Gunny T Highway

Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Another angle from when the shooting first started.

The fact nobody starts running immediately freaks me out.

To be honest gunfire sounds different in real life compared to what you hear in the movies. If people have not heard gunfire before they may mistake it for something else especially in a parade setting.

Seems like the weapon probably has about a 30 round clip with that long pause between gunfire being them reloading. Probably an AR-15. Fucking sad that regular people can get a hold of something like that in America. RIP.


Jun 21, 2019
On the subject of people not immediately panicking, I think it's just in our nature to try not to assume the worst, I think most people have a "it can't happen here, it won't happen to me" mentality. If I were there, I too would have first assumed it was fireworks. No chance it could actually be gunfire.

Beyond the fact that this happened at a parade where loud bangs are normal, there's also just an element where you freeze for a while and try to assess what it is you're even hearing. And even if you think "are those fucking gun shots?" you look around and nobody else is moving, so you think you're just overreacting or mishearing things. Then comes the screaming and the stampede.


Oct 29, 2017
Keep in mind that many parades feature American Legion Color Guard and Drill (firing teams) that are shooting off blanks. Of course it's coordinated, but even for those that know what gunshots sound like, this could cause delay.
Oct 28, 2017
Washington DC
Chilling, especially knowing that any one of those sounds could have resulted in one of the six deaths. It's shocking to me that some people are meandering on bikes and others calmly walking. If I heard that sound I'd be *sprinting* in the opposite direction.

You would think so, but until you are in that situation you don't know. While out celebrating election night when Biden won there was a gun shot literally 50 feet away from my wife and I as we sat outside at a bar in DC. Like we heard it and saw it but it was surreal and didn't really 'register.' A waiter goes 'those were gun shots' then everyone panicked and ran inside. Very surreal.


Oct 27, 2017
I've always said that a possible solution should be taxing the fuck out of bullets like they did with cigarettes (obviously to a much higher percentage). If you can't afford bullets, then you can't shoot folks. And nothing like this will happen until we get some real progressives in office instead of old out of touch white dudes.
taxing cigarettes works because that is a purchase you likely want to do multiple times in your (progressively shorter) lifetime.
Bullets for terrorist attacks are a one-time purchase.


Oct 27, 2017
Just read that the shooter was likely 18-20. America sure is something. Totally nothing wrong with gun laws.


Oct 25, 2017
Just read that the shooter was likely 18-20. America sure is something. Totally nothing wrong with gun laws.
The outright refusal to even try anything is what really gets me. There are plenty of examples of things that have worked, but we like to keep ignoring those and pile on more of what hasn't worked. It's cool though, yeah more police and more guns are clearly the solution, and we totally aren't just using events like these to go deeper and deeper into a heavily policed surveillance state. Desperately tragic situation we are in and at some point something has to give.


Oct 27, 2017
getting shades of the Las Vegas shooting with this one. elevated firing position over an event for maximum terror and chaos, but fortunately many less victims here. hopefully it stays that way and they catch this fucker soon.


Nov 1, 2017
Just read that the shooter was likely 18-20. America sure is something. Totally nothing wrong with gun laws.
On top of the guns we have right wing media that has specifically targeted white men aged 16-24 over the last few years. These men have been radicalized online by your Ben Shapiros and Crowders and those type of people. It isn't going to get better any time soon.


One Winged Slayer
Apr 22, 2018
I have some family and friends in the US (I'm from another country), lot of coworkers, past and current, all of them very nice people and excellent persons. Said that, this is so unfair for all the good people that are from and lives there. Today is a celebration day they don't deserve this for just some crazy mfs. RIP to all the victims.

P.S. this is result of a divided country.


Oct 25, 2017
We need to advocate (placate: reluctantly) for a Mild Wild West.

Keep all your guns.
Keep all your bullets.
Pay insurance on those weapons
Get a license with a strict psych eval and waiting period.
Fees for the license.
Yearly renewal of the license; like fucking CARS are renewed yearly in some states.
Tax on bullets unless purchased and used at a firing range or "hunting ground".
Return all unfired bullets or pay a fine per bullet if can't pay fine have license revoked and personal arms (except one handgun one shotgun: for home defense) seized and held until renewal of said license.
Personal accountability.

We do it for cars.

It's time for gun owners to pay the price for all the lives that have been taken (and will continue to be taken if we don't do something) because of peoples predominantly irrational fears.

Market it as the Mild Wild West.

Gun manufacturers get to keep getting paid.
Gun owners get to keep stockpiling guns.
States and Country get tax revenue.
People feel more safe because of the accountability.
Mass shootings would reduce (I would think) significantly.

More importantly peoples lives would be saved.

If we can't get rid of guns rapidly then we have to create RULES AND REGULATIONS that create a greater chance for stability and sanity.

This reality can change and WILL!

I'm not gonna feel defeated anymore.

We have to use our collective intelligence to solve this problem.

We're gamers. We can start the ball rolling can't we!


Oct 25, 2017
The surrounding burbs by Highland Park have canceled all celebrations. I was staying out in Lake Forest and they have canceled as well. Six Flags out by Gurnee has canceled celebrations. I think the only ones celebrating is just Chicago.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I believe the 3 hours reference is for today, but does anyone know the actual rate of mass shooting events in the US for this year so far? This could be anecdotal based on some of the news thread on here, but it honestly feels like 1 every week or at least 3-5 days, in some cases.
There are more mass shootings this year than days have passed. The rate is 1.00+ per day.


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
I believe the 3 hours reference is for today, but does anyone know the actual rate of mass shooting events in the US for this year so far? This could be anecdotal based on some of the news thread on here, but it honestly feels like 1 every week or at least 3-5 days, in some cases.
309 mass shootings in 185 days.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
JFC... I thought it was like 1 per week, this is something next tier level insanity if it's per day.

That has to be on pace for a record, right? If I recall correctly, I read somewhere that 2021 set the prior record.
well, when literally nothing is being done to improve the situation, and rhetoric is being piled on that adds fuel to the flames, the numbers are almost assuredly only going to go up until we actually make meaningful changes. it's stomach wrenching.


Oct 27, 2017

It's easy to point out single events like the one that just happened here in Denmark, but like the tweet perfectly outlines it's extremely uncommon for such events to take place in countries with strict gun laws and these few cases often lead to stricter laws like in the case of New Zealand.

The only other event that comes close to what happened yesterday in Denmark was the 2015 terrorist shootings at Krudttønden and even that had a much smaller scope than what we usually see in the US.

The problem is that none of these shootings matter in the US, it's thoughts and prayers for a few hours and then nothing changes, there's zero expectation for change and this is the new normal as far as the government is concerned.


Oct 27, 2017
It's easy to point out single events like the one that just happened here in Denmark, but like the tweet perfectly outlines it's extremely uncommon for such events to take place in countries with strict gun laws and these few cases often lead to stricter laws like in the case of New Zealand.

The only other event that comes close to what happened yesterday in Denmark was the 2015 terrorist shootings at Krudttønden and even that had a much smaller scope than what we usually see in the US.

The problem is that none of these shootings matter in the US, it's thoughts and prayers for a few hours and then nothing changes, there's zero expectation for change and this is the new normal as far as the government is concerned.
No bro, if a law or regulation isn't able to stop every single instance of a bad thing happening, it's therefore useless so we should stop trying to regulate bad things.
I'm a conservative, I'm very smart.
(this "logic" obviously doesn't apply to things conservatives absolutely want to regulate).


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
Not even remotely surprised. However, this will soon be forgotten by the masses and things will go back to normal and this cycle will continue while the victims will bear the brunt of all the pain.

maybe change will come once every citizen in America falls victim to gun violence or something ridiculous like that.


Prophet of Regret
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Did they capture the perpetrator? Oh NVM

Horrible for those peoples loved ones


Hero of Bowerstone
Oct 10, 2018
The typical deflection will be mental health evaluation. Which is such a broad area, that i can't begin to imagine how you identity a potential mass shooter. Without them outright saying they wanna kill a bunch of people.

Like yeah, mental health is a problem. But I'm not hearing the actual steps to solving and identifying.


Oct 25, 2017
Not even remotely surprised. However, this will soon be forgotten by the masses and things will go back to normal and this cycle will continue while the victims will bear the brunt of all the pain.
still early into the day i'm sure this shitty country is capable of producing another mass shooting to make people forget the one earlier today.


Oct 27, 2017
The saddest thing about these mass shootings is the US' incapability to fix it. No matter how much evidence there is of gun bans around the world working to reduce gun violence, American politicians and many Americans believe that this country is somehow different, and these bans wouldn't work.

It makes no sense, and it's so frustrating and sad every time another mass shooting comes along. Normal countries would have done something decades ago.


Movie Aficionado
Oct 25, 2017
This is where reports say the shooter was seen, up on top of the Uncle Dan's Outdoor store. It's on the corner of an intersection.



Jun 21, 2019
I see we've reached the point where we start unwittingly popularizing and venerating the shooter.