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Oct 25, 2017
Sure but my only point is that these games were signed off on knowing full well the home market isn't going to give the huge numbers like previous entries. Square/capcom did not assume PS4 was going to be huge for them in japan or #1 like the other person put it.

Of course they assumed it would be huge in Japan. It was #1 in Japan at the same time it was breaking records in the US. They had no reason to think anything else was going to compete.


Oct 27, 2017
Of course they assumed it would be huge in Japan. It was #1 in Japan at the same time it was breaking records in the US. They had no reason to think anything else was going to compete.

No reason except for actual sales data for the last 6 years. If it isn't obvious, PS4 was sought after for its overseas domination.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I need receipts on this.

Did Orgen imply that Pokemon Company and GameFreak wants out from Nintendo platforms, back in the time when Nintendo just came off the then-hot DS? (Before any 3DS game came out).

I think it was more about Gamefreak. Orgen said he heard it from the same source that told him about B2/W2 and he didn't quite buy it but the gist was indeed that they wanted to take the games multiplatform(presumably to Mobile).

Considering the success of Pokémon Go and the expected failure of Switch I don't find implausible they wanted to drop Nintendo hardware altogether. Of course Nintendo holds too many cards for that to happen.


Oct 25, 2017
Of course they assumed it would be huge in Japan. It was #1 in Japan at the same time it was breaking records in the US. They had no reason to think anything else was going to compete.

MHW was never greenlighted because PS4 was going to be the dominant platform in Japan. Anyone who has the slightest idea of the japanese market could say how PS4 was destined to perform.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think capcom were that stupid to assume PS4 would be number one in japan.
Actually,it could be.The reception of the ps4 at first was really good and the 3ds really was struggling early in its life,so it could be easy to convince SE and Capcom that the system would be the return of home console in both Japan and WW to develope japanese focused titles for the system as well as showing them that they could expand their games to the "milk and honey" western market


Oct 25, 2017
What? DmC never had a good PR push. it had a near universally hate for its PR push from its unveiling to the directors comments that annoyed fans of the original. MHW meanwhile is getting a great reception from old fans and newcomers. The press are excited to see the concept flourish with the leap of technology presumably.

I don't want to make this thread abotu DmC now, but you're kidding right? Some examples for you: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 . Hell, even the reviews for the vanilla version, before they changed their mind and said at the definitive edition re-release that actually it wasn't that good.
Anyway, all that to confirm that yes, the press coverage of the DMC reboot was fantastic, unlike its sales numbers. There's enough old threads on the old forum and news on google for you to find that.

edit: again, as said before, I wasn't talking about the fan reception but the press coverage. Fan reception of RE7 was mostly great too, same for the press coverage. Look at the sales.
Every developer of a great game wishes that it translates into sales.

Phife Dawg

Oct 27, 2017
I think MHW is set to be a massive hit with the PC gamer community. I genuinely think 10 million lifetime worldwide isn't an outrageous prediction.
MHW has an uphill battle in regards to online multi games on PC. It will compete with MOBA, PUBG style games, hero FPS etc. MH requires skill building and grinding and has no established fanbase on PC to rely upon. 10m ww means ~8.5m in the west. This would put it at midling AssCreed numbers for instance. And those have more mainstream appeal and higher marketing budget.

Mainline team works on MHW. Spin off team works on SW game as a portable line up.
Discussion was about needing to start from scratch vs making sure MHW could be ported/adapted easily. I am assuming Capcom is continuing the portable line ofc.


Oct 28, 2017
I swear some of you guys have way more faith in World than even Capcom do, they are scared to say how much they expect it to sell for starters because they know they can't say they expect less than the 3ds games
MHW is a home console title, are people really expecting it to sell more than the portable console titles? I mean, MH3 (1.9 million) didn't even sell anywhere close to what MHP3rd (4.9 million) did, despite being on Wii.


Oct 25, 2017
MHW is a home console title, are people really expecting it to sell more than the portable console titles? I mean, MH3 (1.9 million) didn't even sell anywhere close to what MHP3rd (4.9 million) did, despite being on Wii.
Some do, because PS4 is a huge success in the west (X1 will have no impact on the game sales), and somehow Horizon and Souls will make it more popular now. Also the Wii was bad according to some of those...


Oct 25, 2017
The Netherlands
I don't want to make this thread abotu DmC now, but you're kidding right? Some examples for you: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 . Hell, even the reviews for the vanilla version, before they changed their mind and said at the definitive edition re-release that actually it wasn't that good.
Anyway, all that to confirm that yes, the press coverage of the DMC reboot was fantastic, unlike its sales numbers. There's enough old threads on the old forum and news on google for you to find that.

edit: again, as said before, I wasn't talking about the fan reception but the press coverage. Fan reception of RE7 was mostly great too, same for the press coverage. Look at the sales.
Every developer of a great game wishes that it translates into sales.
The bolded isn't true, though? Reviews for the re-release are an 83, compared to the original 86. Unless you mean that they changed their mind after the re-release.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I thought we had moved on to talking about how Xenoblade 2 was going to bomb anyway?

The bolded isn't true, though? Reviews for the re-release are an 83, compared to the original 86. Unless you mean that they changed their mind after the re-release.

Think about how GTAIV is treated now compared to on release.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought we had moved on to talking about how Xenoblade 2 was going to bomb anyway?

Think about how GTAIV is treated now compared to on release.

There is no universe in which Xenoblade 2 is going to bomb. It is going to review very well and it's probably going to sell more than the other two Xenoblade games globally.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't want to make this thread abotu DmC now, but you're kidding right? Some examples for you: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 . Hell, even the reviews for the vanilla version, before they changed their mind and said at the definitive edition re-release that actually it wasn't that good.
Anyway, all that to confirm that yes, the press coverage of the DMC reboot was fantastic, unlike its sales numbers. There's enough old threads on the old forum and news on google for you to find that.

edit: again, as said before, I wasn't talking about the fan reception but the press coverage. Fan reception of RE7 was mostly great too, same for the press coverage. Look at the sales.
Every developer of a great game wishes that it translates into sales.

With PR push I thought you were referring to the video they put out to which the fans hated. Either way, the clear difference is that fans are actually excited for MHW.


Oct 25, 2017
Sure but my only point is that these games were signed off on knowing full well the home market isn't going to give the huge numbers like previous entries. Square/capcom did not assume PS4 was going to be huge for them in japan or #1 like the other person put it.

This is up to debate. I'm pretty sure Sony was pretty confident to perform way better than previous generation given franchises like DQ fully on board (which doesn't necessarily mean being #1). Square Enix betted hard on PS4 as well as all the other companies, Capcom included. Transition wasn't smooth at the beginning, but software house might have well thought to be able to gain some more confidence in the domestic home console market thanks to PS4 support by other companies.

Also, you don't need to be #1 console to sell 3m units of games. FFX sold 3m on a PS2 below 10m units.


Oct 25, 2017
Actually,it could be.The reception of the ps4 at first was really good and the 3ds really was struggling early in its life,so it could be easy to convince SE and Capcom that the system would be the return of home console in both Japan and WW to develope japanese focused titles for the system as well as showing them that they could expand their games to the "milk and honey" western market



Oct 25, 2017
Is there any way to save the series right now?
Style Savvy would be perfect for the vast mobile audience. Would be nice to have it integrate with a Switch counterpart, like in the Switch version you manage an own store while in the mobile version you can visit all those different stores.

I'm sure this has come up before but Orgen said years ago that Gamefreak/TPC wanted out of exclusivity and that was before any of the 3DS games came out.
Was that after or before TPC was already releasing mobile spinoffs?


Oct 28, 2017
Eventually, you follow up with the Switch MH and release that in the West, too.
Are you saying this based on some knowledge, or are you guessing this "because it makes sense"?

if based on knowledge, ok. Otherwise, if you actually look at Capcom's behavior, it is much more probable MHP will be Japan only, so as not to risk detracting from growing MHW as much as possible. See MHXX.


Oct 25, 2017
Are you saying this based on some knowledge, or are you guessing this "because it makes sense"?

if based on knowledge, ok. Otherwise, if you actually look at Capcom's behavior, it is much more probable MHP will be Japan only, so as not to risk detracting from growing MHW as much as possible. See MHXX.

not localizing XX is a top 5 dumb Capcom move


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
There is no universe in which Xenoblade 2 is going to bomb. It is going to review very well and it's probably going to sell more than the other two Xenoblade games globally.

But it's way behind on COMG pretty much the same on COMG!

Style Savvy would be perfect for the vast mobile audience. Would be nice to have it integrate with a Switch counterpart, like in the Switch version you manage an own store while in the mobile version you can visit all those different stores.

Was that after or before TPC was already releasing mobile spinoffs?

It was before X/Y so I'm fairly sure that's before spin offs started releasing on Mobile.


Oct 25, 2017
The bolded isn't true, though? Reviews for the re-release are an 83, compared to the original 86. Unless you mean that they changed their mind after the re-release.

Oregano answered it better than I would. DE editions (sometimes by the same reviewers) also compare it to the vanilla version obviously, and as you said, somehow give it a lower score all while saying that the vanilla version was worse.

With PR push I thought you were referring to the video they put out to which the fans hated. Either way, the clear difference is that fans are actually excited for MHW.

Oh no, talked about the press coverage, sorry if I said it the wrong way.
And yeah, like in my edit, MHW fans are excited for it, especially since the coverage after the E3 trailer (that was shown in a bad way leading to some doubts). RE7 is a good comparison there.


Oct 25, 2017
MH World is going to need to probably sell between 2-3 million in the US/EUR to make up for lost Japanese sales for not being on a handheld and I just do not see that happening.


Oct 25, 2017
MH World is going to need to probably sell between 2-3 million in the US/EUR to make up for lost Japanese sales for not being on a handheld and I just do not see that happening.
It will sell easily 2+ millions in the west, let's not be ridiculous now. But it'll need to sell in the 3.5+M to compensate the japanese sales.
Then if we're talking profits and how big the budget of World was, we enter into monetization discussions that Capcom refuses to talk about. We've just had that conversation over the past pages :p


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
From what I have heard, Capcom has no less than 8 Switch games in dev (none of which is Monster Hunter yet), but Capcom clearly has seen the light in terms of Switch.

I need to see receipts on this. Otherwise, it just comes across as wrong. Are you able to hint at anything in a vague way?

I think it was more about Gamefreak. Orgen said he heard it from the same source that told him about B2/W2 and he didn't quite buy it but the gist was indeed that they wanted to take the games multiplatform(presumably to Mobile).

Considering the success of Pokémon Go and the expected failure of Switch I don't find implausible they wanted to drop Nintendo hardware altogether. Of course Nintendo holds too many cards for that to happen.

That is two different periods in time....

Game Freak is also not the developer for Go, which is the most successful, and only successful mobile game of the franchise. They also brought KOA games only back in 2015. Therefore, during early 3DS launch, Game Freak has NO mobile development ability. It just sounds kinda weird that Game Freak would try something back in 2009. Pokemon Company I can see, but Game Freak...not so much


Oct 26, 2017
There is no universe in which Xenoblade 2 is going to bomb. It is going to review very well and it's probably going to sell more than the other two Xenoblade games globally.
as I said before,the switch isn't some kind of bulletproofed console that every game can sell well on it,few bombed on it,xenoblade 2 could be the next one

Btw,wtf was wrong with that "Pokemon goes multiplatform" thing?


Oct 25, 2017
It will sell easily 2+ millions in the west, let's not be ridiculous now. But it'll need to sell in the 3.5+M to compensate the japanese sales.
Then if we're talking profits and how big the budget of World was, we enter into monetization discussions that Capcom refuses to talk about. We've just had that conversation over the past pages :p

I don't think its going to easily sell 2 million when the highest selling MH in the west is 1 million.


Oct 25, 2017
MH World is going to need to probably sell between 2-3 million in the US/EUR to make up for lost Japanese sales for not being on a handheld and I just do not see that happening.
It is definitely going to pull off 2 million.

In order to compensate the Japanese sales they probably need to pull out around 3~4 million.

I don't think its going to easily sell 2 million when the highest selling MH in the west is 1 million.

The game is coming out in three platforms. PC/Xbox One/PS4.

With big marketing push from Capcom and Sony, I can't think of a scenario where the game sells less than 2 million.


Oct 25, 2017
I need to see receipts on this. Otherwise, it just comes across as wrong. Are you able to hint at anything in a vague way?

That is two different periods in time....

Game Freak is also not the developer for Go, which is the most successful, and only successful mobile game of the franchise. They also brought KOA games only back in 2015. Therefore, during early 3DS launch, Game Freak has NO mobile development ability. It just sounds kinda weird that Game Freak would try something back in 2009. Pokemon Company I can see, but Game Freak...not so much

I have heard about multiple Resident Evil, Street Fighter, AA games. Ports of older games, but still, that is just the start apparently.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I need to see receipts on this. Otherwise, it just comes across as wrong. Are you able to hint at anything in a vague way?

That is two different periods in time....

Game Freak is also not the developer for Go, which is the most successful, and only successful mobile game of the franchise. They also brought KOA games only back in 2015. Therefore, during early 3DS launch, Game Freak has NO mobile development ability. It just sounds kinda weird that Game Freak would try something back in 2009. Pokemon Company I can see, but Game Freak...not so much

Well Orgen just said they wanted to take the series multiplatform(and Gamefreak have since got multi for non-Pokémon stuff), he didn't specifically say mobile. That's an assumption on my part.

That's not bombing though...........



Oct 25, 2017
With PR push I thought you were referring to the video they put out to which the fans hated. Either way, the clear difference is that fans are actually excited for MHW.

I mean fans are definitely excited and hyped for MHW, what I do question is mainstream appeal. Capcom won't be happy with Nier/Nioh like numbers in the West and currently there doesn't appear to be substantial following for the game on mainstream mediums. Outside of the reveal trailer with 8.4M views there is only 3 Western videos with over 1M views. Only one video out of those three actually surpasses 2M views. For example Wolfenstein II in the lead up to it's release was able to drum up a similar view count from it's trailers. And Wolfenstein like numbers are unlikely to be enough for Capcom.
Post Christmas the marketing really needs to ramp up and get more people interested in the game.
Last edited:


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
fe0 here posted the following on discord. This is good information that should be shared.

This is the summary of the earnings for all the major (and some smaller, but prominent) publishers and development houses in Japan . This is a rough YoY guide. Some companies restructure all the time so divisions may shrink or grow in revenue due to this. However this gives us a baseline of comparison.


Now that the Japanese game companies have posted their earnings, we can compare the results of their gaming divisions.

Net Sales / Operating Income (Operating Margin) [In billions of yen]

Q1 Results (3 Months)
Cave: 0.60 / 0.03 (4.5%)

Q2 Results (6 Months)
Square Enix
: 102.10 / 26.59 (26.0%)
Bandai Namco: 190.34 / 25.79 (13.5%)
Konami: 57.77 / 19.25 (33.3%)
Sega Sammy: 101.56 / 10.14 (10.0%)
Capcom: 20.14 / 3.83 (19.0%)
Koei Tecmo: 13.41 / 2.65 (19.7%)
Kadokawa Dwango: 23.1 / 1.89 (8.2%) [Parent Company of From Software/Spike Chunsoft]
Marvelous: 3.50 / 0.94 (26.9%)
Nippon Ichi Software: 2.96 / 0.48 (16.2%)
FuRyu: 1.02 / -0.63 (loss)

Q3 Results (9 Months
GungHo Online: 70.00 / 28.18 (40.3%)

Q4 Results (12 Months)
Nihon Falcom: 2.06 / 0.97 (47.2%)
Tose: 4.37 / 0.48 (11.0%)(edited)

Bandai Namco and Sega Sammy include amusement facilities in their gaming divisions, so that would bring up net sales/operating income, but it brings down their operating margins. Marvelous separates online games from their gaming division. Kadokawa Dwango combines game with video, which affects their operating margin. Licensing is a large revenue stream for Nihon Falcom, which raises their operating margin by a considerable amount. GungHo Online is one of the few companies to post a YoY decline



Oct 25, 2017
It is definitely going to pull off 2 million.

In order to compensate the Japanese sales they probably need to pull out around 3~4 million.

The game is coming out in three platforms. PC/Xbox One/PS4.

With big marketing push from Capcom and Sony, I can't think of a scenario where the game sells less than 2 million.

You're ignoring that in the end it's still Monster Hunter. It's still a game where all there really is to do is attack and chase a limited amount of (absolutely horribly named) monsters for 10+ minutes a piece for the entirety of the game. I love Monster Hunter games, but all the stuff they improved for QoL reasons were things that the Base disliked because it took emphasis away from incessantly thwacking monsters. Other than giving the game a facelift they really haven't messed with the core of the game that the turns most players off.


DF Deet Master
Oct 25, 2017
did you hear about Pokemon Go?
A game TPC doesn't even make or publish?

It's clear that Capcom thought portables(and Switch) were completely dead, as did a lot of other companies such as The Pokemon Company. It's totally plausible that they have no plans whatsoever for portable Monster Hunter going forward.
Nintendo wouldn't have Pokemon listed for "2018 or later" if Pokemon Switch didn't exist past pre-production. Not even the 3ds games were made in so little time


Oct 26, 2017

"Vinnk's Village" Anecdotal Report

Hello all. Not sure how interesting this is going to be (slower week than last) but I had some requests to see doing these. If there is anything specific you would like me to check for, feel free to let me know.

Disclaimer: These are my observations and not intended to represent all of Japan or really anything other than my own experiences in a small town in Japan.

Switch Hardware: 0
Mario Odyssey : In stock. Unknown how many copies.

Youme Town
Switch Hardware: 0
Mario Odyssey: Sold out

Did not go this week.

Best Denki
Switch Hardware: O
Mario Odyssey: In stock. Only display boxes on the shelf, but I could count 3 copies behind the counter.

Switch Hardware: O
Mario Odyssey: New sold out. 1 used copy for about 400 yen less than a new copy.

Famicom Dojo
Did not go this week.

Yamada Denki
Switch Hardware: O
Mario Odyssey: In stock. Unknown quantity.

Book Off
Switch Hardware: 0 new. Saw that they had a used switch (or at least the box) in the recently traded in section but it wasn't priced or put out yet.
Mario Odyssey: Sold out

1. I have still never seen a new switch unit in the wild. I got mine at launch on Amazon and have never see another new unit.

2. Minecraft is still huge among kids here. Those I have talked to who have PS4s pretty much all have Minecraft. Oddly enough many Switch owning kids I talked to did not know they can play Minecraft on the Switch. It strikes me as odd since it is a fairly high-profile game. Then again I don't see special download cards for this game in my area (did they make them at all?) and perhaps the younger kids don't check the eShop to see it ranked near the top. It is clear due to it's ranking that many people are buying it, but I think there is a lot of untapped market for when a physical version is eventually released.

3. Wolfenstein II is getting more advertising in stores than I expected. I have a feeling this one might do OK here. It comes out in about 2 weeks I think.

4. Xbox One X. Only 3 of the stores in my town even carry XBox1 stuff. And if I didn't know it was releasing this week, I would not have known from these stores. I think Yamada Denki was taking pre-orders nationwide, but I did not see any special display at my local store. Launch was a non-event.

5. I have still never seen a Famicom Mini in the wild at retail price. Only used ones going for over retail. And it is making me really mad at this point. I know.. My fault for not pre-ordering but seriously..

6. Amibo sections at 2 stores getting smaller. The space is being used to make room for switch stuff. Not sure if this is temporary or not.

7. I said this earlier in the thread but since it is indeed just an anecdote I'll include it here as well. I teach school children as part of my job. And this conversation or one very much like it has happened to me several times in the past few weeks.

Kid: I'm getting a Switch for Christmas/birthday!
Vinnk: Cool. What game do you want to play?
Kid: Monster Hunter World!
Vinnk: Oh, I don't think that's on the Switch. You mean Monster Hunter XX?
Kid: No. Monster Hunter World. For Switch.

8. I went to a Book Net near Fukuoka just a few hours ago. I noticed something surprising. I even took a photo because I didn't know if it would be believable without it. It looks like along with Odyssey, 2 of the Tecmo/Koei ports are sold out!

I was not expecting that. It is possible that this store received a very limited number or that there is a higher than usual fanbase for these games who shop at this store. No idea. I will admit I have not been looking at the other stores to see if these were sold. This is because they were not on my radar at all until I saw them sold out here. From early reports these titles sold very poorly so I am not sure how to explain this anomaly. One odd shop can easily be relegated to "statistical noise". Still I found it interesting.


Hardware is also sold out of course. The only Joycons usually available are the neon. Sometimes the Splatoon ones. I haven't seen a set of ARMs ones in stock for a long time.


9. Many used copies of Gran Turismo Sport already at shops selling used games. New copies of the game have not hit bomba bins but about half of the shops have discounted it. You can easily get a new copy for under 5000yen.

10. Lots of used copies of Splatoon 2, Mario Kart 8DX and Zelda. But they are only a 500 or 1000 yen cheaper than new. At least so far.

11. Sony VR is another impossible to find product. I have yet to see a new one for sale.

12. IMPORT copies of Mario and Rabbids Kingdom Battle are a featured item on the front page of Suruga. Guess some people can't wait.


That's all for this week. Hope it was entertaining.


Oct 26, 2017
Hold up,how is the reception of Mario+Rabbids in Japan so far?
9. Many used copies of Gran Turismo Sport already at shops selling used games. New copies of the game have not hit bomba bins but about half of the shops have discounted it. You can easily get a new copy for under 5000yen.
GTS did ok


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for a new Vinnk's Village! Super interesting as usual.

You're ignoring that in the end it's still Monster Hunter. It's still a game where all there really is to do is attack and chase a limited amount of (absolutely horribly named) monsters for 10+ minutes a piece for the entirety of the game. I love Monster Hunter games, but all the stuff they improved for QoL reasons were things that the Base disliked because it took emphasis away from incessantly thwacking monsters. Other than giving the game a facelift they really haven't messed with the core of the game that the turns most players off.

While I agree with you on the current upper limit of MHW due to those issues, it will surpass Tri for several reasons:
- Tri was the first western breakthrough for the franchise, and Nintendo helped building on that to make 4U sell more than 1.5M in the west. World won't have the same kind of wall to surpass.
- Let's be honest, Wii, turned off some hardcore gamers due to the online and the motion controls. Anecdotal, but I know some PS2-era MonHun friends that played (and liked) Tri only after being lent a Wii, they wouldn't buy one. This gen of consoles also improved massively on the online side, making it less worrying than the old way.

It will pass 2M in the west. But yeah, for upper potential, it'll be way harder to go past 3M (not counting PC, but I doubt it'll bring a lot more than 1M in the end, which would be already great).
Combine that with the very likely huge decline in japanese sales...


Oct 25, 2017
"Vinnk's Village" Anecdotal Report

Thanks for the always interesting report.

GTS might not reach bargain bins because holidays are approaching and that might be a game people will pick up alongside the hardware, because there are not many PS4 high-profile releases. Surely, the game was overshipped.

As for Musou games, I'm not expecting them to sell well, but enough copies overall for KT to be satisfied. I think they will try to exploit the Switch explosion during holidays.
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