
Oct 27, 2017
Omg he is, he really really is it's really amazing the guy is relevant and taken seriously by some pretty respectable people


User Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2019
This was a fantastic retort by Williamson, and she's absolutely knowledgable on race relations as it's something she's spoke on for years, but let's not all start pretending her debate performance was anything less than ridiculous.
True. But this shows how shallow the debate is. In a few words of a debate, you can't make a campaign but you can break a campaign.
It also works in a presidential campaign. She has it right that much of Trump's power comes from Make America great again. The psychological thing behind it. It means make America great again for white people.
Many people are underestimating how the psyche works. Yes, she is goofy on many things.
But she has a very meaningful and correct way of thinking.
I think that Sanders is talking about the same thing but then about who holds the real levers of power.
You can't change things racially if the undercurrent stays the same. It will always break to the surface.
I think if a Democrat would win then I think she has an important role to play at some level.
She isn't the dumb thing that media is trying to portray of her

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
"I understand that many vaccines are important and save lives," Williamson wrote. "I recognize there are epidemics around the world that are stopped by vaccines. I also understand some of the skepticism that abounds today about drugs which are rushed to market by Big Pharma. I am sorry that I made comments which sounded as though I question the validity of life-saving vaccines. That is not my feeling, and I realize that I misspoke."

how utterly reasonable


May 12, 2018
Williamson, Tulsi and Gravel shouldn't be within 10 yards of a mic during these debates.

She's still slippery AF about what she's doing with Big Pharma and super vague on what she's talking about, it'd be one thing if it was a simple mistake but this lady has made too many absurd comments for me to give her the benefit of a doubt on anything.

No one is asking you to give her any benefit or doubt. Listen to her interview with chapo, listen to her fucking own this dumb Dave Rubin guy. Just enjoy her for what she is. Or don't! But just regurgitating the same points over and over is kinda getting stale


Oct 25, 2017
When he made the slippery slope comments as she was lifting the cup to her mouth and she just froze, i lost it


Oct 26, 2017
He learned debate on the internet where you just throw around debate words and win if you assemble all the debate gems, not actually by knowing shit and citing records.


Oct 26, 2017


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
Love his 'eeesssh COLLECTIVISM'. What is fucking US patriotism if not a form of 'collectivism', by his own logic?
God damn these people are fucking stupid.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I really like how she flipped the usual libertarian "but muh small government!" point on rubin

"no amount of private charity can compensate for a basic lack of social justice"


Oct 25, 2017
I really like how she flipped the usual libertarian "but muh small government!" point on rubin

"no amount of private charity can compensate for a basic lack of social justice"

"But it meets the needs better than an unaccountable big gubment!"

How these people are able to manually breathe is always a miracle to me.
Oct 30, 2017
She's a gem. She's thoughtful and knows how to focus and drive the important points home without playing on Rubin's absurd playing field.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Rubin is so incredibly dumb, it's mind-boggling how he's popular with any segment of humanity. Like, I genuinely don't understand how he has this job.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Rubin is so incredibly dumb, it's mind-boggling how he's popular with any segment of humanity. Like, I genuinely don't understand how he has this job.

that's why I think sometimes fighting these kinds of people on their home turf can be beneficial. a lot of times these people will never let themselves be challenged (I'm assuming he thought Marianne would be a loon instead of intelligent and well spoken) and in rubin's case his whole shtick is to come off as ridiculously calm and considerate as possible when espousing bullshit so he appears more reasonable than he actually is. breaking that facade and just talking circles around him in general in front of his own audience can be a powerful thing.
Oct 27, 2017
you don't need to be familiar with her voodoo horseshit to understand it's crazy.

You wouldn't call fixing the deep water horizon oil spill with good vibes and positive thinking crazy? Damn dude, wanna buy some magic beans?

K. I don't believe what she does but she isn't 'crazy.' She is able to use reason despite personal biases that lead her to put so much stock into the power of energy & vibrations, etc. Calling people 'crazy' due to their spiritual beliefs is lazy and stupid.


Oct 26, 2017
She's not my candidate but for what it's worth I'd rather have politicians that are "crazy" but cognizant of racial injustice and the history of American race relations than "sane" politicians who are allergic to the word "reparations".


Oct 27, 2017
The desperation to cancel her is amazing. I don't thinks she has a chance of winning the presidency, but I hope she sticks around and clowns these alt right assholes.


Nov 8, 2017
K. I don't believe what she does but she isn't 'crazy.' She is able to use reason despite personal biases that lead her to put so much stock into the power of energy & vibrations, etc. Calling people 'crazy' due to their spiritual beliefs is lazy and stupid.

Calling invented new-age self-help and magical thinking "spiritual beliefs" and therefore unchallengeable is about as lazy as possible, so I dunno about that.


Oct 25, 2017
The desperation to cancel her is amazing. I don't thinks he has a chance of winning the presidency, but I hope she sticks around and clowns these alt right assholes.

Some of her beliefs are kooky, but let's be real: this girl ain't got a chance.

Keep her on to be the gift from the grifters like she has with Rubin. I think conservatives aren't really assuming a Californian new agey kinda woman is going to be so nuanced about reparations. They're probably assuming she's all feel-good bullshit.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
How is the transatlantic slave trade and subsequent chattel slavery not genocide?

a. Killing members of the group;
b. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to
members of the group;
c. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions
of life calculated to bring about its physical
destruction in whole or in part;
d.Imposing measures intended to prevent births
within the group;
e.Forcibly transferring children of the group to
another group.
It's not a genocide when you dehumanize people.
Oct 27, 2017
Calling invented new-age self-help and magical thinking "spiritual beliefs" and therefore unchallengeable is about as lazy as possible, so I dunno about that.
NOWHERE did I say they were beyond being challenged. But acting like she's supposed to be some kind of raving lunatic screaming & shitting in the streets just because she believes in the power of crystals or whatever is asinine. People have been able to simultaneously sacrifice goats, or whatever, and hold intelligent conversations about other topics for fucking centuries.

Deleted member 4346

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Dave Rubin is an utter piece of shit. He's an idiot yes but he's terrible too. Watching this, he says "no, you can't compare American slavery to the Holocaust" but he doesn't support it with anything, and she slaps him down immediately by pointing out that slavery lasted hundreds of years, and while Germany took responsibility for the genocide of the Jews, America never did for the slavery of the descendants of Africans. Black America STILL lags white America in key metrics of wealth, infant mortality, access to quality education, etc. And Williamson points out, correctly, that racism in America isn't really taught accurately/completely in schools, so most Americans are extremely ignorant.

She explained the issue to him very well, coming from several different angles. I was very impressed by that. Bravo to her for being so patient with a bad-faith actor.

Here's some links which may interest you about her craziness. Did you watch her performance in the debates?

Dave Rubin would love to be as successful at grifting as she is.

Crazy grifter or not, Williamson is by far the best candidate in the race on reparations for slavery, and perhaps on race issues in general.


Oct 25, 2017
You know what's funny about the angels/divine light shit

It is stupid and ridiculous. Angels and divine light are not coming down from heaven to fix material issues. That's an appropriate response I think.

And yet...politician after politician offers their 'prayers' when bad things happen. Politician after politician signals their allegiance to the ideology that angels and divine light comes from. We expect our politicians to signal that they think God will come down and fix things if they pray hard enough, but I guess not to actually expand on it or believe it. We expect our politicians to have authentic connection to corrupt establishments of supernatural thinking, but not to literally believe in the practical consequences of it was actually real.

I'm willing to write her off for her goofy magical thinking if we can also write off every politician that offers fucking prayers after a disaster or violent hate crime. Do they believe that a perfect omnipotent authoritarian in a golden suburb in the sky is going to come down and heal suffering or don't they? If they don't, who are they praying to exactly, and why? Either we expect them to believe that, or we expect them to say it while being full of shit.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You know what's funny about the angels/divine light shit

It is stupid and ridiculous. Angels and divine light are not coming down from heaven to fix material issues. That's an appropriate response I think.

And yet...politician after politician offers their 'prayers' when bad things happen. Politician after politician signals their allegiance to the ideology that angels and divine light comes from. We expect our politicians to signal that they think God will come down and fix things if they pray hard enough, but I guess not to actually expand on it or believe it. We expect our politicians to have authentic connection to corrupt establishments of supernatural thinking, but not to literally believe in the practical consequences of it was actually real.

I'm willing to write her off for her goofy magical thinking if we can also write off every politician that offers fucking prayers after a disaster or violent hate crime. Do they believe that a perfect omnipotent authoritarian in a golden suburb in the sky is going to come down and heal suffering or don't they? If they don't, who are they praying to exactly, and why? Either we expect them to believe that, or we expect them to say it while being full of shit.

never mind the fact that she doesn't hide behind her spirituality as a replacement for actually doing something, like a lot of politicians do

to me, there is no religious or spiritual practice that gives any of us a pass on addressing the suffering of other sentient beings



One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
She did a fantastic job at explaining this to him and he just refuses to get it. Made him look like an idiot.

She still has no chance but I'm glad to hear a nuanced take on the idea of reparations from any politician.


Nov 14, 2017
Honestly, her response for the tiresome big government scare was the best response I've heard in awhile. It was clear and concise. That power is just going to corporations which is way worse. I'm surprised by how many amazing answers she gave coming from the Kojima-like quotes I've only seen.


Oct 26, 2017
Honestly, her response for the tiresome big government scare was the best response I've heard in awhile. It was clear and concise. That power is just going to corporations which is way worse. I'm surprised by how many amazing answers she gave coming from the Kojima-like quotes I've only seen.
I mean Kojima was superwoke before being superwoke was a thing.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
When you tell someone that they're property instead of a person, they tend to not want to obey. Especially when you tell them to threaten their own lives by doing harsh physical labour, or when their numbers near or exceed yours.

It's not even that you need to argue that slavery is equivalent to genocide. Slavery - especially as seen in America - brings genocide along with it.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't care about the memes Marianne Williamson is great and I probably shouldn't have wrote her off after the debates because she's a lot smarter than I thought


Oct 25, 2017
Marianne is unironically fantastic. Poli-era is filled with the most cynical jaded folk, I swear


Nov 25, 2017
I loved every second of it, she actually impressed me quite a bit.
Is she presidential material? no but she needs to stick around in some way.


Oct 27, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
True. But this shows how shallow the debate is. In a few words of a debate, you can't make a campaign but you can break a campaign.
It also works in a presidential campaign. She has it right that much of Trump's power comes from Make America great again. The psychological thing behind it. It means make America great again for white people.
Many people are underestimating how the psyche works. Yes, she is goofy on many things.
But she has a very meaningful and correct way of thinking.
I think that Sanders is talking about the same thing but then about who holds the real levers of power.
You can't change things racially if the undercurrent stays the same. It will always break to the surface.
I think if a Democrat would win then I think she has an important role to play at some level.
She isn't the dumb thing that media is trying to portray of her
After watching this video, I agree with everything you said. Complete respect for MW.

And also this:
Dear lord that bit about residual guilt from holocaust reparations causing people to take in too many brown refugees
Simply WTF... F*** Rubin.


Oct 25, 2017
Ever since she used the "R" word there has been a concerted effort to try and convince well-meaning people that she is a kook and a fraud when she is very clearly neither. It's obviously fine to not support her campaign but she's not an aloof dummy.