
The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
The visuals and presentation are INSANE ???

The icons were 3D all along and move when you click them ?!!!!

This may be the prettiest game attempting this artstyle yet.


Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018

Man the fomo kicking in I just wanna play it lmao

Any spare level 6 code you get I'd much welcome it lmao
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Oct 27, 2017
sucks, i can't play even after verifying integrity, reinstalling, etc. just get the shader compilation, marvel splash screen, unreal engine splash then nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
Engagements feeling sloppy the first hour in. Not as impactful as OW1 beta did when it first came out.

I feel like there is no sense of you being low health. No flashing red indicators.
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Prophet of Truth
Mar 13, 2019
First impressions are it's pretty fun. Needs "potato graphics" mode ASAP though. Minimum settings still looks way too good and doesnt run well enough IMO. Hope someone finds some cfg to tweak or something


Oct 27, 2017
Game is actually really good and feels a lot better than I expected from the early footage.

anyone try this on Steam Deck?

god i want to play so badly

The min specs blow the Steam Deck out of the water, there really is no chance it even makes it into the game. Even on all low with DLSS set to performance my Ryzen 7700X and RTX 3060 Ti isn't keeping 120 FPS at all times. It's a hard game to run actually.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
I gotta travel for work this weekend but by the grace of Odin I was able to get 3 games in on my laptop on shitty hotel WiFi.

The game is kinda fun but man does it feel a lot jankier than some of its contemporaries.

The team aspect and synergies are really neat but landing attacks or abilities lacks the umph and impact that I'd prefer in games like this where each character is a power fantasy. The game also feels very full of clutter at times and will probably take some getting used to for me. It just doesn't feel as clean to look at as OW or TF2.

Oh, and Tanks are actually really fucking fun in this game too. I had 3-4 people picking DPS in 2 of my games only to switch later lol. It's looking like 2-2-2 might be the go to comp from what I'm seeing. Overall it's a fun time but it feels so cheap in areas where I'd like more polish and improvements to game feel.

I think I'll return to this, especially with friends.


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Shader stutter continue despite compilation

some traversal stutter maybe ? (could be shader still)

Neo Tokyo middle of the map makes GPU skyrocket, other areas much more stable.

Game really fun, great potential, completely unbalanced at the moment. (Wanda and Punisher lmao)

game so pretty tho



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
Visual style is on point, but readability needs work. Scarlet Witches ult is too good simply because she's impossible to spot in a team fight.

Game runs like shit in a lot of areas. Despite shader compilation on startup there's still plenty of stutter, and the game will CHUG at certain points. Obviously it's an alpha but it's always something to worry about given the nature of PC releases.

I think hitting people lacks a bit of oomph where other similar titles don't have that issue. But character specific synergy's is a great idea. Love popping scarlet witches ability with Magneto for that powerful blade attack. Played about 12 matches tonight and while I didn't play all the characters Magik is probably my favorite. Learning when to teleport back and forth and whether to use the spin or demon is great fun. There's a lot of opportunities to follow up attacks with her and her Ult just melts the other team when you have the opening. Lastly Tanks are fun, and that's great. Can't wait to play more tomorrow.

Green Mario

Oct 27, 2017
I'm enjoying this a lot more than I thought I would. Hopefully I can get all over my friends who play Overwatch into this instead lol. The art direction is God tier. I feel like maybe there's a memory leak or something - every time we'd finish a match, it would take longer and longer for me to load back into the menu and would just freeze until then. The last time it happened I walked away for like five minutes and it was still stuck lol. I know it's an alpha, though. Can't wait to play the full release.


Oct 29, 2017
Irvine, CA
Comments about lack of impact with some abilities and ults, yeah for sure. Wanda's ult feels like one of the few that feels like something out of Overwatch. Like a Sombra emp mixed with a junkrat tire.

Game is cooking though? Loving Black Panthers sort of genji dash reset thing. I can't wait to see what this game evolves into in a few months to years.

Probably will take me away from Overwatch, but not a a real replacement 😂


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, from watching, it looks like they're missing a lot like the impact and the actual feel that Overwatch nailed from the very first beta. It's what's lacking a LOT of games and it's kind of amazing how well Overwatch nailed it when even big, popular games fail to do it.

Feel like it will find an audience, before Netease Netease it to death. Unless they've maybe learned.


Studied the Buster Sword
Jan 29, 2022
Storm with the Speed or Damage boosts is my jam for sure.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, from watching, it looks like they're missing a lot like the impact and the actual feel that Overwatch nailed from the very first beta. It's what's lacking a LOT of games and it's kind of amazing how well Overwatch nailed it when even big, popular games fail to do it.

Feel like it will find an audience, before Netease Netease it to death. Unless they've maybe learned.

I don't think the game is coming out actually until late late this year or early next, it's supposed to be an Alpha and longer testing type deal.

Also don't think they'll NetEase it to death, I haven't played Naraka Bladepoint but I hear it's pretty good for what it is?


Studied the Buster Sword
Jan 29, 2022
Punisher seems OP. Just need to set the turret up above a point and you can pop off.


Oct 26, 2017
Must've missed it the first time I launched the game, but there is a notice that says if you get to level 10 in this you are guaranteed a spot in the closed beta.

And it also mentions other Titles you can get for playing in competitive that are permanent unlocks as well


Oct 30, 2017
Dr. Strange is so good but his flight ability needs to be fixed, it sometimes acts as a super jump rather than limited flight. Dude is basically Reinhardt from OW but also has Symmetra's original Ult as a passive (portal) with a stupid long cooldown.


Oct 25, 2017
The flaotiness of gunfights are the worst thing here, and was also one of my main fears coming in. They have plenty of time to give it more punchiness hopefully.

As well as fix the readability. Too many times I get melted not even aware my health is in the red.

I'm impressed with the production value / art style tho.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
How do you disable chat completely? I see that you can limit chat to whispers only, is that friends only message? If so, I can work with that.


Oct 25, 2017
The entire Discord turned into a complete mess with people trying to buy codes and stuff. And I dont think anything can even be obtained by watching streams lol.


Oct 26, 2017
Game is really fun, like a janky cheapened version of Overwatch but in a good way if they manage to do a good balance pass on the heroes. The monetization scares me real bad tho.


Oct 27, 2017
No NDA, and as someone who had 8800 hours in TF2 and a few thousand in Overwatch I'll def be dropping my opinion.

Having played it most of the day and night, initial impressions:

+: Beautiful (but hard to run).
+: Art style is on point, character designs are incredible.
+: Character ability design is mostly on point, with some scarce oddities (why can Magneto only hover when falling and not just fly outside of ultimate?)
+: Some characters are actually just incredible as far as the character experience goes. Spider-Man has no right feeling as good as he does in this game.
+: Team Ups are fun, but they do feel like they really mess with the balance sometimes, like Magneto is MASSIVELY improved with the sword and feels kinda bad without it.
~: Health pack placement on maps is REAL weird to me atm.
-: The visual clarity right now is a bit rough.
-: No form of role queue or role balancing is a miss, here because multiple supports is actually bonkers.
-: Some attacks just feel floaty / lack oompf on impact / need better visual effects.
-: Seasonal bonuses are a bad idea. (e.g. right now Scarlet Witch gets 15% more damage, Groot gets +200 max HP, etc)

Of course there's probably some balance issues (not saying any til I get real good at the game), and some wacky bugs (Punisher's grapple hook esp. is pretty buggy), but overall it's a good game so far. I think if they really tighten up the quality, optimize and/or find ways to let the settings get lower to make the game more accessible, and maybe add a PvE mode with talent trees there's some real potential for this game to eat some other games lunches if NetEase stays more on the Naraka Bladepoint side of things.
Oct 26, 2023
Is the team getting the proper feedback from people playing the Alpha so they have the time to tweak the game? I really want to play this once it arrives on consoles.


Oct 27, 2017
Is the team getting the proper feedback from people playing the Alpha so they have the time to tweak the game? I really want to play this once it arrives on consoles.

It's only Day 1, people still figuring out the game and learning and we don't really know how the team is going to deal with feedback or how well they'll handle feedback either.

Personally I along with the 5 other people I'm playing with are working on a Google Doc to send to them with pretty comprehensive feedback (almost no suggestions just what we do and don't like and why) and bug reports with repro steps, but yea.


Oct 27, 2017
Been watching some gameplay of it and it not only looks solid as a TPS Overwatch but is also seems to fully subscribe to "if everyone is broken no one is" which I can't help but respect. Like hoooooooly shit some of this is straight-up janky and most of it in a good way....most of it at least. 🤣

+: Character ability design is mostly on point, with some scarce oddities (why can Magneto only hover when falling and not just fly outside of ultimate?)

Flying's a big one for me. You can't have Iron Man and Storm flying as they like and not let me also fly with Magneto or fly long-term with Dr. Strange. That just really bums me out.

Curious what's wrong with characters like those having a toggleable flight mode with double-jump. 🤔

-: Seasonal bonuses are a bad idea. (e.g. right now Scarlet Witch gets 15% more damage, Groot gets +200 max HP, etc)

Oh I haven't seen that yet......ohhhhh that's pretty bad. 😬


May 29, 2019
I'm jealous of everyone that's playing and kinda surprised at the reception because it felt like most ppl blew it off at reveal lol

I kinda figured Punisher would be interesting balance wise, not sure he needs the Turret. I still wish they'd change his run animation but Spider-Man seems amazing. BP as essentially Genji is cool. I have not seen too much Iron Man on streams. Looking forward to tourney to see what it looks when 2 organized 6mans face off


Oct 27, 2017
I'm jealous of everyone that's playing and kinda surprised at the reception because it felt like most ppl blew it off at reveal lol

I kinda figured Punisher would be interesting balance wise, not sure he needs the Turret. I still wish they'd change his run animation but Spider-Man seems amazing. BP as essentially Genji is cool. I have not seen too much Iron Man on streams. Looking forward to tourney to see what it looks when 2 organized 6mans face off

People are really overstating how good the turret is btw, it's actually pretty mid and I really wish he didn't have it for ANYTHING else really. It's very much a "Level 3 Sentries are OP" in Team Fortress 2 or "Bastion is OP" (OG Bastion) take in Overwatch 1, they're good when you don't know what you're doing but something that makes you stationary and takes time to get out of just isn't that crazy and it kind of is massive noob bait right now.

Punisher's real insane thing, the real secret sauce, is his shotgun. His shotgun is disgusting. It's actually better than his AR at more ranges than you'd think, and does more damage than you'd expect. It can literally 3 shot the Hulk. And Magik who people keep saying is OP right now basically can't do anything against the Shotgun, and that's including Magik in her ult form.