
Jun 28, 2018
Masked white nationalists marched in DC this weekend and... did it even make a blip in the news cycle? I see one Reuters article, an article and some pics from a local CBS affiliate, and that's about it?

Photos of the Neo Nazi protest in Washington DC today... Members of the Patriot Front marched from the National Mall, past the Capitol, ending near Union Station. Patriot Front is run by Thomas Ryan Rousseau, who founded the group in 2017, as a teenager. @WUSA9 @washingtonpost
NEW — Neo Nazi leader who marched group through Washington DC RESPONDS:
"We organized the march to symbolically reclaim our nation's capital from the Jews, Marxists, & anti-white enemies in government who want to see white Americans erased"

A march by the white nationalist group Patriot Front was done near Union Station in Washington around 4 p.m. on Saturday.

The members of Patriot Front that were marching shouted, "Reclaim America" as they moved down the streets of D.C. The group would later end their march at a Walmart in the Union Station area, as some onlookers called them cowards, said WUSA9's Mike Valerio.

Those marching wore similar long-sleeve clothing, with hats, masks, sunglasses and American flags. They were trailed and surrounded by police officers who were there to de-escalate any issues that arose.

The group, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, is an image-obsessed organization that rehabilitated the explicitly fascist agenda of Vanguard America with garish patriotism.

The SPLC added that Patriot Front focuses on "theatrical rhetoric and activism that can be easily distributed as propaganda for its chapters across the country."

White Nationalist march in DC near Union Station on Saturday

The protest ran near Union Station in D.C., as the group made its way into this Walmart parking lot where the march later ended.
They were accompanied by dozens of police, some on bicycles, but it was unclear whether the group had obtained a permit for the march. A spokeswoman for District of Columbia Metropolitan Police said it had no record of a permit for the march. Capitol Police and the National Park Service could not immediately be reached for comment.

Masked white nationalists march in Washington with police escort

Police escorted masked members of a white nationalist group on a march through Washington's National Mall on Saturday that Metropolitan Police said occurred without incident or arrests.
SPLC's description of this group:
"Patriot Front" and the "[snip]" website are the brainchild of a cluster of Texas-based neo-Nazis who created their new entity — a blend of traditional white-supremacist ideology, alt-right sensibilities and activism, and militia-style armed insurrection — as a result of internecine quarreling within their original organization, Vanguard America (VA), in Charlottesville, Virginia, this summer, when one of their marchers drove a car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing one and maiming 19.

The leader of Patriot Front is an 18-year-old Texas man named Thomas Rousseau, who became radicalized as a teenager at online forums such as [snip] and other alt-right forums where neo-Nazi ideology was exchanged freely. Rousseau formed Patriot Front in late August as a spinoff group dedicated to bringing white nationalists together under an activist banner.
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Jan 8, 2019
i remember reading something about Neo-Nazi's being put on some kind of FBI threat list. what ever happened to that?


Oct 25, 2017
They already have the capital, though. Have they not looked in the White House recently?


Oct 25, 2017
Disgusting. Sure you have a right to assemble but what cowardice to march around in masks protected by the police. Show your damn faces and own up to your hate if you're truly so proud of it.


Oct 26, 2017
I thought I read an article last week that said the FBI are focusing on white nationalists and neo Nazis. Hopefully they do something about these losers.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Masked white nationalists marched in DC this weekend and... did it even make a blip in the news cycle? I see one Reuters article, an article and some pics from a local CBS affiliate, and that's about it?

I mean, attention is what these assholes are seeking, right? Should we be giving it to them?
Oct 27, 2017
Holy fuck at the response. Straight up says "yeah we are nazis and want to build a nazi america and kill all jews and non-whites"

How on earth are these hitler wannabes not hunted down and thrown into a bottomless pit? (rhetorical question but fuck man)

Castor Archer

Jan 8, 2019
Found some Patriot Front stickers at my local park a while back, they're local to where I live. I properly defaced them. Fucking cowards.


Oct 27, 2017
Someone better check where their pops, uncle, boyfriend/husband, or brother was at the time
Oct 25, 2017
Not that any of these groups have an ideology that makes much sense if you spend more than two minutes on them, but I always love the assertion that Evil Jewish Bankers run the world... and are allied with marxists.


Aug 13, 2019
That's crazy. I saw a picture of them marching near a Wal-Mart I used to shop at when I was interning this summer. Scary stuff.


Nov 1, 2017
Not that any of these groups have an ideology that makes much sense if you spend more than two minutes on them, but I always love the assertion that Evil Jewish Bankers run the world... and are allied with marxists.
Marxism is actually just a plot to sap the white mans wealth, haven't you heard?


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Closed off just for them:

Zach D Roberts @zdroberts

DC Capitol Police are not allowing members of the media or anyone else on capital grounds so that the fascist Patriot front can have their own private rally.

3:57 PM - Feb 8, 2020

Seems like something a state leader would condemn.

POTUS spends all day on twitter commenting on anything and everything, big or small, but hasn't said anything about this? Weird.


Aug 13, 2019
Closed off just for them:

Seems like something a state leader would condemn.

POTUS spends all day on twitter commenting on anything and everything, big or small, but hasn't said anything about this? Weird.

You're probably being sarcastic, but Trump needs every white supremacist vote he can get. I don't think he ever denounced David Duke's (Former KKK Grand Wizard) endorsement, did he?
Oct 27, 2017
Closed off just for them:

Zach D Roberts @zdroberts

DC Capitol Police are not allowing members of the media or anyone else on capital grounds so that the fascist Patriot front can have their own private rally.

3:57 PM - Feb 8, 2020

Seems like something a state leader would condemn.

POTUS spends all day on twitter commenting on anything and everything, big or small, but hasn't said anything about this? Weird.

Trump is busy branding antifa a terrorist organization while becoming buddy-buddy with fascists who want to purge jews and non-whites. Just another day in Trump's america


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
They used to march without the masks right after Trump's election.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
You're probably being sarcastic, but Trump needs every white supremacist vote he can get. I don't think he ever denounced David Duke's (Former KKK Grand Wizard) endorsement, did he?

He just pulled the ol' "I don't know David Duke. I've never met David Duke." line out of his ass.


Jun 28, 2018
You're probably being sarcastic, but Trump needs every white supremacist vote he can get. I don't think he ever denounced David Duke's (Former KKK Grand Wizard) endorsement, did he?
He technically sort of did, days after he got tons of heat for his weak-ass response of pretending to not even know who that is.

Unless you mean a 2020 endorsement...


Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Nazis marching in Washington, who would have guessed after WW2


Oct 25, 2017
If it were possible without any collateral damage,I wish a meteor would fall on these dudes. Walking wastes of oxygen.
Jul 3, 2019
But but Antifa!
I've become profoundly disappointed that the media treats these assholes with kids gloves and constantly tries to find a both sides to shit like this.


Feb 6, 2020
its gonna feel so fucking good if we send bernie to the white house. an openly socialist Jewish man with a diverse coalition behind him? the fash are gonna lose their goddamn minds.