Deleted member 249

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Oct 25, 2017
I finally jumped into PSVR today. Vacation has started, so what better time to give it a go, right? So I finally unboxed the headset to see what all this hype was about. And...


I am going to start from the beginning here, because the starting is actually me being super annoyed, and I like bitching. But holy fucking shit this is the most annoying thing ever to set up. It took me forever to get the whole tangle with the wires and the breakout box sorted (and I don't even want to look at the back of my entertainment center anymore, I'm pretty sure NASA server rooms in the 1960s didn't look as messy). Then came the next part where I had to put the headset on, and... my head is too big for it? The stupid thing wouldn't go on. Finally figured it out after some fiddling, and then I turned it on.

I have had minimal experience with VR previously. I tried a PSVR demo once, and the game they gave me was that EVE space shooter spin off. I tried it for a few minutes, and moved on. It made no impression on me, and I didn't care. VR as a whole format is something I have respected from the sides, but not really given a shit about myself. The only reason I bought PSVR now at all was because I had heard so many good things about Astro Bot, and I could get the Astro Bot PSVR bundle new for $150 CAD, at which point why not.

Where I am going with this is that, for all purposes, this was basically my first time with VR.

And hoooooooly shit.

Once again, the actual setup took a while, and had some problems, but as soon as that was done, the sense of immersion was total, complete, absolute. I have literally never seen (wrong word? Experienced, maybe?) anything like this. I started up Astro Bot, and yeah, I think the hype is right on that game. I'm really early in, so I won't make any final judgement (plus I'm in a general state of having my mind blown by VR), but I have literally never seen a game designed like it. It's entirely new dimensions thrown in. The whole concept of a game space and how to see and interact with it gets an entirely new meaning. It's unreal.

The best part? I was expecting motion sickness, and while the very first time the camera moves in Astro Bot pulled the rug out from under me (literally), that was it. There has been no sickness and nausea since. It's so insane, especially because I am so susceptible to motion sickness otherwise (even normal first person games make me sick).

But back to VR—I've never, ever seen anything like this. You can't be prepared for it until you slip the headset on and see for yourself. It's an all new mode of game design, it's totally unlike anything else on the market. People who know of my gaming tastes on this forum know that I (generally but not always) eschew traditional AAA experiences, and I like mechanical inventiveness more in my games—one of the reasons I love the Switch and its library so much, for example. PSVR is that, but in an entirely new frontier of gaming, where I find myself in an all new space, all new school of design, where basic mechanics have to be rethought. It's amazing.

The PS5 and Xbox Scarlett will come along, and they will give us the same old, but shinier. And that's fine, I am glad that exists, and there is a place for that in the industry, and I myself enjoy a lot of that. But as far as actual next generation design goes, this is it, and nothing either of those do will compare. Taking off the headset and going back to a flat screen felt positively diminutive.

Final notes:
  • The headset is super comfortable. It's surprising how unobtrusive it is even when you are wearing it (apart from the whole thing where you sensorarily block out the rest of the world, but work with me here)
  • The so called "low resolution" of PSVR doesn't really matter. The sense of immersion is total and absolute, and the games themselves are a delight
  • The stereo earbuds that come with the system are surprisingly... good?
  • Like I said, early days, but I really like Astro Bot. If you have a PSVR, but don't have this already, please get it. I look forward to completing this, and making an LttP to share my impressions when I do
  • I got to hang out with Makoto in VR! That was actually the first thing I did. That alone makes the whole thing worth it.

Deleted member 12833

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Welcome to the fam. I got mine not long ago as well and it is just a blast. I was also complaining out loud about the is a bit much.

But it just feels so special to play atm, I hope the feeling last.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope all you enjoy the thrilling technological advancements that come from VR gaming, but after REZ Infinite and Tetris Effect I see no real reason to invest anymore in VR gaming. What I want to experience through VR immersion just hasn't been satisfied by other games yet.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Welcome to the fam. I got mine not long ago as well and it is just a blast. I was also complaining out loud about the is a bit much.

But it just feels so special to play atm, I hope the feeling last.
I think a lot of it will come down to the games, a well designed game will feel great, a not well designed one will take away the luster.
I plan on being a bit careful with what I buy, but next up I want to finally try RE7 (in VR!)


Oct 27, 2017
Enjoy, I'm jealous of all of you as I've now tried twice and something with my eyes or brain causes me extreme discomfort for days after playing VR to where it's not physically something I can deal with to even try to get used to it. What I have played is awesome and it just makes me sad thinking about it


Sep 21, 2018
This is why you can spot so easily people that never tried VR,or pretend they did, and yet still shit on it in every thread.
They have no idea what they are talking about, and it's so obvious it's hilarious.

I hope all you enjoy the thrilling technological advancements that come from VR gaming, but after REZ Infinite and Tetris Effect I see no real reason to invest anymore in VR gaming. What I want to experience through VR immersion just hasn't been satisfied by other games yet.

Resident evil 7 maybe ? the second half of the game is bang bang shooty stuff, but the first half is really great.


Mar 4, 2018
I agree with this being unlike anything out there. I always equate it to the switch from 2D to 3D, completely different ballgame.


Oct 10, 2018
Welcome to the family. I've said it before, but no console generational leap has come close the leap VR made. Mind blowing shit and I never saw it coming.
Nov 30, 2017
Just think of PSVR2. Wireless.

And of course the games are growing. VR is young and developers are figuring out what people like.


Oct 25, 2017
Getting one for Christmas and can't wait to jump in tbh. Nothing intrigued me until Astro Bot


Oct 27, 2017
Visually, you go from a 60" inch TV to basically five, (FIVE!) 200" TVs. (I'm not even counting the TV behind you, only left, right, front, ceiling and floor.

Yes the big TVs are much less sharp, but mankind can remedy that in a decade or so.

Wireless will be harder, but is essential.

Comfort is 3rd. Need a lot of comfort and smaller size.
Oct 26, 2017
Maaaannn just starting off with Astro? It gets insanely good man. RE7 in VR is gonna blow your mind man. The sense of presence in that game is truly unnerving like nothing else. I envy anyone who's first experience with RE7 is thru VR. Make sure you grab Super Hot and Wipeout down the line too


Sep 21, 2018
I don't really want to play that kind of game in VR.
You want immersion but refuse to play games built for immersion. ok.
Or maybe you should not lie about having a vr Headset
nigga I don't wanna buy a VR headset
Told you it was obvious.

Wait, I have Wipeout Omega, that's VR compatible??
Wipeout omega is full VR, the patch is free and you should have it already.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Maaaannn just starting off with Astro? It gets insanely good man. RE7 in VR is gonna blow your mind man. The sense of presence in that game is truly unnerving like nothing else. I envy anyone who's first experience with RE7 is thru VR. Make sure you grab Super Hot and Wipeout down the line too
Wait, I have Wipeout Omega, that's VR compatible??


One Winged Slayer
May 17, 2018
I've used someone else's Oculus before and it's an interesting experience for sure. I find it a tad overwhelming but I'm certain it's going to be a medium of gaming that's going to get better with age, and crazily enough, it seems pretty good for what it's worth right now also.
Oct 26, 2017
Wait, I have Wipeout Omega, that's VR compatible??

Yeah. Make sure you turn off the blinders and all that other stuff in the menus. It makes the experience super immersive. Shit feels like you've got access to a roller coaster. I remember the first time I booted it up, I just sat in the coaster laughing for several minutes at how far gaming had come. I mean I played XL for hours and hours as a teenager and now I'm IN A FUCKING SPACECRAFT DUDE. That, along with Super Hot, Astro and RE7 are the creme de la creme experiences on PSVR (haven't tried Beat Saber yet tho)


Dec 29, 2017
I think a lot of it will come down to the games, a well designed game will feel great, a not well designed one will take away the luster.
I plan on being a bit careful with what I buy, but next up I want to finally try RE7 (in VR!)

Congrats! RE7 VR is one of the greatest gaming experiences ever. It was robbed of 2017 GOTY awards because not enough people have played it. You have to give it a shot! I think the default setting is great but you can always tweak it for motion sickness.

As for Astrobot - Each world is better than the last., you are not ready for the worlds to come! Once people figure out design principles to reduce motion sickness and once the hardware improves it is going to give us gaming experiences we would never have imagined. It is why this generation is my favorite generation. Some truly magical games!


Self Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it's simply incredible. The jump to VR honestly feels bigger than any other jump in gaming in terms of offering something truly "new and different" than anything I've experienced in a long time.

Getting lost in Skyrim, Moss, Astro Bot. Tetris Effect, etc. is something else.

Really hope we keep getting quality software on it next year like we got to experience this year


Oct 25, 2017
Only tried it briefly so far but I was so impressed that I bought a big stack of games for my headset which I will be opening up for Christmas. Astro Bot and one-hundred and ninety-nine US dollar was what made me pull the trigger. Haven't been this excited about gaming since… since… my first console, the SEGA Genesis?

Hope Sony will continue to focus on it and improve the tech for next gen and that more developers will catch on.


Oct 25, 2017
Told you it was obvious.

Wow!!!! I have to buy a VR headset in order to understand the experience behind it!!!! Wow!!! You figured me out!!!! Goddamn!!!!!

What if I had friends that allowed me to use their headsets in order to experience the games I want to play? Just what if ? Why are you so damn invested into people not liking what you don't like to the point of searching someone's posts? Are you that boring?

What are you gonna do search my PSN records to see if I played any of those games I mentioned? I can't write words that gush about my experience with Tetris Effect despite me saying I don't wanna buy a VR headset for a fucking platformer?

I even opened up my first comment discussing that it's perfectly possible for me to admit that there is an audience both here, and outside of this forum that like VR gaming and I respect it. But to twist my words to paint me as some troll? In a Phantom Thief thread? I'm a piece of shit yeah but goddamn who the fuck are you to tell me that my experiences with those games are automatically invalid because I said I don't wanna buy a VR headset? Cause I don't! There is no incentive for me!

Let me rephrase my original, quoted comment before you embarrass youself again you knock-kneed instigator.

I don't want to play VR titles with realistic or semi-realistic environments in titles such as RE7, or Firewall, because it makes me sick to my stomach and those kind of titles are not the experiences I am seeking out of VR.

Games like Beat Saber, Superhot, Thumper, REZ, Tetris Effect -- titles I have all played and enjoyed in VR in some shape or form -- are the games I seek out. I don't know what kind of game you would describe those as but those are the titles I seek out as a means of justifying my future, eventual VR purchase should that day ever come. Of those five games, the last two are the only ones I can say I have ready to go in the event I buy my VR set but nigga I don't want one right now. Not for some fucking platformer.
Last edited:

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. Make sure you turn off the blinders and all that other stuff in the menus. It makes the experience super immersive. Shit feels like you've got access to a roller coaster. I remember the first time I booted it up, I just sat in the coaster laughing for several minutes at how far gaming had come. I mean I played XL for hours and hours as a teenager and now I'm IN A FUCKING SPACECRAFT DUDE. That, along with Super Hot, Astro and RE7 are the creme de la creme experiences on PSVR (haven't tried Beat Saber yet tho)
That's awesome, I have to reinstall that right away. Wipeout in VR is literally the dream

Congrats! RE7 VR is one of the greatest gaming experiences ever. It was robbed of 2017 GOTY awards because not enough people have played it. You have to give it a shot! I think the default setting is great but you can always tweak it for motion sickness.

As for Astrobot - Each world is better than the last., you are not ready for the worlds to come! Once people figure out design principles to reduce motion sickness and once the hardware improves it is going to give us gaming experiences we would never have imagined. It is why this generation is my favorite generation. Some truly magical games!
Yeah, RE7 and Skyrim are my next purchases for this thing. I actually have not played RE7 yet, so the first time I try it will be in VR. Yikes, lol.
Astro Bot so far feels fantastic, I have a feeling this will be the rare case of a game actually living up to the hype.

Yeah, and Trackmania too.

I'd recommend trying out the Moss demo. There's also 2 demo collection downloads where you can try out a whole bunch of the earlier games.

Another thing, The shark demo in VR Worlds kinda blew my mind.
I got Moss! That came with the system actually. Is VR World's a free thing, or do I have to buy it?


Oct 27, 2017
Is VR World's a free thing, or do I have to buy it?
It came with my bundle, but I guess you got another bundle seeing how you got Moss.

It's a paid thing, but should be relatively cheap with it being a launch title game. It's by London Studio, so some of the stuff feels really high budget and you get a good taste of the upcoming Blood & Truth game with the London Heist stuff.


Oct 28, 2017
In b4 "bla bla bla honeymoon phase." I am going into my 3rd year of VR, 2nd of PSVR and I am still amazed by good new games and experiences. Firewall Zero Hour, a game I would've hated in flat gaming is my GOTY over God Of War which is probably my favorite single player since TLoU. A game I bought twice and beat over 10x. Functional consumer VR is in the worst phase its possibly going to ever be in and it is amazing. The future is extremely bright

Greatest Ever

Aug 25, 2018
Also Skyrim was really bad on PSVR but I heard it's gotten much better. I still fucking hated how bad Move controllers were with it.


Sep 21, 2018
Wow!!!! I have to buy a VR headset in order to understand the experience behind it!!!! Wow!!! You figured me out!!!! Goddamn!!!!!

What if I had friends that allowed me to use their headsets in order to experience the games I want to play? Just what if ? Why are you so damn invested into people not liking what you don't like to the point of searching someone's posts? Are you that boring?

What are you gonna do search my PSN records to see if I played any of those games I mentioned? I can't write words that gush about my experience with Tetris Effect despite me saying I don't wanna buy a VR headset for a fucking platformer?

I see no real reason to invest anymore
So you admit you never invested shit, Yet you say here "anymore"
That is called a lie. I rest my case.


Dec 29, 2017
I actually have not played RE7 yet, so the first time I try it will be in VR. Yikes, lol.

Phantom Thief you are one lucky Individual. Prepare to experience one of the greatest gaming experiences out there and also prepare to shit your pants.

Also I would say avoid Skyrim. It just does not play well with Move controls. Difficult to move and fight IMO. Sony cheapened out with the tracking solution. Hopefully they bump up the price next gen and give us better motion controllers.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
I hope all you enjoy the thrilling technological advancements that come from VR gaming, but after REZ Infinite and Tetris Effect I see no real reason to invest anymore in VR gaming. What I want to experience through VR immersion just hasn't been satisfied by other games yet.
Get polybius it's a great drug game


Oct 10, 2018
Visually, you go from a 60" inch TV to basically five, (FIVE!) 200" TVs. (I'm not even counting the TV behind you, only left, right, front, ceiling and floor.

Yes the big TVs are much less sharp, but mankind can remedy that in a decade or so.

Wireless will be harder, but is essential.

Comfort is 3rd. Need a lot of comfort and smaller size.

This actually downplays it the way the reads but you're right. The scale in vr is huge but actual depth perception is what's the real game charger for me. Thats what put me inside these worlds and something I didn't expect to work like it does. Its closer to the Matrix than I thought. Lol

Greatest Ever

Aug 25, 2018
Wow!!!! I have to buy a VR headset in order to understand the experience behind it!!!! Wow!!! You figured me out!!!! Goddamn!!!!!

What if I had friends that allowed me to use their headsets in order to experience the games I want to play? Just what if ? Why are you so damn invested into people not liking what you don't like to the point of searching someone's posts? Are you that boring?

What are you gonna do search my PSN records to see if I played any of those games I mentioned? I can't write words that gush about my experience with Tetris Effect despite me saying I don't wanna buy a VR headset for a fucking platformer?

I even opened up my first comment discussing that it's perfectly possible for me to admit that there is an audience both here, and outside of this forum that like VR gaming and I respect it. But to twist my words to paint me as some troll? In a Phantom Thief thread? I'm a piece of shit yeah but goddamn who the fuck are you to tell me that my experiences with those games are automatically invalid because I said I don't wanna buy a VR headset? Cause I don't! There is no incentive for me!
Lmao what the fuck am I reading
Oct 26, 2017
I actually have not played RE7 yet, so the first time I try it will be in VR. Yikes, lol.

Astro Bot so far feels fantastic, I have a feeling this will be the rare case of a game actually living up to the hype

Hoolllyyy shit. Wow. You have got to start a LTTP thread on your experience with RE7. Man. That game is going to scare the ever loving shit out of you if your first play thru is in VR.

The later levels in Astro approach Nintendo levels of joy and creativity, it's an absolute gem of a game. It'd be amazing if someone at Nintendo had played it, realized how incredible VR was, and committed to making a Mario game in VR. That's the dream anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
Welcome to the future! It's where all the best games are. We're happy that you could join us!


Oct 25, 2017
So you admit you never invested shit, Yet you say here "anymore"
That is called a lie. I rest my case.

I literally do not know what's going through your fucked up mindset to even suggest that I'm lying about my experiences with VR, but you do you. I'm going to continue looking into cool VR games that may or may not solidify my purchase of an eventual device. What even brought this on for you to discuss this in here? What are you trying to prove?

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Wipeout omega is full VR, the patch is free and you should have it already.
Yep. It's soooooo good.
That's fantastic. I'll play it tomorrow, Wipeout in VR is just the best thing ever
Also Skyrim was really bad on PSVR but I heard it's gotten much better. I still fucking hated how bad Move controllers were with it.
I heard it got much better, yeah.
Phantom Thief you are one lucky Individual. Prepare to experience one of the greatest gaming experiences out there and also prepare to shit your pants.

Also I would say avoid Skyrim. It just does not play well with Move controls. Difficult to move and fight IMO. Sony cheapened out with the tracking solution. Hopefully they bump up the price next gen and give us better motion controllers.
Is Skyrim not DS4 compatible? If not I will avoid, yeah. I don't have Move yet.
As for RE7, the standard game is also VR enabled, right?

Oh fuuuuck I forgot To the Top is on PSVR.

What is To The Top