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Oct 25, 2017
Lol I fully expect CoD to go exclusive, no way they just dropped $68 billion cash to share that.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how Sony/Nintendo will react to this. Will they buy other studios too?

If not, MS may acquire those other studios too.

nintendo is barely affected by this. the major actiblizzard franchises that hit switch were late, but generally did well: crash, tony hawk, spyro, and diablo. take those away and the switch is obviously weaker, but compared to playstation it's a bigger loss. call of duty, if it is no longer on playstation, is huge. that is usually the top selling game of the year on the system and warzone is a live service that generates sony a lot of extra revenue (though probably not to the level of fortnite). additionally, sony spent a good chunk of their own marketing dollars promoting cod at events from 2014-2019. that's something nintendo did too, but mostly in the nintendo direct space.

basically, sony made far bigger investments into activision's biggest franchise and it's potentially something they can no longer rely on. the next step for them is to shore up support with electronic arts for apex legends and epic games for fortnite. nintendo losing activision franchises sucks, but not to the same degree, although they don't have other third-party games that are similar that they can lean on except maybe sonic.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm very curious to see what kind of reaction this provokes out of the other major industry players.
If you mean other console makers, Nintendo will keep doing what they do because this doesn't impact them at all. Sony will presumably either buy up some more studios also or open some new ones.

If you mean publishers? They're probably all polishing every part of their offices so they look real nice when MS come to have a look.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Sony needs to get the following to survive the bloodbath:

-Take 2
-Square Enix

If they don't do these power moves, MS is going to own every big IP out there and people will just move from one console to the other due to lack of software. No joke COD is huge. This is a big loss for PS. MS can say they will support future platforms but they could axe Sony in an instant without a care and be fine.

People laugh at Sony not needing to make big acquisitions but this is just a reminder the more time they hold off, the more they will lose long term.

This is not MS' last purchase. They will keep doing it.

not until sony begins releasing their games day 1 on Steam


Oct 25, 2017
United States
I'm hoping that MS will do something with a lot of the properties that Activision has mismanaged or let die. I also think this is the end of perpetual yearly CoDs.


Oct 26, 2017
You also don't make any money by chopping off tens of millions of Playstation players, who otherwise drop serious money on expansions and MTX and what not. They might eventually go exclusive, but for this generation at least you don't abandon Playstation. It's bad business.

If the goal is to move those people over to your platform or subscription service, then yes, it is. You would have to pay developments costs to make a PS5 version of the game in addition to the Xbox and PC version. That means more out of pocket costs.

Microsoft wants you to play games on either a Xbox or Gamepass, they don't want you to play games on a Playstation.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Can we get a WoW console port finally? No? Oh well.


Nov 13, 2017
Guys, they're not going to offer Gamepass via Playstation when Gamepass will soon be integrated into every smart TV or via a stick.

NCR Ranger

Oct 25, 2017
First reaction: "Wait? What? What the fucksauce?"

Second reaction: "Here's hoping MS might dust off some of those beloved IPs Acti has in the vault."


Oct 28, 2017
Okay MS, you now own two PC storefronts that are better than the Windows store. So can we stop selling games on the Windows Store? Convert Bethesda's launcher into the Xbox Games Store and Game Pass launcher and call it a day.


Oct 27, 2017
I wonder Sony being quick and first one to come out demand change with the whole Bobby Kotick stories coming out had anything to do with this. Usually deal like this is negotiated over a long period of time and Sony must've known that and they came out first criticizing Activision. Or maybe it was genuine.


May 1, 2018
Microsoft's goal is to either get you to buy a Xbox or subscribe to Gamepass. Putting CoD on the PS5 accomplishes neither of those two things.

That doesn't get people onto Gamepass.

The amount of revenue generated by that game alone would require an uplift in Game pass subscribers that will take MS a couple of years to build.

In the medium term there's no financial benefit to removing COD from PlayStation as you won't have the new subs you need to cover the loss in revenue from the lost PlayStation sales and you've lowered the cultural relevance of the worlds biggest shooter franchise because much less people can access it.

COD's going to be on PlayStation until about 2025 for me.


May 26, 2018
Jesus I can't keep up with this thread. Every time I finish one page another two have cropped up.

But just to add to the general consensus: what the actual fuck.

Possum Armada

Oct 25, 2017
Greenville, SC
Yeah, this is fucking pathetic. Fuck this. Just extreme industry consolidation.

How this shit isn't scrutinized more is beyond me. The gaming industry is fucked. Absolutely no by one should be happy with this.

Bethesda was one thing but this is on a whole nother level.

Game Pass subscribers just a metric fuckton of new content. I see reason for them to be happy.

PlayStation owners, not so much.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Sep 30, 2020
People getting happy because a company have money to buy all the other studios out there is crazy as if they had earned it besides having money to make the deal. And worst of all, taking advantage of a sexual harassment that lowers the price of the company you want to buy is something i don't like
And i don't play almost any Activisions-Blizzard games, only Diablo so this is not a response to console wars.
I feel that there is something wrong with this adquisition in this moment at least.
But anyway maybe MS could help Activision workers , that could be good of course.

Please don't make this into a console wars. More important things are happening with this deal than a Call of duty exclusive.


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
Yeah. Activision definitely have been reduced to a cod factory after a series of badly managed games from other, once loved IP's.

This might give MS the opportunity to revive some old staples from the past, which could be interesting. But face value for me this is even less effecting that the Bethesda deal. At least with Bethesda I played Arkane games on other platforms...Activision blizzard?...I don't think I play anything they make these days 🤔
Yea it's going to be an interesting time. I'm in the same boat myself. Even before all the scandals I didn't really buy anything from Activision because the few IP they focused on weren't that interesting to me. The one silver lining of this purchase would be the revival of smaller games and IP from Activision IMO. Though Xbox tends to be hands off with running their publishers to an extent. So who knows maybe we see the same issues continue under Microsoft's management.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Ontario, Canada
I think EA is next, not soon, but in a couple of years. They have a good relationship with Microsoft.


The sports leagues arent going to let MS lockdown their exclusive rights like that

Deleted member 15395

Unshakable Resolve
Oct 27, 2017
There are no threadmarks yet, have they said what's happening to Warzone? I don't play it but I can't imagine they'll leave future seasons out of the PS ecosystem, it's like a shitload of money to leave on the table.

Holy fucking shit...this is insane, NO ONE is safe XD. Are they going to buy EA next??


Did you find it? Cuez I didn't!
Oct 26, 2017
The Hauge, The Netherlands
That's the thing I'm wondering about. They know that no one is going to pay $20/month or whatever just for a single, gaming-related subscription.

So the only logical thing is that they want to force Nintendo, Sony, and maybe Apple to offer gamepass on their platforms. A 100 million subs at $10/month is a lot more sustainable than 50 million at $20/month.
That is not true this current gamepass will go up in price and in like 2/3 years a $25/30 gamepass will not seems like a bad deal if you factor in what xbox has at that point and is going to add.
$15 for all this and more will not be forever, hell even netflix is going to the $20 a month now.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Bobby will probably be involved in the day to day for a least a year.

Usually when companies acquire other established companies, the executive team is kept around. It can be short term, but it's rarely less than a year, many times it is 3 years.
Right, the sale won't close for up to another year. During that time of course Bobby will remain in the position he is. Once the sale is done he'll no longer be in charge and will it's highly likely he'll then slowly step backwards, however that looks like in terms of transitioning.
Oct 30, 2017
I mean honestly, does this take away that much from PS? AB barely release any games these days and the Blizzard ones are primarily focused on PC.

I'd be willing to bet they keep COD multi platform, since that is one of those few games that transcends popularity in gaming circles and is just bought as a fun thing for friends to do.

AB have shown little to zero interest in anything outside COD for a long time now and pretty much all their studios just help fatten the yearly COD release or keep the Warzone mill spinning.

I really don't feel this is that big a hit to PS, their main draw is still their first party games.
I think if MS can use CoD as leverage to get Sony to loosen their weird grip on crossplay, then it'll be a win for everybody.

On the other hand, what incentive does MS have at the moment to keep most AB IPs multi-platform?


Feb 15, 2018
Yes they will, somewhere Herman and Jim Ryan are convinced they have a library full of IP which can match this. I think they're wrong. But don't count on Sony retaliating by purchasing a big publisher. It's not going to happen. 100% Sony won't purchase a big publisher in 2022, I'll bet on it.
Maybe not in 2022, but in 2023. I'd bet on that. Sony IPs are the stuff of legend, but still, Microsoft just gobbled up two of the best publishers. It's an arms race, and EA and Take Two are now possible targets.

Deleted member 10623

User-requested account closure
Nov 30, 2021
User Warned: Console warring
SONY still has Spider-Man - God of War - Uncharted - Last of Us - Ratchet & Clank - Horizon - Ghost of Tsushima - Gran Turismo. Saw a bunch of toxic Xbox lads thinking otherwise.

Deleted member 22750

Oct 28, 2017
I don't think Call of Duty will go exclusive. Like Minecraft, it's a cultural phenomenon and it will make the most money being on everything. Microsoft priority is not selling consoles anymore, it's making money.
Through subscriptions

through you buying mtx on THEIR platforms
Oct 25, 2017
But Competition is good...we need it!

MS was only good competition with original xbox. They want to monopolize everything. Unless these games stay on everything, the gaming industry is straight up screwed IMHO. And these IP don't affect me at all. But I care about this industry, i would love for some devs to ease my fears and explain to me why this is a good thing.

Unless all these IP are Minecraft-like, and MS just want to get in front of this for future profit, WTF how was this even approved to make all these huge IP PC/Xbox exclusive?
All the "competition is good" "there shouldn't be exclusives... everything should be everywhere" was always bullshit.

Different beasts. Call of Duty success is strictly from their multiplayer. Sony is the largest platform in terms of Multiplayer / Warzone userbase so i don't think Microsoft want to cut off all of that $ coming in through Warzone and game sales from the biggest platform. Let alone the user experience for multiplayer will be much worse if you just cut out the largest player base.
They'll leave warzone alone because it's a free-to-play title. But the others will likely become exclusive to their ecosystem. They're tent-pole blockbuster releases in the vein of Elder Scrolls, Starfield, et al. They are going to make sure the only place you can play them is one they control even if it means losing a little in the short-term. They already set that precedent.


▲ Legend ▲
May 1, 2018
This absolutely sucks.

I hate industry consolidation, especially since there's no net benefit. They're keeping the same dipshit CEO so all this does it take games away from other players and lead to compensatory bad behavior on Sony's part - expect a bunch more console exclusives.

Imagine if Microsoft invested this money towards building talented new development teams. That'd be such an awesome boom to the industry to get even more great exclusive games made, but instead, we'll get the same games just less accessible


Oct 25, 2017
Thank god i don't care about CoD and i no longer care about Blizzard games.
(on the other hand, it's not like i couldn't just purchase a Series X once proper exclusives arrive)

70 fucking billion, man.

What even are some of these?!
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