Oct 25, 2017
Again: if you haven't seen Solo: A Star Wars Story, this thread will contain MAJOR SPOILERS for a cool character in the film. Turn back if you don't want to be spoiled.

So you've seen Solo, and all your questions about Han Solo's backstory have been answered (whether you wanted them answered or not). But you've now left the theater with a much bigger question...


Didn't Darth Maul get his Satan-looking ass cut in half in The Phantom Menace? What the hell is he doing in this movie?

By popular demand, and due to the overwhelming number of questions in the Solo OT regarding this plot twist, I've decided to make a separate thread about Darth Maul and his larger role in the Star Wars expanded universe.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: In which Maul becomes an actual character and not a plot device

If you're confused about the appearance of Maul in this film, it's because you haven't watched Star Wars: The Clone Wars. This computer-animated TV series aired on Cartoon Network for five seasons before being cancelled by Disney when they purchased Lucasfilm. An abbreviated sixth season was released on Netflix, where you can also binge watch the previous five seasons.

Despite its childlike appearance and stylized character designs, The Clone Wars contains some of the best (and some of the darkest) storylines in all of Star Wars. Created primarily by Dave Filoni and featuring significant involvement from George Lucas, The Clone Wars is the only form of "expanded universe" media from before the Disney buyout that is still considered canon in the current Star Wars universe. As a result, elements from The Clone Wars have reappeared in a variety of books, comics, and films from the post-Disney era: most notably, Clone Wars character Saw Gerrera appears in Rogue One, portrayed by Forrest Whitaker, and of course, Maul shows up in Solo, played by his Phantom Menace actor Ray Park but voiced by his Clone Wars actor, Sam Witwer.


Following his seeming death at the hands of Obi-Wan in The Phantom Menace, Darth Maul survived through his sheer hatred and anger, channeling the power of the dark side of the Force to keep his broken and twisted body alive, in a manner similar to how Anakin survives his burning in lava. For over ten years, Maul survives on the junkyard world of Lotho Minor, where he gets his now infamous "spider legs" to walk around with, driven by his desire to one day escape and exact revenge on both Obi-Wan and Darth Sidious, who abandoned him and replaced him with his new apprentice, Count Dooku. Maul was born on the shadowy world of Dathomir, where he and his "brother," the edgy Savage Opress, were raised by a witch-like woman called Mother Talzin. During the Clone Wars, Mother Talzin attempts to use Savage to assassinate Dooku, to no success. Talzin sends Savage to Lotho Minor to recover Maul, who is given a pair of more normal-looking robot legs, and the two brothers set out to lure Obi-Wan into a trap.


Obi-Wan is captured, and gets into a fight with both Maul and Savage, but he is outnumbered and eventually rescued by his former enemy, Asajj Ventress, herself an acolyte of Dooku until he tried to have her killed. Maul and Savage don't give up, however. Obi-Wan and Jedi Master Adi Gallia are lured into another confrontation by the brothers, and Adi Gallia is killed.

At this point, Maul and Savage decide to form an army of criminals and mercenaries. They contact the Mandalorian terrorist group Death Watch, the Hutt cartel, the Pyke Syndicate (the guys running the spice mines of Kessel in Solo), and the Black Sun gang, and together they form the "Shadow Collective." They then conquer the planet Mandalore, which is run by Duchess Satine Kryze, an old flame of Obi-Wan's. Pre Vizsla, the leader of Death Watch, refuses to let an outsider run Mandalore, so Maul cuts his head off in a ritual duel to the death.

Maul then holds Satine hostage and demands that Obi-Wan come for her. Obi-Wan does, and Maul kills her in front of him. Obi-Wan refuses to give in to hate and revenge, and instead flees Mandalore. But just as things are looking up for the Maul brothers...

Palpatine decides to pay them a visit, and in a badass fight scene, proceeds to kill Savage and kick Maul's ass into next week. He decides to keep Maul alive for whatever twisted torture old Sheev can come up with, but unfortunately, the planned episodes that would have continued this storyline were among the casualties of Disney's cancellation of the show.

Thankfully, in 2014 Dark Horse Comics released a four-issue comic miniseries called Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir that adapts the unaired episodes. In this comic, Maul escapes prison with help from the Shadow Collective and Mother Talzin and goes to war against Palpatine, Dooku, and General Grievous. In the ensuing massive battle between all these villains, Grievous kills Talzin, the Shadow Collective is destroyed, and Maul goes on the run again.

The novel Ahsoka, released in 2016, provides the next piece of Maul's story. In what was supposed to be the series finale of The Clone Wars, Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi-Wan and their clone soldiers invade Mandalore to get rid of Maul once and for all, only for Anakin and Obi-Wan to get called back to Coruscant when they learn Palpatine has been captured by Grievous. Ahsoka manages to defeat Maul and capture him...only for her clones to attack her, as Order 66 has begun. Ahsoka fakes her death and goes underground, while Maul evades justice once again...

...and apparently starts another criminal organization called Crimson Dawn, because around nine years later is when Solo takes place.


Now, what comes next? Well, after The Clone Wars was cancelled, it was replaced by another animated series from the same team called Star Wars Rebels. I won't go into detail about it here, but it does conclude Maul's story, and features his long-awaited final showdown with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Tatooine, which is one of the best lightsaber confrontations in all of Star Wars.

If you'd like to catch up on all of Maul's complete story to date, here's what you'll need:

Darth Maul (comic miniseries, 2017): This miniseries takes place before The Phantom Menace and features Maul confronting a young Jedi padawan against his master's orders.
The Phantom Menace (film, 1999): We've all seen this one. Maul gets cut in half and, seemingly, dies.
The Clone Wars: "Brothers"/"Revenge" (TV episodes, 2012): Maul returns, with the help of his brother, Savage Opress.
The Clone Wars: "Revival" (TV episode, 2012): Maul and Savage confront Obi-Wan and Adi Gallia.
The Clone Wars: "Eminence"/"Shades of Reason"/"The Lawless" (TV episodes, 2013): Maul forms the Shadow Collective, kills Satine, conquers Mandalore, and gets his ass whooped by Palpatine.
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir (comic miniseries, 2014): Maul's Clone Wars story is concluded as he attempts, and fails, to destroy his many enemies.
Ahsoka (novel, 2016): Maul briefly appears in this novel to explain how he once again eluded justice at the end of the Clone Wars.
Solo (film, 2018): Maul makes his return to the big screen.
Rebels: "Twilight of the Apprentice, Parts 1 & 2" (TV episodes, 2016): An elderly Maul meets the cast of Rebels and is reunited with his enemy Ahsoka.
Rebels: "The Holocrons of Fate" (TV episode, 2016): Maul forces Ezra Bridger to help him assemble a pair of holocrons and discovers his hated nemesis Obi-Wan is still alive.
Rebels: "Visions and Voices" (TV episode, 2016): Maul performs an ancient ritual on Dathomir to try and uncover Obi-Wan's location.
Rebels: "Twin Suns" (TV episode, 2017): The final confrontation. Maul tracks down old Ben Kenobi on Tatooine and the duel of the fates reaches its end.

I hope this elaborate post provides you with some much-needed context after this rather surprising and bold decision by Disney. Go watch The Clone Wars and Rebels if you are a big Star Wars fan. You're missing out on some awesome stories and characters.
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Oct 27, 2017
Why didn't Maul just tell people who Sidious was

That would have been a pretty good way to get revenge on him

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: In which Maul becomes an actual character and not a plot device
Star Wars: The Clone Wars: in which a character who absolutely should have died logically is resurrected because he looked cool


Oct 28, 2017
United States
I had no interest in seeing solo so I clicked this thread and I am now very confused.

The characters are on the complete opposite ends of the franchise.

Deleted member 176

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Oct 25, 2017
Why didn't Maul just tell people who Sidious was

That would have been a pretty good way to get revenge on him

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: in which a character who absolutely should have died logically is resurrected because he looked cool and he's made into basically a new character
He can't speak. Remember he didn't even cry out when he got chopped up in Episode 1.
Oct 29, 2017
Great write up OP! Darth Maul was always a favorite of mine and I thought he had excellent character development in the clone wars and rebels. You are so right about the final confrontation on Tatooine, scene gives me chills every time


Oct 25, 2017
Just a small note, Savage Oppress originally wasn't that "edgy" (aside from his name). He was actually fairly weak and frail until they magick'd the hell out of him.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the summary, OP! I knew that Maul made appearances in the animated series but wasn't aware of many specifics. I like that they're including references to them in the anthology films.

He can't speak. Remember he didn't even cry out when he got chopped up in Episode 1.

Not sure if this is a plot point in one of the animated series but he spoke earlier in TPM and in Solo.



Jan 31, 2018
Why didn't Maul just tell people who Sidious was

That would have been a pretty good way to get revenge on him

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: in which a character who absolutely should have died logically is resurrected because he looked cool
Nah. The cartoon made it believable. And his whole race "looks cool"


Oct 25, 2017
Why didn't Maul just tell people who Sidious was

That would have been a pretty good way to get revenge on him

They actually sort of answer this in Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith when one of Master Barr's students asks him basically the same thing. "If we're trying to bring down the Empire, why don't we just spill the beans that Palpatine is a Sith?" Barr says that it frankly just wouldn't matter. Palpatine is too popular, has too much power, and controls the media.

Of course there's also the line in the old RotS novelization where Mace accuses Sheev of being a Sith and Sheev just responds "Don't we have freedom of religion in the Republic?" lol


Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for making this thread. Never saw the cartoons so the Maul reveal completely blew my mind. Had no idea he was still alive. Very cool! Interested to see what else they will do with him.


Oct 27, 2017
They actually sort of answer this in Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith when one of Master Barr's students asks him basically the same thing. "If we're trying to bring down the Empire, why don't we just spill the beans that Palpatine is a Sith?" Barr says that it frankly just wouldn't matter. Palpatine is too popular, has too much power, and controls the media.
The situation isn't even close, if the Jedi knew they certainly would have taken action. As they did when Mace found out.

Although, Dooku did tell Obi-Wan that the Senate was under a control of a Sith Lord, so they needed it really spelled out for them.


Oct 25, 2017
Tbh they should adapt his arc with Obi Wan from Rebels as a movie, except without all of the trash tier Rebel Characters. The duel between him and Ben is too cool to be wasted on that show.
Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for the write up. I have a hazy memory of some of the stuff I heard about. I was definitely thinking about the implications quite a bit when the reveal happened in the movie

Where could I watch rebels if I wanted to get into that?


Oct 25, 2017
The situation isn't even close, if the Jedi knew they certainly would have taken action. As they did when Mace found out.

Although, Dooku did tell Obi-Wan that the Senate was under a control of a Sith Lord, so they needed it really spelled out for them.

Well, why should they trust Maul? In Son of Dathomir they literally witness Maul and Dooku's forces fighting each other and instead of thinking "Maybe theyre enemies?" they think "Maybe they're playing a trick on us to make us think they're enemies?!"

That dark side Force nexus from the old Sith temple on Coruscant really did a number on their cognitive abilities.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah. The cartoon made it believable. And his whole race "looks cool"
Nah, not for me and it absolutely felt unnatural within the story.

Maul's purpose was to be the first resurgent Sith that the Jedi faced. A mystery, defined as a character simply by being a Sith. That was fine. I would have liked to have seen more of him, but the movies were the place to do that. The Clone Wars resurrected a bisected character and totally different purpose and character just because he was a fan favourite.

I'm not even one to usually complain about fan service or use it as an insult, but it's the worst kind of fan service.

Well, why should they trust Maul? In Son of Dathomir they literally witness Maul and Dooku's forces fighting each other and instead of thinking "Maybe theyre enemies?" they think "Maybe they're playing a trick on us to make us think they're enemies?!"

That dark side Force nexus from the old Sith temple on Coruscant really did a number on their cognitive abilities.
Nah man, it really is just a huge plot hole resulting from a shoehorned in story


Oct 25, 2017
Thank you so much because I knew a tiny bit of what happened after Phantom Menace but this is much better.


Oct 27, 2017
Even with all of this context, I feel it was absolutely not needed in this film and was pure, cringe-worthy fan service.


Oct 25, 2017
For reference, this is where his character leads to in Rebels.

Seriously kind of wish we get this with Ray Park and Ewan McGregor in the near future, with nice visuals that really sell the drama and don't look so stiff and cheap.



Oct 26, 2017
Even though he is alive in cartoon canon, I feel that his inclusion here places the supplemental material before the films in a way that is confusing and distracting. Those who have have only watched the films (the majority) will be rightly confused by it.

I think you do not put Maul in the films unless you have an on-screen explanation for why he is still alive after TPM. This is a creative "miss" for me.
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Oct 27, 2017
Even though he is alive in cartoon canon, I feel that his inclusion here places the supplemental material before the films in a way that is confusing and distracting. Film watchers (the majority) will be rightly confused by it.

I think you do not put Maul in the films unless you have an on-screen explanation for why he is still alive after TPM. This is a creative "miss" for me.
I agree

Especially when you've totally changed the purpose of his character from Sith apprentice to crime lord

Even with all of this context, I feel it was absolutely not needed in this film and was pure, cringe-worthy fan service.
Turning on the lightsaber for a hologram was the worst part


Oct 25, 2017
Even though he is alive in cartoon canon, I feel that his inclusion here places the supplemental material before the films in a way that is confusing and distracting. Those who have have only watched the film (the majority) will be rightly confused by it.

I think you do not put Maul in the films unless you have an on-screen explanation for why he is still alive after TPM. This is a creative "miss" for me.

If they plan to do more with Maul, this scene seemed like something you'd see in a Marvel post-credits sequence, but, since this is Star Wars and not Marvel, they opted to just stick it in before the credits.
Otherwise, his inclusion is really dumb.


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder if we'd be hear without the original 2005 comic of Maul returning to fight old Obi-Wan.



Oct 25, 2017
Even though he is alive in cartoon canon, I feel that his inclusion here places the supplemental material before the films in a way that is confusing and distracting. Those who have have only watched the film (the majority) will be rightly confused by it.

I think you do not put Maul in the films unless you have an on-screen explanation for why he is still alive after TPM. This is a creative "miss" for me.

Maul's appearance was probably the only reference that I liked in Solo.

That said, you're right; almost immediately I started thinking about how this is largely just not gonna work for folks who didn't watch one of the later seasons of the TV show.


Oct 25, 2017
Why? It's all canon. No reason to arbitrarily lock themselves out of stuff.

Should of used Thrawn or something. I liked Maul as he continued but just...ugh.

It's like the scenes where R2D2 and CP30 where in Rogue One, or they walked into the people from the bar, or even R2D2 and CP30 in the prequels.

Its cool to see characters we know but these instances don't add anything, take screen time to wave and have the film stop for second to be like "LOOK THESE PEOPLE ARE HERE", and often fail at creating any deeper meaningful context for the characters in the universe.

I loved Tarkin in Rogue One however.


Oct 25, 2017
Should of used Thrawn or something. I liked Maul as he continued but just...ugh.

It's like the scenes where R2D2 and CP30 where in Rogue One, or they walked into the people from the bar, or even R2D2 and CP30 in the prequels.

Its cool to see characters we know but these instances don't add anything, take screen time to wave and have the film stop for second to be like "LOOK THESE PEOPLE ARE HERE", and often fail at creating any deeper meaningful context for the characters in the universe.

I loved Tarkin in Rogue One however.

Who knows, maybe it'll be more than just like that scenes, maybe they'll find a way to actually build something out of it.


Jan 8, 2018
Do they really expect people to watch all the children's cartoons and read all these comics/novels? Most people will never watch anything outside the movies.