
Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
For those unaware, there's a prequel novel (321 pages, 37 chapters + epilogue) to the upcoming Marvel's Spider-Man called "Hostile Takeover." It's written by David Liss and is set several months before the events of the game, and even leads directly into its opening. I've been wanting to discuss it for a while now and thought that it would be the perfect time for a thread now that the game is only 7 days away!


The cover illustration is by Alexander Lozano and yes, I wish that was the game's cover as well...

Anyway, first off, I definitely recommend the book; it's a great introduction to Insomniac's Marvel Universe. We get to know their version of Peter and MJ, and I especially enjoyed how their relationship was written. More importantly, however, it really fleshes out Spider-Man's relationship with one Wilson Fisk. Understanding Spidey's struggle fighting the Kingpin over the past 8 years is sure to make it all the more satisfying when we he's brought to justice in the game itself.

I do have two major issues with the novel, sadly:

  • I was worried that all of the characters introduced in the novel (i.e. not yet seen in the game's trailers and not appearing in the game as far as we know) would, by the end of the book, find some reason to not show up in the game. Sadly, that does happen to all of them.
  • Anika Adhikari, an original character introduced in the novel as Peter's new co-worker, was a fun character and I liked her a lot. I was hoping to see her in the game. Cool, right? Well too bad, because she gets fridged. *sighs*

Moving past the negatives, there are some pretty exciting things the novel sheds a light on with regards to Insomniac's Marvel Universe, its characters, and what we may find in the game!

  • Some other Spider-Man villains are briefly mentioned, such as The Lizard and Gibbon. I'd never even heard of the latter before, so that was a fairly pleasant surprise.
  • Daredevil exists in this universe.
  • Peter's boss/mentor from work is left completely unnamed, but thankfully it doesn't feel forced at all as he wasn't present in the story. We do learn what their work is all about, though: prosthetic limbs. Curt Connors, perhaps? My bet is still on Otto Octavius, though. (theory for the game, i.e. potential game spoilers) Especially since The Lizard was already mentioned in the book.
  • Two of the major characters in the novel are Maya Lopez and Michael Bingham, better known as Echo and Blood Spider, respectively. Maya was such a cool surprise as she was a character I met in one of my favorite Marvel books, Bendis' New Avengers. Blood Spider was exciting as I didn't know the character much but his introduction in the novel was intriguing.
  • We meet a police officer named "Jeff Davis." He is almost definitely, in my opinion, Jefferson Davis. The father of Miles Morales. While he's not a cop in the Ultimate Universe, the upcoming Into the Spider-Verse film depicts him as a police officer so Insomniac/David Liss could have taken inspiration from that. Or... not. He was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in the comics, so it's not such a stretch for two new unrelated versions of him to be cops instead of a spy.
  • Not much of a surprise, but Norman Osborn is definitely a bad guy despite not being the Green Goblin. I expected him to not be the Goblin and while that was technically not confirmed, he's still regarded as a very dangerous man that Peter isn't exactly fond of.

So if you're dying to play the game and wanna learn more about Insomniac's rendition of the ol' Web-Head without spoiling yourself, or simply want a good Spider-Man story, then you cannot go wrong with this. Great way to spend this final seven days of waiting. Well, you know, if you can make the book last that long.

Also, kind of not really related, but this was my first E-book. That was pretty damn neat. I can totally see the appeal of the medium now and I think I'm changing my mind on them. Don't get me wrong, I didn't think they were bad at all, but I just loved physical books so much that I thought the idea of me going digital with my books was silly. Fuck that. It is incredibly convenient being able to read a book like I was reading posts here on ERA. Unlike physical books, I can just put it down without having to hold down either sides and easily read it. I can take notes and easily bookmark. It's amazing! E-books are cool.

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Aug 25, 2018
I was really excited to read the book, but my delivery got delayed and I might not be able to read it until after the game is released.

How long did it take you to finish it?


User Requested Ban
Dec 29, 2017
Slightly OT, but this author blurb on the Amazon page is funny, "In 2008, at the United Nations Convention against Corruption in Bali, Indonesia, he was named an Artist for Integrity by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime. No one is really sure why he should receive this honor or what it means, but it very possibly makes him the Bono of historical fiction."

On topic, thanks for letting me know this book exists. I'll definitely check it out before I pick up my copy of the game.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I didn't even know there was a novel. I only thought there were only the comics that were in development.

I just ordered a copy and it'll take a few weeks to arrive. I guess I could order the Kindle version but I'll wait until I actually have the game since I won't be playing it immediately.


Oct 29, 2017
Why is this comic available on Google play bu not on the official marvel comic app?


May 9, 2018
Got to Chapter 6. It's good and a pretty easy read. I was hoping for a comic book. Got it on google play.


Oct 25, 2017
I read it too. I thought the author did a pretty good job of capturing Peter's voice.

Theory Re: Peter's Work (potential game spoiler, book spoiler)

I thought they were telegraphing his boss to be Otto Octavius. The artificial limbs thing seemed to fit and they very deliberately never named him, which I took to mean he was playing a significant albeit as of yet unannounced role in the game.


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
I was really excited to read the book, but my delivery got delayed and I might not be able to read it until after the game is released.

How long did it take you to finish it?
Aww, that sucks! It took me a week to finish it, but that was because most of that was spent only reading it on my way to and from work while I was on the bus/train. It's only 321 pages, and it's not like A Song of Ice and Fire where they pack a ton of tiny words in a single page, so it shouldn't take you long to read it. Hopefully you get yours with plenty of time to spare! It's a fun and easy read, so it's definitely doable in a single day if you're willing to.
I guess I could order the Kindle version but I'll wait until I actually have the game since I won't be playing it immediately.
I'm new to E-books, so a question about Kindle, I guess. It's an Amazon product, right? So is its store or your library on Google Play Store completely separate? Or can I read my Google Play Store books on a Kindle device too?
Why is this comic available on Google play bu not on the official marvel comic app?
It's in the thread title, "prequel novel."
I read it too. I thought the author did a pretty good job of capturing Peter's voice.

Theory Re: Peter's Work (potential game spoiler, book spoiler)

I thought they were telegraphing his boss to be Otto Octavius. The artificial limbs thing seemed to fit and they very deliberately never named him, which I took to mean he was playing a significant albeit as of yet unannounced role in the game.
That was my initial speculation!

I only recently considered Curt Connors, and only since he's the one traditionally connected to artificial limbs. Otherwise, though, I still expect it to be Doc Ock. I've suspected it to be him the second I learned Peter had a mentor at work that Insomniac is keeping mum about. I even made a fairly long post on Reddit talking about why I think it's him... If it was Connors, I don't think Insomniac would keep it as much of a secret. On top of that, if I recall correctly, they've also said that it's someone he's never worked for before and for a company he's never worked for before, so that kinda rules Curt out.

Plus, The Lizard's was briefly mentioned in the book.


Dec 6, 2017
Seems like they are setting up
Harry to return from Europe as goblin possibly? With the shaking hands and Peter feeling like he was hiding something


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
Seems like they are setting up
Harry to return from Europe as goblin possibly? With the shaking hands and Peter feeling like he was hiding something
I'm thinking this too. There's definitely something suspicious about Harry, sadly. I'd rather he didn't turn Goblin, but it would be an interesting twist to have him become the first Goblin in the story since Norman doesn't seem to be one. Maybe he's the one leading the Sinister Six... I mean, it's someone Peter knows. Maybe it's Harry turned Goblin, or maybe it's his boss, who I speculate to be Doc Ock.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
I'm new to E-books, so a question about Kindle, I guess. It's an Amazon product, right? So is its store or your library on Google Play Store completely separate? Or can I read my Google Play Store books on a Kindle device too?

I only own a Kindle Paperwhite I've used all of twice, so I don't know too much about it beyond knowing you can import PDFs and MOBI files and that the storefront is tied to the Amazon Kindle Store.

Theoretically you should be able to convert the EPUB file to a MOBI file, making it possible to import books purchased from the Google Play Store. I believe most EPUB files from Google Play are DRM-locked, though.


Dec 6, 2017
I'm thinking this too. There's definitely something suspicious about Harry, sadly. I'd rather he didn't turn Goblin, but it would be an interesting twist to have him become the first Goblin in the story since Norman doesn't seem to be one. Maybe he's the one leading the Sinister Six... I mean, it's someone Peter knows. Maybe it's Harry turned Goblin, or maybe it's his boss, who I speculate to be Doc Ock.
I think the safer bet is probably Doc Ock given how cagey they've been about who the boss is and who the biggest bad is going to be. I'd really enjoy seeing Peter's struggle with discovering what Harry is going through as a side narrative though. I am also very curious what the bigger picture with Norman is. Did he do experiments on Harry? Is that why Harry hates him so much? It seems like there's something under the surface there.


Aug 25, 2018
Aww, that sucks! It took me a week to finish it, but that was because most of that was spent only reading it on my way to and from work while I was on the bus/train. It's only 321 pages, and it's not like A Song of Ice and Fire where they pack a ton of tiny words in a single page, so it shouldn't take you long to read it. Hopefully you get yours with plenty of time to spare! It's a fun and easy read, so it's definitely doable in a single day if you're willing to.

I should be able to blast through it. I am on vacation right now and my reading speed is fast, well - at least I am willing to spend my whole day with reading (especially when I am reading a VN).
Thanks! I do hope so too.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Just wanted to thank you for this thread cause I didn't even know this book was a thing. Just bought the book and am picking it up after work!


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
I only own a Kindle Paperwhite I've used all of twice, so I don't know too much about it beyond knowing you can import PDFs and MOBI files and that the storefront is tied to the Amazon Kindle Store.

Theoretically you should be able to convert the EPUB file to a MOBI file, making it possible to import books purchased from the Google Play Store. I believe most EPUB files from Google Play are DRM-locked, though.
Ah, shame. Well, nothing wrong with sticking to my Android phone.
I think the safer bet is probably Doc Ock given how cagey they've been about who the boss is and who the biggest bad is going to be. I'd really enjoy seeing Peter's struggle with discovering what Harry is going through as a side narrative though. I am also very curious what the bigger picture with Norman is. Did he do experiments on Harry? Is that why Harry hates him so much? It seems like there's something under the surface there.
Oh, yeah. I hope Harry plays more of a role than just the reason behind those research station side activities. I've got a feeling they might save that up for the sequel, though. Unless he does become a Goblin. I didn't get the impression that there was anything more outside of the usual Harry not liking Norman and Norman being disappointed in Harry, etc. Abuse or experimentation would be so damn dark.

Although... Oscorp did apparently do human experiments...
I should be able to blast through it. I am on vacation right now and my reading speed is fast, well - at least I am willing to spend my whole day with reading (especially when I am reading a VN).
Thanks! I do hope so too.
Can someone link me to the main plot point? I wont be able to buy the book but it seems to have some good background lore.
I've listed some information down in the OP if you want a few little details, but I don't think there's any summary of sorts out there at the moment.
Just wanted to thank you for this thread cause I didn't even know this book was a thing. Just bought the book and am picking it up after work!
This! Just picked up the Kindle version. I needed a new book for my commute, so this will do nicely!
Happy to help! Others not knowing about the very existence of a prequel novel was one of the reasons I thought the thread would be a good idea. And yeah, it was perfect for my commute this week. Just sucked that I finished it already, haha. I had hoped it would last me two weeks, but a few chapters in and it was pretty obvious I'd have a hard time putting it down.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
i can't imagine spending time reading this over actual spidey comics:

-bendis ultimate
-superior foes of spider man


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
Neat, didn't know there was a prequel novel. Got it for my kindle. I'll read it when I'm not playing yakuza this week.


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
i can't imagine spending time reading this over actual spidey comics:

-bendis ultimate
-superior foes of spider man
Okay...? Nobody's saying you have to choose one over the other. This novel exists to lay some groundwork for the upcoming game, not as competition for comic books.


Oct 30, 2017
How large a role does
Blood Spider
play in the storyline? And does his costume have the
backpack and big dumb hoses?


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Just bought it on the android store, gonna be traveling by train all week so thanks for reminding me!


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
There an audiobook option? Would rather listen in the car like a podcast.
None, sadly. Would be cool if they could get a voice actor with some Marvel history to narrate one... Kinda like how God of War's has Mimir narrating it.
Just bought it on the android store, gonna be traveling by train all week so thanks for reminding me!
Sure thing, hope you enjoy it!


I was curious about the process of creating a prequel novel for the game, like what would the author be allowed to work with, was he told the whole story, etc. Luckily, as it turns out, DualShockers interviewed David Liss about that. Didn't know he worked for Marvel before. That's pretty cool. I suppose that partially explains why he has such a good grasp of Peter's character.
L: So just to clarify, they did tell you the full scope of the project. You know the whole story of what happens within Marvel's Spider-Man, right?

DL: Yeah, I read the whole script.
L: Okay, I wasn't sure how secretive they'd be with information or if they'd just feed you select snippets of the story or if they gave you literally everything they have.

DL: I had access to pretty much everything that was available but was sworn to secrecy on pain of death. There was like, dual-encryption for everything. I wasn't supposed to mention character names in my emails. The project literally had a codename that we were supposed to use when talking about it over email and we could really only go over details on the phone. It was like spy stuff.
L: So whose call was it to then bring in the additional antagonists of Echo and Blood Spider? Was that yours or was it something they also requested you to add?

DL: Doing a story of Spider-Man going up against Kingpin was basically the template and I could do it however I wanted. To tell the kind of story that I thought would work given where the character is and where we need to go with him, I liked the idea of having two villains. Kingpin couldn't be the hands-on villain of the novel because there can't be a resolution with him in the novel because of how the game opens.

I wanted to have a henchman for Kingpin, as sort of the immediate threat in the novel. Then I liked the idea of having two — one of whom is sort of irredeemably bad and one of whom is a little more morally ambiguous. That would be a good a good field in which the Spider-Man character could play and would bring out what makes him interesting.

One of the documents I had was a list of characters that had been legally approved for the game — 99% of which hadn't been used. When the game project started, that's what they had to play with. I just went through that list and thought about who I could use and who would be interesting, and which of the characters did what I was looking for. Echo I always thought was a good character and Blood Spider I liked a lot because he's really underused. There was a lot of room to play with him and a lot of freedom to sort of rethink the character as I saw fit.
Really glad he went with Echo and Blood Spider. Like him, I've always like Echo and thought she was a cool character. Blood Spider, I didn't know much about, but he did a fantastic job writing him. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the most fleshed out the character's ever been.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm reading it right now, it's surprising how easy is to breeze through it, it has a cool story, and I find myself really into both Echo and Blood Spider. MJ in this universe is also awesome. 8 chapters left, looks like the final act is starting


Oct 25, 2017
Oh wow, didn't even realize there was a prequel but I'm definitely going to get my hands on this and read before I play.


Oct 27, 2017
I just ended, it was cool, I really liked the Blood Spider arc and the
final twist with Fisk, Oscorp and the USB

It looks like it ties really nicely to the main game too, I'm eager to see how they develop some things established in the novel.


Brave Little Spark
Oct 28, 2017
I just ended, it was cool, I really liked the Blood Spider arc and the
final twist with Fisk, Oscorp and the USB

It looks like it ties really nicely to the main game too, I'm eager to see how they develop some things established in the novel.
I was surprised with the revelation on Blood Spider.

Didn't expect that it was Oscorp experimenting on him, though I suppose I should have seen that coming given how shady they are and the fact that they would be capable of it. They said it was a result of an attempt to cure an illness, though... so I wonder if Norman has some sort of disease, or if it'll eventually lead to the creation of the Goblin serum.

I love the way they did the epilogue! I didn't know it was going to be the very start of the game, so being able to read that was an awesome surprise.

Regarding potential developments of the things the novel establishes, the interview says some pretty interesting stuff about it. I thought some of them might not be touched upon since at first, I didn't think David Liss worked that closely with Marvel and Insomniac on this, which was totally wrong. So, luckily, it sounds like they'll be addressing or at least progressing the things they've hinted at. Curious what's gonna happen with Harry...
L: There are a couple instances later on in the book that seemed like you were dropping hints to things that could come back into play in the video game. For one, Norman Osborn's larger plan is never really revealed and a lot of the moments with Harry really stuck out to me because Insomniac has been relatively quiet about how he fits into their game. How careful did you have to be with these foreshadowing moments and how much clearance did you have to get from Marvel to include them?

DL: There was a process once I finished the manuscript and it was reviewed by a lot of people. Some of the details they would tell me were too much and I'd need to take some of it out because they didn't want to reveal that much. Other times, they'd tell me I could put a little more pressure on certain moments because they wanted a stronger hint. There were a bunch of instances where details that they originally asked me to include they'd then ask that I take out because the landscape was changing.

There are two goals in a project like this — one is to just tell a good Spider-Man story, a story that readers will care about and will want to know what happens next. There's a sort of larger arc though which was that you want people who read the book and then play the game to have a richer experience. Wherever it worked narratively or wherever I could make it fit, I wanted to drop as many hints and lead into things that are going to happen in the game universe and provide those points of contact. So it was definitely on my mind. It's not the usual way in which I write a novel, but this is what makes this sort of project work. You want to make bells go off for people who experience the story in both media.


Nov 1, 2017
Are any of the other Marvel books mentioned at the end worth reading?

What was the Lizard mention? I seemed to have skipped over it.


Oct 25, 2017
Just became aware this exists and I think I'll give it a try based on impressions here


Oct 27, 2017
Orlando, FL
I just finished reading it and enjoyed it. Seems like a fun read that sets up this version of Spider-Man nicely. I also really enjoyed MJ's characterization here and I'm looking forward to seeing more of her character in the game.


Oct 30, 2017
  • I was worried that all of the characters introduced in the novel (i.e. not yet seen in the game's trailers and not appearing in the game as far as we know) would, by the end of the book, find some reason to not show up in the game. Sadly, that does happen to all of them.

This is my biggest issue with the novel too, unfortunately. They set up Maya so properly here! The reader essentially experiences her journey to becoming a proper superhero. It's disappointing to me that, not only will Echo be absent from the upcoming game, but probably also Michael Bingham, or Blood Spider.

In the novel, they fleshed out his backstory really well and eventually, near the end, after the subtle twist of realizing that the lab where he'd been experimented on belonged to Osborn, rather than Fisk (I loved this), he finds a way to outsmart both Osborn and Fisk and sort of reshuffles the pecking order of all three antagonists. I thought that was a brilliant way of establishing his character for the game, but that didn't last long. I wasn't a big fan of the final fight that he had with Spider-Man either.

However, I think Norman Osborn's secret, which was never revealed, is one of the many interesting things leading into the game. I wonder if it has something to do with the Green Goblin? Or maybe something do with Harry? Also, much like yourself, I instantly thought of Doc Oc too when they detailed the work Peter was doing at his lab. I wonder where they're going with that.

What an amazing novel though!

Also OP, as a side note, I've been reading on my Kindle for a number of years now. Initially, I was also concerned about moving to digital books, but the solution to that is to pick up a physical book every now and then just to satisfy that urge. There's no reason you can't do both. It's the perfect compromise, IMO, and soon you won't even think of the distinction that much.


Oct 25, 2017
I just finished reading it and enjoyed it. Seems like a fun read that sets up this version of Spider-Man nicely. I also really enjoyed MJ's characterization here and I'm looking forward to seeing more of her character in the game.

Agreed. It was an interesting twist on her character.

There's only so much I expect from the vaunted video game tie in prequel novel genre, and this was far more enjoyable than I thought it would be.