Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017

SAN JOSE, California—When Louis C.K. stepped onstage to a standing ovation and a full house at a San Jose comedy club Wednesday night, he got right to the point:

"I like to jerk off, and I don't like being alone."

Simple and without a trace of apology; it got a good laugh.

Onstage, C.K. wasted no time in addressing the complicity of the audience—"You've read the worst possible things you could read about a person, about me, and you're here"—before pivoting to mansplaining comedy.

"The whole point of comedy is to say things that you shouldn't say. That's the entire point," he said.

Comedy is also like porn, he said. Then he made a joke about a porn star's asshole, and concluded that the world needs porn because it somehow keeps men from molesting their colleagues at work.

About halfway through, a joke about 9/11 was the turning point—and the energy started to go downhill.

"I got on a plane once," he said. "And this couple comes up to me as we're boarding. There's an empty seat next to me, and this woman says to me, 'Would you mind moving so my husband and I can sit together?' And he's behind her and he's like [motions – no]. I didn't know what to do. I don't wanna upset him. But I don't wanna sit with his fucking wife. So I just got off the plane.

"And then the plane took off. And it hit the World Trade Center."

There was some laughter, but a lot of groans.

There was none of that old charming self-deprecation on display in this show. There were a lot of tired jokes, including one that sparked loud criticism after his previous show about black men having large dicks, and Asian men having small ones "because they're all women."

Instead, C.K. doubled down on jokes about "retarded" kids, rehashing the fact that he was once sent to a summer camp for these children. A woman sitting at the table next to me, said afterward that she works with disabled kids. She wasn't offended, but said it seemed like he didn't know what he was talking about, like he had no idea what that community actually deals with. Her date said that his baby had actually died, so C.K.'s bit about dead babies also didn't go over that well with him. They weren't offended, they just didn't think it was funny.

Searched and didn't see a thread


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
And now to wait for people to bring up George Carlin to inexplicably defend this.


Oct 27, 2017
Bay Area
He's working these jokes out to try to climb his way back into the upper echelon of comedians.

It kinda sucks that his work in progress jokes are being published in articles online.

Surface of Me

Oct 25, 2017
Least he's honest, if he could be alone he wouldn't be out here cultivating an alt right crowd for his comedy.


Oct 25, 2017
Ahh I see Louis CK is taking the Evilore route of getting in bed with the types he used to make fun of and deride after his own personal fuck ups came back to haunt him.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know how Louie was ever going to really dig out of this and still maintain what made him successful in the first place.


Oct 25, 2017
A woman sitting at the table next to me, said afterward that she works with disabled kids. She wasn't offended, but said it seemed like he didn't know what he was talking about, like he had no idea what that community actually deals with. Her date said that his baby had actually died, so C.K.'s bit about dead babies also didn't go over that well with him. They weren't offended, they just didn't think it was funny.

The heroes America deserves, ladies and gentlemen.


Oct 25, 2017
So he's going full "Fuck you, I didn't do anything wrong"

Dude had every chance to atone but nah, he's fully chosen to be a piece of shit.


Oct 27, 2017
He's working these jokes out to try to climb his way back into the upper echelon of comedians.

It kinda sucks that his work in progress jokes are being published in articles online.
Laughed out loud at this. This post was funnier than the comedian the thread is about. Congrats on reaching the upper echelon of comedians!
Oct 29, 2017
Yeaaaah joking about sexual harassment isn't funny when you actually did said sexual harassment.

In b4 generic "that's hilarious I love Louis I'm glad he's back" posts that conspicuously mention nothing about his sex offenses.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Ck was the one who taught me about never punching down, and now here he is taking shots at the disabled and the innocent dead.


Nov 1, 2017

I used to call him my favorite comedian. Like the best comedian of the past 50 years.

Now all I can think is what it says about me that I loved this creep's material so much.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Instead, C.K. doubled down on jokes about "retarded" kids, rehashing the fact that he was once sent to a summer camp for these children. A woman sitting at the table next to me, said afterward that she works with disabled kids. She wasn't offended, but said it seemed like he didn't know what he was talking about, like he had no idea what that community actually deals with. Her date said that his baby had actually died, so C.K.'s bit about dead babies also didn't go over that well with him. They weren't offended, they just didn't think it was funny.

I dont understand the the point of this part. Would it be ok if those jokes were funny? Would it still be not ok?

Are comedians supposed to check with every single audience members what their personal tragedies are?


Oct 27, 2017
The plane joke I'm pretty sure is from his previous set or an old set, he just added the World Trade Center line at the end.

Anyways, It's A Bold Strategy Cotton.gif.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
He's working these jokes out to try to climb his way back into the upper echelon of comedians.

It kinda sucks that his work in progress jokes are being published in articles online.
Yup, similar thing happened to Chris Rock. I forgot what the controversy was but he said a bad joke during one of these test runs and the media called him out on it.