
was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
So after finishing Bugsnax and Astro's Playroom I decided the next game I wanted to finish on my PS5 was God of War. A game that I'd heard praised to hell and back but never sat down and actually played through it. I decided to finally bite the bullet and see what the hype is about.

...and yeah, it's pretty fucking good. The game immediately grabbed my attention with the fight against "The Stranger". I have a passing knowledge of Norse mythology so I think I have an idea of who he is, but I'm happy to watch the game unfold and see if I'm right.

Still in the early game, but the combat is snappy and satisfying and the acting in it is so far great. I played the old God of War games way back when and it's interesting to see Kratos' character transition from unhinged revenge obsessed madman to a gruff father who's trying to make his son strong enough to survive the harsh world they inhabit.
Jan 27, 2020
Washington, DC
Oh it's a great game. It's the best God of War, and it's not even close really. That axe is so much more satisfying to use than the blades of chaos ever were.

I actually didn't really dig the fight with the stranger though. It was a bit too drawn out for me. /shrug


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
I'll parrot in here what I say in every God of War thread: I'm someone with precisely zero affinity for the series and Kratos. God of War 2 was the only one of the bunch I enjoyed. I otherwise found every game sluggish with weak, unsatisfying combat and encounter design, a boring take on Greek mythology, and a miserable protagonist. God of War '18 is genuinely probably one of my favourite games ever. I enjoy almost every single thing about it immeasurably more than all of its predecessors combined, with exception of maybe the significant reduction in big boss fights.

Really, really fantastic ride. Eager for Ragnarok, even if it's got big shoes to fill.


Oct 29, 2017
Still in the early game, but the combat is snappy and satisfying

If you think the combat is already satisfying early game then you're in for a ride.

It's so damn good.

Make sure to disable lock-on so you can have a easier time aiming for the legs and head of your enemies (though it'll be harder to hit small flying enemies, but at least for me it's much more satisfying this way).


Apr 5, 2018
Game of the gen.

Sublime visuals, design, voice acting and music.

even the new game plus is good!


Son Altesse Sérénissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it's fantastic. I have played all of the previous God of War games, liked the gameplay enough, but also not caring at all about Kratos as a character. GoW 2018 made me care about Kratos.


Oct 25, 2017
GOTG for me, and that's saying a lot since I barely used my PS4. I was enthralled from start to finish, and I can't wait to replay it at a solid 60 fps on PS5.

It also has the most interesting combat I've seen for a character action game. It doesn't have the high skill ceiling of something like DMC, but for a more casual player, it had just the right amount of depth and felt really damned good overall.


Nov 29, 2017
I only played a bit of it on ps4 but as soon as the ps5 patch hits I plan on diving back in. Really enjoyed what little I saw.


Nov 1, 2017
Brisbane, Australia
Yeah I went back and played it through on ps5 at 60fps and it's undoubtedly a top 5 game of the generation, just an astounding experience from end to end.

The only part I disliked at all was fighting the optional end game bosses, they just lacked a lot of the polish of every other aspect of the games stellar design.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Some more hype:

And remember to do the sidequests, even though they mostly turn out to be fetch quests, there is one that comprises of besting certain foes and they are .... challenging.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll parrot in here what I say in every God of War thread: I'm someone with precisely zero affinity for the series and Kratos. God of War 2 was the only one of the bunch I enjoyed. I otherwise found every game sluggish with weak, unsatisfying combat and encounter design, a boring take on Greek mythology, and a miserable protagonist. God of War '18 is genuinely probably one of my favourite games ever. I enjoy almost every single thing about it immeasurably more than all of its predecessors combined, with exception of maybe the significant reduction in big boss fights.

Really, really fantastic ride. Eager for Ragnarok, even if it's got big shoes to fill.

I came from only having played GoW3 remastered and not really liking anything about it, most notably the awful Kratos. I was pretty skeptical, but after the strong reception I knew I had to try it despite my misgivings. It's amazing how well they turned this franchise around.

2018 is easily a top 3 of the gen for me.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Its fantastic game. Probably my favourite "cinematic" game. It have a few problems with it, but they wouldnt affect a first playthrough much.


Oct 25, 2017
My game of the generation. I'm hoping that they'll patch unlocked framerate in the Prioritize Resolution mode before I replay it.


Feb 28, 2019
My only big problem of this game is the pacing of the last 30%, but we won't talked about that here.
Enemy variety is another one.

Sleve McDichael

Oct 28, 2017
I'm jealous. I wish I could experience it for the first time again.
One of the finest video games ever made IMO. Enjoy!


Jan 6, 2019
As someone who loved the series from the start, 2018 is a god damn masterpiece. It is the golden standard which all reboots should be judged by. It should be played by everyone and I will fite anyone who thinks otherwise


Oct 28, 2017
I can only echo what others have said, it only gets better as it goes. Game of the Generation.

Didn't even think it would be a game for me going into it, never played the previous games, Kratos seemed totally boring as a character and the combat didn't look like something I'd find really enjoyable. Couldn't have been more wrong. Almost everything about the game is exceptionally good. Cannot wait for the sequel.


Sep 7, 2018
Bronx, NY
You're now just experiencing Game Of The Generation?

Anyways, enjoy. You're in for one hell of a ride. Nothing comes to close to that game!
Oct 27, 2017
I really hope the (eventual) PC version has more presentation options so I can finally play it without puking my guts.


Oct 30, 2017
I played a few hours and I wanted to love it but I'm saldy not hooked yet. I platinumed GoW 1 and 2 so it's not like I was forcing it just because it's a well regarded game.

When I get my PS5 I'll put some more hours, maybe it's the fact that I always played short bursts so I'm not getting in the zone, I don't know lol.


Developer at Pixel Arc Studios
Oct 26, 2017
Harrisburg, Pa
I'll parrot in here what I say in every God of War thread: I'm someone with precisely zero affinity for the series and Kratos. God of War 2 was the only one of the bunch I enjoyed. I otherwise found every game sluggish with weak, unsatisfying combat and encounter design, a boring take on Greek mythology, and a miserable protagonist. God of War '18 is genuinely probably one of my favourite games ever. I enjoy almost every single thing about it immeasurably more than all of its predecessors combined, with exception of maybe the significant reduction in big boss fights.

Really, really fantastic ride. Eager for Ragnarok, even if it's got big shoes to fill.

Yep, this is me as well (except I wouldn't as harshly criticize the combat in the previous entries). I had zero attachment to the series and had only put significant time into God of War 3 going into this game. And yeah, its really, REALLY good. I loved everything about it and actually went so far as to platinum it (I think I have a total of 3 or 4 platinum trophies). I'm trying not to think much about Ragnarok in an effort to avoid creating any expectations as its going to be hard to follow this one up.


Sep 29, 2018
Never gave much of a shit about the past God of War games. Never got too far in any of them. But 2018 was a masterpiece and my 2018 GOTY. After beating the game, I tried going back to the older entries but felt too dated for me and just didn't grab me like this one.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Best God of War. my 2nd favorite action game on PS4 after Bloodborne. But my favorite game to Platinum.

I got fucking hooked on the combat in this game. it's so well designed.


Oct 26, 2017
The storytelling and the direction of the game is seriously masterful. All done with a 1 take style? Just amazing.


Oct 27, 2017
London, UK
Santa Monica smashed it out of the fucking park with this game. I was HOOKED from start to finish.

The visuals, production values, gameplay, combat, even the story - all AAA+ tier!


Oct 29, 2017
I played through God of War 1-3 early this year. And then finally got around to this one.

GoW 1-3 are good/great games, but this game is one of the best ever made. It's impressive how the game manages to retain it's identity while still being something totally different.

Doskoi Panda

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
My favorite PS4 exclusive so far (still gotta play TLOU 2 tho). It's wonderful and the gameplay is dope in its own way.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
I'll parrot in here what I say in every God of War thread: I'm someone with precisely zero affinity for the series and Kratos. God of War 2 was the only one of the bunch I enjoyed. I otherwise found every game sluggish with weak, unsatisfying combat and encounter design, a boring take on Greek mythology, and a miserable protagonist. God of War '18 is genuinely probably one of my favourite games ever. I enjoy almost every single thing about it immeasurably more than all of its predecessors combined, with exception of maybe the significant reduction in big boss fights.

Really, really fantastic ride. Eager for Ragnarok, even if it's got big shoes to fill.

Pretty much. The only thing that bugged me was how many bosses were iterations of a few types.
Niflheim was this kinda great and unexpected optional area that I hope they expand on a bit.