
Oct 25, 2017
So I just got to chapter 5 and maybe it's the fact that I'm coming from the last of us in terms of storytelling but what in the world happened when they wrote this story. If I had to describe how it feels, it feels like multiple teams came up with their own sections and then it just got squished together.

I just finished the Titan fight and what should have been a very high point in the story fell completely flat because there was absolutely no build up to that kind of monster. The story just has no direction and seems to just be all over the place. This is evident from the beginning where they just drop you into the story with no context at all and send you out on a mission that you have no reason to care about. And then they ramp up the tension out of nowhere with the Imperial attack and make you backtrack back to the beginning of the game, but because there was never any setup for Noctis's relationship with his father (yes I know there are other pieces of media for this game but I'm treating it as standalone right now) why should I care about anything that is happening. And that's is generally what is wrong with this story so far. It hasn't earned any of its moments because it has not tried at all to connect me to the world.

The sad part is that behind this nonsensical random story so far, I can see a genuinely great setting for these characters to grow and develop. I really like the friendship of the main cast and having them interact while traveling is something that is really a step up from prior final fantasy games that felt like you were completely alone a lot of the time while traveling even with a party behind you.

In terms of the gameplay, it isn't my favorite action battle system, but I'm actually having a decent time playing it. I absolutely hate the way magic works in this game, but other than that I like the concept of switching between weapons.

The portable mp3 player is also amazing and really enhances the traveling experience for me. Outside of the intro to the game's (Ifrit?) music most of it hasn't left a huge impression on me and I find myself turning on the mp3 whenever I can.

The sidequests have not been good so far, but I'm just doing them only if they come along as I move around.


Oct 25, 2017
The set pieces are epic. It's sorta weird just casually driving to each place you go to.

Sidequests would have been a great way to expand lore, but as far as I could tell it was usually a fantasy hick tellin' me to slay some beasts yonder.


Oct 27, 2017
The first 7-8 chapters tell nothing and after that the story tells 2 games in 5 chapters.


Aug 26, 2018
Wait until you get later into the game. There's a certain part that is so awful and the story for it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


Oct 27, 2017
Denver, CO
Nothing. When the majority of your story is told through LOADING screens, you have a mess. Don't read into the lore; FFXV is a cobbled-together mess.


Oct 25, 2017
I loved FFXV but even I won't defend its story. It has some very good parts but it's not well tied together at all.

If you would've told me 10 years ago I would be raving more about a new DQ (11) than I would be about FF15 I would've laughed at you but here we are.


Feb 7, 2018
And that's is generally what is wrong with this story so far. It hasn't earned any of its moments because it has not tried at all to connect me to the world.
Yuuuuup. I felt the world itself was great, but hot damn was playing in it boring, and I didn't even have the story to fuel my playthrough. Hope you find something else to enjoy in that world though dude.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly I feel like they should have built the story around gathering all 13 weapons and fight the big bad.

That would have been simple and cool.


Oct 25, 2017

If you read the light novel, watch the YouTube miniseries, sit down for the prologue and theatrical movie, get the demo, grab the DLC, and play the game again 2 years later for more scenes. >___>


Oct 25, 2017
So I just got to chapter 5 and maybe it's the fact that I'm coming from the last of us in terms of storytelling but what in the world happened when they wrote this story. If I had to describe how it feels, it feels like multiple teams came up with their own sections and then it just got squished together.
That is quite literally what happened, lol. Well, multiple directors at any rate.

Like many things in the game, the overarching plot is a weird, unfinished, thrown-together mess that seems like it's going somewhere grand and ambitious in the beginning, loses some focus around the middle, and by the end leaves you with no freaking clue what's going on.

On the positive side, the incidental moment-to-moment writing and chemistry between the bros is incredibly well done, and forms the strangely-compelling force that pushed me through the game. So if you just keep your head down, tell Ardyn to sod off and enjoy the bro'd trip you will keep having a highly decent time.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The story is a mess, it doesn't really get better. The game has some good 'moments' but they are not tied together well at all and way too many important events happen off-screen. Even with all of the DLC stories it's still a mess.


Oct 26, 2017
An hour before, they are laughing at the idea of a Titan even existing. Then, some stranger asks them to follow along and come see the Titan. And they're like: "okay". Then the fight itself is horrible; Hacking away at the fingernail of this overly-gigantic enemy.

I'm with you. This was my WTF moment in ff15.

Edit: devastating typos
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Oct 29, 2017
I was really let down after beating this, but looking back at it, it's an amusing* experience just because of how messed up the product as a whole is.

*extra amusing if you played the vanilla game


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I played through the game last year. I had written down notes to help me make a thread about it. I haven't gotten around to it yet, not sure if I ever will. But I have to say this: the part where you infiltrate the imperial base at night to capture the emperor, only to have him escape your custody by the time the mission ends... holy fucking shit have I never facepalmed this hard in the face of shit writing before in a game.


Jul 14, 2018
If you think this is bad, just wait until you get further in the game. As soon as you get on the train the story gets fast tracked into "fuck you there is no time to flesh anything out" the game. That is when you start easily seeing how much was cut, and how the whole last 1/3 of the game is just stitched together remnants.


Jan 8, 2019
My biggest problem was how they handled the invasion of Insomnia. It's such a pivotal moment for the story and basically Noctis's entire motivation throughout the rest of the game, and they off-loaded the entire thing into a CG movie and gave the player zero reasons to care about any of it.
Oct 25, 2017
I played the entire thing through when it came out thinking that at some point it would get food or make some kind of sense. I ended up wasting my time.

PS4 got the ability to hide things in your library shortly after and I quickly used that feature to forget that game even existed.

Deleted member 671

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
FF XV is a game that literally doesn't contain the inciting incident in the game itself. It's a game that let's you see a certain antagonist a grand total of one or two times before giving them some kind of massive send off. It's a game that uses a background NPC as a focal point despite barely showing them and acting like anyone gives a damn.

In short, it's a damn mess.

The first 7-8 chapters tell nothing and after that the story tells 2 games in 5 chapters.

Pretty much this.
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Oct 25, 2017
My biggest problem was how they handled the invasion of Insomnia. It's such a pivotal moment for the story and basically Noctis's entire motivation throughout the rest of the game, and they off-loaded the entire thing into a CG movie and gave the player zero reasons to care about any of it.

I always took it as they didn't have the time to build a whole city for you to explore so instead they just destroy in an awful movie before you can build ANY kind of attachment to it.

then you go to the destroyed city lol. I have zero fucks that it was destroyed because I never saw how it was beforehand. Then you have the whole flash forward thing that's half-assed due to time constraints I guess. (I think they added to that section post release?)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Good question, OP. Let us know if you ever figure it out. I'd be interested to know.

Maximum Spider

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Cleveland, OH
The way FF15 presents it's story....I felt like I was playing a sequel to another game. Such an odd experience. I think the game assumes you've watched the movie and whatever else they used to give this game context.

I enjoyed it for what it was, though. The bros were great. It can be quite the visual marvel too.

Deleted member 1003

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
There is no story. Just play it as four guys going on a journey and growing together. The after credits scene was perfect.

Long live Jared!


Oct 27, 2017
Chapter 13 ain't that bad, its one and done and only last like 30 minutes.

The story in FF15 is a complete disappointment though, some really cool ideas there.


May 2, 2018
play it for graphics and music only - the story does not make any sense whatsoever
go in with no expectations when playing this game tbh

probably one of my most disappointing games I have ever played


Oct 27, 2017
Not to spoil too much, but the story is pretty much the backseat until a point of no return later in the game. Even then it feels like a mess.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Pretty much everything happens offscreen early on, then ???, then the game ends.

Pretty sure the devs don't even know wtf happened at this point.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah man. Square seems to have left its good storytelling in the 90s. Which is crazy that its been so long like this and the games are still super successful and moneyful.


Oct 27, 2017
Wait until you realize the main heroine barely has any screen time or dialogue in the game as well.


Oct 25, 2017
You are in the part of the game where the story still works on SOME level. Wait till you get to the later chapters...


Remember Subway Jared.

I do my best to not remember pedophiles...


Oct 25, 2017
Lol I love how they didnt explain at all what touching those stupid stones were for and then randomly you can summon.

I'm trying to imagine how things could get that much worse because I seriously have no idea what is happening besides two countries at war


Nov 21, 2018
Honestly I feel like they should have built the story around gathering all 13 weapons and fight the big bad.

That would have been simple and cool.

^ it really would've been good if it would've been that simple/focused. To add insult to injury, the game does not even require you to get all of the weapons to progress - you automatically get them for the end game. =/

Flame Flamey

Feb 8, 2018
How awkward are those moments where they put in scenes from the movie? I guess it's better than not having it for the first context, but I find that so weird. I think they use clips from the Omen trailer too.


Oct 25, 2017
I got super into this game when it launched on PC, watched the anime, watched Kingsglaive, was digging the game until it absolutely fell apart maybe 10 hours in.

It left a really sour taste in my mouth, what a huge waste of potential.