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Oct 26, 2017
A year is enough time for a company like Nintendo to release like 12 good/great games. It's a really long freaking time.

Each person has their own standards, but being offended by someone being "disappointed" in Microsoft's output (as the OP goes) is bizarre.

Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo have all had bad years from time to time, and also great years. I've lost count of the number of times each has been "doomed".
Oct 25, 2017
Reading different threads on this board sure does highlight some interesting discrepancies.

There have been several threads over the past couple of months highlighting where Sony has been dominating sales compared to Microsoft's YOY declines and typically the response is either:
-Focusing on the S was a mistake and things will pick up when there are more X consoles; or
-Xbox is lacking games and sales will pick up once all the acquisitions bear fruit

And yet, this thread has many stating that Sony's output is not much better than Sony's and there's another thread full of people saying the S is great and MS were correct in pushing it. Very funny to read. Not to mention the whole "Sony needs COD" nonsense I saw in the Activision thread before bailing. I guess what I'm trying to say is that gaming discourse is funny, subjective and shouldn't be taken too seriously lol.


Feb 12, 2018
No. All I am saying is that there has been a lot of bad faith arguing.
I mean with an OP and title like this, it doesn't surprise me.

Let's break it down a little.
This gives me flashback to the Xbox One days.
This is just crazy talk, but even then that's dismissing that the Xbox One had a stellar launch line up and first couple of years
Mind you, I know games aren't created in the blink of an eye. It takes years to get them out but then I look at the apparent mess they are having with titles like Perfect Dark, Fable, Everwild (I was so hyped for this...) and others and it's just... what the fuck are you guys doing? I am hyped for Starfield as well but I don't trust Bethesda to release a game with no game breaking bugs and stable performance, and even though I was confident Microsoft wouldn't let them fuck it up, one look at Redfall and I basically lose all that confidence.
"I know games aren't made in the blink of an eye" - proceeds to showcase that they don't, in fact, know that. Also regurgitates rumours and almost FUD like things right after.
2020 was the Halo Infinite debacle
Writing off an entire year because of one bad trailer in June is absolutely unhinged.
Oh shit I forgot 2021 yeah. I loved Psychonauts 2, it's in my top 3 games for that year… but it's not a must have that generates a lot of buzz for the system

Now this is the one that really gets me. They loved a game so much they had it in the top 3 of their year, but because it wasn't a massive main stream success then it doesn't "count"?



Feb 12, 2018
Reading through more and more of the replies in this thread and it seems people get waaaayyy too hung up on sales and performance.

Who gives a crap about MS's bottom line with the Xbox? If you're having a good time, then what else matters?


Jan 17, 2018
So you are denying that it is possible that there has been bad faith posts?
I am not naming anyone, but I think for the most part they really stick out. You can not tell me that every post in here is constructive criticism.
Yes, because I did what you did.... oh wait, I didn't.

At no point did I say "every post in here has been constructive". Every post doesn't have to be constructive for my point to stand that there have been plenty of posts in here that sought a good conversation. If that's what you're after, you should find those folks. But, like I said, you only choose to focus on the ones you don't like, and thus, that's all you care to talk about now (i.e. seeing only what you want to see).

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
I have a slightly better time booting up Gamepass and finding something random than I did with PlayStation Plus Premium.

I play the Switch more in a week than I do the other two combined in a month though.


Mar 28, 2019
Some of y'all must be absolutely miserable gaming, you do know this hobby is supposed to be fun right?

I understand why people have a preference for one brand over another, as it is like with everything else, but console warring is just fucking stupid and out of proportion when compared to other media.

That is obvious when you see the the monumental fights people get into here to justify or defend a particular platform. There is absolutely zero reason to either attack or defend it tooth and nail like your life depends on that. Honestly, get a fucking life.


Jan 15, 2020
Wanting to see your favorite team improve is "fandom"...?

What's stupid is people thinking that just because this about fun, you can't air any grievances.
Wanting to see your favourite team improve with dead end takes like "just do what they are doing" isn't really wanting to see your team improve imo it's jealousy

It's like when I watched the nfl and there were level headed assessments of teams and then there were some that were like "lol why don't you just get a QB like Brady and win rings ezpz"

A lot of Xbox discourse is about 10% level headed with context and seeing gradual improvements and having mature takes and a patient frame of mind and it feels the other 90% are just why haven't they made a last of us or god of war yet why do they suck


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
This is getting ridiculous. Be disappointed, that's fine, but this has just turned into platform wars through and through. All of these threads are locked to further discussion
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