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Deleted member 43

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Oct 24, 2017
AFAIK there's no law preventing that. Japan may have stricter laws regarding M&A, but it's not a downright prohibition like we've been led to believe. Feel free to prove me wrong, this is just an educated guess.
It's not against the law for foreign companies to buy Japanese companies, but the government is very protective of local industry, especially culturally meaningful ones that wouldn't, you know, completely collapse unless bought out.

There are certainly JP game companies that MS could buy without issue.
Jul 26, 2018
Vanguard is going to be the last Call of Duty campaign for PlayStation… talk about disappointing.
There's been leaks and rumors that MW2 (sequel to MW2019) is already developing for the PS4 too. So it's very likely MW2 will be the final COD game for PS5 and PS4. Unless COD 2023 will be the final COD game and be PS5 only. Apparently Warzone is here to stay as multiplatform for the future.

Best to wait until more info is out for now.

The Benz

Oct 27, 2017
Huge news for the industry, foreboding too. I'm pretty glad I just have a PS5 tbh. It would not sit right with me supporting such a dishonorable company like Microsoft. Like they can't even make games without buying companies out. Sony does it the right way whew.
Babe, wake up. New copypasta just dropped.


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Nov 2, 2017
If the Acti-Bliz devs are struggling, is MS really the company to turn them around? They've had the odd success, but I generally don't think of MS ushering in a culture that results in particularly high quality releases. I just might be out of touch.

Clearly. I don't think Microsoft released anything in 2021 that was any less than a "high quality release", and they also gave every studio all the time they needed to put out those high quality releases. Halo, Psychonauts 2, Forza Horizon, Flight Sim, and Age of Empires were all delayed games (except Horizon), that came in a 6 month span, and all of them were amazing, polished, games.


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Oct 25, 2017
If the Acti-Bliz devs are struggling, is MS really the company to turn them around? They've had the odd success, but I generally don't think of MS ushering in a culture that results in particularly high quality releases. I just might be out of touch.
You kidding? 2021 GOTY list was stacked with MS studio games last year, and there's plenty of industry articles on how well supported the new studios have been. Read:

How Minecraft and Mojang taught Xbox how to buy studios

This is part of a series of features with Xbox Game Studios. Check out the teams discuss developing games for Game Pass…

Psychonauts 2's Tim Schafer Reflects On Life Under Microsoft

Double Fine boss Tim Schafer is a fan of Microsoft's limited integration approach to how studios operate under it.

"Double Fine boss Tim Schafer is a fan of Microsoft's limited integration approach to how studios operate under it."

Have you seen the new studios MS are building for studios like Ninja Theory, inXile, Compulsion?

Jason Schrier tweet mentions the feedback seems to be positive from Acvitivison devs due to the positive working conditions under XGS.


Oct 26, 2017
Why would any big company want to be stuck with weak hardware?

Also, they probably can't.
Yeah, why would any company want to be part of the most successful games publisher in the console industry?

Nintendo could buy Sega multiple times over btw. Hell, even Bandai Namco, Square Enix, Konami, Capcom, even Koei Tecmo could probably swing Sega in a M&A. They're not worth that much frankly.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
The era of the "HD twins" that started with the PS3/360 is on its way out for good. Sony is obviously still in a very strong dominant position but they cannot beat MS at the game they're playing forever, Nintendo learned that lesson for good back with the Gamecube. Let's see what Sony's strategy will be going forward, are they gonna triple down on being the place for "prestige games" as their identity in the business or do they have something else cooking?


May 9, 2018
Fully expecting MS to release the pressure off CoD so it gets some room to breath and improve. Warzone to continue to be supported thoughout. Mainline games on a 2 year cadence so they dont eat into each others audience.

They have Halo, Perfect Dark, Doom, Wolfenstein, Gears to fill the gap in between and maximise Gamepass sub every christmas. Really good for CoD teams i think.
6 year development cycles seems like rather a lot tho…


Oct 10, 2021
There's been leaks and rumors that MW2 (sequel to MW2019) is already developing for the PS4 too. So it's very likely MW2 will be the final COD game for PS5 and PS4. Unless COD 2023 will be the final COD game and be PS5 only. Apparently Warzone is here to stay as multiplatform for the future.

Best to wait until more info is out for now.
There's no way in hell Call of Duty is gonna stop releasing on PlayStation.


Nov 3, 2018
I have both an Xbox Series X and a PS5. It's irrelevant.

It's not good for the industry. These aren't small studios with niche market appeal. You now have a situation where they're buying practically entire segments of the gaming industry. We're heading in a direction where you have to buy this platform and subscription for this shooter and a different one entirely for the other brand, same with sports games. The problem is, it's nothing like having a fire tv that can connect to different services, there is expensive hardware to go with it.
Again, with Xbox at least, you can stream Game Pass to your phone or laptop.

Also to your point - Hasn't the gaming industry mostly always been like that? Every one of the big 3 has their own exclusives. Last year Sony and Nintendo are both lauded critically and commercially for theirs and I didn't hear people complaining that The Last of Us 2 wasn't on Xbox.

I know the point you're trying to make - but I really don't think its going to make a huge difference in the grand scheme of the industry. If anything - right now, the people who work for Acti-Blizz are probably relieved that Microsoft has bought them out. Microsoft has quietly built a very open and progressive world wide gaming business where they do actually let developers work on games and idea's they'd want to create. I have read story after story over the last few years about it.
Oct 27, 2017
Not sure why Sony should be too concerned with this? Losing COD would be a blow, but they have such a great 1st party line up. Added to the brand of PS being so strong WW I don't see the big deal. They'll sell 100 million plus PS5's and the world will keep spinning.

Sony makes most of their money from the 30% cut they get off 3rd party software. And nothing in Sony's 1st party lineup is anywhere near as huge or important as CoD.
Oct 25, 2017
There's no way in hell Call of Duty is gonna stop releasing on PlayStation.
Make Call of Duty, TES, and GTA exclusive to Xbox and you're gonna have a lot more people skipping the PS6 and moving to a platform with native GamePass integration, which makes MS way more money than the pennies per copy of CoD they'll be selling minus Sony's 30% cut.


Oct 29, 2017
This is what you get for publicly embarrassing Microsoft on stage at E3.

"Give Mr. Spencer the Company Card."

(the fact that it was their own doing after the XB1 reveal is just a coincidence) /s


Jul 23, 2021
That's good PR for you
They've also bought into the "Microsoft wants me to save money with Gamepass".

I promise you, their goal is to make you spend more than you were previously.
I don't share the pessimism a lot of people have that MS will just buy up everyone. It doesn't really make much business sense. It's true the only thing MS still misses is FIFA, so at some point EA may be in the cards. But what MS needs is enough studios to release a big game every one or two months with a bunch of small games in between they don't even need to money hat because they seek an audience.. They seem to have enough studios now to make that happen.

Everything more however has an opportunity cost. It won't lead to many more subscriptions but does hike the price, which gets people to bounce off the service.
Huh? It makes tons of business sense for them to have as many studios as possible. The more people they can lock into a monthly subscription service the better it is for them.

They are doing what nearly every "tech" company over the last 15 years is doing: unprofitable introductory price leading to subscriber growth; followed by price increases and reduced content/service which they believe will make the service profitable.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Fontana, California
Crash Bandicoot is cheating. He has two squares.
I don't know why, but this came to my mind when reading your post.



The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

I just realised if Sony wants to offer the original first 3 Crash & Spyro games in the future through BC they'll probably have to talk to Microsoft first…


Nov 13, 2017
Only a hardcore gaming nerd like you or I could think like this.

Truly cannot see the forest for the trees, because we are connoisseurs that appreciate God of War more than CoD.

I hate to break it to you but CoD is an order of magnitude bigger than any Sony IP. Among causal adult players it is literally THE game. Millions and millions of gamers play no other game but CoD.

The average US gamer spends approx $200/yr on games. A COD, Madden, and a big franchise like GoW or Halo and that's it.

That's why Gamepass is so important (and eventual Sony equivalent). The gaming experience is going to explode for so many people.


Oct 26, 2017
I would love to see the business case behind this acquisition. It's probably a single page that says "AZURE PRINTS MONEY"


Oct 30, 2017
An existing publisher buying another publisher is not really an efficient use of capital. MS is doing it because, frankly, they have the money to burn.

It's absolutely possible for Sony to grab their own publisher, and if they were asking me for advice there are a few that make a fair bit of sense. But they can't do it just because MS has done it to make a point or something like that.
My bad, I didn't intend to imply that Sony were doing it purely just as a response to MS doing it or just to make a point.

More that it absolutely affects their future business plans. Just look at all the Bethesda timed-exclusives; Starfield was going to be a part of that - Not anymore.

MS clearly disrupted that strategy and threw a wrench on their plans. All of those future games are 1st party MS games now.

Future Call of Duty games? Yeah, another gigantic PlayStation associated franchise, gone (eventhough I expect the next two CoD's to make an appearance on Sony's console).

Future games? They'll all be exclusive.

That's a huge vaccum which I can't see Sony ignoring anymore, eventhough we might not see the affects of this acquisition until sometime next year (as was the case with Bethesda).

So again, they obviously won't just do it on a whim - But I fully expect them to now.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
A lot of people here really bought into the whole "Phil is your bestest buddy cool gaming uncle who just wants everybody to have fun" shtick.

I called his shit out long ago and got shouted at hard for it on here. He is fantastic at his job, says the right things that need to be said and puts himself out there in a way to resonate with people. But it's all just work. He is like a used car salesman. He is fantastic at his job but make no mistake he is full of shit and says what needs to be said to get the job done.

People will realise in a few years once everything is settled and everything is in place what a fucking bad move this all is. It's fun and game and chest beating now but just wait.

my only hope is somehow this does absolutely NOTHING to move the needle with MS and Sony and Nintendo continue to outsell them and hopefully Spartacus comes along and puts a dent in game pass even without all these games. I don't know that if it will happen or how but damn I hope it does.
The more I seriously think about this the more I realise my favourite hobby is being ruined and I makes me just want to play retro games only. Seriously this is just 90s Microsoft all over. Can't beat them so just buy everything and choke them out of business


Jan 2, 2019
New Jersey
Still wouldn't dare playing another ActiBlizz game, especially when Microsoft is refusing to shake up the corporate ladder over there. I also don't really see any exclusives coming from this, unlike with the Bethesda buyout. Feels like the folks over at Raven are going to get completely shafted if Activision is going to be able to bypass Raven software and use Microsoft's resources to further outsource things like QA.

God I hate capitalism. Glad Microsoft has fully embraced its status as the Disney of video games.

They can't shake up what they don't own until June '23, Kotick is out after the deal is done. (according to a bunch of reports that have come out since this all got posted)


Jun 19, 2018
So it seems that this strategy is bad for customers right?

And here I was wishing for developers like Beenox, Vicarious Visions and Toys for Bob to get enough time/resources, freedom (and decent work conditions) to work on whatever theyd feel like...
This isn't charity. With this kind of money being thrown around you need some sort of ROI, and MS isn't just going to throw around cash. At some point you need to manage this now giant "creative" organization.


Oct 8, 2020
Really? Sony haven't been the cool guys here for a while, especially since Jim Ryan took the helm. Both Jim and Phil are ruthless businessmen who have been huge assets to their parent companies, Phil just puts out better soundbites for gamer site headlines.
If these recent moves by MS really do put Sony on the back-foot then they'll return to being the cool kid and MS will be the big meanies who only care about money. (again)
They probably won't because some people really love gamepass, so they will over look anything Microsoft does no matter what affect it has on the industry.

Anton Sugar

Oct 27, 2017
Yeah Kotick is a disgraceful person.


It's weird to see Jason in some kind of panic, screaming 'anti-trust' all day. I really didn't know he was a fanboy and it takes a little away of my respect for him.
Is he screaming? He has two tweets early today that mention antitrust concerns and they hardly seem panicked.


Nov 15, 2017
Yeah Kotick is a disgraceful person.


It's weird to see Jason in some kind of panic, screaming 'anti-trust' all day. I really didn't know he was a fanboy and it takes a little away of my respect for him.
Schreier tends to dislike big corporate culture in general, which is probably why he doesn't like this much. I don't think he's correct that there will be anti-trust issues here (someone else phrased it well "You don't get into antitrust issues at third place"), but I don't think its because he's a secret Sony fanboy or anything. He's gotten into it with Naughty Dog on more that one occasion as well.

Deleted member 43

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
Yeah Kotick is a disgraceful person.


It's weird to see Jason in some kind of panic, screaming 'anti-trust' all day. I really didn't know he was a fanboy and it takes a little away of my respect for him.
That really doesn't seem to be the vibe he's giving out, but concerns about consolidation don't have anything to do with fanboyism (though of course fanboys might use that as a smokescreen).
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