
Oct 29, 2017
Honestly, the opening scene of Sixth Sense. I knew nothing about the movie except the trailer and my friend telling me "the twist is amazing. You never see it coming."

Then the first scene happens and it cuts to Bruce Willis talking about meeting with a kid he could help and I looked at my friend and said "He's dead right? It's his ghost"

Edit - As for the Last Jedi, I disagree but I think it's clear that those who like the movie and those who hate the movie are never going to get anywhere in such a conversation.

Well it looks like your friend ruined it for you. By saying there is a "twist" is a spoiler because whilst watching you were trying to guess the twist, so when the twist was finally revealed in the movie it didn't have the same impact.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly, the opening scene of Sixth Sense. I knew nothing about the movie except the trailer and my friend telling me "the twist is amazing. You never see it coming."

Then the first scene happens and it cuts to Bruce Willis talking about meeting with a kid he could help and I looked at my friend and said "He's dead right? It's his ghost"

Edit - As for the Last Jedi, I disagree but I think it's clear that those who like the movie and those who hate the movie are never going to get anywhere in such a conversation.
Yeah, the Sixth Sense's twist would be pretty predictable if you knew there was a twist. Though, really with any movie, telling someone that a movie has an amazing twist will pretty much have the opposite effect as intended. Knowing that's almost certainly going to negatively affect their experience with the movie.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
We already got (multiple) Star Wars down and BvS, so lets talk about Shrek 3 and the fucking babies immediately turning everyone off.

Deleted member 30411

User-requested account closure
Nov 3, 2017
The moment I heard the dialogue from FFVII:AC. I love FFVII and was a teen at the time, really looking forward to that film. I even skipped school to go and get the dvd. Maaaaan, that shit sucked most balls.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
My understanding is that this occurs in the book, so I don't know if this technically counts, but the dreadful opening carnival/gang beating scene of It Chapter Two really marked the high point of a film that only steadily got worse from there.

IT Chapter Two - First 10 Minutes - Warner Bros. UK

Watch IT Chapter Two on YouTube Movies now: Evil resurfaces in Derry as director Andy Muschietti reunites the Lose...


Oct 28, 2017
The Michael Bay Transformers tier editing in Rise of Skywalker. The quick snappy exchanges at the beginning of the movie and how quickly everything was moving all the way to Pasana reminded me of watching Revenge of the Fallen again.


One Winged Slayer
Jul 3, 2018

Terminator 3

Damn this is a good one. Sometimes I forget how dumb this movie was.


Oct 26, 2017
This Wonder Woman cheesy ass fight.

I would love to know what lead to the massive drop in quality between the two WW movies, just sad.


Oct 31, 2017
TLJ, Alien 3, BvS, Covenant- all good pics for that feeling of like "Yah... i don't think this is down my alley anymore."

Suicide Squad was one example where i could instantly tell that not only wasn't this my bag, baby, but also that it was going to be a fucking bad movie. Not just against my taste or expectations. Just shit.

Another one of those, I'll add that the moment I saw the Predators in AvP I knew it as well. Like WWF wrestlers in foam outfits. Maybe one of my first true disappointments in a theater. Not that I had a ton of hope but after reading all the comics and stuff I dared to dream. Fuck, those movies are bad.

This Wonder Woman cheesy ass fight.

I would love to know what lead to the massive drop in quality between the two WW movies, just sad.

This is another good one for the "Someones gonna love this. But it's not me." pile.
Oct 27, 2017
Boo, I like JP3.

Godzilla King of the Monsters tipped me off with the shitty comedian scientists they kept throwing at us on the screen. I can't believe that Ken Watanabe, and the efforts he has put in post-Fukushima, was ok with that stupid ass script in a Godzilla film.


Oct 28, 2017
Santa Monica, LA
I can think of one specific many that hit really hard for me. There were flags in the movie before this moment but nothing that couldn't be redeemed.

ID4. The dog dodging a wall of fast moving fire in a tunnel by jumping into a side alcove.

I finally accepted we weren't going to be seeing James Cameron quality.

There's also a number of examples from Jaws 2 if you care to go there.
Jun 10, 2018
I can name a few:

- Terminator 3 with the goofy shades
- The Thing prequel when it stupidly reveals itself in the helicopter for no fucking reason 😑😑😑😑
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and trying to sell dinosaur conservation as a legitimate plot point


Oct 26, 2017
I can tell right away if the movie starts and there's too many camera cuts in the action scenes, or the literal pacing is rushed like things are happening too fast on screen and there'sa lack of gravitas.


50¢ - "This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Jurassic Park 3 is a bad movie.'s still better than Jurassic Park 2

Mike Works

Oct 28, 2017

I'm in agreement with everyone saying Star Wars. I'm lead to believe that Luke Skywalker can take out the Death Star, but a Canadian Sesame Street character almost takes him out? Clearly they spent all their budget on A New Hope, because look at that thing. Movie only got worse from there.


Feb 18, 2020
Nah, it would have been so anticlimactic if he just put it his pocket. This showed that the film was going to be cheeky, surprising and fun, like Star Wars should be, and it fit where his character was at that point.

I can't help but think people may take Star Wars too seriously, who hate this scene, because it's a bit cheeky.
The movie opened with the Poe and Hux conversation so by the time we got the lightsaber toss it felt like a lot of failed comedy in a very short span.


Dec 23, 2017
Was the Morgan Freeman science lecture bit of Lucy near the start? If so, that. Look, it's science fiction, it doesn't need to align with reality. But the approach they took just felt so dumb, I'd have just skipped all that and hidden the awful 'science' from the viewer, focus on the effect and not the cause.
Went to see the movie with a bunch of Neuroscience and Cognitive Science students. That part was hilarious


My ass legally belongs to Ted Price
Oct 17, 2019
I feel like an absolute idiot for unknowingly walking into stealth TLOU2 and TLJ discourse threads, back to back on the same damn day...
Jan 18, 2018
Star Wars should be disqualified from these types of post because it always ends up turning people letting you know which ones they like and don't like for reasons we've all heard in every resetera thread ever. We need a No Star Wars flair.

On topic.

A lot of Netflix movies,
Started watching Elliot the Littlest Reindeer with my daughter around Christmas and instantly turned that ish off.

Also the Sister Act 2 started out kind of meh, but my love for Whoopi and the first kept me going and I actually like the movie even though it wasn't as good as the first.


Oct 27, 2017
The musketeer. The previews made the movie look good so I was eager to see it. Then the intro rolled they had some still picture of him on a horse with some stupid song playing.

After I saw that I immediately said to myself this movie is going to be absolutely terrible. Turns out I was correct.

The Real Abed

Oct 25, 2017
I'm just here to say I love The Last Jedi and am glad it did stuff I wasn't expecting.

And I loved Rise of Skywalker but I'm mad it undid everything TLJ did. And that they cut down on Rose's screen time because of fuckheads on the internet. Fuck the Snyder cut. I wouldn't have minded a redo of TROS that doesn't fuck with what TLJ setup.

Also, I liked Poe's crank call. So sue me.


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone saying Waterworld is "wrong" I don't think has seen the movie recently. It's 🧀.v


"You can sleep with me".... "I...uh...I....UH!! PFFT NO, GO AWAY WOMAN"


Okay, Hopper is the best kind of cheese in this. But cheese.


Why a gilled man would be seen as a "curse" or a freak is just bizarre --- he'd be probably the Waterworld's best asset. Instead they try to kill him in poo water or something.

lol the amount of giant explosions as a result of minor crashes is hilarious.

The fights are seriously long, Costner is a grouch for most of the movie, and the post apocalyptic sea-doos everywhere make it that much funnier. Did I enjoy it? Eh. It was fun. It's cheesy good fun and I don't know if I'd ever watch it again.

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The Last Jedi comes immediately to mind.

"This could go either way" I thought coming in, but after the first line of dialog, I knew I had to strap in for a long two hours


BvS intro where young Bruce is getting lifted up by bats. Something about it just struck me as being a clear red flag... then the rest of the movie happened.
I had a similar mentality of "this could go either way" and then when this nonsense happened I was like "oh my god this is going to be the craziest thing I'm ever going to see in theaters"

and it WAS


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
I think maybe you just take SW too seriously. Mark Hamill as an older, carefree Luke Skywalker doing that expression with the milk, was a lot of fun.

I think 'red flags' might be missing the point somewhat, it's meant to be, Rey wants to meet a legend, a hero, and she to grapple with him not being what she expected.

There's really no point in trying to argue. Some SW fans simply want their heroes to remain exactly the same in every appearance, when, even in the beloved Original Trilogy, Luke wasn't the same person from film to film.

It'd have been absolutely ridiculous if the Luke we saw 30 years and some tragedy after RotJ was the same exact character. The beauty of TLJ, is that not only did Luke have some significant development, he also overcame his hubris, ego, and pride, and had one of the bossest, most Jedi like send offs of any mentor figure in the entire saga. He literally cemented his legend as one of the greatest Jedi of his time in that movie.

Seeing him at his lowest point, then triumphing over it is what makes these characters so heroic. If his entrance into the sequel trilogy was just fan service wankery (ie, a certain scene in a certain SW tv show), it would have felt hollow. (To be fair, that was a fun scene that made sense within the confines of the timeline, so it was still enjoyable to see). It's also like people completely blocked out the rest of Luke's story in TLJ; where he literally learns that he's been wrong this whole time in wanting the Jedi to end, and ultimately embraces the "Legend of Luke Skywalker" he viewed as an albatross on his neck for something genuinely great and inspiring. He becomes one with the Force completely at peace and having reached self actualization. It's great.

I'm also curious how they would have reconciled their disdain of Luke's characterization in TLJ when George Lucas' original ideas for the sequel trilogy was an "exiled" Luke Skywalker who had turned his back on the Jedi Order and had to be brought back to his senses by a powerful young female Force user? Even Lucas was planning on taking Luke through a similar journey of low point to high point.

While I thoroughly enjoyed the sequel trilogy for the schlocky, often goofy Star Wars fun it is, TLJ's strongest moments were in how it handled Luke, Rey, and Kylo's stories.

I absolutely loved that moment of him tossing the lightsaber, aka, "The Child Killer," like it was nothing. In a single moment, it conveyed the old adage, "Never meet your heroes," and I was instantly on board with the story Rian was going to tell.

How he handled Finn is another matter entirely (sigh), and there are pacing issues with the movie that I have, but overall, I love TLJ, and it's up their in my list of favorite Star Wars movies.

I'm a huge Star Wars fan myself, and have been since the 80's, but I very much think portions of the fanbase take it way too seriously. It's a love letter to Lucas' fandom of cheesy sci fi serials of his youth. The entire film series maintains that tone, as well as having narrative peaks and valleys that add a little more modernization to the storytelling, but they are all still very much Flash Gordon inspired space operas.
Oct 25, 2017
"The dead speak!" is literally the most promising moment of TROS. The only time it delivers on that level of copious cheese is when Hux yells out "I'm the spy!"

The moment you know TROS is going to be bad is when you first hear a conversation between Leia and whoever spoke to her first, probably Rey. It was so awkward.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, the opening scene of Sixth Sense. I knew nothing about the movie except the trailer and my friend telling me "the twist is amazing. You never see it coming."

Then the first scene happens and it cuts to Bruce Willis talking about meeting with a kid he could help and I looked at my friend and said "He's dead right? It's his ghost"

I don't believe this. Sorry. Especially if you watched it near the time of its release.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't believe this. Sorry. Especially if you watched it near the time of its release.

Predicting such a twist is not really that rare, it happened to me with Interstellar.

I predicted that the entity leaving the messages to Murph was actually her father from some point in the future due to space travel shenanigans. And it ended up being true. It kinda soured me on the movie to predict the twist so early, to be honest.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
I had the same experience as them, I heard there was a mind blowing twist, and the ambiguous intro scene with Donnie Whalberg and a gun, made me think Willis' character didn't make it out.

But how does that make the movie shit? Regardless, it earned the twist because it's meticulous crafted and never cheats. Like watching TZ eps now you'd be able to telegraph the twists because they are part of our movie going culture , but I'd never think it's shit because I guessed the twist? If the twist is lame as fuck and doesn't earn it I'd side with you.
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