
I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
Metroid Fusion is a generally well-regarded entry in a well-regarded series.

I rarely see it get called "the best" anything, however.


I would like to put forth the claim that it is the most atmospheric and aesthetically appealing game in the franchise.


-It takes the iconography we know and turns it on its head. Samus looks different. The Samus we're used to is now made into an Alien-esque villain. The gunship is different. The setting is completely different, taking place completely on a research station in space rather than an alien planet. Everything is new and exciting, which is something that's quite bold and adventurous for an otherwise relatively thematically consistent series.



-The idea of having your previous abilities taken and used against you is an amazing idea. You don't just lose them, but are now at their mercy. This gives the player a feeling of starting again without it feeling forced for gameplay reasons.


-The X-parasites are a creepy and cool enemy that have good justification for existing. They bring a new element of sci-fi to the series. Metroids were predators, but the X-parasites are something more than that, something that lurks in the darkness and get beneath your skin... or someone else's.


-The abandoned research station manages to be visually diverse despite it technically being a single location. There's ice and lava and shadow areas. Because it's all synthetic, rather than an organic location like Zebes, Tallon IV, SR-388, etc., it has a feeling of cold isolation that even an abandoned planet can't compare to. Look at the image above. Even though Sector 1 is simulating SR-388's environment, there's a huge honking ventilation shaft lodged in the wall. It reminds you that you're trapped on a hunk of metal floating in space.


-The claustrophia of the ship works very well with its partner, the SA-X. You never know when this thing is going to pop out. Its eerie footsteps echo throughout the metallic flooring of the station. It is extremely dangerous, and you cannot kill it, only run. And sometimes you have to run. Having a parasitic, alien version of your past self chase you and try to kill you adds a whole new level of atmospheric horror to the game.


-Speaking of horror, this game seems to have a bit more of it. Seeing Ridley's frozen corpse just sitting there, ages before anything happens with it. Nightmare's shadow passing behind you in the background of the frozen sector of the station. The obvious example of the SA-X constantly chasing you down. Fusion is creepy, and I love it for this.

I love Fusion for a lot of reasons, and I don't share the distaste many have for its linearity, but I have a special place in my heart for its atmosphere and mood in particular. It's my personal favorite of the entire franchise.


9 Million Scovilles
Nov 12, 2017
Aesthetically the worst because of samus' horrific hunchback pose.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm partial to the angular designs and weather effects of Prime 1, but that 4:3 aspect ratio, woof. Sure, Fusion it is.


Actual Brazilian
Oct 24, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
I really think Fusion is my favorite game in the 2D series. I can't think of a single 2D game that has ever come close to making me feel as tense as Fusion did. I felt that it built upon Super Metroid's extremely solid foundations to create something that felt familiar, and yet completely different from the rest of the series.

Also, I fucking love the Fusion suit.


Oct 25, 2017
Time has been kind to it, but I remember a certain subset of the fandom being PISSED at the 'increased' level of hand-holding/narration that was basically 'forced' on you by having the nav rooms lock and such.

Mind, I didn't necessarily feel that way (perhaps a little confined at times), but that made breaking through the screw attack walls all the sweeter.

And yeah, aesthetically, it's aces.

A couple of those first-time SAX encounters were legit 'oh shit' moments.


Oct 27, 2017
Super Metroid is best 2D.

Metriod Prime is best 3D.

Fusion can be best handheld.


Oct 26, 2017
Agree. The tone, atmospheres, and visuals are the best out of all metroid games. The controls are also a step up from the far too floaty Super Metroid, although they're not as good as Zero Mission. The bosses are all fantastic, having some of the creepiest and most imaginative designs in the series. It's my second favorite metroid game (Zero Mission is #1).

I really dislike the fusion suit though, especially with the puke green varia colors. It's up with the Dark Suit from prime 2 as being my least favorite suit in the series.


Oct 25, 2017
I liked it a lot but Prime's art style can't be topped for me. Skytown, Sanctuary Fortress, Bryyo, Tallon Overworld.... sooo good.

Edit: wow I'm pretty surprised at all the posts so far saying it's the best. Don't see that a lot

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Fusion's aesthetics actually give it a slight horror feel to it, which I kinda enjoy despite my (minor) complaints about the linearity.
Dec 31, 2017
I could agree to that.

It's my next favorite after Super. I think it's gotten bad name in recent years.

Would have loved for 5 to continue the story with Samus as a felon.


Dec 18, 2017
Aesthetically? Zero Mission is better in almost every way. So is Prime.

Gameplay? Same thing. ZM and Prime are better.

Super Metroid has some lovely aesthetics as well. Fusion outpaces it only in more modern spritework here and there.


Oct 25, 2017
Not my favorite, but it's a unique and interesting direction nonetheless.


One Winged Slayer
May 17, 2018
Well summed up post. Personally it's my favorite Metroid and there's nothing quite like it. One of the few games I've gone back to multiple times to replay. The horror elements mixed in with the classic Metroid gameplay works so well.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know about that. The Fusion Suit is ugly to me. Super ugly.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
This was the first and only Metroid game I have ever played and despite that, it's my favorite handheld game ever. It's been many years since I last played it but the atmosphere and sense of dread the game exhibited are still fresh in my mind. I was also blown away the first time I died and realized that I was playing a girl, I even showed my Dad because I was so surprised. I feel like this game shaped the type of player I was growing up by making me more open to playing as a girl protagonist and that women can be just as cool as men.


Oct 27, 2017
Fusion is one of my least favorite Metroids (yeah I'm one of THOSE guys) but the sprite art is pretty incredible, Zero Mission can't touch that level of polish despite having been released later. Makes me sad Metroid Dread never happened, would've loved to see what the team could've pulled off on the DS.


Oct 28, 2017
Fusion is an utterly brilliant game, both aesthetically and otherwise. Good thread.
Jan 11, 2018
It's the best 2D game in the series in many regards, including visuals. But it doesn't even come close to the Prime series visually, for obvious reasons. It was a great achievement for a GBA game though.


Oct 25, 2017
One of my personal favorite games and not even some later lore expansions could ruin it for me. Yakuza/Gedo/The Big Spider Bastard and the whole power outage section was probably the hardest thing I had encountered in a video game in my life to that point but I kept going and eventually beat it, and it was worth it.

With no more than a few sprites of regular Samus and a 2 frame cutscene they also managed to create one of the creepiest enemies in the history of video games. While I understand why they can't add the SA-X to Smash I appreciate the orange Dark Samus skin (and the Ridley-X skin for Ridley) in Ultimate.

Prof Bathtub

Apr 26, 2018
On the whole, the bright color pallet of the GBA did bring about some interesting visuals for the handheld, even if it was necessitated by the original system's lack of a backlight and hampered some ports.


Oct 28, 2017
São Paulo - Brazil
Fusion is one of the Metroid games I want to revisit soon. I've seen some very cool analysis about it, this one in particular:

Also OP, may I hijack your thread to post my LTTP Metroid saga thread? I'm still sad there wasn't a single post in it (well, it was long).


Oct 27, 2017
Back when I didn't like the Metroid series, Fusion was an amazing game and the best one on GBA.

I should replay it and see how it holds up, now that I'm a big metroidvania fan.


Feb 28, 2018
Fusion's artwork makes me want a Castlevania-style anime series for Metroid with all the Fusion stylings more than anything. It's far and away my favourite 2D Metroid game. SA-X used to scare the shit out of me.


Oct 25, 2017
Back when I didn't like the Metroid series, Fusion was an amazing game and the best one on GBA.

I should replay it and see how it holds up, now that I'm a big metroidvania fan.
As a metroidvania, it's likely not going to hold as much for you due to literal gating and some forced directions. Overall will hold up as a good game.
Dec 31, 2018
Love this Metroid game. Got me into the series. I'm really hoping for a sequel to it, or even a nod to it in prime 4. I think the OP nailed why I love this game so much. As a young kid, seeing the SA-X scared the googly-moogly out of me. Nightmare wasn't that tough of a boss wants you figure out you can't use missiles, but when the gravity first starts getting weird in that fight I was so tripped out. I also think Fusion builds and perfects a lot of Metroid tropes, (like upgrading to fight something better, and an alien world with human-type influences), as well as introduces some interesting things into the franchise. (Adam and the X/metroid backstory). That's why I would argue its the best 2d Metroid, but I think its definitely the best atmosphere.


Oct 25, 2017
Not just astetically the best, in my opinion it IS the best 2D Metroid game.

And with Sami's returns mentioning X parasites at the end, maybe soon we will FINALLY get the fusion sequel we all deserve and have been waiting 16 years for
Oct 27, 2017
The sprite work for some of the later suits was really messy.

A good remake in the style of Samus Returns would basically make it perfect, especially if the go in on the atmosphere in the SAX chase scenes.


Nov 4, 2017
I think we can all agree that Super -> Fusion -> Zero Mission is one of the greatest set of three consecutive entries in all of gaming.