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Oct 25, 2017
Not really surprised. McConnell fucking sucks but he's been in politics long enough to know when to do something like this to try and stay afloat. It's purely to save face.


Oct 28, 2017
If they are smart they should excise him. It might lose them supporters in the short term but if they don't they will be saddled with Trump and his grotesque offspring for decades.


Oct 27, 2017
People keep saying this, meanwhile the Republican party keeps losing elections. The "base" is not enough and they know it. It isn't even enough to win senate seats in Georgia.

Further do you really think the base is going anywhere? They'll line up behind the next Republican asshole just the same. The trick is winning votes beyond the base and this is not something they can do with Trump being so toxic.

They need Trump gone from good so they can rebuild, simple as that.
Ironically when Trump is on the ballot they seem to attract voters.
Oct 27, 2020
There is no future for the GOP with Trump. They just lost two freaking Senate seats in Georgia for Christ sakes. Trump is absolutely toxic to large swaths of this country and they will never be able to put together a winning coalition with his voters. 2016 was an anomaly not likely to ever be repeated IMO.

The best thing they can do is excise Trump and try to win back the suburban and moderate votes which have shifted D in recent elections.


Oct 25, 2017
Many are seeing Trump as a liability now, banning him from 2024 will anger many, but they will gt over it by then. This will benefit both parties ultimately.

Yeah, it might be better for GOP to ban Trump outright right after the election when there's still 3 years until primaries start for real, rather than wait and have him crawl back and disrupt the candidate pool


May 20, 2019
There is no future for the GOP with Trump. They just lost two freaking Senate seats in Georgia for Christ sakes. Trump is absolutely toxic to large swaths of this country and they will never be able to put together a winning coalition with his voters. 2016 was an anomaly not likely to ever be repeated IMO.

The best thing they can do is excise Trump and try to win back the suburban and moderate votes which have shifted D in recent elections.

Yeah, I think this is the GOP's goal. Run someone who appears more sane and "compassionate" and yet will actually push the exact same fascist policies as Trump did. Then the GOP can actually say, "See! We're still sane and not Trump's party!" But then also be all, "We're not Trump supporters, but we're #1 with Trump supporters!" under the table.


Oct 25, 2017
Impeaching him is the best thing for the long game. Trump is a terrible candidate who lost them the house, senate, and the presidency. They lost 3 elections in GA in 2 months. Removing him takes Trump off the board for 2024 which is the absolute best thing if Republicans want to win anything.
Well, the problem is that the current GOP voter base only cares about Trump and not the rest of the GOP. And if you kick Trump out, those people aren't just going away. I guess you can try to refocus the love for Trump into just pure hatred for Dems, but that sure as hell didn't work for them in 2018.


Oct 27, 2017


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York
The GOP already got a lot of what they wanted. Now that Trump has become toxic, it's in their interest to jettison him before he can do more damage to the party.

Their goal at this point is to spend the next two years sabotaging Biden and positioning themselves as the only alternative to the HORROR of minimum wage increases and student loan forgiveness.
It also allows them to recalibrate for 2024 instead of the specter of Trump hovering all of them and likely ensuring a 2024 loss.


Jun 13, 2018
It's really to take the hit now and rely on people's non existent memory to forget this in 2-4 years when votes matter again

Bingo. They don't need these voters again for 2 years. That's a lot of time for them to calm down and perhaps slightly slip from Trump's grasp, especially now that Trump is banned from most social media and doesn't have a direct line to keep up control. They might still be mad, but Republicans will still be much closer to supporting the awful things they want than Democrats will. Some may just not vote, but few will be pushed to the other side by it. The fear is more in being primaried than anything, but Trump has mixed results in turning out his base in primaries and with less access will likely have even less luck going forward. He's always struggled to get people to do what he wants if he isn't on the ballot himself.


Oct 26, 2017
Trump lost them the house, senate and presidency yet will probably beat out any candidate in 2024 so he can yeet him out of there forever. i can see why he would want that.

Deleted member 3010

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Oct 25, 2017
I'll believe it when it'll happen. That said, I would understand why. Trump basically tried to have him killed, this and to save face.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 5, 2020
I don't doubt that McConnell and others would like to excise Trump from the party to try and regain control of the reins and that this is a rare & tempting opportunity to that.

From their perspective the question is how much of a risk is it to the establishment GOP if they openly declare war on Trump? Supporting impeachment would definitely be an open declaration of war, there is no question about that, but they need to make sure it is a war they will likely win. I think Trump, the individual, could actually be reasonably well contained by this. For one losing his twitter lessens his ability to whip up rage and if he's barred from running in 2024 then it's harder to make himself the focus of national politics, which is the only reason that narcissist was interested in politics in the first place. Also his children are so pathetic that I seriously doubt that they are a threat.

Containing Trumpism is much more difficult. It's such a malignant cult and it's got such a stranglehold over US rightwing politics that I'm not sure how establishment republicans can take it down without serious collateral damage. What does Hawley, Marjorie Taylor Greene and all the other trumpers in the senate and especially the house do if McConnell helps get him impeached and convicted? If it does happen and a substantial number of pro-Trump republican congresspeople resign from the party, then I reckon the GOP are in big trouble 🍿.


Nov 15, 2017
Believe when I see it stance. If this actually happened, I for see Trump pulling a Nixon. Many of these Republican likely realize the insanity of their base, Graham got heckled by his at an airport.


Dec 11, 2020
I'm inclined to believe Mitch wants to ditch Trump.

The GOP wants to purge the party from Trump and Trumpism as they see them a threat now, Trump to them is a loose canon they can't control and a potential rival in 2024 that can divide their party and siphon votes away from them.

If they play ball and impeach the orange shit stain, they can stop his 2024 bid dead in its tracks.

Loud Wrong

Feb 24, 2020
Liz Cheney just released a scathing statement ending with "I will impeach the president". Good chance this is happening.


Oct 25, 2017
Starting to feel like McConnell has given the green light to congressional R's to start speaking out.


Oct 26, 2017
The terrorists would have killed Mitch just as quick as any high ranking dem that day, I can't fathom why any of them would still protect Trump at this point.


Mar 10, 2018
Can't see it happening. Even though it doesn't make sense to continue to back a loser that loss all three branches of government and is getting less and less popular each day, somehow he's still Mitch's best shot at winning in 4 years and causing more permanent damage with his agenda.

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
so many easy lay-up for redemption arcs for these republicunts but they wont take it.

They're in this for greed, power, and malevolence.