
Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
I didn't think it would be possibly to make UC3 feel like a good game but somehow they found a way. I still have to play the spin off with the ladies of the series and see where that falls.


Jun 17, 2018
I really enjoyed myself with it the first time, but I tried to replay it and the pacing makes a replay of it pretty much impossible. It really stands out how little actual gameplay there is on a 2nd run.
Mar 29, 2018
This actually makes sense, and it's unfortunate the stamina system had to be cut. As it stands, the player might accidentally miss a rope jump like, three times in the entire game, so it feels like it may as well be automated. I Am Alive had a stamina system that worked fairly well for the type of game it was, and maintained a sense of tension throughout because of this.
Yep, it's pretty gutting. Especially because it would fit with the theme of "aging Drake".

Imagine even the boat/islands level and how different it would be if we had to manage climbing/swinging.

THEN imagine the knock-out arrival at Libertalia with a very, very weak Drake, and how extra hard and dramatic that sequence would have been with limited stamina.


Oct 27, 2017
North Carolina USA
I did enjoy U4. But it wasn't better than 2 or 3. I can't speak on Lost Legacy yet cause it's in my backlog, but from all the feedback, most are saying that's the best of the series.
Mar 29, 2018
Thanks for the link and the information in general, I'll read up on this. Had no idea the development cycle was so constrained and turbulent. Having now considered that, I do feel bad about the fervor with which I criticized Uncharted 4 in the OP, and I'll admit to being maybe a bit too negatively emotional toward the game. I just finished it yesterday, so it's still fresh in my mind. If I had written on it later in the week, I likely would've had more to say in the way of positives, but alas, my post has been seen as-is, and I can't really erase it.
It would be cool if you added an edit to the OP stating you've learned about this and feel differently/ambivalent.

The more people understand the realities of game development, the better.


Oct 25, 2017
Medellín, Colombia
Agree with the pacing OP and to this day I have no clue how Elena find Nate, Sully and Sam in that hotel room. Someone can tell me a logical explanation.

And lost legacy is the best uncharted. Hope next installments are with those characters.


Feb 22, 2018
Completely disagreed with just about every point, OP. I loved the game and would rank it right next to UC2.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Agree with the pacing OP and to this day I have no clue how Elena find Nate, Sully and Sam in that hotel room. Someone can tell me a logical explanation.

And lost legacy is the best uncharted. Hope next installments are with those characters.

Track his phone? Call nearby hotels and ask if someone have checked in with their names? There's a lot of different ways she could've found out about it.


Oct 31, 2018
That's what I keep hearing, and I will say, I'm looking forward to The Lost Legacy a lot more. I'll be starting it soon, thanks for the nudge in that direction guys.
I thought it would be too short but it turned into the perfect 8 hour adventure. Not too short or too long.


Oct 28, 2017
Yep, said it a million times before but they tried to make Uncharted into TLOU, but Uncharted is NOT TLOU and Nathan Drake is not that deep a character. So, these slow "character moments" do not work when the character has as much depth as a single sheet of paper.

Also OP, don't listen to everyone saying Lost Legacy is so much better, it's not. It's better than the base game, sure. But, it's still a subpar experience with a weak story. Uncharted peaked at number 2 and has been chasing that high ever since.
3 was still pretty good in its own right, so I have to at least give The Lost Legacy a chance. I wanna see what Chloe gets up to. Her omission from 4 was glaring.

Funny you say that about the TLoU influence. I'd agree, actually. It can even be seen in the multiplayer to an extent, wherein players are now downed instead of simply dying when their health reaches 0. Downs don't work well for the type of fun, fast-paced MP Uncharted used to represent.
At least you finished the game. I couldn't even finish UC2 because of how sick and tired I was of the near endless amount of shooting in that game. If the shooting was actually fun I wouldn't have minded it. But the shooting was simply atrocious.

UC4 fixed the shooting and made me actually care about the characters involved. Easily the best game in the franchise.
I really enjoyed U2's shootouts. Not only are they fairly well-designed encounters (for their time + Uncharted 2 essentially being the pioneer of the "cinematic game"), but some of them even have a dire, emotional weight to them, like when you finally catch up to the game's prologue and have a shootout in the blizzard as mercenaries converge on you. Also, it's one of the only games that makes fighting a helicopter fun, of all things, so I appreciated that too.
It's really great, I think you'll like it.

One thing that always needs to be said though, all the people praising TLL like it's the second coming and THANK GOD SO DIFFERENT FROM 4 do seem to forget that it's as good as it is because of the enhancements in gameplay and narrative introduced in UC4, as well as the fact that 4 changed the formula enough to make TLL feel like a fresh return to form.

UC4 and TLL complement each other very well, they don't need to be pitted against each other.
That's fair, I can appreciate your points. I'll do another thread for TLL once I'm finished with it.
It's not over yet, OP. Didn't Sony create an Uncharted Studio?
It is the GOTY 2016. Too bad you didn't like it that much. It had too much climbing, but it's still an amazing game. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is amazing. Looks like you're missing out on that one. And more Uncharted games are coming in the future, as it looks like. Can't wait for more :)
I wasn't clear: I don't want Uncharted as a whole to be over, I was just glad to be done with this one, particular entry in the series.


Jan 7, 2018
Marlowe, a villian who specializes in manipulation and striking where it hurts the most not mentioning Drake's brother will forever be the biggest plot hole in this series. On top of Sam being nowhere to be found during the childhood segment of 3.
Is it a plot hole with UC3 if its an obvious retcon? Not UC3s fault is what I'm trying to say lol


Nov 13, 2017
Loved Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy, I really dig the story bites in these games, more than the combat.


Oct 28, 2017
Sorry man, it's probably excessive in some ways, but I genuinely just wanted a solid conclusion to Nathan Drake's arc. Uncharted meant a lot to me in my teenage years, and epilogue aside, this was a weird way to end it. I wonder what Amy Hennig's version would've been like.
Based on what we know from the initial trailers, Sam was going to be the villain in her version. I don't really see that being more compelling than what we got.


Oct 26, 2017
I actually didn't mind this chapter. I'd even venture as far as to say it was one of the better ones, to be honest. It's a bombastic prison break done right, even ignoring the fact that it never actually happened. Just wish Alcazar was an actual villain, not a misdirection.
The chapter itself was fine. What's not fine is that you play a chapter that never happened just to get a cheap twist out of their poorly written story.
If they went with Amy Hennig's version the exact same chapter would exist and it would have actually mattered, in a cohesive way without just saying "whoops, guess what you played there for half an hour was not actually a thing".
I don't see why I should ignore the fact it never actually happend lol. You have shit like that as a told story in game by a character, not as an actual gameplay part.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I think you'll enjoy Lost Legacy a lot more. Uncharted 4 had development difficulties and it shows. Sam would have really made more sense as a villain, given the backstory in Uncharted 3.

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
I was a little underwhelmed when the credits rolled because that big setpiece never happened, but I still enjoyed various moments in the game. I understand a vocal minority on this site disliked the game but it won consensus GoTY in 2016, and GAFs GoTY as well for a reason lol. It has its issues for sure, but it's still a solid experience.


Oct 27, 2017
My least favorite Uncharted too.

Not a fan of long lost family members that never got mentioned before showing up out of nowhere either.
Playing the game wasn't as fun and I hated the sliding and hookshot..


Oct 28, 2017
Yep, it's pretty gutting. Especially because it would fit with the theme of "aging Drake".

Imagine even the boat/islands level and how different it would be if we had to manage climbing/swinging.

THEN imagine the knock-out arrival at Libertalia with a very, very weak Drake, and how extra hard and dramatic that sequence would have been with limited stamina.
Yeah, that'd have been good, no doubt. Come to think of it, both U2 and U3 did stuff like this, and did it well: U2 had Drake bleeding from that gunshot wound in the blizzard, and U3 had him hallucinating in the desert. I know U4 briefly dabbled in that with Drake in the rainstorm after the boat crash, but it didn't quite have that same impact.
It would be cool if you added an edit to the OP stating you've learned about this and feel differently/ambivalent.

The more people understand the realities of game development, the better.
The chapter itself was fine. What's not fine is that you play a chapter that never happened just to get a cheap twist out of their poorly written story.
If they went with Amy Hennig's version the exact same chapter would exist and it would have actually mattered, in a cohesive way without just saying "whoops, guess what you played there for half an hour was not actually a thing".
I don't see why I should ignore the fact it never actually happend lol. You have shit like that as a told story in game by a character, not as an actual gameplay part.
I guess we'll just have to diverge on this, since I just viewed it as the game getting into Sam's head and giving us control to play out his rehearsed story (not inherently a bad thing). I do see your point on how that could be cheap, though.

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
Era really hates Uncharted 4 huh. Story wise maybe, but i thought it's the best Uncharted 4 overall.
lol if you stick with this site for all your gaming gossip, you'll believe UC4 is a heavily flawed game that got a negative critical and commercial reception. But we all know that's not true, for some reason it has a negative perception on Era. It's not perfect by any means but it's still one of this generations best games imo.


Nov 1, 2017
OP explained everything. I can't believe the notes on this game. In my opinion, it worked emotionally for the players but objectively, the pacing, the gunfight, the exploration, etc., are lower than the previous one.

If Nate was a little smart, a google search on Alcazar would have ruined his brother's whole story... it's the first thing I would have done personally.

Especially since in this episode, we spend a lot of time on the Elena/Nate relationship, but it becomes ridiculous to see Nate in such bad mood when he just killed his 800th man in combat. The problem is that the cutscenes are so long, and it often speaks for nothing, and it contrasts with the gameplay phases (in the previous ones, at least the pacing made us forget it).

It's still fun to play. Overall it's a road trip, a Call of Duty campaign. You play, explosions everywhere, and then... meh.


Oct 25, 2017
The game would be a lot better if one of your primary activities, meaning walking and climbing, were more interesting and enganing than press forward + one button. That really downgrades the game a lot, its just mindless busywork for many hours overall.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I literally just played through the game again for the third time just before Christmas. I agree that the pacing was too sombre and slow for its own good, mostly because there was too much climbing and downtime, and too few combat scenarios, but I personally love it none-the-less. In my opinion there isn't really a better historic pirate based narrative out there in any moving medium (film or gaming), and the next best thing is probably something like The Goonies.

Story and sense of adventure.

I love the way the story builds up, takes you all over the world, and also keeps delving deeper and deeper in to the mystery of Avery's treasure. What should have been a simple loot hunt, ends up turning into some massive pirate tale that is full of twists, turns, grandiose tests, puzzles, trials, tribulations, partnerships, societies, cities, betrayals, civil wars, back stabbing, murder and all the rest.

Then the way it intertwines with the characters in the game and takes you globe trotting, is awesome too. One minute you're in some Panamanian prison, the next some Mission Impossible style heist in Italy, then sliding and swinging around historic ruins in Scotland, then driving around the muddy plains of Madagascar, swimming and exploring a paridisical tropical island, making your way through a rich historic secret city, seeing a huge spooky pirate ship and so on. There's just so many cool moments, locations, areas, layers and elements to it.

Also Nate and Elena are charming, Nadine bad ass, Rafe a cool villain, Sully awesome as ever, and Sam a decent addition. The ending as well, is really beautiful.

I personally didn't really see the issues with Sam that you did, mostly because I felt Drake himself allowed himself to get caught in to the lie mostly because he himself was not content with his own life, and was secretly looking for an excuse to get back in to the game. The story of Alcazar being far fetched was sort of besides the point. It was the excuse that gave Nate a way back in.

Combat and encounter design

The other thing I really enjoyed about the game is that the actual combat gameplay itself is exceptional. The best it's ever been and some of the most fluid, dynamic and rewarding in any third person shooter out there. Whilst imo there are too few combat encounters and set pieces in the game, what there is, is generally really well done.

To go into some of the things I think makes the combat so rewading.

1). Greater emphasis or reward factor to precision shooting and less bullet spongeyness, dependant on player skill and aiming competency. In UC4 essentially every weapon in the game can take out the vast majority of enemies with a single well timed bullet to the head (this is also true of previous Uncharted games), no matter what weapon it is. This headshot multiplier gives the combat an added skill ceiling, and greatly rewards players who are more precise and methodical with their aim and recoil management, and to reiterate, not just with certain specific weapons, but every weapon in the game.


2). Hit detection, hit reactions and fluidity of animations are class leading in UC4. Whilst it might not have the visual element of extreme gore, blood splatter etc, it compensates by having insanely good hit reactions and animations, that give a super accomplished sense of feedback and response to the combat, making every bullet, grenade etc super impactful.



3). Fluidity and precision of controls in the game are also top notch. Everything just feels super polished and good to play. The contextual animations, melee, cover system, obstacle detection and movesets, responsiveness to shooting, climbing, jumping and all the rest. There's a fluidity to combat and gunplay that makes everything feel better.

4). The weapons in the game pack a punch and sound both realistic and fantastic, especially with a good pair of headphones. This is one aspect the game really improved on from previous titles.

The following points are less specifically about gunplay and more about the combat in general.

5). The mobility, dynamism, fluidity of combat and freedom of approach options in the game are simply put, top tier. The different mechanics, systems, tools etc in place allow for players to seamlessly and effortlessly switch between gunplay, stealth, melee etc, and constantly dynamically traverse environments mid-combat, in a quick and responsive way.

You're never going to get this sort of mobility, verticality and dynamism from most if any other third person shooter.


6). UC4's arena / level and encounter design is some of the best in the business. Several of the combat encounters or arenas in the game are orders of magnitude more layered, dense, open-ended and broad, with considerably more approach options and verticality than most third-person shooters.

Not only are there a huge number of different levels of height, but the way they are interconnected is genius, plus you have the lasso rope swinging, swimming, ledge shimmying, climbing, jumping, grass and all sorts mixing up how you can traverse or manage the space.






Anyway, thought I'd offer a more comprehensive answer, so there you go.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Agreed, one of the worst paced AAA games I can think of. Game is either boring walking sections or boring climbing sections with a tiny sprinkling of gunfights.


Dec 6, 2018
Sometimes I wanna perch on the edge of my seat,controller gripped hard in my hand and struggle/battle my way through a game(Bloodborne,Dark Souls etc).
Sometimes I wanna sit back,relax and go on an outrageous,over the top adventure through beautiful landscapes......Uncharted 4 etc.........I had a huge grin on my face the whole time,great game!


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
The chapter itself was fine. What's not fine is that you play a chapter that never happened just to get a cheap twist out of their poorly written story.
If they went with Amy Hennig's version the exact same chapter would exist and it would have actually mattered, in a cohesive way without just saying "whoops, guess what you played there for half an hour was not actually a thing".
I don't see why I should ignore the fact it never actually happend lol. You have shit like that as a told story in game by a character, not as an actual gameplay part.

And why's that? The flashback is effective because you play it, you don't expect the twist because of it.
I think it's great, more games should play around with the narrative using gameplay.

It's pretty much the Unreliable narrator trope(?) put into gameplay.


Oct 25, 2017
Technically fantastic but it just never clicked with me personally. Among Thieves remains my favourite, that one is just paced to perfection.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah this game isn't dragon age level bad, but it seems like it's the other 'game of the year' winner that a lot people retroactively have realized didn't deserve it. Game was a massive disappointment for me.


Oct 28, 2017
nib95, I read your entire post, and thank you for that. There's a lot of truth to what you're saying: when things get dynamic and fluid, Uncharted 4 flows super well. The core issue is that the encounter prevalence is so low, the engagements are so few and far-between, that it feels like they're all over in the blink of an eye. The headshots being an instant kill actually contributes to that a bit: if you aim well, you'll clear the entire arena of enemies within a minute or two, and then it's onto the next 30 minutes of walking and climbing.

Again, though, a lot of what you've said on the game is fair and accurate.


Oct 30, 2017
I wasn't into the original Amy Hennig pitch of Sam being some sinister grudgeful brother and the main villain either but honestly, I feel the main reason why Sam is so flavorless is because of the lack of Hennig and how whenever there isn't a preset personality to write from Neil and Scherr failed to imbue the characters with the energy and personality of Amy's writing style. I would've prefered to have the game be divisive but still be Amy's swan song for the series than what ended up happening. As it is I like Uncharted 3 a lot more than this game and that's a game I even objected to at the time for its inconsistencies and inferiority to Uncharted 2. Uncharted 4 was very polished but god was it a flat experience too.
Oct 27, 2017
I personally loved Uncharted 4. It was fun. I enjoyed the flashback sequences mixed in with the gunplay. The pirate element was cool and made for some cool sets.


Oct 26, 2017
I usually give good games a 2nd play through and great games multiple playthroughs.

Uncharted 4 was the first Uncharted game that I gave it only one play through and then shelved it.

Maybe i grew out of the series but I am done and done


Oct 27, 2017
I played this one for several months and finally managed to finish it. Lost legacy was way better.


Oct 31, 2017
I just beat it for the first time like a week ago.

I thought it was less memorable than 2 or 3, but overall I enjoyed it a lot. At the end it was like "yep, that was an Uncharted game."


Staff Writer at TheGamer / Reviewer at RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Midgar, With Love
Yeah this game isn't dragon age level bad, but it seems like it's the other 'game of the year' winner that a lot people retroactively have realized didn't deserve it. Game was a massive disappointment for me.

Kind of an ironic read for me seeing as DAI and UC4 handily remain my 2014 and 2016 GOTYs, but I won't deny there's been come-around movements on them both.

Phil me in

Nov 22, 2018
Awful game. People seem to think good writing, amazing graphics and a predicable yet serviceable story makes it great.

When you Control Nate the game is incredible boring. The climbing isn't fun it's legit repetitive and boring. How many ledges particle collapse only for nate to last grasp cling on lmao.

80% climbing and barely any gunfights that take advantage of the amazing controls and gunplay.