
Oct 27, 2017
This is a common thing now it has gotten so bad and isnt going to get better.
Intensive Care Units in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, are in need of additional wards after being filled with coronavirus patients. As of Tuesday morning, the Baton Rouge General Medical Center had 180 COVID patients and more than 70 of them were in the intensive care unit. They're operating seven expanded COVID wards, and doctors say the hospital may need two more by the end of the week.

Karri Oakes and her husband Jeffrey are both in the ICU with COVID-19. The couple has been married for 27 years and has caught COVID-19 twice. They were not hospitalized last time, and the couple said they wanted to wait to get vaccinated.

"We thought that the fact that we had it last year would give us some additional protection this year," Jeffrey told CBS News' David Begnaud.

"The Delta variant is really, really nasty. And anyone who thinks that they can just come through this, they're wrong," Karri added.

Dr. Chris Thomas's ICU is full of patients like the Oakes. Some are scared or regretful, like 42-year-old Ronald Banks, who has a three-month-old at home but is now hospitalized with COVID.

"I was laying on my kitchen floor. And I couldn't breathe. I realized I should have got that vaccine," Banks said.

More COVID patients are expected to arrive over the next few days, and almost all of them will probably be unvaccinated. This frustrates health workers who believe they are fighting the pandemic as well as the misinformation being put out there about COVID vaccines.

"We have two pandemics. We have a pandemic of a Delta virus that's ravaging our community. And we have a pandemic of misinformation. These people are smart, they're making what I think they believe are sound decisions as it relates to the vaccine," said Dr. Thomas, a critical care specialist at Baton Rouge General. "And I'm not frustrated with them anymore. I'm just frustrated that we've got to the point where we allow misinformation to equal medical science. They're not the same. We're losing the battle of misinformation. And it's important to win that battle."

It's a battle Thomas and his colleagues are trying to win by building rapport with patients even as the war against COVID continues with no end in sight.

Louisiana doctors fight surge in COVID patients and misinformation over vaccines: "We have two pandemics"

At Baton Rouge General, they're treating 180 COVID patients — 78 of which are in the ICU.

Things are even worse today as well
The Louisiana Department of Health reported 3,012 hospitalizations and 98 more confirmed deaths in its noon update Tuesday.

This is the highest number of new deaths since January 17, 2021, when there were 111. Louisiana now has the highest daily average rate of deaths per capita of any state over the last seven days. There have been 286 deaths over the last week.

The number of hospitalizations increased by 56 from the day before, and the number of patients in need of ventilators increased by 24, for a total of 441 ventilated patients.


Louisiana COVID numbers: 98 confirmed deaths reported as hospitalizations surpass 3,000

The Louisiana Department of Health reported 3,012 hospitalizations and 98 more confirmed deaths in its noon update Tuesday.


Oct 25, 2017
"These people are smart, they're making what I think they believe are sound decisions as it relates to the vaccine,"

Nov 1, 2017
Hell is being a healthcare professional in a red state.

Hospitals were understaffed and overworked in so many places before the pandemic. I can't imagine what its like now, with the governments themselves intentionally promoting the spread of the virus.


Oct 27, 2017
Just like dead school children didn't do anything for gun control, this misinformation isn't going to cause any regulation of social media and the fox news of the world.


Oct 28, 2017
Trump, the right-wing grifters, and GOP politicians have so much blood on their hands. They politicized COVID and vaccinations for no real reason at all. And now we are in this situation where one-third or more of the nation is anti-vaxx because of shit they've seen their favorite right-wing figure say. One third of the nation wold now rather risk death than admit vaccines are a thing and is important.


Oct 25, 2017
Any self respecting conservative would never be caught capitulating to the libs with a vaccination.


Oct 27, 2017
Just like dead school children didn't do anything for gun control, this misinformation isn't going to cause any regulation of social media and the fox news of the world.
The Constitution is set in stone. The First and Second Amendments are sacred and can never be in any way infringed or altered. It's the Word of the Founding Fathers, you know.

I'm surprised Fox hasn't sued to let anyone declare themselves an M.D. Those letters belong to the American people!