
Oct 27, 2017
Last topic from this interview if mods wants to combine it with my other topic that fine :)

I thought this was really cool.

GC: Do you also see Dreams as an educational product? Because it seems to me it'd work great in the classroom.

MH: Yep, absolutely. We've had a lot of schools and universities already get in touch with us about wanting to use it the curriculum.
GC: So even a university would use it?

MH: In a game design course or something it's perfect, because you can prototype stuff so quickly. That's the thing, it is genuinely a full-on, comprehensive set of tools to make games or films… and there's a learning curve to that but I would argue it's much quicker than trying to learn all the other software you'd have to learn. And crucially you've got all these different tools in one place. They're not separate packages that you've got to work out how to get them to communicate with each other, it's all in the same place using the same interface.

Dreams review and interview – video game construction kit

GameCentral reviews the new game creation tool from the makers of LittleBigPlanet and talks to creative director Mark Healey about its future.


Oct 27, 2017
Dreams is fantastic as an engine, I really hope MM find a way to let people monetise and publish with it.


"This guy are sick"
The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Love all these recent Dreams threads :) the game is an absolute joy


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I'm actually gonna speak to the games dept in my uni to see if they are interested.


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
People that never developed before are doing crazy stuff in a week.

Imagine how much talent will be discovered this way.


Oct 25, 2017
i remember back in the days they went to schools with LBP.

Dreams seem like a natural progression and the fact it can do so much more its good to have kids start their path if they want to be a game dev when they grow up.

i can't wait for when they start to game jams again. it was fun to see people who never use the tool make a game in a few days.
Oct 27, 2017
I can see savvy-enough school lecturers for any grade level getting in there and whipping up rube goldberg type puzzles, snooper troops type detective cases, incredible machine type puzzles. Non-tech-savvy ones will still want self-guided software.

One of the most incredible things about Dreams is the ease of which you can make a doodle drawing in the air, then have it come to life in moments as a 3D animated representation of what you were doodling.

Dreams makes it seem like getting 60-80% of the way there is faster than ever. But to get creations into robust "release-ready" quality still takes a ton of development, artistry, programming, and testing. And it's just too easy to pull down a 3D animated character that has had dozens of hours put into it by someone in the community, and start using it in your own creation that is just minutes old.

One of the risks of this endeavor is taking for granted the amount of time and effort that goes (and went - seven years to date for the platform itself) into all these creations. I hope there will be better rewards for great creators down the line than just in-game popularity. I see a few have become successful streamers, so that's one way I suppose.


Oct 25, 2017
THis is awesome. I can imagine it being such a great tool for budding developers to get to grips with.

GG MM, looking forward to firing it up this weekend and trying the new games.
Oct 27, 2017
Here's my opinion if media molecule had decided to release dreams as a paid for engine to compete with unity/ue4 they'd legit have provided them a decent run for their money for a lot of indie projects. If I could buy a commercial license for dreams I would do so in a heartbeat because it's sooo much easier than learning 20 different work flows for asset creation etc. I hope this is in the cards and PS5/pc support is coming.


Oct 25, 2017
South East Asia
My friend teaches art to kids and she's introducing them to Dreams. It's an amazingly cost effective solution to get them into digital sculpting.
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda wish MM created another campaign where there was a certain more mainstream character to associate with the game. Bit like sackboy, just more marketable. I really want this game to succeed.
They'll be making more dreams . They've said they don't consider arts dream a campaign which is why they don't have a story mode tab


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda wish MM created another campaign where there was a certain more mainstream character to associate with the game. Bit like sackboy, just more marketable. I really want this game to succeed.

Its actually a big reason I skipped dreams. Outside of that, I can use Unity, Blender, Maya etc and have quite a lot of experience with DAW's and have used virtually all of the major ones, so I'm likely in an odd spot of having experience with most of what I'd need via hobbies anyway. In essence it makes more sense for me to work on a platform I could monetize from.

But, I played the shit out of LBP and spent a lot of time making worlds just because it had a certain charm to it. It also taught me boolean logic since I was making puzzle games, air hockey etc. It could just be age and experience that causes me to find Dreams has less to offer me now than LBP did before, but the lack of an identifier like Sackboy has made it a harder sale to me as a game and I enjoyed LBP for both aspects.

That said Dreams does seem like a great place to quickly put together a vertical slice for testing purposes, but I'd be more tempted if it were on PC, supported the other VR options and allowed me to export the assets in a format usable by most other engines.
Feb 21, 2019
My bet is that there will be an enchanced version for ps5 upon release date, with a PC version to follow about 6 months- year later.
Oct 24, 2019
Kinda wish MM created another campaign where there was a certain more mainstream character to associate with the game. Bit like sackboy, just more marketable. I really want this game to succeed.

Yeah that's fair. Though at the same time, I have to say that Steve may be one of the least "iconic" looking icons and Minecraft did just fine with him as its mascot haha.

I personally think the Imps are cuter and more appealing than Steve
Oct 24, 2019
Not sure about this. The reach of Minecraft is incredible and the barrier to entry is significantly lower in both platform availability and technical level required.

Sure, but Minecraft's potential scope and utility is far lower. You can make some cool stuff in Minecraft, but at the end of the day it's all block-based buildings and whatnot. In Dreams you could literally just make Minecraft if you wanted lol.

Now I'm not saying that Dreams will outsell Minecraft or anything like that, Minecraft was lightning in a bottle. When I say "bigger" I mean that Dreams has far more potential applications outside of gaming, and it could also be one of the most influential games of all time in a way that Minecraft is not


Oct 27, 2017
Sure, but Minecraft's potential scope and utility is far lower. You can make some cool stuff in Minecraft, but at the end of the day it's all block-based buildings and whatnot. In Dreams you could literally just make Minecraft if you wanted lol.

Which is great, and precisely what shuts the door on the young child market, and possibly the rest of the family market. What you want is Minecraft -> Creative -> Superflat -> off you go and not a game creation engine. Nothing wrong with appealing to a particular level of user with expertise, but as you get more technical, you get more limited in appeal. It's why Mario Maker does well - within a few minutes you've banged together your own Mario level with some really basic and transparent tools and you're having fun.
Oct 24, 2019
Which is great, and precisely what shuts the door on the young child market, and possibly the rest of the family market. What you want is Minecraft -> Creative -> Superflat -> off you go and not a game creation engine. Nothing wrong with appealing to a particular level of user with expertise, but as you get more technical, you get more limited in appeal. It's why Mario Maker does well - within a few minutes you've banged together your own Mario level with some really basic and transparent tools and you're having fun.

I mean you're ignoring an entire half of the game, which doesn't require any creation at all. Kids who are very young and not interested in learning the creation tools can just Dreamsurf and have tons of fun


Dec 4, 2017
Yeah that's fair. Though at the same time, I have to say that Steve may be one of the least "iconic" looking icons and Minecraft did just fine with him as its mascot haha.

I personally think the Imps are cuter and more appealing than Steve

I feel like the creepers were more of the mascot for Minecraft, just seen them more around on shirts, figures etc.

They said they will release "packs" of levels, and mentioned LBP.

I think it will be a bit too late after release now, unless Sony market the DLC like the release, but the marketing of the main game was lackluster to begin with, so I'm not very confident.