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Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Not the only way for criticism to hit home, no. I believe that the level of vitriol should be appropriate to the level of the offense. Consuming edibles and driving home, to me, should earn a good slap in the face by reality. "Don't do that again, OP," doesn't really cut it for me. My wife and I got sideswiped a couple of Thanksgivings by a fucking drunk, so I really, truly hope his friends and family were more critical than making frowny faces and suggesting he not drive drunk again.

I ain't calling OP a piece of shit, but I don't blame others who do.

Regardless of what your own experiences, it's unnecessary. OP knows what he did was wrong. Calling them a piece of shit for it, after they have posted saying they know that what they did was wrong, is pointless. It doesn't achieve anything.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
this is bizarre to me to say the least.

You say that you don't believe the OP posed a serious threat to other road users yet the first post of the thread doesn't portray a logical and fully functioning mindset sober enough to be behind the wheel of a few tonnes of metal!

They were clearly freaking out and not thinking straight, that's a huge threat to other people on the road
Ok, so I got home and have been recovering, not sure now what exactly happened.

Went to a party, had two Mike's and two pieces of an edible brownie which I hadn't had before(the time between my last drink and driving home was 2 hours)Had less than other people. Waited a half hour from the second piece and felt good enough to drive home. Like an hour later I feel immensely weird.and for a good hour I'm just out of it. Low inhibitions, time moving slowly, etc.

Luckily I fell asleep, but whatever high it was has been in my system and I've been trying to flush it out since.

I'm like 3/4 back to normal but yeah, shit's been embarrassing and weird.
The OP says the worst of the high- the point where he posted this thread- kicked in an hour after he had already driven home.

We are also not stopping anyone from criticizing the OP either (nor is the OP trying to deflect blame and spare his feelings, as he admits he was wrong) as most people have posted admonishment and education through this thread unscathed. You are free to tell OP it was a stupid thing to do.


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
I recently got fucked up badly because I got arrogant with my usage of edibles as I'd been using them for a while. Didn't factor in the other substances I subsequently imbibed and ended up having a real bad time.

Always have a plan that includes letting your friends know what you're up to (my mistake), and always have a plan to get back home safely.


Oct 26, 2017
Sure, the booze wasn't an issue at the time, but the weed most definitely was, and had the OP been pulled over they'd be booked for a DUI, even in states where weed is legal. Staff post probably needs to be updated IMO.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
He was so high he thought he had been roofied but okay.

Weird thread. I mean I'm glad to see overly hostile posts finally getting shut down but come on. Should just close it.

Mammoth Jones

Oct 25, 2017
New York
The OP says the worst of the high- the point where he posted this thread- kicked in an hour after he had already driven home.

Yes, therefore OP got lucky. What if during the drive that stuff kicked in fully? That's the thing, a person who's on drugs isn't in the best position to determine if they should drive. I know plenty of people that were messed up but saying "Nah, man I'm good."

We are also not stopping anyone from criticizing the OP either (nor is the OP trying to deflect blame and save his feelings) as most people have posted admonishment and education through this thread unscathed.

Agreed completely. The insults were 100% uncalled for. I just pray the mod team keeps this up long term and don't slip back into old habits. It really was getting bad.
Oct 29, 2017
Sidebar: Problem is that mentality turns the forum into a cesspool cause everyone feels justified in insulting other posters over every perceived slight. And trust me I know what you mean about drunk drivers. My mom never did heal right after being slammed by one and she still has painful days. It sucks.

That being said the mod team's renewed focus on toning down the hostility on this forum Is a good thing. It was ridiculous.

My wife has PTSD from the incident, any time we have to hit the brakes I can hear her gasp and her breathing shorten. Needless to say, the lives of anyone who drives under the influence aren't worth a shit to me anymore.

I'm all for mods working to decrease the level of hostility as long as it's applied across the board. The amount of posters I've seen slide for telling others to fuck off or other pithy shit is galling and really points to which way the wind blows.

Hell, not even GAF condoned that level of hostility until it started circling the toilet drain.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd ban the OP, not the other people insulting him. They could have killed someone with their recklessness.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, therefore OP got lucky. What if during the drive that stuff kicked in fully? That's the thing, a person who's on drugs isn't in the best position to determine if they should drive. I know plenty of people that were messed up but saying "Nah, man I'm good."
I agree. I don't agree with the OP's decisions at all, but I think with the way things turned out and his own admittance of fault that the level of hostility that begun to brew is unwarranted. But we wanted to make a distinction between those level of attacks and the ability for members to criticize what was obvious stupidity.

Agreed completely. The insults were 100% uncalled for. I just pray the mod team keeps this up long term and don't slip back into old habits. It really was getting bad.
We're trying our best here.


Oct 28, 2017
Don't drive under questionable levels of influence, and also don't consult a message board for possible medical emergencies.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't drive under questionable levels of influence, and also don't consult a message board for possible medical emergencies.
but maybe, just maybe, if you have no hope at all and no one else to call, you can make a thread and take your chances with the misanthropes of the internet instead of just asking a random man with scars on his face and two hooks for hands for help.


Dec 13, 2017
Official Staff Communication
The timeline of events as laid out by the OP and reaffirmed by other members, as well as a determination by another member in the thread that the OP's BAC was too low to break the legal threshold in America, means we do not believe the OP posed a serious threat to other drivers on the road. Furthermore, the OP has agreed that his decisions were reckless. Ultimately, we do not condone driving under the influence; anyone who wants to criticize and/or educate the OP for driving home after having consumed edibles is free to do so. Continued hostility towards the OP will be moderated as such.

BAC is not the only measurement of being impaired.

Being high on edibles while driving IS an undeniable threat to others and WILL get you a DWI or DUI if caught.

Cerium This is a troubling post as it makes it appear that Era condones driving while impaired, so long as alcohol isn't the cause. The board can (and should) moderate unnecessary hostility, but as someone who has lost family to impaired drivers, spreading the sort of information in this staff post from any position of authority is negligent at best.


Oct 28, 2017
but maybe, just maybe, if you have no hope at all and no one else to call, you can make a thread and take your chances with the misanthropes of the internet instead of just asking a random man with scars on his face and two hooks for hands for help.
Who knows what adventures may await if chances are taken with the Hooked Man?


Oct 25, 2017
Speed Force
Official Staff Communication
The timeline of events as laid out by the OP and reaffirmed by other members, as well as a determination by another member in the thread that the OP's BAC was too low to break the legal threshold in America, means we do not believe the OP posed a serious threat to other drivers on the road. Furthermore, the OP has agreed that his decisions were reckless. Ultimately, we do not condone driving under the influence; anyone who wants to criticize and/or educate the OP for driving home after having consumed edibles is free to do so. Continued hostility towards the OP will be moderated as such.
Speechless. I can't.


Oct 25, 2017
Glad OP is fine and a PSA TO ALL: please don't ever underestimate edibles, they're surprisingly more vicious than adorable brownies let on.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Official Staff Communication
The timeline of events as laid out by the OP and reaffirmed by other members, as well as a determination by another member in the thread that the OP's BAC was too low to break the legal threshold in America, means we do not believe the OP posed a serious threat to other drivers on the road. Furthermore, the OP has agreed that his decisions were reckless. Ultimately, we do not condone driving under the influence; anyone who wants to criticize and/or educate the OP for driving home after having consumed edibles is free to do so. Continued hostility towards the OP will be moderated as such.
Now this is something.


May 27, 2019
Official Staff Communication
The timeline of events as laid out by the OP and reaffirmed by other members, as well as a determination by another member in the thread that the OP's BAC was too low to break the legal threshold in America, means we do not believe the OP posed a serious threat to other drivers on the road. Furthermore, the OP has agreed that his decisions were reckless. Ultimately, we do not condone driving under the influence; anyone who wants to criticize and/or educate the OP for driving home after having consumed edibles is free to do so. Continued hostility towards the OP will be moderated as such.


Oct 29, 2017
You'll notice that the thread is filled with people calling out OP for their decisions and behaviour but most are unbanned. There's a clear difference between "OP that was a dumb decision, don't do it again" and "fuck you OP you piece of shit". Especially after OP has already acknowledged that what they did was wrong. It's completely unnecessary.

Like, what does insulting OP like that actually achieve?

I've had two friends killed by people driving under the influence, sorry if someone gets their feelings hurt while being called out for engaging in selfish/dangerous behavior


Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
The timeline of events as laid out by the OP and reaffirmed by other members, as well as a determination by another member in the thread that the OP's BAC was too low to break the legal threshold in America, means we do not believe the OP posed a serious threat to other drivers on the road. Furthermore, the OP has agreed that his decisions were reckless. Ultimately, we do not condone driving under the influence; anyone who wants to criticize and/or educate the OP for driving home after having consumed edibles is free to do so. Continued hostility towards the OP will be moderated as such.
Wow lol

How can I apply to be a mod? They seem to let anyone be one these days.


very salt heavy
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
The Negative Zone
Y'all should not be in the business of making thirdhand declarations of a user's sobriety or threat to drivers. Full stop. Totally inappropriate and as someone who has been affected by behavior like op's I'm shocked and kinda pissed that anyone would think that is okay as an official communication from the staff.


Oct 26, 2017
Official Staff Communication
determination by another member in the thread that the OP's BAC was too low to break the legal threshold in America, means we do not believe the OP posed a serious threat to other drivers on the road. Furthermore, the OP has agreed that his decisions were reckless.


Oct 29, 2017
Official Staff Communication
The timeline of events as laid out by the OP and reaffirmed by other members, as well as a determination by another member in the thread that the OP's BAC was too low to break the legal threshold in America, means we do not believe the OP posed a serious threat to other drivers on the road. Furthermore, the OP has agreed that his decisions were reckless. Ultimately, we do not condone driving under the influence; anyone who wants to criticize and/or educate the OP for driving home after having consumed edibles is free to do so. Continued hostility towards the OP will be moderated as such.


The staff just determined driving on edibles that had the OP thinking he had been roofied is ok?

This is absolute garbage post. I've had friends die because of people driving under the influence. Wow.

The OP literally was concerned someone roofied him the drugs affected him so much but you've determined he was legal to drive in the US because the Mike's hard lemonade may have worn off?


Oct 25, 2017
[STAFF]The timeline of events as laid out by the OP and reaffirmed by other members, as well as a determination by another member in the thread that the OP's BAC was too low to break the legal threshold in America, means we do not believe the OP posed a serious threat to other drivers on the road. Furthermore, the OP has agreed that his decisions were reckless. Ultimately, we do not condone driving under the influence; anyone who wants to criticize and/or educate the OP for driving home after having consumed edibles is free to do so. Continued hostility towards the OP will be moderated as such.[/STAFF]
In what world can you make that assumption?

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
I've had two friends killed by people driving under the influence, sorry if someone gets their feelings hurt while being called out for engaging in selfish/dangerous behavior
Yeah, what do people expect when someone knowingly drives impaired? That others are going to be really chill and go, "You know, that's a bad idea. You shouldn't do that." Impaired driving has affected countless people for decades. People are going to lash out at them.


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
OP was so out of it he thought he got roofied but is apparently good enough to drive wait, what the fuck

Why are BAC levels being determined...over the gaming forum moderators??? LOL.


Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
The timeline of events as laid out by the OP and reaffirmed by other members, as well as a determination by another member in the thread that the OP's BAC was too low to break the legal threshold in America, means we do not believe the OP posed a serious threat to other drivers on the road.

This is super fucking bizarre and not worthy of Era.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Unreal moderation. Unreal.

He said the worst of it was an hour after he had driven home. Clearly that could have happened WHILE HE WAS DRIVING, as he was under the effects of it and had no idea what would kick in. This thread's mere existence is proof he wasn't in a good state of mind.

I had a friend fucking die to a drunk driver. I'm sure they were a-ok as well!!!!!!!!

Cool!!! Don't want to be too harsh to someone's feelings now

The fact that someone thinks it's alright to have a staff communication on something like this is so fucked up I don't even know what to say. What in the absolute hell.


Oct 25, 2017
Mods all you had to say was "cool it with the overly aggressive attacks" not come up with this BS about how you were able to magically determine they were safe to drive despite being so zonked on edibles and alcohol they thought they were roofied

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I've had two friends killed by people driving under the influence, sorry if someone gets their feelings hurt while being called out for engaging in selfish/dangerous behavior

You can call out OPs behaviour without the entirety of your post being "fuck you OP you piece of shit"

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
"We believe without any empirical evidence or ability to collect any whatsoever that someone who consumed both alcohol and THC wasn't a danger on the road."

FOH man. OP's behavior is the height of irresponsibility.
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