John Marston

Oct 27, 2017
Isn't this kind of ridiculous? It kind of/indirectly implies that people hope for higher temperatures for higher discounts... when the planet is literally on the precipice of irreversible damage due to warming & climate scientists are fighting for every decimal reduction in ave. temp. Trivializing climate change IMO.

Planet is burning and people are dying but hey, we'll give you cheaper ice cream the hotter it gets.


Wishbone Ash

One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
It certainly looks dumb in consideration of that, but I doubt anyone in that marketing meeting had climate change in mind and just thought this was cute. Maybe felt it would get some good will on the heels of all the talk of corporations, like Wendy's, increasing prices with demand (though I'm not sure if that's relevant to the Philippines)


Oct 28, 2017
I don't really see the outrage here. It's a hot and humid country regardless of climate change, so I don't see how this trivializes it. Hot weather existed before. A single person can't change climate chance, no one is burning tires and running their car longer to get a extra 1% discount on a McFlurry. It's not a bad idea for a marketing campaign in their hottest months which it is right now.


Oct 25, 2017
Isn't this kind of ridiculous? It kind of/indirectly implies that people hope for higher temperatures for higher discounts... when the planet is literally on the precipice of irreversible damage due to warming & climate scientists are fighting for every decimal reduction in ave. temp. Trivializing climate change IMO.

Planet is burning and people are dying but hey, we'll give you cheaper ice cream the hotter it gets.


I'm with you. They should make it more expensive the hotter it gets. That way they can profit off of desperate people trying to cool down the hotter it gets. Plus the demand will be higher!
Jan 15, 2019
I can't say I'm outraged by the concept. I don't think a small discount on fast food ice cream is *quite* enough incentive to become pro-climate change or whatever.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
You mean I'm a bad person for idling my car 24/7 in the hopes of generating enough emissions to raise the temperature enough that I can save 33% off an iced coffee?


Oct 25, 2017
It certainly looks dumb in consideration of that, but I doubt anyone in that marketing meeting had climate change in mind and just thought this was cute. Maybe felt it would get some good will on the heels of all the talk of corporations, like Wendy's, increasing prices with demand (though I'm not sure if that's relevant to the Philippines)
yeah my college Ben and Jerrys basically did the same thing (albeit the other way around since it was so cold much of the year)
Oct 25, 2017
Connecting this to climate change is more of the self induced misery that's become commonplace on the internet.


Oct 27, 2017
Couldn't believe they could come up with an idea worse than the so-called $5 value meal, but they certainly trying their best.


Oct 29, 2017
The only outrage is that we wouldn't even get the smallest discount here in the UK. Where is the cold discount? 😂


Jan 17, 2019
Obviously not that serious and certainly isn't actively promoting contributing to global warming.... but if that Apple ad counts as tone deaf at a bare minimum, then so does this. Basically... would be cute, if climate change weren't a thing.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm with you. They should make it more expensive the hotter it gets. That way they can profit off of desperate people trying to cool down the hotter it gets. Plus the demand will be higher!

"You want to be cool like your hero Grimace? LOWER THE WORLD'S TEMPERATURE! Today McDonald's is saving the planet by ensuring our ice cream machines are "broken" whenever the ambient temperature measures over 18°C. Glacial ice? We're lovin' it."


Nov 2, 2017
Even if it was McDonalds monetizing climate change, McDonalds is like a posterchild of capitalism, so it'd hardly be surprising.

Personally I think it's just a gimmick and most people wont care or even think about it, outside of seeing their ice cream is like 5p cheaper. I hardly doubt people will be wishing for hot weather just to get a tiny discount on some shitty milkshake lmao.


Oct 25, 2017
Enforce this concept by law and these companies will be at the front fighting climate change.
Apr 17, 2019
^Please be joking, otherwise what the actual fuck.
33-36 celsius is around 91-97 f btw

Not going to bat for a corp ever but I don't understand how this trivializes climate change. Us living in tropical countries have these kinds of promotions so often when the temps spiked from street stall drinks vendors and restaurants so uhh welcome to the equator?
Anyway, the city I'm in now is currently at 34 Celsius 5 days a week I gotta check if there's any simiIar promotions around. I'd take 34% discount of anything.


Oct 25, 2017
If it helps people get things to stay cool when it's super hot this can only be a good thing. People are really stupid if it suddenly gets hot, they forget to drink water, wear sunscreen or do anything to attempt to feel better as they just assume they're fine and they can tough it out. Doing anything you can to make things easier for people to stay cool (including giving people incentives to buy things that help) I think is nice.

Yes climate change is a problem, but doing anything to help people deal with the affects of it is not promoting it. Nobody is going to think great the hotter it gets the cheaper things are so I want to be more hot and uncomfortable.


Feb 11, 2022
As someone who's from the Philippines, and is currently on holiday here, just wanted to chime in on the topic. Based on speaking to my friends here, we're well aware of the climate change situation. We've literally been feeling the brunt of the effects of climate change, for several years now (Temp. getting progressively warmer, typhoons getting more frequent/worse, etc.).

To be honest, the people here are just doing their best to cope with a really shitty situation. Filipinos typically try to use humour to help deal/cope with shitty situations. I think that's what the local marketing team was trying to go for , with this marketing campaign. I also think that a lot of people here would really appreciate any form of discount, even for smaller items like this.

Another thing I noted from discussions with my friends on climate change, is their frustration towards larger/more industrialized countries.They feel it's unfair that poorer/smaller countries like the Philippines have to suffer for the sins of much larger/well developed countries.

To be honest, I think you guys should vent your anger/outrage towards the companies(although tbf, McDonald's might be part of this list lol) /governments who are severely impacting our climate.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
nobody is wishing for a higher temperatures to eat/drink at McDonalds for discounted rates like wtf

I get the moral apprehension of this with this just being another example of a capitalist institution being more capitalist but like it's gonna be hotter regardless of this promotion existing or not.


Oct 25, 2017
What a total fail in outrage. No one in South East Asia hopes for hotter weather to get discounts. These are not uncommon discount offers to basically say "yeah it's a shitty hot day, here have a cheaper ice cream/cold drink."

Get over yourself OP.


Oct 27, 2017
Seems like a fun way to add a discount that people will likely want to use at those temps anyway. I think laying any global warming meaning on top of it is a stretch. These are people in marketing they just want to do their job and have successful marketing plans, it's not that deep.


Oct 27, 2017
You're overthinking it. A (pretty big) local fast-food chain did it a few times during winter where I live.


Oct 27, 2017
I know an ice cream place in Maine (Gelato Fiasco) that used to do the exact opposite of this. They'd give you a discount for coming in and eating their gelato that increased as the temperature dipped further below freezing. I thought it was a pretty clever way to drum up business during what would usually be a slow time for them.

This, on the other hand, just seems like it's going to get them mobbed on hot days where this stuff would already be selling pretty well.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
Companies have been doing weird marketing stuff like this for forever. You're overthinking it OP.

Obesity is a massive (not intended) problem in the US and like every sporting event has some kind of junk food promotion. "If your baseball team scores 6 or more runs you get three glazed donuts the next day at donut king!"
Last edited:


Aug 21, 2019
These type of promotions have been a thing forever. I've seen the opposite as well, like buy a frosty for today's high temp in winter.

There's enough things in this world that deserve outrage that inventing something to be mad at doesn't really help.


Aug 1, 2018
McDonald's used to have a $1 any size drink during the Summer here. Literally no one ever said "I can't wait until it's over 100 degrees every day so I can get $1 drinks at McDonald's!"

Like I get hating Capitalism and being skeptical but I don't think folks are going to be wanting hotter days simply for some cheaper ice cream.


"This guy are sick"
Dec 9, 2020
I think that's kinda cool? I wouldn't have connected it to climate change at all.


Shinra Employee of The Wise Ones
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it's tied to climate change; McDonalds has the $1 drink/ice cream here in the summer, since it can get really hot and humid; they make a ton of money on it from people popping in for cold drinks/stuff. That's really it.