
Oct 25, 2017
The Guardian:

The serial killer nurse Lucy Letby will never be released from prison after a judge sentenced her to a rare whole-life term for the "sadistic" murder of seven babies.

Letby, 33, is only the third woman alive to be given the jail term in the UK. She was sentenced at Manchester crown court on Monday.

The former neonatal nurse, the worst child serial killer in modern British history, was also convicted of attempting to murder six more babies at the Countess of Chester hospital.

Letby had a "detached enthusiasm" for the resuscitation of babies fighting for life, the judge said, adding that she "cruelly and callously" made inappropriate remarks to parents or colleagues during or after a death.

She kept hundreds of medical documents as "morbid records of the dreadful events surrounding your victims and what you had done to them", the court heard.

In one statement, the mother of a baby murdered on his fourth day alive, Child C, said she felt it was like watching someone else's life as her son died.

Holding back tears in court, she said: "The trauma of us all will live with us all until we die. Learning that his killer was watching us [as we grieved] is like something out of a horror story."

She said she would "live forever with the guilt" that she was not able to protect him: "I think about what his voice would have sounded like. What he would have looked like now. Who he would have been."


She refused to come to court for sentencing and is the third woman to receive a whole-life order, i.e. there is no possibility of her ever being released.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
Good. Again, with things like these I care less about the killer (there will always be terrible people) as opposed to the systems in place to enable them and the hospital admin staff needs to be fired if not arrested also.

They made an earlier whistleblower doctor apologize to her for accusing her of these shenanigans, its ultimately their fault.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's people like this that made me wish I believed in hell. Healthcare providers who turn evil are as special kind of monster that deserve nothing but the absolute worst.
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
Keep her out of the the public eye frankly, what she did was awful and the focus should be on making sure this can't happen ever again. Then she should be put in an unmarked graves when she dies so she can be forgotten about.

But that isn't going to happen, TV executives and true crime writers will be smelling the money on this. The media circus gravy train is just getting started on this.
Feb 15, 2023
Persephone thank-you for making this thread.

Lots of questions about how this was allowed to happen, the alarm was raised in 2015. There'll be ongoing investigations about how this occurred. As krazen says there's definitely culpability above her for not investigating the early warnings.

Whether it can stop this sort of thing occurring in future, I'm not sure. But the patterns were there.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Oh, serial child killer.

A horrific story. It's always terrible when things like this happen when people are in such a vulnerable state and have to put so much trust in strangers.


Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
This whole thing has brought up so many memories of when my child was born at 28 weeks and spent 7 weeks in the neonatal unit. How vulnerable my child was and we were as the parents, relying on the amazing nurses and doctors in the unit. To think she was doing this when we were experiencing this, luckily in another part of the country is terrifying and sickening. I don't think any punishment would be enough for someone so depraved.

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
I do wonder what'll go through her mind when she's returned to prison and it sinks in that she will never step outside the walls of the prison for potentially the next 50-60 years.


Nov 2, 2017
This story is always been so shocking to me. I don't understand how a (seemingly) mentally well put together young woman goes about doing this. I know this does happen from time to time however.

Just.. why?


Oct 27, 2017
Are death sentences not a thing in the UK?

No, thankfully we got rid of them with most of the world a long time ago. It's 2023, not 1023. This shit isn't acceptable in modern society and we have no interest by and large of letting it become a thing again, it's only really brought up as something to bring back by the worst people here.
Jan 27, 2019
Fuck off
Are death sentences not a thing in the UK?
That was abolished in the 60's.

It shouldn't be brought back either, because if you have the death penalty there is the undeniable inevitability that innocent people will be sentenced to death.

In prison she'll most likely be put into solitary confinement for her own safety, in women's prisons kid killers are the most hated inmates by far.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
Can hardly think about this story. It's so horrifying. I can't imagine how the parents must feel.


Oct 25, 2017
That the UK has now only imprisoned three people for life blows my mind.

Third woman, not third person. Life sentences are automatic for murder but judges set a minimum term that must be served before the person is eligible to be considered for parole (no guarantee it will be granted though). Often it's around 30–40 years. A whole-life order removes all possibility of release.
Oct 25, 2017
And the fuck the hospital for making the brown doctor apologize to the fragile white woman. White supremacy always rearing its ugly head. No poc would receive that much benefit of the doubt.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Good, now look into the other healthcare professionals who turned a blind eye in fear of harming the reputation of the hospital when warning signs were obviously apparent.

Reading the full story and time line of this gives me chills.


Oct 27, 2017
That the UK has now only imprisoned three people for life blows my mind.

That's not the case. We have life with possibility of release at a later date, we also have life without that chance. We have lots of people sentenced to the first, less so to the second and I believe it's only mentioning women with the second sentence as this is the third.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
The kind of person who deserves to spend every last second of life rotting away in a cell thinking on their actions. Horrific story and horrific person.


May 7, 2019
No, thankfully we got rid of them with most of the world a long time ago. It's 2023, not 1023. This shit isn't acceptable in modern society and we have no interest by and large of letting it become a thing again, it's only really brought up as something to bring back by the worst people here.

Britons don’t tend to support the death penalty… until you name the worst crimes | YouGov

Britons don’t tend to support the death penalty… until you name the worst crimes.

I wouldn't say "by and large" . The polling shows that it has relatively popular support, and several members of the current UK cabinet have advocated for its return.


Oct 27, 2017
Saw an interview with a colleague that was reporting her the other day, it was infuriating.

Hope she gets got in Prison 🤞


Nov 21, 2017
She tried to kill a baby on four separate occasions before succeeding. She tried to kill triplets and succeeded with two of them. A monster beyond anything I have known to date.


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Good, now look into the other healthcare professionals who turned a blind eye in fear of harming the reputation of the hospital when warning signs were obviously apparent.

Reading the full story and time line of this gives me chills.
Yes, there were whistleblowers and they were ignored.

White women can do no wrong. They hold a very privileged space that we don't like to talk about. If this was a POC, never would've gotten this far.

Whistleblowers ‘treated like the problem’ – doctors’ union calls for reform

Numerous staff raised concerns about the actions of killer Lucy Letby for months before police were eventually called.


May 25, 2021
Hope she spends the rest of her life suffering for what she did. And they need to take action against the management that tried to shield her and cover up the allegations.


Oct 25, 2017
That the UK has now only imprisoned three people for life blows my mind.
"whole life" is distinct from "life" - and it's specifically three *women* who've had whole-life imprisonment. Quite a few more men have, although still not *that* many, it's reserved for the most serious offences.

Whole life is 'you will spend your whole life in prison'. Life is 'You will spend your whole life under a life sentence'; you may still be released from prison after a parole hearing after a minimum sentence has elapsed, but you are still formally serving that sentence and you may be recalled to prison for breaching that parole.
Feb 15, 2023
And the fuck the hospital for making the brown doctor apologize to the fragile white woman. White supremacy always rearing its ugly head. No poc would receive that much benefit of the doubt.

Absolutely white privilege is part of this story. Nobody wanted to believe the fairly shy, well-known white girl was doing all of this. That's basically what I feel it might come down to. Internal biases really come to the forefront in cases like these, which is how they get away with it so long.

Definitely also an example of the banality of evil as well.


Jun 2, 2022
Realistically, if they don't put her in solitary confinement she probably won't last a month.