Oct 27, 2017
Saudi authorities have arrested an Arab man who appeared in video having breakfast with a female work colleague.
The Ministry of Labor and Social Development said the man was arrested for appearing in an "offensive video" and cited violations of rules including those "regulating women's placement at work."

"Come have breakfast with us," the man, identified in the local media reports by a single name, Bahaa, says during the video. The video also shows the woman feeding him a piece of food.
The video went viral, eliciting a backlash from conservatives in the kingdom, where public space is generally gender-segregated.

It seems situations like this can carry up to 5 years in prison from reading over the article. The woman is also reported to be arrested. Hopefully this get's enough attention to make them consider any type of charges, but I doubt they will be swayed by outside opinion. But, I hope they are both able to get out of this awful situation.


Oct 27, 2017
Why do a lot of people still want to visit Saudi Arabia? Are these laws only active for their citizens?


Oct 27, 2017
My understanding is that they don't really have a codified legal system and instead they rely on judge's literal interpretations of the Quran when determining charges and punishments. It is beyond fucked.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
Like, I know we probably shouldn't be intervening in Middle East affairs anymore but it seems crazy that the world just lets this happen.


Oct 28, 2017
Why do a lot of people still want to visit Saudi Arabia?
Because it's the location of the holiest site in the Islamic faith, where it is seen as a mandatory religious duty for people who practice that faith to make a pilgrimage to at least once in their life? Maybe that has something to do with it...


Oct 30, 2017
Because it's the location of the holiest site in the Islamic faith, where it is seen as a mandatory religious duty for people who practice that faith to make a pilgrimage to at least once in their life? Maybe that has something to do with it...
I'm assuming he meant like a holiday destination?

A lot of my friends like visiting Dubai, though.
Dec 29, 2017
User Banned (Permanent): Islamophobia.
They forgoed any form of logic or reason just to follow outdated teachings from the seventh century. I feel sad for these mindless barbarians. Europe needs to curb Islam before this sick ideology spreads there.


Oct 27, 2017
Because it's the location of the holiest site in the Islamic faith, where it is seen as a mandatory religious duty for people who practice that faith to make a pilgrimage to at least once in their life? Maybe that has something to do with it...

I should clarify that I mean non-Muslims or those who just want to go for a holiday.

Obviously the pilgrimage makes sense.

The arrested man is egyptian.

Well shit.


Oct 27, 2017
How's the woman though? Still alive?
I will never visit that country. There is nothing humane about it.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't understand why so many people on this board express support, admiration and even in some cases love for Western politicians who have spent their entire career in power either sucking up to or directly supporting and making cover for the Saudi government and the hideous way it behaves.


Oct 27, 2017
Wahhabism at work. I don't understand people who visit these totalitarian shitholes in the Middle-East.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
They forgoed any form of logic or reason just to follow outdated teachings from the seventh century. I feel sad for these mindless barbarians. Europe needs to curb Islam before this sick ideology spreads there.

This is a bananas post. This has more to do with men in power using Islam as a tool to keep those without power beneath them than the religion itself. There are millions of western Muslims that actively practice the faith and don't condone the culture in some of the Middle Eastern countries.


Oct 25, 2017
I uhh, they arrested the man? Don't they usually arrest the women?



Jul 5, 2018
The country itself is a fascinating social construct - when I was in Dubai discussing the region's economy I learned you effectively need to duplicate all the posts in e.g. store in the shopping malls, since they are divided and e.g. male supervisor cannot go and check on the employees in the section for women.

They also mentioned how surprisingly Saudi Arabia is the only country in the region with poverty among the nationals.


Jan 11, 2018
Why do a lot of people still want to visit Saudi Arabia? Are these laws only active for their citizens?

Most people go there for business , but they have gated communities where they stay with their families and get driven around. I've got a few family members that have been there for a few years , they don't seem to care much for foreigners aslong as they don't stray to far from their communities or work places


Oct 28, 2017
YOU SHOULD NOT ever! the situation is shit in the middle east, true. But the change must come from the inside.
Yes. The most important thing that countries in "the West" (a somewhat problematic but still accepted nomenclature, so there you have it) can do is to stop providing direct material support for governments that engage in this stuff and mind their own business. The US is already intervening: supporting the Saudi government is a form of intervention.


Jun 19, 2018
Like, I know we probably shouldn't be intervening in Middle East affairs anymore but it seems crazy that the world just lets this happen.
Everyone who can should intervene, with proper methods though, like political and maybe mild economic pressure, calls from respected organizations, etc... Or at the least stop supporting those governments.
Not full out wars or things things that would just make it even worse for those living here.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
YOU SHOULD NOT ever! the situation is shit in the middle east, true. But the change must come from the inside.
Well, kinda. But I still feel that some outside pressure can be a huge agent for change. Especially when the change coming from inside is hardly sufficient.
If people from the outside just went "Let's wait for them to do the right thing", who knows when women in the Canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden would have gotten their right to vote. Just an an example. And like others said, "intervention" comes in many forms. Not all are aggressive.