Deleted member 34949

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Nov 30, 2017

A month or so back I managed to finally give the series an earnest shake and managed to complete Dragon Quest I and III on the Game Boy Color. (I'll get around to II... eventually)

After that, I decided to give XI a try on Switch as that was the newest game, and had gotten a lot of really great word of mouth. Being portable also helps, as I'm finding myself more and more willing to invest time in RPGs when I can take them on the go. (Though that's not to say I'm sick of home console experiences by any stretch of the imagination)

I knew the game was going to be good from impressions on era and just general internet chatter but man, DQXI really might just be the JRPG genre polished to a mirror sheen. It's not groundbreaking or anything, and from what I understand, a good deal of it's structure was derived from Dragon Quest VIII (more on that a bit later), but it is extremely good at what it does. It's been such a long time since I've fallen in love with a game world and it's characters, but everything in DQXI is just so damn charming. At this point, I think I'm generally used to DQ's usage of vignettes to paint pictures of villages/towns and the people within them, but even some of those caught me way off guard. The mermaid story in particular bummed me out to the point that I actually had to put the game down for a day or so, as silly as that shit sounds.

And I know the game is hilariously easy and that's understandably a bit annoying for people (though there's the Draconian stuff, of course), I... actually didn't mind the lack of difficulty? I'm usually the kind of person that enjoys difficult games, but DQ games are so cozy and warm for me that just playing them and being engrossed in the world is enough for me, which is weird, because there's very few other series I can say that have the same effect on me. Like sure, I haven't gotten a game over in over three hours, but Sylvando just pulled up with a literal parade of people dancing behind him pledging to bring smiles to the world. How can you not love that?

So... in regards to the last third of the game, I'm of two minds here:

I actually really enjoyed being able to go back and ensuring a better ending for everyone. Sure, you can call it quits once Mordegon is beaten and consider everything done after the credits roll, but I love that it's entirely your choice to go back and time and go for a better ending. Seeing the character development play out slightly differently from the original timeline (Sylvando and Erik's stories with their families in particular come to mind here) was pretty fun, and I liked how there were consequences from making that choice as well. On the other hand, while I was happy to save Veronica, it did kind of suck to have to erase Serena's character development in those regards, doubly so since she also loses out on inheriting Veronica's skill set, but that's a minor gripe.

I'm still going through Act 3, not because I'm finding it hard to chip away at it or anything, but because I'm having so much fun with it and I... guess I don't want it to end.

And then there's the Tickington quests, which were really cool to go through even if DQ I and DQIII were the only games where I'd recognize the references. The DQIII quests in particular involving Baramos were pretty great. The quests in these classic areas ended up helping me in a roundabout way because they helped me become a bit more familiar with Dragon Quest IV in particular, and now's as good a time as any to segue into my experience with that game.

And that makes for a great segue into the next game I dove into, Dragon Quest IV.


Now, I played through the DS version, and before anyone says anything, yes, I'm aware of the DS version lacking party chat and no I wasn't going to play the mobile version just for that (I really don't like playing games on my phone). Apparently there's a tool someone made that effectively takes the English script and backports it into the Japanese DS release while using the English DS font, which sounds great, but at minimum, you need the JP DS cart and the Android version of the game, along with a tool to rip the script data from the latter. Maybe some other time.

So a few years back, I bought both DQIV and V on DS, since I found them at my local mom & pop shop for $30 each. Bought IV, got to Torneko's chapter before deciding the series wasn't for me, and sold both games. Yeah, I was dumb.

Three years and a sadder wallet later, I re-acquired both games (and VI should hopefully be shipping soon), this time coming off of I, III and XI, and surprise, I loved it this time around. As someone that replayed Mother 3 shortly before playing DQ1, my immediate thought upon getting to the fifth chapter was "Oh, this was where that game cribbed it's chapter structure from". Being able to play little mini stories with my future party members ended up being areal blast, and Torneko's chapter in particular ironically ended up being the one I enjoyed the most of the initial chapters, as collecting weapons via the store ended up being really fun (I was lucky and had two people sell me Cautery Swords on the first day; needless to say, I got addicted and tried to get as many more as I could to sell)

And there were a few moments in the game that gave me a nice little chuckle having played DQXI, like the Ice Cave where you get the feverfew root for Kiryl; because I had already did the Tickington Quest there in XI, I knew the dungeon layout like the back of my hand and was able to clear the dungeon faster than I think I've cleared a dungeon in any other DQ game. That was neat.

Being able to swap out characters with the Wagon was great, and also forced me to be a bit conscious of who I take into dungeons, since only the characters that go in get experience.

And then, there's that final boss fight.




Hol-leeee shit. Dude is literally "This isn't even my final form": The character.

I'm used to RPGs having multi form final bosses, But this guy having seven entire forms was really, really neat without feeling overindulgent, surprisingly. It really sells the whole "secret of evolution" thing said villain was chasing throughout the game.

I know this might be a negative for people, but I actually really enjoyed how much important background detail was inserted into regular NPC chatter. Of particular note for me was the grumpy old guy early on in the fifth chapter that lets you rest at his place overnight despite clearly having a disdain for the hero. My first thought was "haha, silly old JRPG man" Then not too far away, there's an NPC that'll tell you about a familiar sounding old man that lived with his son in a cabin, until his son was struck by lightning and killed, leaving the old man alone and bitter. It turned my thinking on it's head and had me wondering if maybe he let me stay with him because he saw a bit of his son in the protagonist. But then, waaaaay later in the game in Zenithia, there's again a completely optional conversation where someone brings up that same tragedy, only they fill out the details a bit more; The man was struck down for starting a relationship with a Zenithian woman, and guess what? That man was the hero's father. Which means the grumpy old man from earlier? Your grandfather. And that left me wondering if he realized the hero was his grandchild and held some resentment towards them for basically being a symbol of the union that led to the death of his son, but still couldn't muster enough hate to leave them without housing for a night. I love that you don't (as far as I know) get a straight answer to that and that it leaves you wondering. Sometimes life is complicated, and we don't get closure, and that's a perfect example of that.

I feel like I'm rambling at this point, so I'll start wrapping things up. I know there's a bonus chapter to play through as well, but I also recently acquired the 3DS port of DQVIII and plan on starting that tonight to serve as a little break between 2D DQ games. I've heard a lot about it (especially in relation to XI) and can't wait to get into it and later on, DQV.

tl;dr dragon quest is awesome yo

P.S. Sylvando and Erik are the best DQXI characters, don't @ me


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'd consider DQV the best older game for anyone to play, DQ8/11 the best starting spots for anyone to play. DQV is my favorite in the series and I'd do anything to have DQV looking like DQ11. (And you can't monkey paw me with that terrible dq netflix movie )

Hope you have fun with DQ8 3ds, I love the QoL that was added to the point that I'd consider it the definitive edition (assuming you fix the music with MP3/ get rid of the midi hack)

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
And you can't monkey paw me with that terrible dq netflix movie
the what now

Hope you have fun with DQ8 3ds, I love the QoL that was added to the point that I'd consider it the definitive edition (assuming you fix the music with MP3/ get rid of the midi hack)
yeah, already had a homebrewed 3DS, so that was the first thing I did after getting the game. Thankfully it apparently streams the music, so you can apply the patch and still play it off the cartridge. I thought I was going to have to dump the game first or something.



Oct 27, 2017
PS2 DQV is neat btw OP. Unsure how prices are at the moment (it was cheap when I picked it up close to a decade ago), but yeah.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
It's the absolute worst way to experience DQV
Oh... huh. Might watch out of morbid curiosity at some point after I play DQV.

PS2 DQV is neat btw OP. Unsure how prices are at the moment (it was cheap when I picked it up close to a decade ago), but yeah.
I ended up getting the DS version primarily for portability, but plan on getting the PS2 remake somewhere down the line since I've heard good things about it and seems to have a good translation patch. I can't imagine it being more expensive than the DS version, in any case.
Oct 27, 2017
78 hours deep into 11 right now and am loving it but don't know I'll do act 3 right away. However knowing one of the things you can do in act 3 I feel like I HAVE to play it at some point.

I've got other games I want to play. Thinking either SMT5 or Tokyo Mirage Sessions. Not sure if I'm in mood for heavy SMT5 shit or a nice sorbet like TMS.


Feb 12, 2019
Someone please sell me on the movie
It mostly follows the major plot of Dragon Quest V, but removes some characters and at the end takes a turn so unexpected and corny that it retroactively makes the rest of the movie seem worse than it actually was

Oh and I completely forgot this, the first act of the game's story is quickly sped through in pixel art scenes and also kinda assumes you already know what happens. That's a big detail for me to forget!

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
It mostly follows the major plot of Dragon Quest V, but removes some characters and at the end takes a turn so unexpected and corny that it retroactively makes the rest of the movie seem worse than it actually was

Oh and I completely forgot this, the first act of the game's story is quickly sped through in pixel art scenes and also kinda assumes you already know what happens. That's a big detail for me to forget!
Oh man, this sounds like a hilarious trainwreck

But I don't want that to be how I experience DQV for the first time, lol


Oct 27, 2017
Nice read OP. Such a great series I only got to discover quite late.
I liked DQ11 a lot but never finished the final chapter, will get around to it one day.
DQ8 is my favorite and was just very enjoyable and charming and I couldn't get enough of it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Beaumont, CA
I liked the movie.....
Someone please sell me on the movie
I watched the movie with my sister who knows practically nothing about DQ and she really liked it. It's a fun little fantasy movie with a very self aware meta twist. The message at the end seems to be VERY polarizing. Either you'll get it and find it sweet or you won't and will hate it) If I compared it to a certain other animated film, I'd ruin the surprise. There's some very lovely visuals and the dub is solid too despite the lip syncing not quite matching the very fluid animation that looks more like a western CG film (Pixar, DreamWorks, etc).

Oh man, this sounds like a hilarious trainwreck

But I don't want that to be how I experience DQV for the first time, lol
It's worth watching either way but definitely AFTER you play DQ.
I ended up getting the DS version primarily for portability, but plan on getting the PS2 remake somewhere down the line since I've heard good things about it and seems to have a good translation patch. I can't imagine it being more expensive than the DS version, in any case.
I played the PS2 version first. The lack of that charming localization store from the official releases is really noticable (but to be fair, it's a LITTLE more over the top compared to XI which finds a better balance, there's some strange decisions that SE later retcons like an NPC who speaks in a very thick Spanish accent that really borders on as an awful stereotype) but you also get the orchestra soundtrack which makes the big dramatic scenes hit HARD.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
And just because it seems like I'm having a roll of bad takes apparently.
Debora was the best choice for the ds game.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
So out of curiosity to see if my PC can even handle Citra (much less this game), I dumped my copy of DQVIII with godmode9 on 3DS and used a HD texture mod someone put out for the game. It doesn't look too awful, surprisingly.




Probably not as good looking as the PS2 version via PCSX2, but it looks pretty okay. I'll probably stick to original hardware here, but if I get the hankering to play it in something a little nicer, I might fire this up and just bring my save over from 3DS. Runs okay, too.
Oct 27, 2017
Dragon Quest VIII on the 3ds is the best version, with the significant chunk of content they've added and the improved alchemy port.

My favorite DQ is 7 though, so if you liked the series being vignette-based, you have to play it somewhere down the line. Each DQ really has something unique to offer that deserves at least a playthrough.


Oct 27, 2017
You're gonna have a blast with DQV and VIII, I'm excited for you.

Dragon Quest should be discovered by more people, it's as close to perfect as a whole franchise can get.

Deleted member 34949

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Nov 30, 2017
So I'm bumping this because I'm running into a weird issue with DQ8 3DS, I'm trying to start this sidequest to be able to trade items with Dodgy Dave,, but get this when trying to start:


He's supposed to be asking for a Strong Medicine for 500g, I believe. But he asks for this, and actually doesn't accept anything. Is it something with the orchestra patch itself messing with things? Is it a known glitch? I've been trying to find answers about this and it's been driving me nuts.


Aug 13, 2020
I started with VIII and adored it. Then I played IV and V on DS and loved them too, especially IV. Played the vanilla XI on PS4 and probably will replay the S version because I found it an exceptionally good game.

Some questions:
- should I play III on the Switch or wait for the remake?
- are I, II, VI, VII and IX worth it?
- why the hell isn't there a HD version of VIII yet? (VIII is still my favorite)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Beaumont, CA
I started with VIII and adored it. Then I played IV and V on DS and loved them too, especially IV. Played the vanilla XI on PS4 and probably will replay the S version because I found it an exceptionally good game.

Some questions:
- should I play III on the Switch or wait for the remake?
- are I, II, VI, VII and IX worth it?
- why the hell isn't there a HD version of VIII yet? (VIII is still my favorite)
-I'd absolutely wait for the remake. The Switch/Mobile version is adequate but it's missing a ton of stuff from previous versions and really isn't the best graphics/sound either.
-I and II are connected to III and it's been hinted that those are getting HD2D remakes as well, otherwise I'd say they're absolutely worth playing all together. I haven't really played through VI or VII yet so I can't really comment on that. I like IX but it had a lot of stuff that relied on now defunct DS features so I'd try and wait for a remake.
-Absolutely no idea, I imagine a definitive HD version has to be in the cards (especially with the 3DS eShop closing). Maybe they're waiting for Dragon Quest Day (DQ1 anniversary in May)?


Nov 2, 2017
Ah Dragon Quest 11- I loved my time with it, that said- I stopped playing as well after finishing act 2... two times actually, LOL. Just can't bring myself to get into this third act. Honestly- at this point it just felt like a complete game. Already massively long, and frankly a complete tale well told.

But then in comes Act 3, and then there's this whole other big chunk of game left... and I just can't bring myself to continue further...
as to my understanding, act 3 is all about time travel or the like, and essentially undoing what happened previously (in particular a death that occurred in the party). I just don't like that, quite frankly. I think the game up to this point was fully told and well earned- we had a heroic sacrifice and IMO the story is more meaningful that way. The surviving party members, come together, work it out, overcome great odds to defeat the villain and save the world. (but not with some sacrifice and loss along the way. Perfect. THE END. But alas, you are in for this complete game altering third act (after 70+ hours likely already spent), that just completely flips the script, undo's the loss, and make the game into completely something else.

I guess Square was trying to blow minds here with the swerve, but honestly... yeah, i completely nope'ed out of the whole thing, and I am fine with that LOL. I liked the game as it ends in Act 2 and I really feel like Act 3 is just a big shark jumping thing that would ruin that good vibe.

Deleted member 34949

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Nov 30, 2017
Homebrew bugs aside, I'm very much enjoying VIII. I was under the impression that the map was pretty much a zone style thing like XI, but nope, this is a whole ass to-scale world map. That was a pleasant surprise, exploring it has been a blast. I think I might have even done a quest or so out of order and the game acknowledged it?


Jan 9, 2018
So I'm bumping this because I'm running into a weird issue with DQ8 3DS, I'm trying to start this sidequest to be able to trade items with Dodgy Dave,, but get this when trying to start:


He's supposed to be asking for a Strong Medicine for 500g, I believe. But he asks for this, and actually doesn't accept anything. Is it something with the orchestra patch itself messing with things? Is it a known glitch? I've been trying to find answers about this and it's been driving me nuts.
I've played DQVIII with the undub and orchestral patch as well, and don't recall having any issues with side quests. And I think I've done pretty much all of them. Maybe there are some other prerequisites? I'll search some guides on this just to be sure.


Nov 22, 2019
Dragon Quest XIS just left me with a massive grin on my face throughout. It was heartwarming, fun and the stories were well-told. Like most DQ games, it's that nature that means they rarely feel overly long to me, as there's narrative payoffs in all the vignettes along the way, rather than JRPGs that keep the carrot of any kind of meaningful accomplishment constantly out of reach.
I'm at the point where I'm waiting to have forgotten enough about it to go back in and enjoy it all over again. I rarely replay long rpgs but XIS is definitely one I'll return to.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
I've played DQVIII with the undub and orchestral patch as well, and don't recall having any issues with side quests. And I think I've done pretty much all of them. Maybe there are some other prerequisites? I'll search some guides on this just to be sure.
I'm just going to assume it's a weirdly specific bug, because from what I looked up, the only prerequisite to start that sidequest is the Venus Tear stuff, which I already did. Looking it up, it seems like the only thing I miss out on is (an admittedly useful) shield later down the line. I'll live, I suppose.
Oct 27, 2017
I started with VIII and adored it. Then I played IV and V on DS and loved them too, especially IV. Played the vanilla XI on PS4 and probably will replay the S version because I found it an exceptionally good game.

Some questions:
- should I play III on the Switch or wait for the remake?
- are I, II, VI, VII and IX worth it?
- why the hell isn't there a HD version of VIII yet? (VIII is still my favorite)
The SNES versions of 1, 2 and 3 still reign supreme in my eyes, but at this point I'd probably wait for the remake of 3 (hopefully out sometime this year). 7 and 6 are not the most popular entries but they really are two of the best ones, especially if you like the vignette-based approach of the series. 7 in particular is my favorite DQ, most likely. I wouldn't recommend it for newcomers but from the sounds of it you've played enough of the games to know if the series is for you, and it sounds like it is.

1 and 2 are rather dated but they're pretty quick games anyway, and they make 3 even better. I'm not sure how 9 would be received now, a lot of its appeal was based on multiplayer when it came out on the ds, and that's likely not an option for many now. If it got retooled in a future remake that would be great; so far 9 and 10 are the only games that have not received a newer version since original release, and 10 is kinda getting that with the offline version.

Hopefully square makes definitive versions of all the mainline games and brings them over to modern platforms.


Jul 8, 2020
Glad you're having a great time with Dragon Quest, OP. It's absolutely one of my favourite franchises of all time, and makes me incredibly happy to see others also getting invested.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Title Town
I am playing through Dragon Quest V and VI on the SNES right now. Assaulting Mudo on his island, and boy...I am running out of heals real fast. Fun times.


Oct 27, 2017
DQ has become my favorite JRPG series post-PS2.

I'm glad they didn't "modernize" the combat like the FF games.

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
DQ has become my favorite JRPG series post-PS2.

I'm glad they didn't "modernize" the combat like the FF games.
Yeah, I still enjoy modern FF (I really liked VII Remake), but I'm coming up on the end of DQVIII, and that game might honestly be the kind of 3D JRPG I dreamed of growing up as a kid. It's everything I loved about the genre, but in 3D with no real compromises.

I'm kind of hoping XII isn't too big of a departure now.


Oct 28, 2017
DQ has become my favorite JRPG series post-PS2.

I'm glad they didn't "modernize" the combat like the FF games.

I get grumpy when I see people asking to turn DQ into an action RPG.

Leave my series alone!

There's so little traditional JRPG left, at least in a big budget sort of way.

I'm not a fan of action RPGs where your team runs around under AI control and you mash buttons or whatever. I noped out of FF once FF12 moved in that direction.


Oct 27, 2017
I get grumpy when I see people asking to turn DQ into an action RPG.

Leave my series alone!
They had planned to with IX I believe, but fan backlash saved it.

Hoping that they don't change much for the combat in DQ XII and also hope that the 'darkness' of XII they have talked about is in the story, and we that get annother traditional grand and beautiful DQ world to explore.

It ain't broke, so don't fix it!


Oct 27, 2017
I know the general feeling on the DQ Movie is negative, but I enjoyed it for what it was, and it got me to try out DQ11S, which I played for like 120 hours and it kind of got me into the series. I've played 4, 7, 8, and 9 since, and didn't really love any of them, but I still intend to play 5 and 6.

Anyway, yeah, DQ11 is great. Glad to see a good size group of folks into Dragon Quest here.