
Started a revolution but the mic was unplugged
Oct 27, 2017
This is a thread for story where the class made the teacher cry. Kids, especially in elementary and middle school, have no real understanding of empathy and, as a result, can be evil as fuck. Especially in school. Especially to the teacher.

In 5th Grade I remember my teacher breaking down and crying after dealing with some students. We were all sitting there in a half circle around her. One or two students tried to comfort her. I remember feeling uncomfortable as fuck. I didn't think teachers were supposed to cry because my parents shat on me for crying and being emotional. I remember feeling embarrassed for her. Like "you're a role model for me you can't cry in front of the class." Of course now, I realize how fucked up that was and how much effort and love she put into her job.

In middle school, my sister's class had a rowdy kid who once got pulled aside by the teacher where she told him off in the hallway. A rumor then started about how she hit the kid and it spread around quickly. A few days later, she was in another teacher's room crying about the whole situation. It was super fucked up. Like... it shows how empathy and emotional learning is important for children at a young age. Without it, they can become monsters.

Do any of you remember a time in school where kids made the teacher cry?


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
I made a teacher cry in high school by saying she just wasn't a very good teacher when she tried to punish me for being done with my work earlier than she anticipated.

She sucked and I was far from being the only student who had problems with her, but being an educator now, I do recognize I probably went too far.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Uhhh does it count if I'm a teacher who has nearly cried before

Kids can be mean


Oct 25, 2017
This probably happens far more often than you think, even if you never actually see the tears during class time.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
One of my math teachers in high school had her wallet stolen. It was swiped from her purse I believe. She was carrying several hundred dollars on her and lost numerous cards and her ID. The next day, she was pleading in front of each class for the person to come forth. Tears streaming down her face. Apparently she had some important bills she needed to pay in the next couple days. She couldn't teach, she was only thinking of her lost wallet.

One of the students got up (a usual trouble maker in the class), grabbed a bucket, and started asking students in and around other classes for donations to our math teacher. A nice gesture, but I don't think legally the teacher could have accepted it. Not sure if she ever got her wallet back. If the person who did snatch it returned it, it was probably done very quietly without anyone else knowing.


Oct 25, 2017
Parents are crying now, they would rather kill grandma than have to deal another day with their kids at home.


Oct 25, 2017
I made a teacher cry in high school by saying she just wasn't a very good teacher when she tried to punish me for being done with my work earlier than she anticipated.

She sucked and I was far from being the only student who had problems with her, but being an educator now, I do recognize I probably went too far.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Yep, middle schoolers can be assholes sometimes. I remember my teacher breaking down in tears and leaving the room because most kids wouldn't pay attention and they were talking and being loud (I think she was new and we were almost halfway through the school year). When she left the room about half shut up and then everyone else slowly realized the teacher wasn't there anymore and we all just stayed quiet until the end of the class. She didn't come back for like a week and the substitute was worse than her. Anyways once she came back everyone started behaving, mostly because the previous the substitute teacher gave out an asinine amount of homework XD

I think the worse one I experienced was when my high school started giving out pink slips. Almost half my teachers got one; the mood of the classes got pretty depressive :/
One of them definitely cried but she was trying to hide it from us because her desk was behind us. She went from being a tough but fair teacher to just not giving a fuck, I think I went from a C to A by the end of the class because it became too easy.
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Exist 2 Inspire

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Apr 19, 2018
I remember in 7th or 8th grade a teacher broke down crying. My class was the worst, like imagine the most moronic teenagers. If i remember corectly we where in a auditorium without windows and people knew our teacher had asthma so some dumbasses started smoking while she was writing on the board and then she had had a real bad coughing fit. To top it all of someone threw a fucking glass bottle on the board. Teach ran out of the room crying. People knew they could fuck with her and so they did. It was super bad.


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018
Whew okay so

In middle school we had this music teacher and English was not her first language.

For some reason all the asshole kids took advantage of this and made her life a living hell. (Making fun of her , throwing shit and breaking numerous instruments)

She cried atleast 3 times a day

Then one day she brought her son for bring your kid to work day and those same kids beat the shit out of her son while she was teaching the class.

I....I have no idea how she didn't request to maybe change schools or something ? Or maybe she did and wasn't granted a transfer who knows.

But God damn kids can be mean.


Oct 27, 2017
I went to a bit of a rough middle school, and some kids in my class made a teacher break down.

My next school was the other end of the scale and I remember one particularly strict teacher took a kid who crossed the line outside the room and tore him a new one (verbally) and made sure everyone heard it, and sent him back into the room with tears in his eyes.


Jul 25, 2018
There wasn't much of this when I was at school. That's when we had the leather belt though. Six of the best, as it was called. Teacher holds a leather belt, you stand with arms outstretched and palms on top of each other, and teacher swings as hard as possible. Up to six times.


Jan 4, 2019
I remember my Year 8 Spanish teacher had a breakdown in our class because I was with the lot that didn't care so they'd just fuck about.

She locked herself in the cupboard.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
N. Vancouver, BC, Canada
There wasn't much of this when I was at school. That's when we had the leather belt though. Six of the best, as it was called. Teacher holds a leather belt, you stand with arms outstretched and palms on top of each other, and teacher swings as hard as possible. Up to six times.

... I don't know how to respond to this. What era was this procedure a semi-common practice?
Mar 18, 2020
I made a teacher cry in high school by saying she just wasn't a very good teacher when she tried to punish me for being done with my work earlier than she anticipated.

She sucked and I was far from being the only student who had problems with her, but being an educator now, I do recognize I probably went too far.

Something has definitely been omitted from this story.


Jan 4, 2019
Off topic but a bunch of teachers got fired in my early years for shagging each other.

They were all not good looking at all.


Nov 7, 2017
My wife is a teacher and she cries about school related stress fairly often. It's not so much X child was mean to her because they aren't, she doesn't allow that to happen. It's more like situations she cannot control. One of the girls who is nice to her is pregnant, one of the boys' dad died, stuff like that.


Oct 25, 2017
my 6th grade math class was ruthless. they made 1 of our subs cry, our regular teacher cry, and put us at war with a sub we had who was french.


Oct 27, 2017
Whew okay so

In middle school we had this music teacher and English was not her first language.

For some reason all the asshole kids took advantage of this and made her life a living hell. (Making fun of her , throwing shit and breaking numerous instruments)

She cried atleast 3 times a day

Then one day she brought her son for bring your kid to work day and those same kids beat the shit out of her son while she was teaching the class.

I....I have no idea how she didn't request to maybe change schools or something ? Or maybe she did and wasn't granted a transfer who knows.

But God damn kids can be mean.
The fuck?
Principal didn't get involved?
I mean, breaking instruments? Beating up the teacher's kid?!


Oct 27, 2017
Good thread.

Middle school science class. Teacher was a kind, soft-spoken woman, so of course the class plotted against her. One day the class decided that when the clock struck a particular time, they would all just start screaming. I was aware and refused to participate, although I also didn't warn her so I'm no hero.

After about 10 seconds of it, she left the room and brought the principal back who reamed us out. We were also lectured to at the end of the year by the principal before we were allowed to leave for summer vacation, and the teacher herself, instead of yelling, just tearfully asked us why we were so mean.

Just deeply fucked up, and something I think about maybe once a month.


Oct 26, 2017
One time we had a sub and our whole class just kept stomping on the ground randomly, I dont think she ever cried but she was known for being an awful person to students so it was kind of funny.

Sloth Guevara

Oct 27, 2017
I have younger students and I make a point of crying in front of them.
I always read the lionheart brothers and it's very moving at certain parts.
I always tell them before that I find the books sad tho.
I think young minds need to see grownups cry in certain contexts.


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018
The fuck?
Principal didn't get involved?
I mean, breaking instruments? Beating up the teacher's kid?!

Actually iirc it was after the incident with the kid that the kids were talked to by the principal but at most all they got was stern talking to and that was it.


Jul 25, 2018
Goddamn. If any teacher in my school did that, they would get their asses thrown in jail for physical assault/abuse.
I had it done to me a few times. Unlike now, back then parents sided with teacher instead of their little perfect angel who couldn't possibly do any wrong, so no point complaining. One example I still remember was after leaving a class on the third floor, dropping my bag of books down the stairwell to land on the ground floor, as we often did. When we got down there, my bag was gone. Two minutes into the new class on the ground floor, some older kid comes in, claims he was minding his own business and this bag hit him. Total lie. That got me the belt. The kid smiled as he left the room. Well played.


Feb 7, 2018
Los Angeles, CA
In high school, a teacher went on leave and we weren't told why. Once she came back someone said 'Why did you leave did someone die or something?" It turns out her husband has passed away. She started bawling and left the classroom. The dude looked shocked and I don't think he did it to be mean or anything but man that was rough. She went on leave again after that.


Oct 27, 2017
A math teacher i had in 6-7th grade was in his late 30's. I don't know if he had parkinsons, but his hands trembled quite significantly, and that affected his writing on the chalkboard. It was still plainly comprehensible, but anything is an excuse for a child looking for a distraction.

I recall him being asked incenssantly to explain what was written, then after he answered they would snicker; in one of those days he started to tear up after some people started chanting "Out with the teacher" "Out with the teacher".

Being bullied myself, i hated that shit with a passion. Having forgotten most of the events of my school life, that one lingers.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Oct 27, 2017
My wife is a teacher and she cries about school related stress fairly often. It's not so much X child was mean to her because they aren't, she doesn't allow that to happen. It's more like situations she cannot control. One of the girls who is nice to her is pregnant, one of the boys' dad died, stuff like that.

She sounds like a kind, wonderful person.

Lionel Mandrake

Prophetic Lionel Mandrake
Oct 26, 2017
1. Had an English teacher in high school who moved from Chicago down to small town Alabama to make a difference. My heart goes out to the guy. I think he really thought he was going to pull a "Stand and Deliver" for these poor redneck kids. He was eccentric and passionate about literature and poetry. He tried to make the kids see things from his perspective, but they just saw him as some weirdo from up north. Constant disrespect led to him snapping one day and yelling "THAT IS IT!" And running out of the room crying. He quit. We didn't have a real English teacher for the rest of the year, just unprepared subs.

2. In Spanish class in college some students brought up having a class at a local Mexican restaurant. Our professor tried to dismiss it as being too difficult to arrange short notice, but the students kept pushing. She started crying and going into how she was going through a divorce and wasn't sure who was getting the kids.


Dec 8, 2018
Being a teacher sucks , the worst part aren't the kids, its the damn school administration.


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
Something has definitely been omitted from this story.
If you want the full story, the assignment was to read an assigned chapter of a book, pick out words we didn't know, and then look them up in a dictionary. I didn't find any words I didn't know at the time due to being one of those kids whose parents occasionally used dictionaries as punishment, so I quietly pulled out a book and was reading it until the rest of my classmates finished the assignment. She tried to embarrass me in front of the class by making me go up to the board and define a bunch of terms she thought I didn't know that I actually did.

I went on RateMyTeacher later knowing that she was obsessed with it due to it being very new at the time, left a review that said she wasn't a very good teacher, and she cried about it in class the next day.

That's all. I was too much of a chicken shit in high school to actually smart off to my teachers in person and didn't actually say anything to get her on my case in the first place beyond just reading a book.

Being a teacher sucks , the worst part aren't the kids, its the damn school administration.
It's weird for me. The administration at the college I work at is great, but sometimes the administration with the high schools we partner with are weird.

Worst part for me has actually been parents.
Oct 25, 2017
As a teacher I threaten my kids that I'll just burst into tears one day and I'll make sure it is incredibly awkward for all of us.

I've never come close to crying, though one day I was *this* close to just leaving. Ducking asshole teacher I was in for left me a dogshit day, two days before summer break, at an inner city school. I was new at the time as nowadays I would have just ignored the day plan.

I did, however, explode at a class before. Dropped probably 50 "fucks" told them to yank their heads outta their fucking asses etc etc etc. That was not a good day and a huge huge mistake on my part. Luckily they were grade 12s and none of them narc'd on me for it. Benefits of building a good relationship with your class, I guess. They deserved the ripping but super unprofessional on my part and one that could have got me disciplined
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Oct 25, 2017
I don't think i made her cry but my calculus teacher kicked me out of class once because i was arguing that the fundamental theorem of calculus was wrong based on her teaching.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn, you all had some fucking asshole classmates/students. I dont know if its demographics or a regional issue but I grew up in Maryland with primarily caucasian/asian kids and I cant remember a single instance of kids verbally abusing or being overly disruptive.

Sure, I remember some times when the teacher would have to crack down on the class for talking too much and handing out detentions but I have never seen any teacher break down or e lose their temper
Oct 25, 2017
We had a sub in 7th grade who was trying to become a teacher and told us her worst experience so far is when a kid had a seizure in class. So naturally some kid faked a seizure which caused her to cry. Kid ended up getting suspended. Never saw the sub again