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Lady Bow

Nov 30, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Abomb? Does the MCU even have a Rick Jones?

Of course someone gets the reference but doesn't get me just being cute with it. XD

But also like the actual likelihood of Rick Jones ever being a thing ever has to be under 1% right? There's a reason he keeps disappearing in the comics: no one knows what to actually do with the poor boy.

If you recall, Wong couldn't even afford lunch in Infinity War.

Not wrong but surely there's better ways to get a tuna melt.
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Nov 17, 2017
Shang-Chi is definitely shaping up nicely. I didn't really know what to expect from Simu Liu since they haven't given him a ton of dialogue in the trailers but I recently started watching Kim's Convenience and he is pretty great. My hype for this movie keeps rising.


Oct 25, 2017
I watched the third episode of Loki today. I actually really liked it, surprised that the reception was more mixed for it. Oh well, maybe I'm just easy to please.


Oct 27, 2017
Came here to talk about the wandavision ending edit. Sooooo fucking weird that they would do that considering the ending was fine. I think that "figure" is probably just a glitch. The trees being added though is super weird, why would they do that?

The only reason I can come up with is that this scene will be in the Multiverse of Madness and they want it to look more like that scene than it did in the OG Wandavision cut. That "figure" def looks like Strange or even Vision, but I dont think it is.

Another cool theory that is probably too good to be true is that because Loki is fucking with the timeline, things are changing in the shows. That would be insanely cool if they did that to all of their movies/shows, but I just dont think thats what is actually happening here.

I doubt theres a way to tell, but is there some sort of way to see when shows are uploaded via some hash code or something on D+? Might give us an idea as to when this actually happened.
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Oct 27, 2017
A few other things that changed about the scene, they removed the ducks/birds from the water, and also added doctor strange's theme to the credits.

New rockstars pointed out that there was a shot of a camera or something on the cabin and they speculated that this blurry figure is a masking mistake that was meant for the camera shadow on the cabin as it lines up perfectly with that. That makes more sense to me than it being vision or strange. They also added more trees and you can no longer see the car(?) passing by through the trees that you could see on the OG cut.
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Oct 27, 2017
Wait, why take out the wildlife?

No clue. But there was a duck or a bird splashing about in the water as the camera zoomed into the cabin, and now its gone.

Pure speculation, but maybe this cabin we are seeing is another hex that Wanda has set up in MoM and has made it so that no other living life form can enter. Having a duck or a car passing by in the OG wandavision scene wouldnt match up with the story of MoM, and therefore, they removed it. Apparently MoM is currently in post production now, so I wonder if they watched the scenes side by side and decided to make changes to have it match up better?

It could also be that there are a lot of forest scenes in MoM and the OG shot didnt have enough originally, so they added more with this update?

Honestly, I have no idea. Its very strange. Id love to know exactly when this change was made. Hopefully someone smarter than me can look into the D+ database and see what time/date this was uploaded. No idea if thats possible but I would love to know.


Dec 11, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
That Loki spoiler... seems rather far fetched and isnt the source of the rumor super unreliable? I'll file it under "too good to be true".


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I feel like that would be a hell of a lot of casting to keep secret if true - but it would definitely be a great place to see them pop up.


Oct 27, 2017

‘Black Panther 2’ to film scenes in Worcester this summer, sources say

The film's technical department is in the city this week.

Black Panther Wakanda Forever will shoot in Worcester, MA.

Also, Adam Barnhardt of seems to confirm that
Squadron Supreme
will appear in Loki.

The link itself doesn't work but he does have a tweet out there. Unsure if it's the same one, didn't look at it when it was first posted.

It would be absolutely hilarious though after me rallying a bit on a possible Squadron tease in Wandavision that that was complete bogus but they somehow show up here. Not that I mind since I still get them, lmao.

Incidentally Barnhardt's been putting out barn fires after one of the MCU subreddits decided to take a joke of his at face value. Take from that what you will.



Oct 25, 2017
I still dont like Task Masters mask/helmet/whatever... Kinda wish they went for a cooler mask. Otherwise, excited to see it, the release has crept up on me, had no idea it was out so soon.
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