
The Mushroom Kingdom Knight
Oct 25, 2017
New York
Set in the world of Pattinson's The Batman next year, seems like it will be a police serial... brave move in 2020

‘The Batman’ TV Spinoff From Matt Reeves, Terence Winter Set at HBO Max

HBO Max and Matt Reeves, the filmmaker behind the new Batman movie, have teamed up to develop a dramatic series set in the crime-infested streets of the Caped Crusader’s hometown, Gotham City.

"This is an amazing opportunity, not only to expand the vision of the world I am creating in the film, but to explore it in the kind of depth and detail that only a longform format can afford."


Oct 25, 2017
buried the lede with Terrence Winter on this though btw. which is nuts. this could be the GCPD show people were wanting from Gotham.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
all of DC universe & Gotham and they are doing... a police procedural

buried the lede with Terrence Winter on this though btw. which is nuts. this could be the GCPD show people were wanting from Gotham.

that ship sailed, HBO Max should spend less money on Friends episodes and invest in massive budget TV

Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
If they actually adapt Gotham Central this time it could be amazing.
But like others have said. Hell of a time to do it.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Gotham will never be topped
Oct 25, 2017
Why can't Batman be in any of these shows, why is it so taboo?

They aint paying Pattinson to be in some televised show. He'd command the whole budget lol.

That said. I'm interested in this. This is obviously going to be more grounded than Gotham. It's going to be used to flesh out the world and probably give us hints to where the movies will be going lore and story wise.


Oct 28, 2017
What...? Why? And a procedural cop show from 2 white writers in this climate?
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Oct 25, 2017
They aint paying Pattinson to be in some televised show. He'd command the whole budget lol.

That said. I'm interested in this. This is obviously going to be more grounded than Gotham. It's going to be used to flesh out the world and probably give us hints to where the movies will be going lore and story wise.
Batman never appears in any of these shows though.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm always up for some Batman-adjacent content, but this seems like a hard sell with Gotham being so recent and real world issues at play.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm always up for some Batman-adjacent content, but this seems like a hard sell with Gotham being so recent and real world issues at play.

for sure on the latter. I enjoyed Gotham quite a bit but that became a campy Batman prequel very quickly finding the need to setting up all the villains as well.

this would likely differentiate itself by being the Gotham Central show that people expected out of that. but I'd be more interested in this if they actually took some time in the show to highlight police racism or something. if they show it as the typical "one bad apple" shit that will be very off putting, or if they choose to ignore it entirely that would be wack too. Hopefully they hire a pretty diverse writers team to reflect that and push on that sort of stuff.

Terrence Winter as showrunner got me interested though, Vinyl was a dud but Boardwalk one of the best shows of the last 10 years. plus his work on sopranos was fire.


Oct 25, 2017
I bet you watched all 5 seasons to have this opinion.

I watched the first 2 and a half seasons didn't feel like wasting my time after that. I actually thought season 1 was alright and had potential but it just kept getting worse and worse like the creative team had bets as to how low they could go.


Oct 27, 2017
Gotham Central as a TV show would be amazing. Just have Batman show up on the rooftop occasionally but hide him in the shadows. Pattinson doesn't even have to voice him since most likely he will be using a voice modulator.

Monkey D.

Oct 31, 2017
I watched the first 2 and a half seasons didn't feel like wasting my time after that. I actually thought season 1 was alright and had potential but it just kept getting worse and worse like the creative team had bets as to how low they could go.
You liked season 1? Makes sense you didn't like the rest. They changed alot starting with season 2 after people hated season 1


Oct 25, 2017
So is this going to be where the push and pull from the film... or Agents of the Sheild where Agents can reference Avengers but Avengers films don't give a shit about it.


Oct 26, 2017
Announcing a new cop show with what's going on in the US and rest of the world right now is a ballsy move.


Oct 25, 2017
You liked season 1? Makes sense you didn't like the rest. They changed alot starting with season 2 after people hated season 1

As I said it was alright, I never thought it was a great show and I mostly kept up on it hoping it would go somewhere interesting and it just started turning into a really lame Batman prequel with some atrocious design work. Stuff like Harley Quinn puts it to shame.