Oct 8, 2019
I wouldn't expect them to know. Like Trump, none of these people probably actually read the bible.

Someone will tell them a bunch of nonsense like the Pence Card, and instead of questioning the logic of such a power like no one ever using it before or even double checking it, they will instead just hardcore believe that Pence could just reject 6 states electors and hand Trump the election. They claim to believe in the constitution but know nothing about it, they claim to be Christian while mocking Christ by replacing him with Trump.


Oct 26, 2017
Not sure why but I certainly enjoy hurting myself by looking at Ben Garrison's cartoons these days

I'm pretty sure he just wants to fuck Trump at this point


Oct 26, 2017
Who are these people that Christians think are out to persecute them?
Everyone else. My existence persecutes them. If someone doesn't believe what they believe they're an enemy. Thing is though none of these idiots are real Christians. Hate and bigotry mixed in with blasphemy by having Trump of all people on the cross.


Mar 5, 2018
Fake Christians, all of em. Jesus would have been a socialist. Now, I want a bumper sticker that says Jesus Was A Socialist.

Would probably get my car keyed lol


Oct 29, 2017
Everyone else. My existence persecutes them. If someone doesn't believe what they believe they're an enemy. Thing is though none of these idiots are real Christians. Hate and bigotry mixed in with blasphemy by having Trump of all people on the cross.
Yep. And unlike actual marginalized groups they can't point to actual instances of hate crimes, sociopolitical violence targeted at them or prejudice against them in the justice system unless they lie or talk in vague dark prophecies about how a systematic genocide of Christians is the next step once you let anyone slightly progressive hold public office/the presidency. They literally spent 8 years calling Obama the Antichrist, the supposed manifestation of the end of not just Christian religion but the end of human civilization and have gone on to whistle and pretend they didn't say shit once they installed Trump as their golden idol.

While we're on the subject of AZGOP.

Lol good lord


Oct 27, 2017
United States


Oct 27, 2017
This obviously isn't as viral as the stuff the rest of you are posting, but I got into a brief argument with some Twitter troll last night out of sheer boredom. I'm not sure if his English is lacking (which would be ironic from a Trump supporter) or if he is just honestly a dumbass (which would be all too predictable) but this post just floored me in its glorious irony.



Oct 28, 2017
This obviously isn't as viral as the stuff the rest of you are posting, but I got into a brief argument with some Twitter troll last night out of sheer boredom. I'm not sure if his English is lacking (which would be ironic from a Trump supporter) or if he is just honestly a dumbass (which would be all too predictable) but this post just floored me in its glorious irony.

Damn, he sure showed you lol.


Oct 27, 2017
This obviously isn't as viral as the stuff the rest of you are posting, but I got into a brief argument with some Twitter troll last night out of sheer boredom. I'm not sure if his English is lacking (which would be ironic from a Trump supporter) or if he is just honestly a dumbass (which would be all too predictable) but this post just floored me in its glorious irony.

I still dont understand twitter.
who is responding to whom here?