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Oct 31, 2017
Aside from the question of which games will no longer be available on Sony else has the competition changed for these games being owned by Megacorp ActiBlizz vs Megacorp MS?

Sony has locked down many games in the past, MS responded with the nuclear option

And I'm addition to the silly claim that consolidation is good for consumers, now we blame the competition for securing one year exclusivity deals.


Oct 26, 2017
Lol what does this even mean?? You even concluded with Google and Amazon saving the day, these two who've been outed as being terrible places for devs. MS have been getting things right for years, its brought them success so they're not going to backtrack, this isnt just Phil, but MS as a whole under Nadella, that culture cannot be broken so easily. So no need to get hysterical, MS pushed gaming in new directions with Xbox + 360 and now Series consoles. Sony wouldn't be looking into PC as keenly or establishing something like Spartacus if it wasnt for what MS have achieved. As soon as MS becomes a equal player to Sony you guys lose your shit, it'll be fine. MS are plotting their own course they're not trying to replicate what Sony are doing. 3 billion gamers, thats the endgame.

Yeah, fair. I think I had 3 different posts in my head when I wrote that reply.

Now that I've had time to think about it I've grown on the idea. Without these 2 big acquisitions that would have been the end of Xbox which would be a much worse scenario. Activision are a fairly good fit for a number of reasons.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow, I'm onboard but I want MS the make it clear how they plan to remove the abusive bullshit from the company.


Oct 27, 2017

Pretty sure the same thing was said when Bethesda was bought and from what I can recall no new Bethesda games are coming to any other system.

All this is going to do is lead to a year of speculation which ultimately will come down to Microsoft coming out and saying all the games from Activision and Blizzard will be Microsoft exclusive.


May 3, 2021

Microsoft to acquire Activision Blizzard to bring the joy and community of gaming to everyone, across every device

Bring it to everyone, except playstation and Nintendo players, what a load of shit.

Kotick staying in charge as well. Its a lose lose situation.

I think Call of Duty and possibly other games will still come to PS they will just automatically be "free" within Game Pass for Xbox players. Also Kotick will be gone as soon as MS is able to get rid of him.


Oct 25, 2017
I also chuckle at Phil saying they won't fuck with exclusivity. Obviously not right away but a merger this fucking big doesn't get approval without the business case for it including complete exclusivity on some of the biggest franchises in gaming like call of duty.


Mar 1, 2021
wild news to wake up to, not the biggest fan of them turning into one of the biggest owners in the biz but hopefully they clean up shop , scandal price was too good to pass up despite how much it still was.

looking forward to Jeff's thoughts on this one lol


Oct 27, 2017
As an owner of a PS5 and an XSX, with a Game Pass subscription: This fucking sucks, and anyone cheering this is being supremely stupid.


Oct 25, 2017
And I'm addition to the silly claim that consolidation is good for consumers, now we blame the competition for securing one year exclusivity deals.
Who am I blaming? I was Sony ecosystem last gen because they had the better offering for me, this gen I went MS for the same reason. I am saying Sony did an action that greatly benefitted them last gen, MS has upped the anti to not be in the same situation again.


Keeper of the White Materia
Nov 4, 2017
Um wow. Sony have to be absolutely feeling the heat after this one.
Oct 25, 2017
So if Sony locks down the next RE game, MS should buy EA then? And then if Sony gets exclusive rights to the next Sonic game, MS should buy up Take Two?

Sony only brought it on themselves you know... /s.

You didn't know that Timed Exclusives = buying the game forever? It's hilarious that people are equating getting a game for 6 months to a year is the same as locking an ecosystem out of a series they have always had...forever.


Oct 27, 2017
- Phil: We don't have enough first person shooters
- Nadella: Do you think we need more?
- Phil: Oh yeah. More more more. Please



Apr 21, 2021
I guess I don't really get the feeling that Microsoft is interested in exclusivity or feels these purchases are about excluding Playstation or Nintendo so much as it continues to be a push towards Microsoft's insistence on making gaming platform agnostic in the future where the majority of the planet accesses these properties through cloud infrastructure.

Obviously the infrastructure and logistics of this streaming reality are nowhere close to being a reality at this moment and we're still a long way away from that but in an industry that has been rapidly consolidating long before Microsoft bought Bethesda and Activision, I think that their plan does do a good job of stripping away barriers to entry even if it does come at the expense of some of these titles leaving Playstation.

In a perfect world though, Microsoft and Sony could carve out some sort of way to enable these titles to still come to Playstation and make it work. Of course, that would be a bigger shock than this deal itself since it would require Game Pass being on Sony platforms in a manner that doesn't undercut their own business interests.
Platform agnostic? But obviously only excluding platforms that they do not benefit from directly, how exactly is that agnostic? If Sony was the overwhelming dominant OS supplier for PCs, I am sure they would also make a bigger push for PC and integrating it into their underlying OS ecosystem like MS are doing. Cloud infrastructure that is also owned by their parent company, yeah completely neutral here too. They could release their games on PS tomorrow if they wished to, there is not need for GP integration. They release their games on Steam without it already.


May 3, 2018
One thing to always remember is the most costumers (especially the young ones) are not loyal at all. Nintendo has arguably the biggest brand strength of all the console makers and they landed a Wii U. And after that a Switch.

Its all about execution, marketing and content. Brand loyalty is a really small factor.
Sony vs. Microsoft brand loyalty is a whole different thing though. The second CoD is announced as Microsoft exclusive, the most vocal opinion will be "I'm done with Call of Duty!" and not "Well, I guess I need to upgrade my gaming rig". It won't convert Sony people. They'll just swear off the thing.
Oct 27, 2017
MAG and Socom failed because Sony was chasing Call of Duty with those games when it was also on their console.
MAG was also just a bit ahead of its time and scope was too much for PS3
If Call of Duty went exclusive there is no reason not to try to recapture that fanbase before it goes elsewhere.
The millions that buy COD every year on PS aren't instantly going to jump to an XBox,

The Socom that didn't try to copy Call of Duty(Confrontation) was the most played exclusive on PSN(Over Killzone 2&3, over Resistance1-3, over Uncharted's MPs, etc)
Don't forget Socom 4 also literally came out the day before the month long PSN outage in 2011(in NA, released days after the outage started in Europe)

Socom definitely deserves another shot, especially if you do a Siege style GAAS model

If Sony want some GAAS/MP money I think they'd be better off creating new IPs than trying to revive IPs that got rejected and died two console gens ago. Besides, there's probably a sizeable part of gamers today that have no clue what SOCOM, MAG or Warhawk are/were.


Mar 9, 2020
Remember the disastrous reveal for the Xbox One? Remember how they had to pivot away from the initial vision for the console because everyone was fleeing to the competition? If that were to happen now, Microsoft instead will be like "What are you going to do, go to the competition that doesnt have a fraction of the games you want? LOL."

Now, Microsoft will make you buy the reveal Xbox One and you have no other option to run to. We are rapidly on track to that future.
Oct 28, 2017
So if Sony locks down the next RE game, MS should buy EA then? And then if Sony gets exclusive rights to the next Sonic game, MS should buy up Take Two?

Sony only brought it on themselves you know... /s.

After Sony got a timed exclusivity deal on Knights of the Old Republic, Microsoft had every right to go scorched earth. Such transgressions will not stand!


Oct 25, 2017
You didn't know that Timed Exclusives = buying the game forever? It's hilarious that people are equating getting a game for 6 months to a year is the same as locking an ecosystem out of a series they have always had...forever.

So when Epic has a 1 year exclusivity on a game, Valve should be buying up major game studios in response?

Seriously, some of these responses are fucking wild and will fall on the big corporate sword just so they can have their "value" increased, even if it's worse as a whole.

After Sony got a timed exclusivity deal on Knights of the Old Republic, Microsoft had every right to go scorched earth. Such transgressions will not stand!

Like, I know these are funny jokes and japes, but fuck it's hard to really laugh at them as it's just depressing and fucked.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Sony vs. Microsoft brand loyalty is a whole different thing though. The second CoD is announced as Microsoft exclusive, the most vocal opinion will be "I'm done with Call of Duty!" and not "Well, I guess I need to upgrade my gaming rig". It won't convert Sony people. They'll just swear off the thing.
Thats what youll see on youtube comments maybe, but id bet my left nut its not whats going to be reflected in the market.


Feb 18, 2018
Los Angeles, CA
Hmmm... like many mentioned the real issue is the consolidation of publishers in the industry. Development studios come and go, but when a major third party publisher is taken off the table it's not a good look.

as a gamer... Xbox Game Pass is a really good deal lol


Feb 11, 2019
United Kingdom
The year is 2038; every major publisher is owned by either Microsoft, Tencent or Amazon/Google.
Sony, under pressure from it's shareholders, sold it's IP and the PlayStation brand to Tencent.

Nintendo is still yet to re-announce Metroid Prime 4


Oct 25, 2017
How is buying more and more third party publishers not a monopoly?
Because even by the most basic definition of the word, Microsoft isn't there. Their gaming revenue is still smaller than Tencent and Sony with this purchase. Just because a company can acquire many companies doesn't mean it's a monopoly.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA
Remember the disastrous reveal for the Xbox One? Remember how they had to pivot away from the initial vision for the console because everyone was fleeing to the competition? If that were to happen now, Microsoft instead will be like "What are you going to do, go to the competition that doesnt have a fraction of the games you want? LOL."

Now, Microsoft will make you buy the reveal Xbox One and you have no other option to run to. We are rapidly on track to that future.

The always-online future that the Xbox One reveal angered people with is already here, they just put it into a compelling package this time.


May 3, 2021
I woke up to such a bombshell I don't even really know what to say.

I have seen some people question whether or not Call of Duty will go full exclusive, and my bet is that it will. I think it'd be insane to spend that much money and not keep such a titan of a franchise all to yourself. I think MS letting Minecraft stay on everything was more a courtesy that they won't repeat again.


Oct 27, 2017
Sony literally had to release the baseball game on GamePass because of the license wanted, is not happening
People keep saying this but with no proof.

MLB The Show is a successful IP for Sony that made a fraction of the revenue their other major first party IPs make. Releasing on Xbox basically doubled its sales, and therefore MTX, for almost zero additional cost.

Y'all keep thinking this is a boxing match when in reality its just two gangster grinding out their hustle. Sony's hustle is, at this point, to take any and all profits they can, as fast as they can. That means Xbox ports for a game that would double sales by doing so without costing them a meaningful system seller. That also means putting those major system sellers on PC a few years after they deliver on the hardware side.

Sony is definitely not doomed, this acquisitions is not about console market, but Mobile, PC expansions & future Metaverse.

I think Sony will look at T2, they have good relationships and Sony is heavily interested in Mobile market. The only problem is that T2 take times with their games, EA can make sense too.
EA makes sense for no one. They've burnt all their owned IPs to the ground and live off of sports IPs that are on renewable licenses, where trying to go platform exclusive would likely end the relationship. At the same time the sports game heyday of the 90's and early 2000's has waned significantly. They still do really well but in a very inflexible way, and other than Respawn none of their in-house studios have a track record of being able to deliver without a major sport or brand IP attached.

Sony needs to create IPs that are competitive with CoD. I think that is far from impossible for them, particularly they have partnered with some of the teams involved in creating these games.
I really doubt Sony funding the first game from a bunch of ex-BLOPS guys is a coincidence.

Of course, the reality is that all the principled objection is going to quickly take a backseat to "Gamepass is the best value in gaming" and "wholesome Microsoft and Phil Spencer will 'clean house' and like why would you even need a union under Microsoft anyways?"

And before they even get started the mess at Activision is now going to stew for about 18 months as this goes through oversight/approval, during which time the HR for Activision is going to try even harder to squash harassment issues, as they'll be largely unable to effectively backfill turnover due to the short term nature of the job, and any upper level manager/director would need to be absolutely bonkers levels of bad to actually get fired instead of giving a fat severance package to avoid a termination grievance.

For the next year and a half being a junior staffer at Activision Blizzard probably just got tangibly worse.

Doubt it. MS wants to suck out all the air out of Sony. Deprive them of everything but their own 1st party
MS doesn't give a shit about Sony's "air". They want to build a streaming game service equal to Netflix before any of the FAANG companies move with equal aggression to do the same thing. Gaming is a secondary business for MS, it just so happens that right now the secondary business is the best way to feed their desire to rapidly grow cloud services, both the infrastructure footprint and the end users who justify that expanded footprint.

More like "I'm personally going to work to make you a literal billionaire because its convenient for my corporation's agenda, so lets just put the past behind us over the next 18 months while we sing a song of unity!"

This is Spencer and co. doing a MASSIVE favor for Kotick, and I'll believe that he's actually out when I see it. He'll probably leave on his own accord since being relegated to second fiddle behind Spencer guarantees him a $300M check on the way out the door though.

You still get titles on PC and Xbox. Sony kept buying titles and restricting them to their own platform. I guess if you're a Sony only gamer this could be bad news but if you're on PC or any other console it's pretty good.
Sony bought a PC port specialist in Nixxes, has released a growing number of their own major first party IPs on PC in recent years, signed deals for exclusives with multiple studios, including one using a Sony proprietary engine (Death Stranding) that had PC releases planned from day one.

What are all these exclusives you claim Sony bought up that supposedly forced MS' hand into nearly $100B in acquisitions, to then do the same?

Also anyone who gives MS credit for releasing on PC is immediately suspect imo. They make the operating system, the core coding libraries, and the application for Game Pass on Xbox and yet it has a fatal flaw that effectively bricks disc space that has been going on for two years now, with no real confirmation of resolution in sight.

Playing on Steam is the only way to get access to MS' first party games on PC without risking a full reformat and reboot of the install drive, and yet thats the kind of multiplatform support being championed here.
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