as is!


Oct 25, 2017
It was clearly a game made insane people, filled with stupid amounts of hidden additional content and a mostly unexplained branching mission mechanic. They made a whole system for combining two of the mechs and never tell you, or put the two mechs anywhere near each other. The main story is an obtuse mess where NEVEC is both the hero and the villain, and it constantly wanders off into tangents with completely unrelated characters.

That said, it sure was one hell of a coop experience, with some astounding boss fights. Running around on a train, loading ammo, putting out fires while a gigantic worm was hot on our tales is probably one of my strongest memories of that console generation.


Oct 27, 2017
Still absolutely top-tier coop action. Adored this.

Pretty tragic this frachise is dead (still one of my favorite from Capcom), especially after LP3 NAILED it's story. Like, those dudes went on to work on God of War (2018).


Oct 26, 2017
I've tried to get into the first two of these quite a few times, but on controller they just feel like they were made by people who had never played a video game or seen a controller before.

The games themselves seem great, but no matter what control setting I picked, I was fighting with the controls. Like I know you can change it, but when a third person shooter in 2010 defaults to turning the camera left and right on the bumpers, it's absolutely baffling. Like I know that's the 'legacy' control scheme from Lost Planet, but even back at the end of 2006 that was am archaic, dumbass control scheme.


Nov 2, 2017
I was beyond disappointed with LP2. Loved the first game, but this felt like it went the wrong way to me. Co-op focus turned me off.

Ronin | Rin |

Jul 13, 2021
Please pardon my ignorance, but since this is focused on ground combat, too, are the weapons basically light bowgun and heavy bowgun like? Is there ammo management?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I never really thought about how much of a switch up it was after beating it until others pointed out how multiplayer focused it was.


Prophet of Regret - Lizard Daddy
Oct 25, 2017
It still works on PC with coop, I literally was just playing with a friend two days ago. Still as fun as I remember.

Never got the full game but the demo was so much fun, how did you get this working on PC, OP?

GFWL redistributable and the 6-core patch fix if you have a CPU above 6 cores. Runs completely fine and even supports ultrawide resolutions natively.

Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE

Official installation files for Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE. This package contains the last version of the Marketplace client ( and the last version of the Redistributable ( Uninstall the Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace client and the Microsoft Games for Windows ...

The GFWL client in-game has a limit on password length so if you have a long password, you can just login to the Xbox app, open the game, and then when you attempt to sign in, it will just auto-fill your password in for you.
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De Amigo

Dec 19, 2017
I absolutely loved Lost Planet 2 and still talk about it as an underrated gem, although I definitely understood the mixed reception at the time since its not really a traditional sequel to the first game and playing through the campaign solo can be a headache compared to it being really fun on coop.


Oct 29, 2017
I still have my X360 copy, loved this game but it wasn't as 'wow' as part 1. I did like unlocking all the costumes and stuff thou.


Apr 14, 2018
Being able to load this up on my Series S easily was a big factor in making me buy the system. Working on a Hard mode A+ rank allowed only playthrough right now

Please pardon my ignorance, but since this is focused on ground combat, too, are the weapons basically light bowgun and heavy bowgun like? Is there ammo management?

I wouldnt compare it to Monster Hunter gunplay or gameplay at all despite the giant monsters


Dec 1, 2017
Original Lost Planet is still the best 3rd person PVP I've ever played. Nothing else ever came remotely close.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
One of my favourite games. I wish they remade it, and the first one.


Jun 12, 2018
I loooooved LP Colonies so much! The verticality the grappling hook gives, along with the awesome transforming mechs, and PvP matches were EPIC.

I miss it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
One of the best coop games ever imo.

I should really try and wrangle some friends to play this again.


Jun 7, 2018
It still works on PC with coop, I literally was just playing with a friend two days ago. Still as fun as I remember.

GFWL redistributable and the 6-core patch fix if you have a CPU above 6 cores. Runs completely fine and even supports ultrawide resolutions natively.

Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE

Official installation files for Microsoft Games for Windows - LIVE. This package contains the last version of the Marketplace client ( and the last version of the Redistributable ( Uninstall the Microsoft Games for Windows Marketplace client and the Microsoft Games for Windows ...

The GFWL client in-game has a limit on password length so if you have a long password, you can just login to the Xbox app, open the game, and then when you attempt to sign in, it will just auto-fill your password in for you.
Lovely, cheers for this! Now to find a key again.
Shinobido Heart
Dec 23, 2017
Never got the full game but the demo was so much fun, how did you get this working on PC, OP?

Sorry for the late response! I picked up a Steam key at Gamesplanet US when it was on sale.

Then I redeemed it and installed it like normal. You can play it with GFWL but I downloaded a file that prevents GFWL from running in the first place, effectively making the game singleplayer. You can find instructions here:

does this work on steam deck yet? can me and my wife co-op on our decks together?

It crashes frequently when it auto saves or upon loading a level. I can get a couple levels in before it crashes.

As for performance, I get relatively stable 60fps on Proton GE 7-29.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
One of the greatest co-op experiences there is. Set pieces are bonkers, and those boss fights were epic in scope.

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Spook & Spell

Aug 3, 2021
One of my top games from the PS360 era. Critically panned mostly for design choices that are celebrated today. I wish Capcom would toss us a budget remaster in the vein of the RE4 - 6 from XOne PS4, but I guess it isn't meant to be. I put hundreds of hours into LP2 and I would do it again.

I loved the crazy movement. Everything was so manual and calculated. So many fun mechanics that were unstated. Hooking onto mechs to plant a sticky and back flipping off, manually blowing the charge with your rifle in midair. Hookshot canceling all over the level (who needs legs). Iframe rolling into explosions. Taking down bosses in seconds by carrying overpowered mecha through the level. Loading the cannon just right to take down the giant sand work in the stage that made everyone quit. Low gravity fights in orbit. Shooting grenades in multiplayer for that extra punch. Fuck maybe I should track down a PS360.
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Oct 27, 2017
God tier co-op. A big ridiculous game packed with cool ideas. Shame more people didn't try it. Compared to Capcom's recent co-op games like Exoprimal, LP2 is a massive cut above in terms of ambition.

Host Samurai

Oct 27, 2017
I liked it, but the first was much better and memorable. The second game took everything unique about the gameplay of the first game, and made it just another 3rd person shooter (in the gameplay department). I liked how unique the gunplay was in the first game and there was a bigger sense of urgency.
Shinobido Heart
Dec 23, 2017
Still waiting for them to fix the Steam version, I had loads of fun with the demo on Xbox back in the days. Those screenshots look mighty fun.

I wish we had an update on what they are up to with Colonies and Lost Planet 2. So far it's still just this on the store page:

"We are aware of an issue that some customers may be experiencing during game installation which is related to Games for Windows LIVE. We are temporarily disabling the purchase option on Steam while we investigate the matter further. We will keep you informed of the progress of the investigation. Thank you for your patience."

They posted this on November 8, 2021. :(


Aug 10, 2022
Picked up the Lost Planet games on an Xbox sale. They're backwards compatible on the XSX. Haven't gotten around to trying them yet.


Oct 27, 2017
When I first played Lost Planet 2, I didn't know what to expect. I liked the first game but the second game felt so different. Then I played one mission, instantly messaged a friend afterwards and we beat the whole game in co-op. What an incredible and funny experience it was. A pure gem of a game. A very video game-y game. Loved every second of it!

Type VII

Oct 31, 2017
This and Resistance 2 were incredible co-op experiences that gen. I really need to revisit the first two Lost Planet games.


Oct 27, 2017
Played it co-op with my wife last year and it was amazing.

You can use an offline profile to play single player on pc, and it also worked for us to play co-op on lan.