Deleted member 1102

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Oct 25, 2017


So, Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X. I've heard a lot about this game over the years, some of it good...most of it bad, but let me get this right out the way and say that I loved this game. Yes I know; Steve is bad blah blah blah...


I don't care. Steve's great (after a little while), but let's talk about him later.

I'm a pretty big Resident Evil fan. I've played a large amount of them over the years starting with Resident Evil 4 back in 2005 and a couple are even in my top 10 games of all time, but one game that's always somehow escaped me is this one. I don't know why I never played Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X over the years, I had plenty of opportunities to play it but for some reason never did. Now that I've finished the game and had a moment to breathe and reflect on the game, I'm mad that I never did play it. At least I finally did the game justice and played it. I know everyone has their own thoughts, but let me say this right now; this is the most underrated RE game, and I'm hopefully going to tell you why.

So, with the intro out the way, let's talk about the game itself;

OK, first things first; this game is tough. Probably the toughest RE game I've played (and I've played a lot of them). Movement can be pretty tricky if you're rusty with tank controls which can really fuck you up if you're not careful. Zombie's bite radius are also really unforgiving. There were plenty of times where I found myself swearing at my TV because I was certain I'd manage to move around that zombie only to get grabbed. There are also plenty of other enemies that can really screw you over in this game; Bandersnatches can hit you from afar with their elongated arms, Hunters and Seekers can claw your ass to death no matter how confident you are that you can outrun them etc. etc. Also, fuck the moth hallway. If you know what the moth hallway is then you'll hopefully agree with my sentiment of 'fuck the moth hallway'. Enemies aside, I found that ammo could be pretty hard to find at times (though I don't know if this was just me) and there were a worrying lack of typewriters and item boxes as I neared the end of the game. I might be coming across as complaining here (and I'm sorry if I am) but I actually liked how tough this game was. I'm not often one to go after a challenge (I'm quite the opposite actually) but something about having so little health/supplies/ammo and conquering a tough section of the game was super rewarding.

In terms of locations, I really liked Rockfort Island. It was a really interesting location that I felt had a ton to see and do. The whole place just had this huge 'death' vibe that I feel really added to the overall atmosphere of the base. I also really liked the Palace area (reminded me of the Spencer Mansion which I assume was intentional). It took me a bit to warm up to Antarctica (pun intended btw) but once I did I also thought it was a really cool location (again, pun intended). I really liked how so much of the area in Antarctica was just falling apart due to all the workers being either dead or zombiefied. Something that I think was funny was when I went into the bedrooms in Antarctica and legitimately thought that I had somehow transported all the way back to Rockfort due to how the rooms were exactly the same in both locations lol. I enjoyed the puzzles in both locations for the most part, though some did feel very 'back-track-y' which doesn't bother me really (though I was annoyed at having to go all the way back to get Alexander's earring). One thing I *really* liked was starting puzzles as Claire only to finish them as Chris. I thought this was an awesome touch and really made some of the puzzles more interesting for me.

Bosses were either fairly tough or laughably easy (mostly the former). Stuff like the giant spider in the ice seemed daunting at first, but I admit I couldn't help but laugh when I literally walked around it, picked up the item I needed to get only to walk back around the spider and leave the area without taking any damage or firing a single shot. On the other hand, the Nosferatu fight was so annoying/stressful that I actually had to stop playing the game for a day because I just needed a breather lol (I'd also like to point out I mistakenly used almost everything I had in the Tyrant plane fight which resulted in making things a lot tougher than they needed to be later on). The final fight with Alexia was also a lot easier thanks to a helpful tip from a user in the RE era discord (thanks kc44135!) but I still enjoyed it. I was a little disappointing that the fight with Wesker was just a cut-scene but at the same time I was so relieved to have finished the game that I was happy to just watch the fight instead of fight myself (though I think not fighting Wesker and saving it for RE5 was a great idea).

Claire's section was probably my least favourite part of the game even though I still really liked it. I felt like it started a bit slow despite the awesome opening cut scene which I wish was actually part of the game (but that's something they can add in a possible remake I guess). Claire herself was pretty good in this game, showing herself to be pretty independent and level-headed at times compared to the over the top Steve. Her confrontations with Alfred were some of the best parts of the game imo (along with Alfred being one of the best characters in the game, but we'll get to that) and knowing that this only takes place three months after she survived Raccoon City makes her seem even more badass.

The game really started to pick up for me when I started playing as Chris. I'm not the biggest Chris fan (I like him but I prefer a couple of other characters in the series over him) but I liked him here. His focus being not on Umbrella but on just finding his sister and escaping was a nice breathe of fresh air seeing as his main motivations kind of slipped to just beating Umbrella/Wesker/Tricell/Carla and less about his friends and family in the later games. In relation with this, I really liked how even after knowing that Wesker was alive and after the t-Veronica virus Chris's one and only goal was to rescue Claire. It's a side of Chris that I really like and I wish more RE games would show their relationship more (this is also the first and so far only game to feature both Chris and Claire in a story together which I think is a HUGE shame and needs to be rectified ASAP).

Wesker was awesome in this game (as he is in every game) and his reveal was really well done. I can't imagine how this must have been like back in 2000, thinking that Wesker died in RE1 only to see him just stroll up to Claire wearing all black-leather. I'd have lost my shit if I was into RE back then (I would also have been 4 years old so pretty much everything would have made me loose my shit back then lol). It was kind of weird at first seeing Wesker as a side character and not the main villain, but I enjoyed seeing him slinking through the shadows, only appearing when he feels the need to. This was also a great set-up to Wesker and Chris's confrontation in RE5 (like I mentioned earlier). Their last lines of "next time" was so cool and honestly makes me wish I'd played this before RE5 but oh well, at least it's still effective.

Alfred was awesome in this game. The reveal that he was actually cross-dressing as Alexia in the beginning of the game was so good that it really threw me for a loop.

(here's my reaction to it that I posted in the RE discord as it happened)


I was kind of bummed when Alfred died as I really wanted more from him, but what I got from him was enough to cement him as one of my favourite RE villains.

Alexia on the other hand was fairly 'meh' to me. I liked her and Alfred's sibling bond but I feel like I only got that relationship through Alfred and not Alexia. The only thing I really got from Alexia was that she was a genius and incredibly dangerous thanks to the t-Veronica virus, which felt pretty weak compared to Alfred who was a legitimate psychopath. As a villain I feel like Alexia did very little to actually harm Claire and Chris other than inject Steve with the virus (which I know is a huge thing but I still feel like it wasn't enough to actually justify her as the main villain). Her mutations were still pretty cool though with the whole bug motif. It's not my favourite final boss mutation but I still think it was good.

Now then, on to the man of the hour:


Steve Burnside. The man. The myth. The fucking LEGEND. OK, he's not that great but the number one thing I heard the most about CODE: Veronica was that Steve was an insufferable little shit and that fighting him as a mutant would be the most satisfying part of the game aaaaaaaaaand...I couldn't disagree more. Now before you light your torches and sharpen your pitchforks, let me say this first; Steve is the start of CODE: Veronica. His hot-blooded nature, insistence on being Claire's hero and goofy high-pitched voice are all elements that absolutely make me see why people find him annoying. To me though, I found him funny at first. His child-like storming off after telling Claire not to rely on people audibly made me laugh out loud and his 12 year old-like Canadian voice would get a snigger out of me every now and then, but after seeing Steve reluctantly shoot his zombiefied Father, the last member of his family he still had hope was alive, and completely break down; I felt for him. This was the part of the game where Steve turned around for me. I started to see his vain attempts at trying to impress Claire as him legitimately trying to find a way out for both of them. Yes he probably did grow too attached to Claire too quickly, but I really do think Steve wanted to do his best and protect the only other person who was friend through all this. Steve had failed to protect his Mother, he'd failed to protect his Father and he'd be damned if he was going to fail to protect Claire. I mean, Steve literally took bullets for Claire in this game for christsake. Another thing to note is that Steve is 17 years old in this game, he's literally a teenager fighting for his life through all this. I don't blame him for getting attached to Claire so easily. Seeing Steve turn into a mutant was pretty sad. I knew it was coming, but I was really hoping this goofy teenager would still make his way through this. But Steve still managing to protect Claire despite being infected by the t-Veronica virus was an awesome moment and really wrapped up his arc in this game nicely (despite, y'know, dying). I don't expect many people to suddenly start liking Steve after reading all this, but if even one person is willing to give him another chance then I'd be pretty happy.

And I've just realised how long this OP is! Woops lol! If you read the whole thing then thanks, I'm glad you did. If you didn't read everything then I don't blame you tbh. Here's a quick too long, didn't read for you!

tl;dr: Game's fucking good. Play it again if you haven't in awhile.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
It's my 3rd favourite RE after REmake and RE4. Never understood the bile that gets thrown at it. Story is great and the music is god tier. Probably provides the best challenge as well, as long as you don't use that knife.

The Shape

Nov 7, 2017
I've played through all titles since Resident Evil in 1998 I think, except for this one. And I even owned a Dreamcast. Maybe I'll get to it someday.

Edit: never played 0 either, forgot about that.


Oct 28, 2017
Probably my favourite classic RE. It's a toss-up with RE2 anyway. I enjoyed reading your OP.

I think Code Veronica could be a prime game for a remake in the RE2make style. It has the style, the weight and the atmosphere that can be worked on today to become even more excellent than it originally was. I really enjoyed that they didn't go back to the action nonsense of RE3.


Oct 25, 2017
I've played through all titles since Resident Evil in 1998 I think, except for this one. And I even owned a Dreamcast. Maybe I'll get to it someday.

Edit: never played 0 either, forgot about that.
Zero is my least favourite of the classic RE's. It's still decent but it's got significant problems, which were annoyingly easily avoidable


Oct 28, 2017
I also think without the shadow of a doubt that it has the best save room theme of the series

Code Veronica really went above and beyond in the soundtrack department. They knew exactly what to aim for and they hit all the right notes. Incredibly strong soundtrack.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
Code Veronica is good. Resident Evil 6 is the only real bad one. Well Zero is kinda bad with the hookshot but I loved fighting the leech monsters. Take out the hookshot.
Oct 27, 2017
Lifelong fan, and Code Veronica is BY FAR my favorite Resident Evil game.

Best environment, great final boss, that extended ending is awesome too.



Oct 25, 2017
Czech republic
Second best classic RE game, behind only REmake. My biggest hope for the future isn't RE3make or RE8 which both are next two RE games, but possible CVX remake, that would be my all time dream game if it was done just like RE2make.

One can hope, right?

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I also think without the shadow of a doubt that it has the best save room theme of the series

Code Veronica really went above and beyond in the soundtrack department. They knew exactly what to aim for and they hit all the right notes. Incredibly strong soundtrack.

Oh shit I completely forgot about the music. The music is great in this as well. I was listening to the save room theme from CVX as I was writing the OP lol, it's so good.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 30, 2017
Best and creepy antagonists in the series.

We need Veronica REmake in next gen.
Oct 28, 2017
Before I clicked the thread I was just repeating to myself please hate it please hate it please hate it please hate it please hate it.


We got another one. Sigh. Code Veronica sucks.

King Dodongo

Oct 27, 2017
The worst of the main RE, I remember hating the backtracking, the moths, Steve, Wesker having his matrix powers but leaving the main fight for you anyway etc etc..Also zombies had the RE2 sounds.


Oct 28, 2017
Portland, Oregon
It's my least favorite Resident Evil game, but I still love it. Maybe We'll see a remake of it in another 10 years so they can iron out the issues in the game.
Oct 28, 2017
Whoa, hold up. What do you mean "even" Revelations 1? That game was fucking good! Do people not like it on Era?

I played Rev1 and Rev2 back to back on switch and I thought Rev1 was fantastic. Rev2 was a disappointment afterwards.
Damn right!

Revelations 1 was a really good game. At the time it was the best RE since 4. Especially for a 3DS game it was great. Revelations 2 completely dropped the ball. An utter disappointment.
Oct 27, 2017
I agree with everything you said, what was great was revisiting the first part as Chris and finishing puzzles, discovering new things. So awesome.

Something you forgot to mention: THE SOUNDTRACK. It's easily the best in all Resident Evil games.

I REALLY can't understand the hate this MASTERPIECE gets.

Deleted member 1102

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I agree with everything you said, what was great was revisiting the first part as Chris and finishing puzzles, discovering new things. So awesome.

Something you forgot to mention: THE SOUNDTRACK. It's easily the best in all Resident Evil games.

I REALLY can't understand the hate this MASTERPIECE gets.

Yeah I completely forgot about the music. My brain was telling me I'd wrote enough so I wrapped it up lol. The music is fantastic in this game, save room and Alexia type 2 being some of my favourites.


Oct 28, 2017
no way, Rev1 is a massive disappointment, which is to be expected considering we had to play two of the most boring characters in the franchise with Chris and Jill. Rev2 had Claire and Barry, who has more characterization in one game than Chris/Jill has in the entire series.

Chris was actually fine in CV though, but since his RE5 revival he is incredibly boring

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
It's also pretty long for a Resident Evil game. I loved it but they didn't seem to test Chris with the bow gun. You shot over monsters when you're trying to put them down. Worked perfectly with Claire because she was shorter.
Oct 28, 2017
no way, Rev1 is a massive disappointment, which is to be expected considering we had to play two of the most boring characters in the franchise with Chris and Jill. Rev2 had Claire and Barry, who has more characterization in one game than Chris/Jill has in the entire series.

Chris was actually fine in CV though, but since his RE5 revival he is incredibly boring

Say what you want about Chris, but the only playable RE character better than Jill is Leon, and even then only RE4 Leon.


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
I think it's great. Better than 3, 0, 5, 6, Rev1 (didn't play Rev 2).

Of the OG series, it's by far the grandest entry.

Admittedly I didn't reply it when it got a remaster, and if it comes to XBO BC I will, so I don't know exactly how it holds up, but it was dope at the time.

Radd Redd

Oct 27, 2017
I think it's great. Better than 3, 0, 5, 6, Rev1 (didn't play Rev 2).

Of the OG series, it's by far the grandest entry.

Admittedly I didn't reply it when it got a remaster, and if it comes to XBO BC I will, so I don't know exactly how it holds up, but it was dope at the time.
I'm pretty sure you can play it on xb1.


Oct 28, 2017
Portland, Oregon
It's also pretty long for a Resident Evil game. I loved it but they didn't seem to test Chris with the bow gun. You shot over monsters when you're trying to put them down. Worked perfectly with Claire because she was shorter.
It's almost like they could have split it into two campaigns like with RE2, but it is what it is.
It felt like such a step backwards from Resident Evil 3, which is a shame cause Code: Veronica has a ton of great stuff in it. It's just all stuck in the stale trappings of the series formula.


Oct 27, 2017
This was so fun to play through back on the Dreamcast; I especially loved the Hitchcockian touches in the Ashford storyline.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm going back to this game soon, after I finish replaying RE1-3.

I remember the story being STOOPID but it was decent as more classic RE gameplay.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember really enjoying this game the first time I played. People here are crazy calling it trash. It's better than 6


Self Requested Ban
Nov 12, 2017
I'm pretty sure you can play it on xb1.
No, unfortunately you can't.

And I'm in the UK, so if I bought the PS2 version on PS4 I get the shitty PAL one. I could get a US account, but I don't think it's worth the effort. If and when they do add it to BC on XBO, I'll grab it then.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather go back and play CV before I would touch RE6 again. I've played through RE7 twice and I kind of feel like going back and playing CV some more as well.

Even though it is a little crazy, I think it's pretty good for an older style of RE and I think it gets crapped on too much. Also, it's one of the few RE games where you can one on one a zombie with a knife and usually never get hit.


Oct 26, 2017
Code Veronica is where the RE story jumped the shark.
Oh definitely. I actually believed in the series as a rather serious Romero-like with some light corporate intregue until that point. Nothing in RE1-3 is particularly egregious.

After Code Veronica and it's superhuman Wesker and crossdressing-as-his-sister villain, couldn't really ever take it seriously again. RE4's more deliberate B-movie silliness was a reprieve after the self-serious but campy as hell nonsense that was Code Veronica.


Code Veronica is the best Resident Evil and it was rightfully critically acclaimed on release. The game is a fantastic and scary ride from start to finish.

So just ignore the 20 year olds posting in here that know jack shit about shit.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't care. Steve's great (after a little while), but let's talk about him later.

So I'm not a CVX fan but I definitely get why people like it and most things people (including myself) don't like about the game are defendable. Steve is the sole exclusion. He just sucks. I read your defense of him and never (at least for me) did he go from annoying to even just okay. He's an unlikable shithead from beginning to end. Now his VO does play a big part in what makes him annoying but even his script just makes him come off as an entitled ass with the maturity of a twelve year old. Also the romance with Claire is just so forced and bad. Extreme situations can certainly bring people together but nothing about Steve and Claire's scenes together ever came off as a believeable adult relationship to me. If anything Steve comes off a little creepy in some spots. Please don't take my Steve hate personally it's just that once I get started talking about Steve it all spills out. He's easily my least favorite character in the series

Respectfully disagree. 0 is the worst imo

I would argue that RE3 is the worst. Nemesis is cool but the rest of that game is extremely mediocre imo


Oct 25, 2017
Wonderful music aside, I still consider this to be the most overrated Resident Evil of them all by far.

Full disclosure, I played it on the PS2... Enjoyed most RE's, Revelations was kind of meh, 5 was terrible, never played 6 or Revelations 2.

REmake, 2, 4 and 7 are all goddamn masterpieces in their own way. I think I would stick this one bellow Zero and 3, which are pretty fine games in my opinion.