Oct 28, 2017
So I was sleeving the Gamora deck and suddenly realized that Nebula is now a Villain in GMW, a Nemesis for Gamora and... an Ally for Gamora?

How the heck can that work at all
From what I understand, if you're fighting the Nebula villain from GMW with Gamora, you can't play the Nebula ally. It would just be used as a wildcard resource, like how if you're in a group playing Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver, the unique ally versions of those characters can't be played. I guess it also means you would never be able to put Nebula out as a nemesis.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
From what I understand, if you're fighting the Nebula villain from GMW with Gamora, you can't play the Nebula ally. It would just be used as a wildcard resource, like how if you're in a group playing Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver, the unique ally versions of those characters can't be played. I guess it also means you would never be able to put Nebula out as a nemesis.
Just seems like a weird decision. Imagine if we ever get a Nebula hero deck.


Oct 25, 2017
Just got into this game and looking to pick up some more heroes. I loooove playing recursion in card games.
Example: Yorrick is my favorite investigator in AH:LCG with his ability to keep digging things back out of his discard pile.
Is there a hero or two who might play like that? Recommendation?


The Fallen
Nov 15, 2017
Hiroshima, Japan
Just got into this game and looking to pick up some more heroes. I loooove playing recursion in card games.
Example: Yorrick is my favorite investigator in AH:LCG with his ability to keep digging things back out of his discard pile.
Is there a hero or two who might play like that? Recommendation?

I'll look more later, but off the top of my head I can't think of any hero uses that mechanic as their main thing. There are heroes who are built to cycle through the villain's encounter deck, or through their own deck, but I'm not sure about fishing in the discard pile. I know both Iron Man and Black Widow do have a single card in their decks that allow you to pull cards out of the discard pile, though. Also, the Leadership aspect has a card called Make the Call, which lets you pay the cost of an ally and put them in play from the discard pile. Doing something like a Black Widow Leadership deck might give you some of what you're looking for.

With Dr. Strange, who has an invocation deck of 5 cards, there are ways to cycle through that pretty easily. He's crazy strong, but I always have fun playing with him.

Check out Hall of Heroes if you haven't already. They have very nice pictures of every card in the game, so you can take a look there. I visit that site pretty much daily.


Oct 25, 2017
Check out Hall of Heroes if you haven't already. They have very nice pictures of every card in the game, so you can take a look there. I visit that site pretty much daily.

Thanks for the suggestions! I did pick up Strange, and do dig that invocation deck, but not sure I like running the included protection cards with him. Can't wait to customize it a bit.

That Hall of Heroes seems like a great resource, appreciate the heads up on that!


Oct 27, 2017
Quicksilver also has a card that lets you put his hero specific cards back in his deck, while in alter-ego turn. Handy for cycling Always be Running over and over and over. He's really fun to play in general.


Oct 28, 2017
Quicksilver also has a card that lets you put his hero specific cards back in his deck, while in alter-ego turn. Handy for cycling Always be Running over and over and over. He's really fun to play in general.
This was who I was gonna suggest. Now this isnt a built in thing, you do have to draw a specific card to do this, but it is a Quicksilver specific card so it will be in every deck so that's not much of a problem.

Also, if you decide to play an aggression aspect deck, Clobber is a fun card because you can play it, do damage and if it's the first card you play on your turn, it goes back into your hand to be used again.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
Yeah, Quicksilver is the hero you want. He is a blast to play, too. One of my favorite characters.

Tbh his ability to go through the discard pile is absurdly op lol. Discard fetching is super potent in this game, and Quicksilver would still be one of the strongest characters even if he didn't have that


The Fallen
Nov 15, 2017
Hiroshima, Japan
Thanks for the suggestions! I did pick up Strange, and do dig that invocation deck, but not sure I like running the included protection cards with him. Can't wait to customize it a bit.

That Hall of Heroes seems like a great resource, appreciate the heads up on that!

I play Strange with Leadership, with 3 copies of Make the Call that I mentioned earlier. Another great website resource is, which lets people upload their decks and others can comment on them. There's a particular Dr. Strange Leadership deck up in the hall of fame section that is likely the strongest deck in the game. I think it's fun to play, but it may be too OP for many.

And yes! Can't believe I forgot about Quicksilver. I think you'd enjoy playing him. His Serval Industries card is kinda similar to Iron Man's Stark Tower, or Widow's Safehouse. I use him with Aggression. There is an Aggression combo with Jarnbjorn and Friction Resistance that is just bananas.


Oct 27, 2017
War Machine was just officially revealed, he looks pretty darn good. Being able to reshuffle ALL of his hero cards back into his deck on the alter-ego side is nice. Using ammo counters on the identity to power his events is pretty interesting, too. Iron Man as a neutral ally

Looks like he's leadership, with some nice new cards

Sneak Attack: play an ally that shares a trait with your identity for free, discard it at the end of the phase if it's still in play. costs one resource

Go Down Swinging: Discard an Ally you control, deal damage equal to it's printed cost. costs zero resources

Captain Marvel leadership ally that costs five resource, discard the top four of your deck when put in play and deal three damage to an enemy if you discard a printed energy resource. Stun if you discard two or more.

Also a Black Panther leadership ally that lets you attach a leadership event to him and play it as if it was in your hand.

Looks strong!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Oh wow that's an interesting set of actions. Mulligans with him will be interesting. Go down swinging and sneak attack are going to be fun cards.

I can see why he's in this wave since he plays counters like Groot but at a blistering pace


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
The Hood scenario pack announced!

Sounds really, really cool. The scenario burns through its deck fast, and adds a new modular set every time it does. The pack comes with *nine* new modular sets. Looks like one will feature the Superior Foes of Spider-Man team!

I'm so glad this got announced ahead of Valkyrie and Vision. The new hero packs are always fun, but the game is really hurting for a better variety of scenarios. That being said, I hope we get a few street-level characters soon to take on The Hood with. Daredevil and the other Defenders characters would be cool. I'd love to see Moon Knight in the mix too.
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Oct 28, 2017
The Hood scenario pack announced!

Sounds really, really cool. The scenario burns through its deck fast, and adds a new modular set every time it does. The pack comes with *nine* new modular sets. Looks like one will feature the Superior Foes of Spider-Man team!

I'm so glad this got announced ahead of Valkyrie and Vision. The new hero packs are always fun, but the game is really hurting for a better variety of scenarios. That being said, I hope we get a few street-level characters soon to take on The Hood with. Daredevil and the other Defenders characters would be cool. I'd love to see Moon Knight in the mix too.
I still think the big set after Thanos will be the "street level" set. But I agree that The Hood's kit looks interesting AF and challenging in a different way other than more HP/Hits harder


Nov 2, 2017
The Hood scenario pack announced!

Sounds really, really cool. The scenario burns through its deck fast, and adds a new modular set every time it does. The pack comes with *nine* new modular sets. Looks like one will feature the Superior Foes of Spider-Man team!

I'm so glad this got announced ahead of Valkyrie and Vision. The new hero packs are always fun, but the game is really hurting for a better variety of scenarios. That being said, I hope we get a few street-level characters soon to take on The Hood with. Daredevil and the other Defenders characters would be cool. I'd love to see Moon Knight in the mix too.
The other big thing to note is the addition of more difficult versions of the Standard and Expert encounter sets, they'll make revisiting old scenarios pretty interesting.


Oct 25, 2017
Building some decks for a 4 player game and my last one - Ant-man Leadership is kinda stumping me.

Anyone have any Marvelcbd links to a solid lineup?

Note: Since my last post a week ago I've picked up a tooooooon of content. Have everything but Wrecking Crew, Kang, GMW and Starlord.

Edit: Here's what I've cobbled together so far:

Ant-man's standard set

Maria Hill
Squirrel Girl
Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
Ant-man (Hank Pym)
Black Knight

Team Building Exercise x2
Avenger's Mansion
Avenger's Tower
The Triskelion
Team Training

Rapid Response x2

Avengers Assemble
Lead from the Front
Make the Call x3
Call for Aid x2
Teamwork x2
Strength in Numbers x2

Power of Leadership x2

That's 48 cards. Legal, but seems a little heavy, considering how crucial it seems to get Ant-Man's helmet out ASAP, but maybe the decent amount of supports + Call for Aids + Strength in numbers will help get through the pile?
I'll take any tips!

Edit 2: The other decks we'll be playing are Black Panther protection, Iron Man Justice, and Quicksilver aggression - all of which I have a pretty solid feeling about, So I figured I'd focus this deck on just churning out tons of bodies.
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very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
Just received Venom and flipped through the deck. At first blush he looks *really* fun but I think I will build him an aggro deck instead

Also Welcome Aboard seems totally insane to me


Oct 27, 2017
My Mad Titan order just shipped (UK), looking forward to it!

That being said, I think am gonna take a break from buying/keeping up with the game for a while, the upcoming post-August content are really underwhelming and probably the weakest string of back to back content, going to use that period to finally order those fancy dividers from Etsy.

Also am sure fans of the game are tired of hearing this, but can we get the X-men content already ? I really hope they are not treating this as some sort of red button that meant to be pressed when the game starts dying.
Also I hope it's modern-ish take on the X-men, I don't want some OG x-men vs Magneto stuff.


Nov 27, 2017
My Mad Titan order just shipped (UK), looking forward to it!

That being said, I think am gonna take a break from buying/keeping up with the game for a while, the upcoming post-August content are really underwhelming and probably the weakest string of back to back content, going to use that period to finally order those fancy dividers from Etsy.

Also am sure fans of the game are tired of hearing this, but can we get the X-men content already ? I really hope they are not treating this as some sort of red button that meant to be pressed when the game starts dying.
Also I hope it's modern-ish take on the X-men, I don't want some OG x-men vs Magneto stuff.
Obviously we'll get some inhumans first i'm kidding, would love Crystal and Medusa though

Feel Fantastic four would be first as it's more consolidated

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
What is a good purchase list for a strictly solo player?

I kind of want to buy the Guardians and expansions and do a solo 4 handed GotG campaign - thoughts?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Also am sure fans of the game are tired of hearing this, but can we get the X-men content already ? I really hope they are not treating this as some sort of red button that meant to be pressed when the game starts dying.
Also I hope it's modern-ish take on the X-men, I don't want some OG x-men vs Magneto stuff.

I'm really curious to see a Mystique scenario pack, but the mutants are waiting after the Sinister Six and some fighting crimes heroes leave the building.

What is a good purchase list for a strictly solo player?

I kind of want to buy the Guardians and expansions and do a solo 4 handed GotG campaign - thoughts?
The game is the best at two players, with another player or solo two handed. Three playes is a bit long, but still doable if you play with other players. Four players is not recommended because the games are too long even for experienced players. Also, a lot of people plays with one hero because is really quick, but you need to replay it a lot of times to experience all the things that it offers to the player.

The core set, with his 5 heroes and 3 scenarios, offers a lot of games to play. About the heroes, some are better than others, some add better cards than others, but most of then are fine, so pick any you like. About the scenarios and campaign expansions, The Galaxy Most Wanted expansion have the hardest scenarios of the game -some say that are not only hard, but unbalanced too-, and by the comments I read of many players over internet, the expansion is even harder for solo play. I recommend you the Rise of the Red Skull expansion or the Green Goblin scenario pack, the first comes with 2 heroes and 5 scenarios, and the later features 2 really cool scenarios with the Green Goblin. The Kang scenario pack is one of the best too, but it's on the hard -but fair- side, so I recommend you to play the core set and some other scenarios first.


The Fallen
Nov 15, 2017
Hiroshima, Japan
What is a good purchase list for a strictly solo player?

I kind of want to buy the Guardians and expansions and do a solo 4 handed GotG campaign - thoughts?

You can make good decks with just about anyone for solo at this point, but that's doubly true if you buy all of the packs and have all of the cards to throw in their decks. Strong single player heroes straight out of gate I think are Spider-Man and Captain Marvel from the Core Set, then Captain America, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, Quicksilver, Gamora, and Venom. Then maybe Wanda, Star-Lord, and Black Widow. Then the rest.

A solo 4-handed GotG campaign would be quite the undertaking. I personally would not put myself through that, but I'd love to hear about somebody doing it.

Although I've got everything announced on pre-order, I'm also thinking about slowing down after Thanos. The Hood pack, with all of the new modular encounter sets and new standard set cards will add a lot of replayability to older sets, in addition to the Infinity Gauntlet and stones modular set that comes with Thanos. I think I'm just gonna play around with all of that for a good long while. But if they start doing Spider-Man stuff I will 100% buy it all.


Dec 11, 2017
Or where's the other big names? Where's like the Fantastic Four pack or something? I like the obscure picks sometimes, but give me some big names and I'll instantly buy.


Oct 25, 2017
Since when was there a thread on this?

I mostly jumped in on launch of this because I adore the LotR LCG + I am mostly a solo player.

I think the one thing I enjoy the most of this game is how solo games feel like a fighting game, and least is that there is little to no set dressing/locations.


Oct 25, 2017
My Mad Titan order just shipped (UK), looking forward to it!

That being said, I think am gonna take a break from buying/keeping up with the game for a while, the upcoming post-August content are really underwhelming and probably the weakest string of back to back content, going to use that period to finally order those fancy dividers from Etsy.

Also am sure fans of the game are tired of hearing this, but can we get the X-men content already ? I really hope they are not treating this as some sort of red button that meant to be pressed when the game starts dying.
Also I hope it's modern-ish take on the X-men, I don't want some OG x-men vs Magneto stuff.

dude, The hood scenario pack has alternate standard/expert encounter sets. This alone makes it a must buy.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
UK version of this game is exactly the same as US right? I'm considering attempting to import Mad Titan's Shadow...doesn't sound like we are going to see it on this side of the Atlantic for awhile.


The Fallen
Nov 15, 2017
Hiroshima, Japan
UK version of this game is exactly the same as US right? I'm considering attempting to import Mad Titan's Shadow...doesn't sound like we are going to see it on this side of the Atlantic for awhile.

I don't know the answer to your question, but do you know when Thanos is scheduled for release in the US. I heard about a delay, but can't remember when. Will it be releasing at about the same time as the Hood pack?


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
I don't know the answer to your question, but do you know when Thanos is scheduled for release in the US. I heard about a delay, but can't remember when. Will it be releasing at about the same time as the Hood pack?

My FLGS is saying 10/31 is what they are being told now but nobody is really sure. Asmodee is using this date too. As I understand it, FFG is having problems with all their big card sets here at the moment. So it's gonna be awhile, hence the import question haha. It is out in many European markets.

He told me he's expecting Nebula on time though (9/17).


The Fallen
Nov 15, 2017
Hiroshima, Japan
My FLGS is saying 10/31 is what they are being told now but nobody is really sure. Asmodee is using this date too. As I understand it, FFG is having problems with all their big card sets here at the moment. So it's gonna be awhile, hence the import question haha. It is out in many European markets.

He told me he's expecting Nebula on time though (9/17).

Ah, ok. I'm actually kinda glad I'll get Nebula before Thanos because I really wanted to use her in my first pass at the campaign. Bummer about the shipping delays though. I don't really expect any of my kickstarters that were due this fall to arrive this year either, despite no word to the contrary.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
Ah, ok. I'm actually kinda glad I'll get Nebula before Thanos because I really wanted to use her in my first pass at the campaign. Bummer about the shipping delays though. I don't really expect any of my kickstarters that were due this fall to arrive this year either, despite no word to the contrary.

Yeah it will be cool to have Nebula for MTS. I was planning on using her as a villain though and I already have that one! (I always make my own campaigns and I'm not enamored with the default villain crew for MTS)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
UK version of this game is exactly the same as US right? I'm considering attempting to import Mad Titan's Shadow...doesn't sound like we are going to see it on this side of the Atlantic for awhile.
It's the same version. I bought some english sets from America, some from UK and some from other European retailers, and all are the same.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Which characters would people say are the most thematic? Like which really translate their characters playstyle well?


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
Which characters would people say are the most thematic? Like which really translate their characters playstyle well?

Iron Man, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man and Wasp (especially Ant-Man), Venom, Hawkeye, Rocket, Groot, Captain America, Dr. Strange. It's a long list but all these characters translate really well. Ant-Man is my favorite, his character card is double size and folded in half, you fold it out when you want him to go giant. Wasp does the same but her deck isn't as thematically strong.

Dr. Strange after Ant-Man, he has a special spell deck separate from his main deck.

Quicksilver feels fast when you get his engine going. Wanda feels dangerous and chaotic. Tony builds and upgrades his suit as you play. And so on. Honestly even the decks I didn't mention all have a unique feel and represent the character well.


Dec 11, 2017
Yeah, I was gonna say Quiksilver and Ant-Man, too. But Quiksilver doesn't feel nearly as good without his engine.

Ant-Man wins handily for me. Bouncing back and forth, separating attack and thwart between sizes, your army of ants, the physical act of flipping to the big card. It's all really fun.


The Fallen
Nov 15, 2017
Hiroshima, Japan
Iron Man, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man and Wasp (especially Ant-Man), Venom, Hawkeye, Rocket, Groot, Captain America, Dr. Strange. It's a long list but all these characters translate really well. Ant-Man is my favorite, his character card is double size and folded in half, you fold it out when you want him to go giant. Wasp does the same but her deck isn't as thematically strong.

Dr. Strange after Ant-Man, he has a special spell deck separate from his main deck.

Quicksilver feels fast when you get his engine going. Wanda feels dangerous and chaotic. Tony builds and upgrades his suit as you play. And so on. Honestly even the decks I didn't mention all have a unique feel and represent the character well.

Great list. I'd put Star-Lord in there as well. Ant-Man for me is easily the most fun character to play. And as you said, when you have Quicksilver's engine out he's really fun.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I almost finished The Mad Titan's Shadow campaign, solo with Thor and Iron Man
Only Loki is left. He defeated me two times now
. I'm not a good player, but I won the first four scenarios in the first play with my custom hero decks, although most of them where close ones. So I think this expansion, in standard difficulty, is more hard and complex that the Rise of Red Skull one, but still more fair and fun than Galaxy's Most Wanted.

I didn't try the heroes yet. So I'll only talk about the scenarios and the campaign.

Ebony Maw is the most "random" of all, because the reveal of his spells could make the game more harder or easy.
Proxima and Glaive is a improved Wrecking Crew one, with a really cool twist. Could be a bit stressful, but isn't that hard.
Thanos is a tough one, but if you play careful it's a hard but fair fight. I had really good moments playing against him. Is the third scenario, but it could be the final one without any doubt. By the way, it's was my longest playthough in more than 100 plays to this game.
is great! It's totally different from the other ones. I have read several comparisons with Collectors II scenario and it's true that both have some common elements, but this scenario develops in a different way. It's a full adventure in one scenario. The setup is a bit complex, but I think that its worthwile. The most thematic one.
is another tough scenario. I bit gimmicky, but still fun. I lost two times now, so I think I'll rebuild one of my decks against him. I want to test it on expert to know if it scales the difficulty well or only makes the game a lot longer.

Also, this campaign don't have permanent upgrade cards or a market to buy cards. In this one you win cards defeating optional side schemes for that scenario, a next one or the rest of the campaign. It's cool that the designers try different things for each campaign.

In the end, I liked this expansion, and I think is my favourite of the three right now.
I had a lot of fun with the Rise of Red Skull one, but it has two scenarios that I find boring (Absorving Man and Taskmaster) and some of the modular sets are very samey.
Galaxy's Most Wanted was a dissapointment for me. Some heroes and decks are unplayable against it. I liked Drang and Collector II, but Nebula has their problems, and I simply hate playing against Collector I and Ronan. The modular sets are hard, but fine in standalone plays. The campaign development is bad and weird, with each improvement you get, the game punished you harder. I haven't played it on expert, and I don't have any intention to do it soon.
The Mad Titan's Shadow is a win for me. I liked all the scenarios, and most of then will be added to my usual rotation for standalone plays -although the setup is most of then are more complex. The modular sets are all very different, but I need to play against them more to have an opinion. The campaign is really fun, I like to get the new cards doing side-quests, and the punish-reward is balanced, but I recognize that they add complexity to the setup.
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The Fallen
Nov 15, 2017
Hiroshima, Japan
Hell yeah! Sinister Motives has been officially announced. I know this has been long rumored, but this is exactly what I was hoping for. Instabuy for me, along with any Spider-character in the cycle. I may even take a break from the game after that unless they immediately follow it up with Fantastic Four content.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Oh neat. Venom in the box. Figured they would try to use him for a villain pack

Wonder who the surprises will be