Oct 26, 2017
Do you have a base PS4 or a Pro? Really tempted to jump on that Beat Saber bundle but I'm afraid of subpar performance on my base PS4.


Oct 28, 2017
That's awesome, I have to reinstall that right away. Wipeout in VR is literally the dream

Yeah, RE7 and Skyrim are my next purchases for this thing. I actually have not played RE7 yet, so the first time I try it will be in VR. Yikes, lol.
Astro Bot so far feels fantastic, I have a feeling this will be the rare case of a game actually living up to the hype.
Get the beginning hour demo, it's not the beginning hour of the game and actually makes the first hour of the game even scarier. The entirety of the RE7 VR experience, both demos+the main game+DLC, was truly the most fulfilling and exciting gaming experience I have ever had and only hope to experience again. The demo made me play the main game solo because I had to voice chat with a friend to complete the demo


Oct 27, 2017
But as far as actual next generation design goes, this is it, and nothing either of those do will compare. Taking off the headset and going back to a flat screen felt positively diminutive.
This is what makes the tech so exciting, and a point that's handwaved too often. The sense of presence afforded by VR is next level, the setting is there. Someone else said this after they'd played RE7 in VR and then on TV while examining the car you get out of, "yeah it looks better on the TV, but who cares, the car is flat." And VR has so much room for experimentation, stuff like REZ in VR is pure imagination.


Oct 25, 2017
I gave my PSVR a test drive last week (Mrs. Claus is actually giving me it for Christmas) and despite the low resolution what really blew me away is how everything I was looking at was suddenly so interesting. I've played WipeOut Omega Collection to death but when I put the headset on I was suddenly very aware of all the detail in the world around me, all this visual information that I must have looked at but never really seen playing on TV. The details on the side of the track, things flying around, the spectators watching the race... I spent a good minute or two just gazing up the side of a building just because I could.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 30, 2017
The PS5 and Xbox Scarlett will come along, and they will give us the same old, but shinier. And that's fine, I am glad that exists, and there is a place for that in the industry, and I myself enjoy a lot of that. But as far as actual next generation design goes, this is it, and nothing either of those do will compare. Taking off the headset and going back to a flat screen felt positively diminutive.
For all the talks about next gen, I'm also at the stage in gaming where I'm more interested in either devices giving more convenience or providing fresh new experiences rather than the same stationary box. Portability or VR currently hits those aspects. I've only tried VR a few times and it's certainly a huge change. I'm hoping that next gen with increase in better hardware, technological advancements that have been happening in VR space that the experience as a whole improves radically.


Oct 27, 2017
Do you have a base PS4 or a Pro? Really tempted to jump on that Beat Saber bundle but I'm afraid of subpar performance on my base PS4.

I have played on a standard PS4 since the day the PSVR was released, and have been loving the experience ever since. A pro is not necessary at all, you'll be just fine on your old console!


Dec 29, 2017
That's fantastic. I'll play it tomorrow, Wipeout in VR is just the best thing ever
I heard it got much better, yeah.
Is Skyrim not DS4 compatible? If not I will avoid, yeah. I don't have Move yet.
As for RE7, the standard game is also VR enabled, right?

What is To The Top

Yup the standard game is VR compatible.


Jul 17, 2018
Congrats! RE7 VR is one of the greatest gaming experiences ever. It was robbed of 2017 GOTY awards because not enough people have played it. You have to give it a shot! I think the default setting is great but you can always tweak it for motion sickness.

As for Astrobot - Each world is better than the last., you are not ready for the worlds to come! Once people figure out design principles to reduce motion sickness and once the hardware improves it is going to give us gaming experiences we would never have imagined. It is why this generation is my favorite generation. Some truly magical games!
One of the problems was that RE7 did not have a separate VR game, and thus was only ever counted alongside the non-VR version. This also happened to Wipeout and Hellblade. I mean it's good for us gamers, but it does come with the disadvantage that you never get review scores reflecting the VR version. I think we all know RE7, Wipeout, and Hellblade would have scored much higher in VR, which could easily have put all of them among the highest rated games of their respective year.


Oct 27, 2017
Hoolllyyy shit. Wow. You have got to start a LTTP thread on your experience with RE7. Man. That game is going to scare the ever loving shit out of you if your first play thru is in VR.

The later levels in Astro approach Nintendo levels of joy and creativity, it's an absolute gem of a game. It'd be amazing if someone at Nintendo had played it, realized how incredible VR was, and committed to making a Mario game in VR. That's the dream anyway.

Miyamoto's innovations vis a vis Mario games have been very focused on multiplayer. Mario Galaxy games had 2P do sprite collection and paralyzing enemies, 3D world let 4 players straight up go for it simultaneously, Odyssey lets 2P control Cappy.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but VR isolates your senses from your surroundings. Online VR has the potential to connect people, but Miyamoto and Motokura haven't focused on online work in their careers. Thus I think we'll have to wait for another decade or more to get Mario VR.
Nov 30, 2017
Yup the standard game is VR compatible.

Had it and didn't know it lol. S(he) is about to experience some shit.

Also, move controllers are pretty essential. Games like beat saber and plenty others require them. They are kind of expensive but cheap if you buy them used.

Oh and Ace Combat is out mid January. Dogfighting in your favorite fighter jet in VR should be wild.


Jul 17, 2018
Miyamoto's innovations vis a vis Mario games have been very focused on multiplayer. Mario Galaxy games had 2P do sprite collection and paralyzing enemies, 3D world let 4 players straight up go for it simultaneously, Odyssey lets 2P control Cappy. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but VR is the opposite of local multiplayer. It isolates your senses from your surroundings. Online VR has the potential to connect people, but Miyamoto and Motokura haven't focused on online work in their careers.
But VR works for local multiplayer just fine. All you do is design a game around it and have asymmetrical gameplay with someone on the TV or a tablet, and because VR is still so new there's loads of room for innovation there.


Nov 4, 2017
Welcome to the club OP. What's gotten lost among the God of War/Spider-man/Red dead/Smash Ultimate/big AAA game 'X' hype is that the PSVR has had a quietly great year.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, and Trackmania too.

I'd recommend trying out the Moss demo. There's also 2 demo collection downloads where you can try out a whole bunch of the earlier games.

Another thing, The shark demo in VR Worlds kinda blew my mind.
Woah Trackmania also? I gotta try that.

And yea Wipeout VR is the shit, that's next gen racing right there.

RE7 was the hands down most impressive of anything I played on PS VR though


Oct 10, 2018
lol everyone is saying the same thing. "X game on PSVR blew my mind." It would almost sound like bullshit if I didn't know it was true for myself.

I don't think anything will trump RE7 PSVR for me, not for a while at least. I still get chills thinking about it and that was over a year ago. It's like some horribly exciting situation that actually happened to me, and I barely survived it. No game has ever come close to that.


Dec 29, 2017
lol everyone is saying the same thing. "X game on PSVR blew my mind." It would almost sound like bullshit if I didn't know it was true for myself.

I don't think anything will trump RE7 PSVR for me, not for a while at least. I still get chills thinking about it and that was over a year ago. It's like some horribly exciting situation that actually happened to me, and I barely survived it. No game has ever come close to that.

I know every inch of that house in the back of my hand. Every room, bathroom etc.. because of VR. I roamed those halls...

Fk what an experience.


Oct 25, 2017
If you like FPS and MP games I'd highly suggest Firewall Zero Hour + PS Aim. It is easily one of my favorite shooters this gen. VR really enhances the experience. Being able to really lean and blind fire around corners. It's a tactical shooter and much slower paced but it's fantastic outside a few things they're already working on.

It's not a SP game but there's an active community.

Just got out of a 2 hour session and had such a blast going on a win streak with a bunch of friendly randoms.
Oct 27, 2017
I think it's awesome, but resolution absolutely does matter. They clearly need to increase resolution on the next version. Regardless, it's still really great.


Nov 8, 2017
Yeah the jump from PS3/X360 to PS4/XONE wasn't that impressive but the jump from flat screen to VR two years ago was. I hope it will somehow be packed into the PS5 and be wireless but I don't know how they'll pull off the price.


Mar 4, 2018
lol everyone is saying the same thing. "X game on PSVR blew my mind." It would almost sound like bullshit if I didn't know it was true for myself.

I don't think anything will trump RE7 PSVR for me, not for a while at least. I still get chills thinking about it and that was over a year ago. It's like some horribly exciting situation that actually happened to me, and I barely survived it. No game has ever come close to that.
I want a freaking Fatal Frame in VR!


Oct 25, 2017
Hoolllyyy shit. Wow. You have got to start a LTTP thread on your experience with RE7. Man. That game is going to scare the ever loving shit out of you if your first play thru is in VR.

The later levels in Astro approach Nintendo levels of joy and creativity, it's an absolute gem of a game. It'd be amazing if someone at Nintendo had played it, realized how incredible VR was, and committed to making a Mario game in VR. That's the dream anyway.
Currently playing thru RE7 for the first time in VR. I made sure to purposefully keep myself in the dark about it this entire time because I knew if I were going to play it it would have to be in VR. It does not disappoint, I'm terrified the whole time I'm playing lol.


Dec 4, 2017
If you like FPS and MP games I'd highly suggest Firewall Zero Hour + PS Aim. It is easily one of my favorite shooters this gen. VR really enhances the experience. Being able to really lean and blind fire around corners. It's a tactical shooter and much slower paced but it's fantastic outside a few things they're already working on.

It's not a SP game but there's an active community.

Just got out of a 2 hour session and had such a blast going on a win streak with a bunch of friendly randoms.

I grabbed my son and I the Astrobot/moss VR bundle and some Move controllers, but after reading so much about Firewall + the aim controller, I'm thinking ONE MORE trip to the store in tomorrow. Can't wait to get into all this with him on Christmas morning!


Oct 26, 2017
PSVR is on sale right now and might jump on.

Anybody here used it on both og ps4 and ps4 pro?
What's the difference?


Oct 28, 2017
I finally jumped into PSVR today. Vacation has started, so what better time to give it a go, right? So I finally unboxed the headset to see what all this hype was about. And...


I am going to start from the beginning here, because the starting is actually me being super annoyed, and I like bitching. But holy fucking shit this is the most annoying thing ever to set up. It took me forever to get the whole tangle with the wires and the breakout box sorted (and I don't even want to look at the back of my entertainment center anymore, I'm pretty sure NASA server rooms in the 1960s didn't look as messy). Then came the next part where I had to put the headset on, and... my head is too big for it? The stupid thing wouldn't go on. Finally figured it out after some fiddling, and then I turned it on.

I have had minimal experience with VR previously. I tried a PSVR demo once, and the game they gave me was that EVE space shooter spin off. I tried it for a few minutes, and moved on. It made no impression on me, and I didn't care. VR as a whole format is something I have respected from the sides, but not really given a shit about myself. The only reason I bought PSVR now at all was because I had heard so many good things about Astro Bot, and I could get the Astro Bot PSVR bundle new for $150 CAD, at which point why not.

Where I am going with this is that, for all purposes, this was basically my first time with VR.

And hoooooooly shit.

Once again, the actual setup took a while, and had some problems, but as soon as that was done, the sense of immersion was total, complete, absolute. I have literally never seen (wrong word? Experienced, maybe?) anything like this. I started up Astro Bot, and yeah, I think the hype is right on that game. I'm really early in, so I won't make any final judgement (plus I'm in a general state of having my mind blown by VR), but I have literally never seen a game designed like it. It's entirely new dimensions thrown in. The whole concept of a game space and how to see and interact with it gets an entirely new meaning. It's unreal.

The best part? I was expecting motion sickness, and while the very first time the camera moves in Astro Bot pulled the rug out from under me (literally), that was it. There has been no sickness and nausea since. It's so insane, especially because I am so susceptible to motion sickness otherwise (even normal first person games make me sick).

But back to VR—I've never, ever seen anything like this. You can't be prepared for it until you slip the headset on and see for yourself. It's an all new mode of game design, it's totally unlike anything else on the market. People who know of my gaming tastes on this forum know that I (generally but not always) eschew traditional AAA experiences, and I like mechanical inventiveness more in my games—one of the reasons I love the Switch and its library so much, for example. PSVR is that, but in an entirely new frontier of gaming, where I find myself in an all new space, all new school of design, where basic mechanics have to be rethought. It's amazing.

The PS5 and Xbox Scarlett will come along, and they will give us the same old, but shinier. And that's fine, I am glad that exists, and there is a place for that in the industry, and I myself enjoy a lot of that. But as far as actual next generation design goes, this is it, and nothing either of those do will compare. Taking off the headset and going back to a flat screen felt positively diminutive.

Final notes:
  • The headset is super comfortable. It's surprising how unobtrusive it is even when you are wearing it (apart from the whole thing where you sensorarily block out the rest of the world, but work with me here)
  • The so called "low resolution" of PSVR doesn't really matter. The sense of immersion is total and absolute, and the games themselves are a delight
  • The stereo earbuds that come with the system are surprisingly... good?
  • Like I said, early days, but I really like Astro Bot. If you have a PSVR, but don't have this already, please get it. I look forward to completing this, and making an LttP to share my impressions when I do
  • I got to hang out with Makoto in VR! That was actually the first thing I did. That alone makes the whole thing worth it.
Why are people having such trouble setting that thing up?

I'm not the brightest person and it actually took me five minutes to have it all hooked up. I mean, even the cords are labeled!

Glad you're enjoying it though. It's awesome seeing so many people jump in.


Oct 25, 2017
Just picked up the superhot bundle and astrobot. Had to go halfway across town. All they seem to stock these days is beat saber. Played superhot for hours. Hell of a game. Any pro tips for sweating? My glasses kept fogging up.
Dec 31, 2017
They have a bundle in Aus with 5 games for $329, crazy cheap for here. Got that and probably another 5-6 games enjoying it a lot so far. They need to make a Pokemon rip off rpg and this thing would be instant buy for a lot of people.


Oct 25, 2017
I grabbed my son and I the Astrobot/moss VR bundle and some Move controllers, but after reading so much about Firewall + the aim controller, I'm thinking ONE MORE trip to the store in tomorrow. Can't wait to get into all this with him on Christmas morning!

I say it's worth it plus if you have the AIM then you can get Farpoint which is a really good SP sci-fi shooter.


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
Happy to read that our impression so far has been good. I can't say I'd problems setting my PSVR, but maybe it's because I don't have anything on my TV but my PS4.

I started up Astro Bot, and yeah, I think the hype is right on that game

Oh boy. You gotta come back after you complete level 2-4. Then you will understand completely when we say that VR changes everything, and turns classic game design/level into something entirely new.

I got to hang out with Makoto in VR! That was actually the first thing I did. That alone makes the whole thing worth it.

Wait, Makoto in VR? What?


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Another great thread and read. Several of my friends and family have VR but I haven't jumped in myself yet. Simply put, I was waiting for more games and better deals. But this thread and all the countless positive Astrobot impressions have got me so damn close to considering it.
Last edited:


Oct 10, 2018
It's native 120fps on Pro.
Close your eyes if you fly off the track. I was totally fine with the racing but they don't cut away from obviously unrecoverable crashes and the uncontrollable spinning destroys me.

That's another bonus as a console gamer that most people in the market don't take into consideration. Most all these PSVR games run at blazing fast framerates compared to regular console games. I'd never played Skyrim at 60fps before and its the only console version to do it.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Think I have some gift cards I might use to pick one up.

Bordelands/beat saber + move bundle (maybe buy astrobot separately) or the astrobot/moss bundle and find love controllers later?

Want to play on Xmas with my brother in laws so thinking beat saber might be best....
Or the super hot bundle? Dammit too many options?!


Dec 6, 2017
Beat Saber. Get your hands on some move wands and get Beat Saber. You won't regret it


Nov 12, 2017
The PS5 and Xbox Scarlett will come along, and they will give us the same old, but shinier. And that's fine, I am glad that exists, and there is a place for that in the industry, and I myself enjoy a lot of that. But as far as actual next generation design goes, this is it, and nothing either of those do will compare. Taking off the headset and going back to a flat screen felt positively diminutive.

Keep in mind that one of the things PS5 will bring is PSVR2. Think about what you just played, now add:

2-4x the resolution
Wider FOV for greater immersion
Foveated rendering, allowing for even higher framerates
Better motion controllers, that also have analog sticks
Better, more accurate tracking, possibly to the point of having a VR room like you can do with the Vive
Possible wireless capability so you can move around more freely (though we might need to wait longer for this)

I love my PSVR, but I really can't wait for the second iteration.