Deleted member 888

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


Xbox Live Mike

Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
If this means more people will use their mic and collaborate in team games then I'm for it. But what happened to the matchmaking setting that put us in with gamers of similar style?


Dec 28, 2018
I hear potato aim a lot of the time in the seige community and assumed it was a universal thing, I guess not


Dec 30, 2018
Really gross for a company to describe abusing other people as "acceptable" or saying deplorable things that puts them as the lowest shred of humanity as "going too far" as if the impulse to insult another player was fine to a point.
It doesn't encourage "healthy competition", it encourages people to stop playing because they don't want to be singled out and insulted for playing a game. Only a child would respond to a verbal assault with "I'll show you next game", most adults would walk away feeling unhappy with the game they played.

I honestly completely agree with this and you have articulated it perfectly here.

There is seriously nothing more offputting than having to deal with this kind of stuff in online games, it's the very reason I barely play multiplayer anymore or when I do, I hit the mute button immediately.

I don't want to be on the end of abuse from a grown adult or child just because they think I am not meeting their criteria for "being good" and because they cannot stop themselves from insulting another human as if it's something to be celebrated, even the "accepted" list just reads like a list of pointless insults.

I almost can't believe this is a real thing tbh, seems like a joke.


Oct 27, 2017
To be honest I was expecting something like this for Fortnite "Your skills are lesser than those of other players and I would suggest that time spent in Creative honing your building and aim might be time well spent." so this is amazing.


Jan 14, 2019
Wow, the confusion and jokes around the commonplace "potato aim" phrase really puts into perspective how old Era's user base is


Dec 30, 2018
To be fair telling people not to be racist and shit is fine, it's just the funny memes that come from people in suits discussing "potato aim" and "getting wrecked" then doing a press release which is good times.

Of course, I was referring to the latter, it seems ludicrous that this is a thing lol, I wonder if they even know what potato aim is.

Kage Maru

Oct 27, 2017
Some make a deal out of this when in reality it's not promoting trash talk, it's just acknowledging that it happens and setting guidelines to what is and isn't acceptable.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, the confusion and jokes around the commonplace "potato aim" phrase really puts into perspective how old Era's user base is

Not necessarily. ERA is a bit of a bubble. GAF was too. You learn, hear, see and experience a lot when you interact with others elsewhere. What people find shocking or new here, is either old news or just par of the course.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
REALLY confuse 'em, mix in some overly complimentary talk too!

Are you playing with your head up your posterior? Because DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN that takes some dexterous skills, I'm impressed!

Get wrecked with that potato aim, my good fellow!

You suck, and if your mother isn't too busy, I like to treat her to a nice dinner later, perhaps a movie.


Oct 25, 2017
You don't surf. You've never surfed , you little shit.

U n a c c e p t a b l e.

Deleted member 41931

User requested account closure
Apr 10, 2018
Good thing I already shit talk like a 50s sitcom.

"Golly Gee! I sure did find your performance to be inadequate." - DragonSniper69
Oct 27, 2017
Really gross for a company to describe abusing other people as "acceptable" or saying deplorable things that puts them as the lowest shred of humanity as "going too far" as if the impulse to insult another player was fine to a point.
It doesn't encourage "healthy competition", it encourages people to stop playing because they don't want to be singled out and insulted for playing a game. Only a child would respond to a verbal assault with "I'll show you next game", most adults would walk away feeling unhappy with the game they played.
Every adult I know would just laugh it off


Apr 3, 2019
I mean its odd but at least there are certified standards now. Facebook Twitter etc need to do the same. Basically say here is a line don't cross and it ban people who do so no one complains about being banned.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
ap3xwr4!tH Get wrecked, ya potato aiming noob!
noobmaster69 <ping>Got a trash talk here. Level one.</ping>