Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
People always praise the body switching episode in JLU for it's humor and rightly so but that whole show had some gems.

Batman's super deadpan delivery of request for aid in The Dark Heart cracks me up everytime

"Batman to all points. I could use some air support... since I can't fly... at all."

Now would be good.


Oct 30, 2017


I don't know...I think it's cute.

That was a great episode.

Deleted member 7051

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
"Batman: (groaning) Something's definitely bleeding in there..."

Can someone explain this for me? I feel like misreading it.

Back in Batman vs Superman, Batman asked Superman "do you bleed?". In Justice League, Superman asks Batman the same question because "you won't let me live, you won't let me die".

So it's a bit of a joke afterwards where Batman is like "yup I'm definitely bleeding".


Mar 4, 2019
About humor in films, I felt the humor in Ragnarok was kinda obnoxious as it didn't fit the premise of his entire world being destroyed FFS

Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
'Man, Justice League really was awful'.
Fixed it for ya.

And people really want another cut of this terrible movie.
Complete nutters.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
I didn't find it that great but also not that bad. I liked the part where the Flash is pushing that truck and Superman flies by with a whole building.


Oct 27, 2017
Get ready for the next suicide squad to be full of that shit.
I'm really hoping he learns from the GotG2 criticism. There actually is a ton of emotion in that movie, but it's so bogged down by the constant need for a scene to end on a joke ("not ripe" being, officially, the absolute worst).

It also had the problem of too many scenes with the characters are seemingly indestructible, but I don't think we'll have that problem in a movie with the Polka-Dot Man.
Sep 14, 2019
You, uh, evil head guy.


Tell me your part in this plan.

I don't have a part in this plan.

Exactly. Pop quiz. Everyone tell me their part in the plan.

Well, here's the way you gave it to us, this morning. The recently reunited country of Kasnia has gone democratic and is joining the European Union. As such, they're switching their currency from Kasnian crowns to euros. In a few hours, 100 million newly minted Euros are being brought in to the Kasnian treasury.

So while Dr. Polaris and Sinestro take the point, darling, you and I are in a transport nearby.

It's a simple smash-and-grab. It's also gonna be the largest single robbery in history.

Whoa. I mean, Lex Luthor is pleased. Carry on.

Love this show.

Sucks they ended it...


Nov 1, 2017
What is with you guys and shitting on Justice League. I feel like I should make a thread every other month to shit on Rise of Ultron or whatever Avengers 2 was titled. So bad, it's not even worth me making sure I got the title right.


Oct 25, 2017
'Man, Justice League really was awful'.
Fixed it for ya.

And people really want another cut of this terrible movie.
Complete nutters.

I had the experience of noting a big difference in quality from BvS theatrical release to the Ultimate Edition. WB butchered the theatrical into a nonsensical mess.

So, like it or not, the studio themselves developed this paradigm of audiences expecting to see the better movie... that existed before they made it "commercially viable."

This is practically a WB/DC tradition by now. Plenty of stories going around about Burton's third Batman with a Billie D.Williams Two Face before those movies got Schumachered; or Superman 3 featuring Brainiac as the big baddie before producers Golan and Globus made it into a supercomputer designed by Richard Pryor on a cocktail napkin.

The conflict over these movies has always been about PG-13, happy meal toys, non-realistic violence, and marketability.

MCU hit a very nice, delicate, and vigorously defended balance there. DCEU was on its way to a more serious, realistic, and adult alternative... until they abruptly shifted gears into a pale and inferior MCU imitation with theatrical Justice League.

For a lot of reasonable people, there is the expectation there was something better there before studio interference, even just based on past experience. Sadly, the movie we really wanted got arrested at the script phase. Any new cut realized will still be a Frankenstein of R-rated vision and PG-13 compromise.

...but it would be a better one of those than the one we got.

Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
I had the experience of noting a big difference in quality from BvS theatrical release to the Ultimate Edition. WB butchered the theatrical into a nonsensical mess.

So, like it or not, the studio themselves developed this paradigm of audiences expecting to see the better movie... that existed before they made it "commercially viable."

This is practically a WB/DC tradition by now. Plenty of stories going around about Burton's third Batman with a Billie D.Williams Two Face before those movies got Schumachered; or Superman 3 featuring Brainiac as the big baddie before producers Golan and Globus made it into a supercomputer designed by Richard Pryor on a cocktail napkin.

The conflict over these movies has always been about PG-13, happy meal toys, non-realistic violence, and marketability.

MCU hit a very nice, delicate, and vigorously defended balance there. DCEU was on its way to a more serious, realistic, and adult alternative... until they abruptly shifted gears into a pale and inferior MCU imitation with theatrical Justice League.

For a lot of reasonable people, there is the expectation there was something better there before studio interference, even just based on past experience. Sadly, the movie we really wanted got arrested at the script phase. Any new cut realized will still be a Frankenstein of R-rated vision and PG-13 compromise.

...but it would be a better one of those than the one we got.
I can see whre you are coming from but it can't agree that Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman were in any way a decent, serious, adult alternative to the average Marvel movie.
For all of Marvel's flaws that do usually treat their characters with respect and have a rough understanding of how to present them on the big screen.
The Synder DC movies have none of that. They treated pretty much all the characters awfully and seemed to have little no no understanding of how to craft a story around them.

Essentially the last thing I want to see is a Snyder cut of anything. I can only imagine that the studio cuts in this case were desperately trying to make his awful movies better.


Dec 25, 2017
It was ok. It just didn't fit when you consider the first two movies. They have just delayed it until Snyder could finish or scrapped the movie. Nah, once WB got involved and butchered BvS there was little hope for JL.

'Man, Justice League really was awful'.
Fixed it for ya.

And people really want another cut of this terrible movie.
Complete nutters.

I want nothing.
I want nothing.

I want no Snyder cut.

Tell WB to do the right thing

I want no Snyder cut.
I want nothing.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
The humor in Justice League almost feels like it's done intentionally bad in order to take a jab at the people who wanted the DC movies to be slightly more upbeat like the Marvel ones.


Oct 26, 2017
Nah, she's pretty good in Wonder Woman. And in most of JL too.

I'll need to see just two clips of her acting well, because so far, everything I have seen of her in the DC and F&F movies are stilted performances where she seems to have trouble just saying the lines she memorized out loud. It's like she's reading a teleprompter at all times. And when she's supposed to get emotional, this happens:

This sigh has the emotional weight of one of the Olsen Twins dramatically sighing because Uncle Jesse were mean to them in an episode of Full House.

Or this great reaction to an emotional outburst of hers, where she actually pushes and attacks one of her friends. What an incredibly acted...blank stare?

Maybe she's great in Triple 9? Haven't seen that one.


Jul 5, 2018
I'm really hoping he learns from the GotG2 criticism. There actually is a ton of emotion in that movie, but it's so bogged down by the constant need for a scene to end on a joke ("not ripe" being, officially, the absolute worst).

It also had the problem of too many scenes with the characters are seemingly indestructible, but I don't think we'll have that problem in a movie with the Polka-Dot Man.
I definitely agree. The emotional bits are great in it but the humor ruins every scene


Jun 3, 2019
I'll need to see just two clips of her acting well, because so far, everything I have seen of her in the DC and F&F movies are stilted performances where she seems to have trouble just saying the lines she memorized out loud. It's like she's reading a teleprompter at all times. And when she's supposed to get emotional, this happens:

This sigh has the emotional weight of one of the Olsen Twins dramatically sighing because Uncle Jesse were mean to them in an episode of Full House.

Maybe she's great in Triple 9? Haven't seen that one.
Maybe you have issue with her accent, but her acting is fine here too.
Honestly out of all the "super women" we got (Jennifer Lawrence, ScarJo, Brie Larson, all great actresses), she's sure the worst actress but by far the one I liked the most the performance of her character. She's incredibly charming and in her element as Wonder Woman.


Jan 3, 2018
Haven't seen the movie but some of those lines made me smile, especially second favorite chair. If this is the worst thing about Justice League maybe I'll give it a watch after all.


Oct 25, 2017
I can see whre you are coming from but it can't agree that Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman were in any way a decent, serious, adult alternative to the average Marvel movie.
For all of Marvel's flaws that do usually treat their characters with respect and have a rough understanding of how to present them on the big screen.
The Synder DC movies have none of that. They treated pretty much all the characters awfully and seemed to have little no no understanding of how to craft a story around them.

Essentially the last thing I want to see is a Snyder cut of anything. I can only imagine that the studio cuts in this case were desperately trying to make his awful movies better.

To me, the best analog for my response to Justice League as it was released... was the prevailing response other people had to Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines after the dark tones of Terminator 1 and 2: they found the humor weird and forced, they didn't like the shift in tone from the two movies that had come before them, they didn't like the way characters they had come to know were suddenly portrayed in different ways, and they didn't like the way the new movie retconned away plot threads from the previous one about how the future was going to turn out in the storyline.

It's almost weird how completely they line up: the boob-plant in Justice League is almost analogous to the crotch-grab in T3, in cringe-factor. Now, the Terminator films are a lot more unquestionably apropos for a grimdark treatment. But I'm in my late 40's, and I've been with DC heroes ever since old-and-cheesy TV Batman, and through so much cheesiness in both movie Superman and movie Batman. WB had so much success with the Nolan trilogy "realistic tone" Batman, I don't blame them for persisting in that direction. I was down for the darker treatments of both Man of Steel and Batman V Superman.

And I perceive it is mostly people who liked what the MCU was doing that hated what DCEU was doing via Snyder. But that doesn't mean aping the connected-universe innovator studio made for a better project or result. It made, for us Snyder DCEU fans, a weird, left-turn unwelcome retcon, much like Terminator 3.

I get that you don't agree, but I appreciate you trying to perceive my viewpoint, and accept the difference of opinion.
Oct 25, 2017
God.., I completely forgot about the JL movie and thought OP was talking about the Bruce Timm series

Was about to raise some hands