
Oct 27, 2017
Why the fuck are these nutjobs popping up now all of a sudden? One cowardly attack fuels another coward to act the same I guess now while they are in the "spotlight" through media coverage of these cowardly attacks.


Oct 29, 2020
Ahhh, a horrendous murder thread that devolves into a Sam Harris thread. Haven't seen one of these in awhile. Almost comforting to see the same arguments hashed out by people that I'm sure understand the complexities of.

RIP to the victim.


Oct 25, 2017
Why the fuck are these nutjobs popping up now all of a sudden? One cowardly attack fuels another coward to act the same I guess now while they are in the "spotlight" through media coverage of these cowardly attacks.
Erdogan and other shitheads like him fanned the flames after the attack on the teacher. Now there are anti-France protests in a dozen of countries calling for the death of people making or defending the caricatures. There's a vicious cycle of violence going on right now...


Oct 26, 2019
I do think that this can be discussed without broad generalizations of the religion.

Islamophobia and using language such as calling the religion a "Cancer" has lead to a big rise in hate crimes and incidents such as Christchurch, Quebec, regular lynchings in India etc..

No mainstream Islamic scholar would ever think that this heinous crime or anything similar would be justified in any scenario.

This tweet just makes me puke.


Oct 26, 2017
I wouldn't say the fact she lied really change anything, even if that wasn't a lie her father reaction was still an overreaction, amplified on social media which ultimately ended up bein read by the wrong person.


Oct 26, 2017

Samuel Paty murder: how a teenager's lie sparked a tragic chain of events

Girl, 13, admits lying about being told to leave classroom while teacher showed images of Prophet

It is because of a fucking LIE

Her father 100% called for the teacher's death.
There's no two ways about it. Especially as it was about Charlie Hebdo and this is in France.

He knew about those killings when outrage spread on the internet and was hoping for the same.


Oct 26, 2017
I mean, shame on the girl, but kids do lie sometimes. She would have had no idea it would have led to this.

It is a tragic chain of of events, but the real monster in this story ultimately remains the psychopath who brutally decapitated a man. The father of the girl has some blood on his hands too.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
The father fucked up big time. You just don't wind people up into hysteria and threat because there is always someone like killer ready to bite, that's why the news media need to be wise to stirring hatred, it leads to this.


Oct 25, 2017
All this from one lie. Horrible. It's hard to point the blame at one person individually, but social media is a powderkeg ready to go off given the right circumstances.


Oct 27, 2017
I wouldn't say the fact she lied really change anything, even if that wasn't a lie her father reaction was still an overreaction, amplified on social media which ultimately ended up bein read by the wrong person.
It paints a lot of the people earlier in this topic blaming the teacher in an even harsher light though.


Oct 29, 2017
My first reaction is toss both father/daughter in prison, but will that actually solve anything at this point?

This is pure unadulterated BS.


Oct 27, 2017
If only the fathers first instinct wasnt to go on a diatribe on social media but contact the teacher and talked to him, he would have found out what the real issue was. This girl needs to be counseled, not punished. Shes gonna have a tough enough time as is.


Oct 25, 2017
My first reaction is toss both father/daughter in prison, but will that actually solve anything at this point?

I can't believe that either the kid or the father expected or wanted some radicalized agent to come and kill the teacher. I haven't seen what the father put on social, but if it had been a call to violence I think it would have been mentioned in this article. It says he wanted to have the teacher fired and accused the teacher of discrimination.
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Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe that either the kid or the father expected or wanted some radicalized agent to come and kill the teacher. I haven't seen what father put on social, but if it had been a call to violence I think it would have been mentioned in this article. It says he wanted to have the teacher fired and accused the teacher of discrimination.
i mean, given what had happened in the past in France to Charlie Hebdo, they at least knew it had a some probability of resulting in violence.


Oct 27, 2017

Samuel Paty murder: how a teenager's lie sparked a tragic chain of events

Girl, 13, admits lying about being told to leave classroom while teacher showed images of Prophet

It is because of a fucking LIE

Fucking disgusting, just a clusterfuck of stupidity that got an innocent man killed because a girl was too afraid of telling her father the truth.

The man who did the beheading was always going to do something terrible from the sounds of it, but the father is also guilty for these events taking place by portraying Paty as something he was not and calling for society to judge Paty on this information alone.

While the father didn't kill the man and probably never wanted any violent actions to take place, there needs to be accountability for spreading harmful messages like these when there are no facts to back them up.

A man is dead, murdered by a crazy individual who got inspired by lies that got way out of hand by throwing it out in to the social court, those spreading the lies without questioning them are complicit even if they didn't commit the actual crime.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Everything about this sucks. It's a cycle that unfortunately probably wont be broken anytime soon. The Islamophobia fuels the violence and then the violence fuels the Islamophobia.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know what the answer is to reducing the "blasphemy panic" phenomenon other than weakening the importance of blasphemy through secularization (on a global level). Often, it's used politically, where a blasphemy allegation against someone can incite a lynching. (Like witch hunts.)

Growing up, I had a teacher who--at the end of the school year--threw away a piece of paper lying on the ground that happened to be from an Islamic Studies lesson (and supposedly contained at least a verse from the Qur'an). So some people tried to frame it as him "spitting on the Qur'an" and deliberately insulting all Muslims. Nothing extreme as this case, but he ended up leaving.

People's relationship with blasphemy (perceived or otherwise) desperately needs to change.


Oct 26, 2017
Growing up, I had a teacher who--at the end of the school year--threw away a piece of paper lying on the ground that happened to be from an Islamic Studies lesson (and supposedly contained at least a verse from the Qur'an). So some people tried to frame it as him "spitting on the Qur'an" and deliberately insulting all Muslims. Nothing extreme as this case, but he ended up leaving.

Again, what the fuck.


Dec 10, 2018
Just when you thought this story couldn't be more depressing, it just gets even worse. All this over a lie and lack of personal responsibility.


Oct 27, 2017
Gentrified Brooklyn
My first reaction is toss both father/daughter in prison, but will that actually solve anything at this point?

This is pure unadulterated BS.

I mean, it sucks.

13 year old girls lie, she lied to get out of explaining why she was suspended not for a nefarious reason.

The pops hopped on the internet not calling for murder, but effectively trying to protect his kid because from his perspective she got suspended for being muslim(one of the posts accused the school of racism). He wanted recourse from the school, not dude getting hurt.

The pops should have vetted the story, period. But a kid coming home from school saying some shit happened and a parent hopping on social media...this isn't out of the ordinary in today's world.

There needs to be some kind of consequence, and there will be, but ugh...this didnt have fo happen. Like the pops said he was 'stupid'.


Oct 13, 2018
Not that it matters at all but did the teacher actually show the pictures at all? I can't tell if he did show the pictures but didn't ask the Muslim students to step outside, or if none of it happened?


Oct 26, 2017
We really need to fix social media.

Social media is just a symptom of a larger issue...well not even sure if it's an issue or more of a condition. Tribalism (the us vs them mentality) plays a role in these kinds of behavior, and that isn't something you can "fix", since it is partly in our genetic makeup even.
All this shows once again is that given the right (or wrong) circumstances, humans are sadly capable of terrible deeds.


Oct 30, 2017
Why was this guy's first instinct to spread the word on the Internet instead of talk to the teacher?


Oct 25, 2017
i mean, given what had happened in the past in France to Charlie Hebdo, they at least knew it had a some probability of resulting in violence.

I think that's assuming a lot. In the absence of a call to mobilization or violence, I feel like that's too vague a basis to burden a person and community with liability for the actions of a radicalized few.

Edit: reading some more into what it was that the father posted, some sources do say he called for people to "mobilize" against the teacher, which changes things, of course. There's room for speculation there I suppose, but I am personally uncomfortable to engage in it. Even moreso with regard to the daughter's role in all of this.
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Dec 22, 2017
Not that it matters at all but did the teacher actually show the pictures at all? I can't tell if he did show the pictures but didn't ask the Muslim students to step outside, or if none of it happened?
From what I gathered from the news, he did show the picture and did ask Muslim students to close their eyes or step outside. The girl did not present when all of this happened because she was suspended beforehand.


Oct 27, 2017
The pops should have vetted the story, period. But a kid coming home from school saying some shit happened and a parent hopping on social media...this isn't out of the ordinary in today's world.
And trying to direct everyone's anger at that person. it is not like he made a single post. He made multiple video's, called the police on him, ... He was trying to get a mob mentality to get the teacher fired, arrested, discredited, ...