hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Going through my PS Plus backlog and started MN9. The graphics are ugly as sin but I find the game really fun to play? The platforming is fun and the dashing feels satisfying.

I haven't gotten very far but I'm having a good time. Started with no 2 and found both the level and boss manageable. Beat it in a few tries. Went back to no 1 and found the level super ugly but more importantly both the level and boss seemed pretty difficult. So I'm leaving it for later until I find some weapons that work well. I do enjoy the Megaman hook of trying different weapons on different levels.

Tried no 3 and enjoyed the level and really enjoyed the boss. Figuring out that you could use the ice weapon to neutralize the electric mines was a really fun discovery and the battle centered around managing the arena to keep yourself safe for the electric surges felt pretty clever.

I have to say, I enjoy how these new forms change up the gameplay. Both the ice shot and the electric attack are essentially status change attack, which feels fresh and like a cool twist on the typical megaman form changes which mostly just change the shooting patterns of your attacks. I do enjoy as well that you get challenge stages designed to teach you how your new tools can be used

I haven't gotten farther than what I described above but it's making a good first impression so far. I'm sure it'll fall apart once the robot master equivalents are defeated and I'll grow bored. (That always happened in the megaman games as well. Wily stages are boooring.) But for now I'm having fun.

So why was this so hated? Is it just the really ugly graphics? Who cares so long as the gameplay is fun?
Jan 3, 2019

Deleted member 21411

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
Honestly think if it just came out with no history people would say its neat. It's not great but I think it's kinda fun in places


Oct 25, 2017
It's just not a good game not to mention all the broken promises to kickstarter backers.
Oct 27, 2017
Going through my PS Plus backlog and started MN9. The graphics are ugly as sin but I find the game really fun to play? The platforming is fun and the dashing feels satisfying.

I haven't gotten very far but I'm having a good time. Started with no 2 and found both the level and boss manageable. Beat it in a few tries. Went back to no 1 and found the level super ugly but more importantly both the level and boss seemed pretty difficult. So I'm leaving it for later until I find some weapons that work well. I do enjoy the Megaman hook of trying different weapons on different levels.

Tried no 3 and enjoyed the level and really enjoyed the boss. Figuring out that you could use the ice weapon to neutralize the electric mines was a really fun discovery and the battle centered around managing the arena to keep yourself safe for the electric surges felt pretty clever.

I have to say, I enjoy how these new forms change up the gameplay. Both the ice shot and the electric attack are essentially status change attack, which feels fresh and like a cool twist on the typical megaman form changes which mostly just change the shooting patterns of your attacks. I do enjoy as well that you get challenge stages designed to teach you how your new tools can be used

I haven't gotten farther than what I described above but it's making a good first impression so far. I'm sure it'll fall apart once the robot master equivalents are defeated and I'll grow bored. (That always happened in the megaman games as well. Wily stages are boooring.) But for now I'm having fun.

So why was this so hated? Is it just the really ugly graphics? Who cares so long as the gameplay is fun?

The game not only fails to be a great spiritual successor to Mega Man, but there was a ton of extreme mismanagement of the kickstarter campaign that funded the game. It doesn't hurt that the quality of the game was severely compromised because they decided to raise more money by promising ports to extremely underpowered platforms using an engine that was only designed for modern systems. They also weren't even able to deliver ports to all the promised platforms. It didn't help that Keji Inafune decided to open a kickstarter for a Mega Man Legends spiritual successor, Red Ash, before Comcept ever got remotely close to delivering MN9.

The funny thing is that Keji Inafune garnered so much trust because he constantly reassured fans that his years of industry experience in managing games to completion would guarantee MN9 from going over development time, being over spec'ed, and under-planned. His campaign ended up being one of the absolute worst examples of how to run a Kickstarter.
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Oct 28, 2017
Well, I know you haven't gotten very far, but as I recall, the level design is not very good, and I recall one level having instant-death turbines that you had to dash under JUST right to get past them. I hated that level. There were a lot of moments in Mighty No. 9 that just ticked me off with their design.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Well let's see.

-The poorly put together trailer
-The constant delays
-The Red Ash Kickstarter
-"it's better then nothing"
-The pizza explosions
-the backer rewards had a lot of problems

Just a lot of things sadly
Oct 2, 2018
The reviews were unkind and it just seemed ugly.

I mean, the polygon/3D in bloodstained was also ugly but MN9 is a bad game.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
What design choices makes it not a good game in your opinion?
Level design is subpar, there's a lot of dumb decisions in the back half of the game that just drag down the whole experience, I don't remember any of the powers being any good outside of their boss weaknesses either.

It's not the worst thing ever, but given the history with the entire Kickstarter campaign and the legacy it was trying to capture it's just not great.


Oct 27, 2017
one of those games its history/baggage will never be divorced from the actual game. gotta keep in mind people literally invested $100+ on it with little no return

in an alt reality where it was a little MM clone initicreates quietly threw out there it'd probably be a 6.5-8/10 game per consensus


Oct 25, 2017
The game itself has a few rough patches. The hate, however, is primarily driven from the poor management of the Kickstarter campaign to marketing.
hydrophilic attack

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Well, I know you haven't gotten very far, but as I recall, the level design is not very good, and I recall one level having instant-death turbines that you had to dash under JUST right to get past them. I hated that level. There were a lot of moments in Mighty No. 9 that just ticked me off with their design.
That's one of the 2 levels I cleared. I died to those turbines once, then learned my lesson. Didn't find them to be a huge deal. Mega man games always had some instant death environmental hazards. Still, I can see stuff like that being annoying and there could well be some similar obstacles later that annoy me


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Also I may suggest picking up The Mighty volt gunburst crossover game too down the road if you liked MN.9 or wanted what MN.9 should of been
Oct 27, 2017
The game is ugly as sin, which could have been forgiven if it was fun to play.

Which it isn't.

It's just an overall bad game, really.


Oct 28, 2017
That's one of the 2 levels I cleared. I died to those turbines once, then learned my lesson. Didn't find them to be a huge deal. Mega man games always had some instant death environmental hazards. Still, I can see stuff like that being annoying and there could well be some similar obstacles later that annoy me

My memory might be fuzzy, but I thought the last turbine had a crazy small margin for error to dash under it. Still, I'm glad you're not having a bad time and are enjoying what you're playing so far.
Oct 25, 2017
I had a lot of fun playing the game.

Sure, it's nowhere near as good as a "real" Mega Man game, but I found it to be very entertaining.


May 17, 2020
The Wii U version of the game specifically has so many hitches and slowdown that it's basically unplayable. The end of the game is just horrendous. The level design is poor to middling, the bosses are generally not very fun to fight, the music isn't memorable and the Call sections are terrible.


Oct 8, 2018
Backers watched Comcept run around in a delusional, coke-fueled frenzy, ranting and raving about making a movie, a TV show, a spin-off, and a spiritual successor to Mega Man Legends (if people would only give Comcept more money) as the game they funded devolved into painful mediocrity.

And yeah that "anime fan on prom night" joke... it's like they wanted people to hate them.
Oct 30, 2017
I was ok with the game for 4 or so bosses but there were some particulars that angered me into dropping it. I can't remember specifics but there were a few times where it wasn't clear if walking off a cliff would advance the screen or kill me. Had to trial and error those.

Another thing was fighting one of the bosses, their attack telegraph was to flash purple but the stunned visual is also flash purple, so they were way too easy to mix up and get punished for it


Oct 28, 2017
Horrendous level design, graphics, voice acting and story. This game took a such a profound shit on MegaMans tomb that it made the blue bomber resurrect and take the torch back.

The only good thing about it is that it controls fine and its a masterwork on how not to make a megaman game.
Never forget:



Jan 10, 2018
Somehow I was supposed to get a steam key but never did... or maybe I just missed it lol.

honestly playing the beta or whatever it was wasn't that bad imo.


Art Director for Videogames
Oct 25, 2017
It was supposed to be the "THIS is the true successor of the Megaman spirit, the game Capcom doesn't want us to make"

Not, you know, a complete wet fart of a game that even while taking your praise into the OP into account only adds up for the bare minimum a game of that type should have.

Inafune, by that time, was a Producer. A Producer is the person whose job it is to secure money in order to make a game. He used those skills on a naive, optimistic crew that was all too willing to believe the "developer jesus" status that Inafune had crafted for himself and fully bought into his marketing stunt .... and of course they would, this guy was used togetting multi million projects approved by a board of directors, what chance does Bob in Tampa who fucking loves Megaman and cried for a week when Legends 3 was cancelled have


Jun 6, 2018
The delay really hurt it, especially since Inti creates already said it was done like a year before it actually released.

The fact Inafune was able to fool everyone for so long is also something else. Dude was acting like he created Megaman.

Nah. Dude put more time into Megaman than the original creator did, who bounced after the first two games. He might not have been the birth father but he raised him. Inafune also created Zero and oversaw all of the spinoff/sequel series.

Game wasn't terrible but it could have been a lot better though. I hope Inti creates continues to expand on the Mighty Gunvolt line of games, Mighty Gunvolt Burst was a ton of fun.

I'd like to see Inafune redeem himself at some point but who knows what he is up to.


May 14, 2018
The dashing is definitely not satisfying. It's the main gimmick of the game and it got tiring very quickly. See azure gunvolt's Copen for an example of dashing into enemies that's actually fun.


Oct 25, 2017
It's shocking how tone-deaf the whole Kickstarter campaign was, coming from the man behind Rock(man) and Roll


Oct 27, 2017
It should have reached the heights of Megaman 9 and 10, but it didn't. Reading the background, it just seems like a very badly managed project. I liked Mighty Gunvolt Burst for what it's worth.


Oct 27, 2017
It has a bad history and has become something cool to shit on. It's not a terrible game but it's not as good as people were hoping. Also the delays to everything and platform bloat hurt it a lot.

Sovan Jedi

Oct 30, 2017
Southampton, UK
Because it's a bad game! It's a flimsy copy of Megaman games, with rough level designs, bad graphics, a gameplay mechanic that doesn't feel satisfying to pull off, really lame cutscenes and voice acting that grates and insults. While I concede it's not the worst game ever, its reputation isn't helped by the hubris caused by one of the most shockingly incompetent Kickstarter campaigns from start to finish. On top of that, the Wii U version runs like absolute shit and is the only game to cause my Gamepad to disconnect multiple times during my playthrough of it, one of those times during the final boss.

And trust me, I really believed in this game to begin with. It's the most I've ever pledged to a Kickstarter, and I even got to visit their offices in Tokyo and speak to the main producer team while they were beginning to design everything (they showed me one of the bosses before it had been revealed officially) It meant the world to me that this was happening. I was all about ready to give them my unrelenting Megaman love for Beck and Call. To go from that to their late delivery of such a lame game - which they felt would be so strong a franchise that they greenlit a live action movie AND a CG cartoon show tie-in with before it even released - is just such a crushing disappointment.

EDIT: I also keep forgetting they never finished the 3DS and Vita versions of the game.


Oct 28, 2017
It's just not a good game not to mention all the broken promises to kickstarter backers.
I backed it at the digital only level, like I do with every game I back on Kickstarter, so while I thought they made a ton of stupid mistakes during and after the campaign it didn't really affect me at all. I got my game and that was all I was expecting.

It makes me wonder what percentage of video game Kickstarters would still meet their goal if the digital only tier were the only one available - how much of their success rests on people spending hundreds of dollars on the higher tiers.


Oct 28, 2017
I genuinely don't think it's a terrible game, but we were under the impression of getting the next Mega Man game and it was just...So sadly mediocre. Mega Man is all about replays and after beating MN9, I never went back and had no desire to.