
Oct 25, 2017
This is live apparently on Android in the US. I just booted up the APK on my Note 8 in Colorado and it's working fine


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
I've uninstalled and am trying again, but the mandatory 127MB 'content download' is cripplingly slow on my super-fast connection. Doesn't' exactly inspire me as to the robustness of MS's servers (assuming they are hosting this).

I dunno, back when I downloaded a Windows 10 ISO from Microsoft it was downloading at least than 1 megabyte per second, which is kinda inexcusable.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Are we basically using this as the OT, or is that waiting for the global release?

Played around a little bit with the early access version that's publicly released in Canada. It's neat, but also very rough around the edges. Performance isn't great on Android, load times can be pretty extensive at times, and the worst issue is I can't switch to another app and back again without the screen going black, at which point I have to switch out of the app (which itself can be glitchy) and force quit it.

Also, and this is probably just a problem for me as someone who played very little Minecraft, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Besides the various daily/weekly/etc challenges I'm not sure there are any goals at all, which I suppose is in keeping with the Minecraft ethos but it also means I don't really know what to craft or smelt, or what that leads to.

The AR stuff feels like it works better than Pokemon Go, strangely, but in some ways it's also a lot easier to just plunk a buildplate down that covers 80% of the screen anyways than to make a 3D pokemon model look like it actually belongs in the environment.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't sure what the rules were around early access games and OTs and I didn't feel confident about making an OT so I left it alone.

Personally, I kind of stopped playing. I don't really feel like I have any goals in the game except to climb up the tech tree, but Adventures are so glitchy (probably 70% of my app crashes have to do with Adventures) and tough to access even when they work properly because it's friggin' cold outside and you have to do them in a spot away from other people, lest they think you're trying to take photos of them or something.

There's definitely something cool here and I hope they work out the kinks! Apparently they've already been adding new mechanics since open beta launched, though it has to do with stuff I don't even know how to access (like dying things, huh? is that what flowers are for I guess?)


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah grabbed it but it's a Pokémon GO clone. I was hoping to see some cool AR but I didn't have the chance. I might give it another go if it catches up a'd people start building things, but for now having no interest in neither Pokémon GO nor Minecraft, I uninstalled it.