
Oct 25, 2017
Q&A video posted from the official Twitter account. Clears up some confusion about RPG systems/open world.

Adj_noun's transcript is way better than mine, using that instead.
Can one play the game totally single player offline rather than online?

You can play just about everything by yourself if you want to. I encourage you to play with your buddies. It's so much more fun in multiplayer. But yeah, most of this stuff you can play by yourself.

How does multiplayer work?

We have a really robust campaign that you can play through. You're going to play in different levels as different superheroes to further the narrative. We're going to have a base of operations that you're going to be able to go off and play multiplayer levels or come back to the campaign.

There's a huge world to explore. From that base of operation you go through many different places. We're excited to show you all the cool places you can go to. It was way too big to complain in one space, it's multiple different areas and takes the Avengers all over the place.

Will there be a skill tree for certain characters? Will there be leveling up?

There's absolutely leveling up. Each character gets their own skill tree. What makes it cool is the way you level your character may be different than the way I level mine. I can't go into a lot of details right now, but imagine this: your Captain America can do melee and range, you might focus more on range, I might focus more on melee, my gear set could be different, my skills could be different and my outfit could be different as well. When you play you get an experience tailored to what you like.

Could you go into the ways you can customize your hero?

You can customize your hero with costumes. We've got lots of costumes to choose from for your specific hero, you can customize your skills, and the gear that you play with.

Some heroes that in some instances don't have a helmet with their costume might have a helmet with another costume. You never know, there's a lot of variety.

While it's our own take on the Avengers, we're collaborating with Marvel directly to make these characters come to life so they're going to feel familiar and you're going to see that they play the way that you'd expect.

Is it going to be story driven or a GAAS thing?

It's absolutely a story driven game and it's going to keep evolving even after launch. A cool thing about this game is you're going to see new heroes being released, you're going to see new regions at no additional fee.

Is this game going to offer replayability?

Yeah, there's places where you can run through a mission with one character and then play it again with another character for a different experience. The Iron Man and Hulk experience might be pretty different.

Is the beta only for the PS4?

Beta's for everybody. Early beta for PS4.

Will there be any improvements on the graphics quality in the game before launch?

What you saw in the demo was pre-alpha. It's going to keep improving.

Is this open world?

The game was too big to contain in one open world, so we divided it into reigions. We went for variety instead of one big city. We're going to be releasing different regions for free in the years to come.

Second Q&A added

Transcript courtesy of Adj_noun yet again, thank you.

What is this game? People still want clarification on the structure of the game.

It is a single player narrative driven cinematic game. But it's a little different. It's a hybrid. You're introduced to this world on the events of A-Day. San Francisco's devastated. The Avengers are to blame. They disband and there's bickering amongst them.

You get that setep and you journey through the progression of particular characters that progress the story forward to see how the Avengers fare. As you go through the story, depending on where you are in the narrative, you unlock certain characters and you can then go off on a tangent with those characters, or with your own choice of characters, and play these missions that are all tied to pushing this story forward.

You can do so by yourself, or you can do so in groups of four. And then you can rejoin the narrative and push that story forward as well.

You can also choose to say, 'you know, I've got the setup, I really just want to play with my friends, and I can run off and play in that world with four friends as the Avengers of our choice'. Or I could say, 'you know what, I'm going to go straight down the story, not do any missions, just go through all the story in a linear fashion. I can play the entire thing, single player and co-op, by myself, and enjoy the experience of the Avengers'.

Why aren't these the MCU characters?

We set out to create an original Avengers story. We wanted our characters to feel like they belong in our world, that they're part of our story, that their choices, even their uniforms are all based on our story. They're at the peak, they make this awful mistake, and then they fall, and we get to build them up.

We cast them differently, we chose them differently, we drew from the Marvel comic books along with our friends at Marvel to get the best solution for this story.

How many superheroes will be added to the game post-launch?

Can't be specific, but we intend to at regular intervals release new superheroes and new regions for free. No additional cost. We're excited. Marvel's Avengers roster, the potential for it is crazy. We're such huge fans. We're combing through eighty years of history to find those characters.

And the multiplayer story in that world is so big, it's so vast. It's escalating threats. You get to team up with your friends and defend Earth from escalating disasters. It allows for many characters to be introduced.

Can you talk about the diversity of the regions that you'll be pulling from?

The Avengers is a global team. They investigate threats that are all over the world. We're about finding the areas we want to go to that are diverse, that are as different as possible, that provide us different gameplay elements, different ways to use the team's very unique traversals. Every character on the team moves in such a different way that we want to have enough variety in our environments to really make use of the character's abilities.

Can you control the characters freely or are you limited in movement? For example, seeing Iron Man fly at the Golden Gate Bridge.

In that Iron Man segment, it's part of the single-player campaign focus, which are more specifically linear sequences. We also have different areas which are much more open, which allow characters the full freedom of movement, the full freedom to use their unique traversal mechanics.

In the single player campaign, on these missions, you'll be able to fly around. In that Iron Man sequence, you can fly around. Of course, you're limited to the bridge at that point, but you're still flying around. You have a very specific objective at that point.

Does gear affect the stats of your character?

We have both cosmetic stuff for the characters like costumes, stuff that you can customize fully that does not affect the character's gameplay. And then we have a pretty robust gear and progression system that does affect the character's gameplay.

It was really important for us to separate those two because we wanted players to be able to look the way they wanted, but also to play the way they wanted.

Don't pay to win!

Can you play as any character at any time in single player, or will there be specific chapters tied to specific characters?

The character you're playing is based on the narrative. It's the best character to push that narrative forward. If you were to go through the story in a linear fashion, you will be playing as the story dictates.

However, you can still go off and do these tangents as your chosen character, whoever your favorite hero is, and level that hero up and do cool missions with that hero.

You can say, 'I don't want to play this mission, I don't want to play as Hulk, I want to play as Black Widow.' You can go off and play as Black Widow and learn and feel what it's like to be Widow in those missions. And then come back to the main narrative which dictates what you play as.

Will space be an explorable region or featured in the campaign?

Stay tuned.

Will there be free roaming?

You can roam freely in the larger based missions.

Will there be vehicles?

Our characters have built-in traversal mechanics that are so unique to them. They move the way you expect them to move, they move through the environment using whatever fits the character best. Let's leave it at that.

3rd Q&A

Can we play the game offline?

You can. One of the things that's important to us is not only can you assemble with up to four players online and play with your friends, but you can also play the entire campaign in a single player way offline if you want to.

Is there gameplay in the trailer?

Yes, there is. There's big chunks of gameplay in the trailer.

Is there a single player story?

Yes, there is. One of the things that unites Crystal and Marvel is our love of stories and storytelling. There is a huge spine of a single player cinematic led story filled with action and drama. But along the way you can branch off and do multiplayer and go on special missions, and even those missions connect back to the story.

Will we need to play the game as all the Avengers, or will we get to play as Iron Man for the whole game?

(They'd answered this one before; story missions are character locked, co-op/multiplayer missions you can pick any hero)

Will this game have a good balance between co-op and single player?

(Again, effectively already answered. It has both.)

But seriously, how will multiplayer work?

I think one thing to recognize is when you're playing the campaign we don't want you to have spoilers. As you go through the campaign we'll group you up with other players who are probably at a similar point in the campaign, but if you just love multiplayer, and you got this because your friend has it and you want to play together, you can jump straight in online.

We have an introductory level that introduces you to the world, but you can play this game as a multiplayer experience first if you want to.

Will there be alternative costumes for characters?

Yes. We went through everythign and found really cool classic costumes that we're going to make our version of, and then these geniuses then made their own original alt costumes that you can only get in the game.

How many of the five main characters are playable?

All five.

What's the combat like?

It depends on what hero you're playing. Every hero should be able to be the star of their own game. If you're playing the Hulk, you have crowds of enemies around you and you hardly care. You're picking enemies up and smashing them together like coconuts.

That's a completely different experience than if you're Iron Man buzzing around the sky taking out targets. Iron Man can also drop down to the ground and has a full set of melee moves. He can use his repulsors from range. You have Widow and her agility...every hero is their own game.

Will there be ultimate moves?

We have all kinds of moves for the heroes. They have unique ways to get around the environment, so obviously, Iron Man can fly, but Hulk leaps. You're able to do basic comboes and attacks. But of course, as an Avenger you have these special abiltiies. Like calling down lightning from the sky as Thor.

How long have the Avengers been together as a team before disbanding?

I think they've been together a while. Long enough to really get to know each other, to really focus as a team. Long enough to have conflicts brewing under the hood.

Does Iron Man fly all the time or can we choose to be on the ground?

(Already answered, he can fight on the ground)

Is this game on console or PC?

It's on PS4, Xbox One, Stadia and PC.

Will this game have photo mode?

Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Okay now that sounds good. That is exactly the kind of gameplay I wanted out of this. Let's hope they fix those designs and are able to deliver on gameplay.


Oct 25, 2017
Really like the idea that my Cap can be different in terms of skills/focus than someone else's. Reminds me of Marvel Heroes in a good way.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, sounds like AAA gaas alright, such as The Division and Anthem but with superheroes.

You have one main hub, an open world to explore alone or with others, a storyline to follow, missions to tackle, customization, etc.


Oct 30, 2017
Q&A video posted from the official Twitter account. Clears up some confusion about RPG systems/open world.

- There's a base of operations.
- There is leveling up, they have their character specific skill trees.
- My Cap could be more focused on melee while yours is more ranged focused. (I actually quite like this idea, reminds me of Marvel Heroes in a good way)
- Gear sets (Probably intended to mean there's gear rather than set bonuses ala Diablo etc)
- Can customize via costumes, skills, gear, some heroes might have a helmet with X costume but not Y costume.
- Missions have replayability via character chosen. A ground based hero will be different than someone that can fly. "Completely different experience"
- Beta for everyone (early on PS4)
- "Will there be any improvements to graphic quality?" "This is pre-alpha we're going to continue improving"
- Is this open world? "Game was way too big to be one open world so we separated it into sections. Went for variety instead of 1 big area." Different regions will be released as game goes on post-launch.

So it's like:
Destiny in terms of game world - various big open zones vs open world. linear sections for storytelling purposes.
Mortal Kombat in terms of gear - different costumes (some with masks some without), and different gear each of which has different abilities
Borderlands in terms of skill trees and builds - each character has his/her own skillset and can focus on different combat aspects


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, sounds like AAA gaas alright, such as The Division and Anthem but with superheroes.

You have one main hub, an open world to explore alone or with others, a storyline to follow, missions to tackle, customization, etc.
Hopefully the "story focus" actually results in a good campaign that's really lacking from either of those examples.
Oct 26, 2017
It seems reallllly weird to do a "we're going to support this game for years!" when the PS5 is coming out six months later.


Oct 25, 2017
So it's like:
Destiny in terms of game world - various big open zones vs open world. linear sections for storytelling purposes.
Mortal Kombat in terms of gear - different costumes (some with masks some without), and different gear each of which has different abilities
Borderlands in terms of skill trees and builds - each character has his/her own skillset and can focus on different combat aspects
I'd say this is pretty fair, yeah. Only question is how much like Mortal Kombat it actually is. Separate pieces based on the character costume? Do those offer bonuses or any changes to skills when equipped? Hell, how are we earning equipment at all? More of a Destiny end of mission type of system?


Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully the "story focus" actually results in a good campaign that's really lacking from either of those examples.
Everyone can say that, but let's be honest, it only means that there will be lots of cutscenes in the game. This is a service game through and through. You're supposed to play the game for a long time, repeating content over and over again, not to simply beat the story and move on.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm also a little confused on why people will keep repeating the same levels over and over again if there isn't much loot or anything.

And not sure how they're going to monetize this either.


Oct 25, 2017
Everyone can say that, but let's be honest, it only means that there will be lots of cutscenes in the game. This is a service game through and through. You're supposed to play the game for a long time, repeating content over and over again, not to simply beat the story and move on.
I think the distinction between story missions and multiplayer missions is the potential interesting separation. It's probably less impactful than I'm hoping it is. But yes, I imagine the big drive is to keep you playing constantly, especially with progression and cosmetics being involved.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
Yeah this Q&A is certainly reassuring. I hope Shaun Escayg join Era just like James Steveson is part of the community and know that there are a shitload of me that believe that they will deliver with this game. After last night, this has become my most anticipated game of all time, the whole idea of getting new missions and events through multiple years in an Avengers game is incredibly enticing to me. We all know that the expectations from everyone for this are absolutely nuts. But I do think they're in the right path and will do everything they can to deliver.



Oct 27, 2017
I'm also a little confused on why people will keep repeating the same levels over and over again if there isn't much loot or anything.

And not sure how they're going to monetize this either.
Well, if they keep releasing new characters and they really do all feel vastly different to play as, then that may provide part of the replayability. I'm also not sure if they said that there wouldn't be any kind of loot, just that there'd be no "random lootboxes" or sth along those lines.
Oct 26, 2017
Well, if they keep releasing new characters and they really do all feel vastly different to play as, then that may provide part of the replayability. I'm also not sure if they said that there wouldn't be any kind of loot, just that there'd be no "random lootboxes" or sth along those lines.

But loot outside of like stuff for Iron Man or Ant Man would be really weird, lol.

What do Kamala Khan and the Hulk need weapon or armor drops for.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, if they keep releasing new characters and they really do all feel vastly different to play as, then that may provide part of the replayability. I'm also not sure if they said that there wouldn't be any kind of loot, just that there'd be no "random lootboxes" or sth along those lines.
This was a big appeal of Marvel Heroes. You're pretty much always doing the same levels/leveling experience but the steady introduction of new heroes with different playstyles and build opportunities kept it fun and something to come back to.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
But loot outside of like stuff for Iron Man or Ant Man would be really weird, lol.

What do Kamala Khan and the Hulk need weapon or armor drops for.

They said that the different costumes have different levels of weapon or armor. So like Planet Hulk style Hulk would have more gear slots than standard Hulk.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
I'm also a little confused on why people will keep repeating the same levels over and over again if there isn't much loot or anything.

And not sure how they're going to monetize this either.
I think we will get a SHITLOAD of comestic DLCs. I think they are aiming big here, and rightfully so. Instead of paying for new characters and seasons DLCs, we might get stuff like cosmetic DLCs and even gear. For example: Stormbreaker, Cap's energy shield, etc.. Think Fortnite and Overwatch but with the Avengers and a PvE single or multiplayer game.


Oct 25, 2017
They said that the different costumes have different levels of weapon or armor. So like Planet Hulk style Hulk would have more gear slots than standard Hulk.
I don't know if we should assume that changes gear slot availability unless it was explicitly said. That creates a problem of "Oh, I don't have that armored costume so I miss out on stats." Not good.


Oct 26, 2017
But loot outside of like stuff for Iron Man or Ant Man would be really weird, lol.

What do Kamala Khan and the Hulk need weapon or armor drops for.
It's not weird at all. See: Marvel Heroes and X-Men Legends. Those games handled loot really well. Whether Crystal Dynamics can pull it off or not is another thing entirely.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know if we should assume that changes gear slot availability unless it was explicitly said. That creates a problem of "Oh, I don't have that armored costume so I miss out on stats." Not good.

This seems pretty straightforward on that point

You can customize your hero with costumes. We've got lots of costumes to choose from for your specific hero, you can customize your skills, and the gear that you play with.

Some heroes that in some instances don't have a helmet with their costume might have a helmet with another costume.
You never know, there's a lot of variety.

They follow up what gear you play with with an example of what some costumes have that others don't.


Oct 25, 2017
This seems pretty straightforward on that point

They follow up what gear you play with with an example of what some costumes have that others don't.
I still think that's the person interviewed jumping back and forth in train of thought rather than an expansion of gear details. Having specific costumes make you a fundamentally weaker character than other costumes is a really strange choice.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
I still think that's the person interviewed jumping back and forth in train of thought rather than an expansion of gear details. Having specific costumes make you a fundamentally weaker character than other costumes is a really strange choice.
That's my interpretation as well. Gear or skins won't affect the actual gameplay, very much like Fortnite.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm also a little confused on why people will keep repeating the same levels over and over again if there isn't much loot or anything.

And not sure how they're going to monetize this either.

Something doesn't add up to me.

I'm still skeptical regarding their claim of "no loot boxes and no pay to win", especially if they plan to deliver free content over time. Something's gotta give there.

I believe they might not have paid loot boxes in the strictest sense, meaning you can't straight-up buy loot boxes like in Overwatch. However, my gut is telling me there's probably going to be multiple layers of obfuscation involved through the tricks of randomized loot, multiple currencies and time saver DLC.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Is this open world?

The game was too big to contain in one open world, so we divided it into reigions. We went for variety instead of one big city. We're going to be releasing different regions for free in the years to come.

So "regions" will be like planets in Destiny? Small open worlds?


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
Something doesn't add up to me.

I'm still skeptical regarding their claim of "no loot boxes and no pay to win", especially if they plan to deliver free content over time. Something's gotta give there.

I believe they might not have paid loot boxes in the strictest sense, meaning you can't straight-up buy loot boxes like in Overwatch. However, my gut is telling me there's probably going to be multiple layers of obfuscation involved through the tricks of randomized loot, multiple currencies and time saver DLC.
How about instead of loot boxes, costume skin packs and individual things? With how many costumes and gear these characters have had, they could do a shitload of that.


Nov 2, 2017
So gear confirmed, is there anything to do in MP other than the story though? Like are there strikes like Destiny? And there is gonna be endgame activities I'm guessing?


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Something doesn't add up to me.

I'm still skeptical regarding their claim of "no loot boxes and no pay to win", especially if they plan to deliver free content over time. Something's gotta give there.

I believe they might not have paid loot boxes in the strictest sense, meaning you can't straight-up buy loot boxes like in Overwatch. However, my gut is telling me there's probably going to be multiple layers of obfuscation involved through the tricks of randomized loot, multiple currencies and time saver DLC.

There are many ways to monetize this game.
  • Selling costumes
  • Selling early access to DLC characters
  • DLC characters can be "free" as in you can unlock them with in-game currency but you can just buy them with real money instead
  • Selling XP boosts
  • Selling currency boosts if not straight up selling currency
  • A "battle pass" model with exclusive cosmetics
It's the avengers. People will pay a lot of money for costumes.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
i want helmet for all heroes because their faces look ugly, especially Bruce Banner that look like Todd Howard :( uurrkk


Oct 25, 2017
So gear confirmed, is there anything to do in MP other than the story though? Like are there strikes like Destiny? And there is gonna be endgame activities I'm guessing?
Hasn't been any talk of that stuff outside of "multiplayer missions". Would be cool to go through a really hard area with the Avengers fighting bosses or something designed for end-game itemization/skill progression/player coordination. But maybe they feel that would make solo players upset or fear that they're missing out.


Oct 25, 2017
Can one play the game totally single player offline rather than online?

You can play just about everything by yourself if you want to. I encourage you to play with your buddies. It's so much more fun in multiplayer. But yeah, most of this stuff you can play by yourself.
This does not answer the question of whether you can play the game offline.


Oct 30, 2017
I'd say this is pretty fair, yeah. Only question is how much like Mortal Kombat it actually is. Separate pieces based on the character costume? Do those offer bonuses or any changes to skills when equipped? Hell, how are we earning equipment at all? More of a Destiny end of mission type of system?

In one of the twitter feeds you can see a Mission Complete screen for a Hulk mission in the background of this tweet:

Pretty sure that's where we earn story-mission rewards, and then in the open zones we get other loot kinda like Destiny/Borderlands.


Oct 25, 2017
In one of the twitter feeds you can see a Mission Complete screen for a Hulk mission in the background of this tweet:

Pretty sure that's where we earn story-mission rewards, and then in the open zones we get other loot kinda like Destiny/Borderlands.

Good eye. Yeah I think mission end is the best way to do it. Picking up loot as Avengers from random enemies wouldn't feel right.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
In one of the twitter feeds you can see a Mission Complete screen for a Hulk mission in the background of this tweet:

Pretty sure that's where we earn story-mission rewards, and then in the open zones we get other loot kinda like Destiny/Borderlands.

Good catch. I still have a hunch that we will get to buy costume packs and stuff like that. It makes too much sense and not really pay to win gimmick for them not to do that.


Oct 25, 2017
sounds like every other gaas game.
Honestly I don't know at this point. To me it feels more of a story-first type of game. The GaaS titles I've played definitely don't feel that way (Including Destiny and Anthem). This also has a huge benefit of being able to harvest lots of great storylines and locations.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds like they borrowed the template from a mobile game. Specifically Marvel Future Fight. I enjoyed my time with FF until I dropped it, I hope CD can tone down on the MTs.